TABLE TALK. Monday, October 2.
On Wednesday Mrs Theomin gave a large party at the golf links, to which she invited members and a great many others besides. Mrs Theomin had arranged competitions for the afternoon, prizes being offered for mixed foursomes to be played against Bogey, for which there were 52 entries. ' After a wet morning, the weather in the early part oi the afternoon was unfortunately not all that could be desired, but the heavy showers of hail aiud rain did not in anywise deter the players from going out. As the afternoon wore on the showers becams fewer, and finally ceased altogether, the sun coming out and narking cveiything bright and even warm. The links looked gay with the many groups of players scattered here and there, the little red coats worn by many of the players showing bright spots "on the green grass. Afternoon tea was served in the pavilion, and during the afternoon the different groups of players came in, all ready for the welcome tea which had been provided for them. The scores were handed to the captain of the Ladies' Club as each came in, and the winners of the first prizes were Mrs Woodhouse and Mr Hunter, who were 4 up. Those who came second (with 3 lip) were Mrs Oldham and Mr J. O. Kettle, and Miss Ruby Farquhar and Mr Alec Roberts, who then played the best of 4 holes, resulting in a win for the latter. Miss Ruby Farquhar and Mr Alo'j Rob&rts received second, and Mrs Oldham and Mr Kettle the third prizes. A great deal of interest was taken iv the games, not only by the golf players, but by all xoresent, and. a most delightful afternoon was epent. Th's players who competed were Mr Hunter and Mrs Wocdhouse, Mr J. M. Ritchie aavl Miss Sise, Mi Jim Roberts and Miss Lily Holmes, Mr J. N. Lawson and Mrs Lindo Ferguson, Mr Mills and Mrs Theomin, Mr W. Macgregor and Mrs Mackio, Mr Jock Ritchie and Mrs Nelson, Dr Scott and Misa Graham, Mr George M'Lean and Mrs Finch, Mr A. Hogg and Mrs Stilling, Mr Alec Roberts and Miss Ruby Farquhar, Mr W. Sargood and Mrs Gilray, Mr W. Turnbull and Miss Vida. Reynolds, Mr Oldham and Miss Dora Williams, Mr Cripps and Mrs Atifrere Fenwick, Mr MacEwan and Miss Beatrice Farquhar, Mr J. Thomson and Mrs Nansen, Mr Fox and Mrs Ogston, Mr Thomas and Miss Batchelor, Mr J. Kettle and Mrs Oldhani, Dr Ogston and Mrs Allan, Mr Brasch and Mis 3 Maud Sise, Mr H. Stronach and Mrs Fergus, Mr T. Gilray and Mrs Sargood, Mr J. Cook and Miss Mill.
Amongst those present besides Mrs and Miss Theomin were Mra Allan, Mrs and Miss Batchelor, Mrs Barclay, Mrs Burnes (Wellington), Mrs C. Butterworth, Mrs Burnett, Mrs Johnsione Brown Mi Brasch, Mr J. Cook, Miss Davidson, Miss Denniston, Mrs Dowling, Mrs Driver, Miss Ewen, the Misses Fai-quhar, the Misses Fels, Mrs G-eorge Fenwick, Mrs Aufrere Fenwick, Mrs Lindo Ferguson, Mrs and the Misses Fergus, Mrs Finch, Mr Fox, Mr and Mrs Gilray, Miss Gilkison, Mrs and Miss Graham, Mr Allan Holmes, Miss Lily Holmes, Mrs Haggitt, Mr Hunter, Mr Hogg, Mr Kettle, Mis 3 Kempthorne, Mr MacEwan, Mr George M'Lean, Miss Marchant, Mrs Morrow (Invercargili), Mrs Michie, Mrs Mills, Miss Maedonald (Christchurch), the Misses Mill (Port Chalmers), Mrs Nelson, Dr and Mrs Ogston, Mr and Mrs Oldham, Miss Ramsay, Mrs and tho Misses Reynolds, Mrs Eardley Reynolds, the Messrs Roberts, Mrs Riding 3, Mrs Riley, Mr and Mrs Ritchie, Mr Jock Ritchie, Mrs Robinson, Mrs and Miss Royse, Mrs Stilling, Mr and Mrs Sargood, Dr Scott, Miss Sinclair, Mrs and Miss Simpson, the Misses Sise, Mi and Mrs Thomas, Mr W. Turnbull. Mrs Sinclair Thomson, Mrs and thy Misses Williams, Miss Wilson, Mrs and Miss Woodhouse, etc.
On Monday evening Mrs Bloinfiekl gave a progressive bridge party at her residence :n High street. Games w«re played at five tables during the evening, and the- winners of handsome prizes were Mrs Riley and Mr Clewes.
On Tuesday Mrs Ritchie gave a ladies' luncheon party at "Balvraid."
On Thursday afternoon Mrs Nisbet gave a small ladies' afternoon tea at the First Church manse.
Miss Helen llacdonald (Christchurch) is at present paying a visit to her aunt, Mrs Sinclair Thomson.
Miss M. Sale has gone to Invercargili to stay for a little with her brother, Dr Sale.
Mrs Scott (Christchurch) is at present visiting Mrs Lindo Ferguson at "Transit Hotise."
Miss Neill is in Christchurch at present, •where she is paying a few days' visit to Mrs Fenwick, sen.
Mrs H. Burnes, who lias spent ii few clays in Dunedin with her mother, Mrs Macneil, at "Wooclhead," returned on Saturday to Wellington.
Miss Cargill is at present the guest of Mrs J. M. Ritchie, at "Balviaid."
Miss Cecily Kettle, who ha-s, been staying with her aunt, Mi£ Mllfe, at "Mount Lodge,' 1 returned to Christchurch on Thursday.
Miss Beatrice Russell (Christchurch) is at present visiting the Misses Neill at "Chingforcl"
Mrs Morrow arrived last week from Invercargill to visit her mother, Mra Roysc.
Mis Stejjk&nson returned froni Invercargili
last week, and on Thursday left for Wellington and Nelson. Urs J. Thomson and her children passed through Dunedin on Sunday, being passengers for Melbourne by the Moeraki.
Miss Buisk, who has been visiting Mrs "W. Menlove at Windsor Park, Tia& returned to town.
Miss Kathleen Hotop, who has been visiting friends m Dunedin for some months, has leturned to Queenstown.
3NVERCARGILL, October 2.
On Wednesday afternoon the Savage CiuTa met in Miss Croft's rooms. This being a gucsfc afternoon,, given in honour of Miss Hcwcrth, wix> is to leava Invercargili shortly, an exceptionally good programme had bean arrorged. Songs were sung by Mts Hogg, Mis 3 Howorth, Miss Gilmour, and Miss Mair, and) a violin solo was given by Miss M. Sale. Af; th>3 mtarvpl tea. was served. The second pa.rO of the programme was principally taken up with an amusing 'ittle play, the parts in which were takra by Miss&3 Crofts, Robinson, Fielding, and Gilniour. Among those present were Mrs and Miss Howotfth, Miss Yoiuaig (Molbourne), Mi's I. W. Raymond, Mis and Misa Robinson, Mass- Gordon (Christchurch), Mrs a-ucl Miss Rawson, Ma-s> and Miss Hay, Mrs and; Miss Pilchoi', Mrs .and Mis 1 ? Rowley, Mrs T. Mtffett, Miss Moffett, Mis? Bennet (Nelson), Mrs and Miss Tucker, Mrs Kyle, Mrs R. J. Gilmoux, Mrs F. Raymoad, Mts and Miss Mikhail, Mrs J. Caiswell, Miss- Carsvrell, Mra and Miss Callend'sr, Mrs Strettell, Mrs Morrison, Masses Thomson (3), Miss Churton, Misa Gardner, Misses Macgoun, Miss "Wyiuks, etc., etc.
A surprise paarty, arranged by Miss Pilehei", went to Mrs Gilmour's rssiidenca on Wednesday evening A mosi enjoyable time was speavfc dancing. Some of those present vrers Mr and Mrs Pilcher, Mr and Mirs R. J. Gilru'our, Miss Robinson, Miss Gordon, Misses Macgoun, Misses Carswell) Miss Callender, Miss Bairvey, Mi&s Wyinks, Miss Swinburn, Miffs S>pence, Mr Rodgers, Mr Sise. Mr Jamie-, ■ Messrs M'Leott (2), Mr Horrobin, Mr Hodges, Mr Black, Mr Ellis, Mr Barns Mr Camp'bsil, Mr Kenip'tihornei, etc.
The Musical Union gave one of their popular concerto on Friday evening, when a miscellaneous programme of part scrags, solos, orchestral items, etc., was presented. Among tha ambience I noticed Mr and Mrs Massey, Mrs Stronach, Mrs and: Mds® Robinson, Mr and Mrg Strettell Miss J. Macdonald, Miss E.w»rf-, Miss Harvey, Miss Wyinka, Mrs and Miss Wade, Mr and Mrs Haggitt, Mr and Mrs Black, Mr and Miss Rattray, Mr Jamie, Mr Campbell, Mjts S'toeker, Mrs Wright, Miss R. Thomson, Mrs Cook Miss MofFett, Mr and Mra lU'lntosh, Mr and 'Mrs I. W\ Raymond, Mra and Miss Spemce Mrs Christophers', Mrs and Miss Sharp, Miss Churton, Mr M'Leod, Mrs Hay, Mi and Mrs Swinbum, etc.
Tho golf tournament, which has been m pKigress for t'ho last few w«eks, has been played off. the winner of the final rouni being Mr KeTnpthoTKe, who was presented -wifch a handsome trophy.
Mrs I. W. Raymond gave a delightful afternoon tea on Satiirday afternoon for the Hockey Club.
Miss I. Macdonald l&tnrncd last Monday from a delightful trip oi several months in the North Island.
Mrs Boys, who has been spen'diing a fewi weeks viih. Mrs Walter Hen-derson, has returned to Dumedin.
Ma 1 and Mrs Bickn-ell have returned, from, a six months' trip to the Old Country.
Mr G. M'Lecd, v;'ho has been acting mana^eT during Mr BickDelPs absence, has been transferred to Masfeiton.
CHRISTCHURCH, September 30.
Another quiet week has fallen to our lot, broken only by the spring flower show and the Jessie Maolachlan concerts.
So) far as the bulb show is concerned our pride has received a fall. We rather plume ourselves on our daffodils, since Dr Cockayaife and some other enthusiasts established the cult of the daffodil some seven or eight years ago. The visit of Mr Peter Barr, the Daffodil King, to the colonies a few years later gave a. new impetus to the culture of this beautiful flower, which has now so many sincere lovers that we are apt to look upon Christchurck as the New Zealand nursery and home of this beautiful flower. A few of our professional growers have "gone in" for it on a larga scale., and one in particular ssems to be trying to reproduce a small replica, of tha daffodil farm in the famous Scilly Islands. A few weeks ago the show of spring flowerspromised to bo more successful than any we have yet had. Alas, we discovered that tha weather could wreak more damage in tho gardens than was thought possible, and although a few fine blooni9 were shown the majority only attested to what "might have been" had the elements been kind. Among the daffodil lovers the exhibits of Mi Heaton Rhodes, Mrs George Rhodes, and Mrs Cant were very lovely. Mrs George Rhodes had also some fine violets and primroses. Tea was not provided this year by the society, so Mrs Denniston, whose residence- is near" the Art Gallery, hospitably invited a. large number of her friends over—a, kindly attention that was greatly appreciated on such a hot and dusty afternoon. Among those I saw in the gallery were Mrs Arthur Rhodes, wearing a pale grey coat and skirt, and motor hat to match ; Mrs Boyle looked very well in a pale grey ccat and skirt, with smart hat of white beaver; Mts Stead was in dark blue, with pretty mauve toqne; Mrs Wilfred Stead wore a grey tailor-made, hat of grey and heliotrope; Mrs Wardrop, a brown costumo and fawn hat, with wallflower red" ve&vet; Mrs Denniston wore brown cloth, white vest, and brown hat ; Mrs Palmer was in black , Mrs Isaac Gibbs looked well in dark blue, with heliotrope toque; Mrs Elworthy wore black silk; Miss Elworthy was in a black tailor-made. Among others present were Mrs and Miss Synies, Mrs Barclay, Mrs Wilding, Mrs Talbot, and the Misses C'holmondeley. Cotlerill, Wells, Tripp, Tabart, and MurrayAynsley.
Mr and Mrs Robin Campbell, of Otekaike^ have been staying at Warner's this week.
Mrs Duncan Cameron and Miss Cameron were m town this week.
Mrs J. C. Palmei has gon& to Mount '.Somers, -nfhere she is the guest of Mrs Peache.
Mrs Williamson, Auckland, is paying a visit to her mother, Mrs Elworthy.
Mrs and Miss Wells, of Amberley, are m town paying a round of visits. Mrs Thompson, who has been staying with her mother, Mis Reeves, has gone to Melbourne to pay a \isit to her sister, Mrs Kelsey. Mr and Mrs Barclay, of Victoria,, are th& guests of Mrs Hejiton Rhodes, at Otahuna. Mr and Mrs Geoi'ge Gould have returned from a visit to Sydney. . The marriage of Miss Cameron, Me : th've'hV to Mr Sandys, England, is to take place next week.
Miss Macdonald has gone to Dunedin, where she is the guest of her aunt, Mr? Sinclair Thompson.
Miss Cecily Kettle has returned from a brief visit to Mrs J. Mills, at "Mount Lodge." Mis 3 Bo^le, who h.a.3 been staying with. Mra
M. Studhblme at ~Wainiata, has returned home. Mr and Miss Stead have returned from a visit to Sydney and Melbourne.. Miss Jessie Haclacklan, the Queen of Scottish Song, has quite enthralled us, in spite of our "English" proclivities. One realised on hearing her that one had never before heard Scottish ballads' sung so, artistically. Perhaps we never will again till she comes this way once jnoie. On Thursday night a number of her enthusiastic countrym.<*i took the horses out o£ her carriage, and drew it through ""the pelting' rain from the Canterbury Hal] to Warner's Hotel, where she and her husband are staying. There ar® whispers that the feat will be -repeated to-night, when she leaves for Wellington after her final concert. ' WELLINGTON September 30. The principal event of the -week has been the production "of Alfred Hill's 'opera, "A Moorish Maid." The Opera House lias been crowded.. ' and great praise ha® been bestowed upon Ike comp-oeer and Mx Toulin Birch, of tlie ' New Zealand Times staff, who wrote the •libretto The scenery, with gerauine Mooiish furniture and gaily ' coloured setting, is most picturesque, aud the chorus girls look exceedh gly well in their psetty nostiuncs. The chief honcuis go to Miss E'osina Buck-m-ann, who- takes the part of the Chieftaij.ess of the bandits, anct sings and a-ets excellency. ' Ih&--©peift abounds in tuneful and chraming- nTusic.,"Loveland" bedng a song thaA will become very .popular. Mr" Fred Graham is isip-leudid 1 iniie low «omedy part, anct -nia3ses a great' hit with "I'-va only -myself to blame." Mis-s Leila "Spillesr is a dainty Mcoarish- Maid,, , and wears a protty lilacr"oostume with silk gauze veil and haoid'some girdle. Miss LloydHassaJ as the Princess, wears, in the second apt, a, yery handsome Moorish gown of white silk richly embroidered in -colours.- On Wed<nefiday night his Excellency the Governor and Lady Tlunket were present, accompanied! Jay the Hon. Kathleen Plunket, Mis© Boyle, Captain Braithwcite, A.D.C. Mid Mr T. Watcrfidd. t Al^the -interval his Excellency xequested that Messrs Hill and Birch should be presented to liiru, and they received- his congratulations. Th*. Governor also wai-mly complimented Miss Buckrnsim upon her performance. Lady Plunket -wore a-laoi gown and lovely theatre coat <Jf pai-est blua cloth, faced with lilac eiik and having a d-eep lace collar ; Miss Plunlvet wewe ai blue "coat over a cream isdlk gown. Others present were Mrs Pollen, wearing black fcilk; Mrs Richmond, in black; Miss Harcoimt, cream, satm; Mis 3G. Hareourt, white silk gcvwn ; 'Misses Henry, black laco gowns; Mrs Wallis; black with cluster of roses; Mrs Campbell; black and 1 white theatre blouse, satin skirt; Misa Hacotf? wliite muslin; Mrs and Miss Haybittle^ Mdas Partridge; Misses Waiengrave. C. Smith, Macpherson, Fell, Eicbacaond,si Warburton, Biundell. Wa.tson, MacdonaJcf, S«dd<m ? Burnett Nathan, Laishky, Grantj etc.
Lady Ward gave a delightful little daaice at "Awarna House" last Saturday. The drawing room was cleared fox dancing, and supper was laid in the dining room. Springflowers, narcissi and primroses, adorned thia table. Lady -Ward wore, bl-aek'lace and pink roses; Mi? 3 Ward, a soft silk gown; Mrs Dyer -was wearing black; Mrs C. H. Mills, black satin. Miss Macintosh, lemon silk; Miss <3ilnier, pretty blue crepe de chine; Missea Sniirb, Sonierville, Brandon, 'Mills, Kui&erford, Se^don, Webb, Dr Cahill, Dr Herbert, Messrs & '■Seddrm. Trlnnell, lioughnan, Waa-d, Hjorring, and Nelson were some of the guests.
Mis Wroughton (Timaa-u) has been staying •wtirh her ,sister, Mrs Larnach.
Mrs Tilley- (Nelson) hsus been over fora week or two.
On Friday afternoon there- was a very large and representative" gathering at the Kelburne 3£iosk, when Mr Aitken, M.H.E., was presented with several gifts m recognition of his services as Mayor erf Wellington. The Hon. ■T. W. Hislop, Mr H. D. B-ell,, and Dr Gibb ituade slioxt speeches, and Mi Bell then presented a splendid gold watch .and chain, a silver salver and tea and coffee service 1 , and a> libraa-y of 100 books. Most of the leading citizens ■and their wives pere present-.
On Monday next a reception has been arranged by the Mayor in honour of Miss Jessie Jlaclachlan.
Mrs Buchanan gavo a very enjoyable tea 071 Tuesday last.
Mis Stratton Izaro! (Gieytown) 13 on a visit to Wellington.
Mrs Harold Johnston has returned from Australia.
Mrs "LuKn, who has been on a lengthy visit to Sydney, -returned last week. We are looking forward) to the Nanoe O'iveii season, commencing on Thursday. liady Plunket gave a very enjoyable "At tome" on Friday afternoon, some of the guests being Mrs and Mass Seed, Mesdames Butt, Ifondal], Anson., MacTavish, Purdy, HacßherBon, Fitzherbert, Edwin, H. Rawson, Kember, JBuiiies, Williams, and Simpson. The opening of the rovring season took place to-day in fin* -weather, but the sea was too choppy ior the races which bad been arranged. .The Star Club skids and balcony were crowded with guests, and" delicious afternoon tea was provided.
-His- Excellency tlie Governor, with. Captain Brartfrwaite, A.D.C., and Mr Water-field, priTate «ccietary, leaves to-day for ■Waak&naa, on a fishing expedition. They will stay at Paraia's Hotel for a few days. The engagement is announced of Mr Maurice [Burnett, eldest son of Mr Burnett, Wellington, ■to Miss Kathleen Otterson, eldest daughter of 'Mi H. P. Otterson, Hobsou street. Miss Pearson gave a very successful /'bal pendre" at iihe Sydney Street Schoolroom ojx Ifriday, cv«nirj*. _
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Otago Witness, Issue 2690, 4 October 1905, Page 72
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2,896TABLE TALK. Monday, October 2. Otago Witness, Issue 2690, 4 October 1905, Page 72
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