Monday, September 18.
On Thursday Mrs Mills gave- a. girls' luncheon party at "Mount Lodge," the principal guests being the Misses Burns, of Ghristchurch.
On Thursday evening Mrs Hosking gave a large juvenile dance at her residence in Maori road, which was much enjoyed by all the young people present.
On Friday evening Mrs Ritchie gave one of her always delightful dances at "Balvraid" in honour of her guests, the Misses Gower-Burns, from Christchurch. Mrs Ritchie received her guests in the drawing room, and was ably assisted in her duties as hostess during the. evening by her song, who all did. their utmost for the enjoyment of each guest. The large billiaiil room ajv\ the dining room (which is separated from the former by folding doors) were both used for dancing, the partition doors having been opened and the two rooms thrown into one. Sonderhoff's band was in attendance, and plajed delightful music all evening. The verandah, which has access to the ballroom, and also to the drawing room, was enclosed and caipeted, and was furnished cosily with easy chairs and sofas and lighted with soft lights, the dancers finding their way there between the dances. The drawing room and morning room were also used to sit in b> the dancers, each room having lovely flowers about, chiefly yellow — yellow daffodils and yellow primroses. Supper was served in another room, where the table was also decorated with daffodils and yellow primroses. The dance was an exceedingly pleasant one, being much enjoyed by aJI present. About 150 were present, besides the host and hostess, the Messrs Ritchie, and Mips Mary Ritchie, including Mr John Allen, Miss Angus, the Misses Burns (Christchurch. 1 , Professor and Mrs Benham. Mr and Mrs Neil Barclay, Miss Dorothy Bathgate, Mr A Baitlema'n, Miss Burnett, Miss Cargill, Misa Vera Chapman, Mr and Miss Cutten, Mr Crawford, Miss De Lautour, Mr Gordon and Miss Denniston, Mr Edmond, Mr and Miss Ewing, Miss Beatrice Farquhar, Mr Fenwick, Mrs Lindo Ferguson, Mr and Mrs Finch, Mr and Miss Fisher, Mr Howdeu, Miss Sybil Haggitt, Mr and Mrs Leslie Harris, Miss Hart, Mr Hogg, Miss Jackson, Mr Law, Mr and Miss Lusk, Miss Macassev. Mr and Mrs M'Gowan, Misa L. Mackerras, Miss F. Maclean, Mr George M'Lean, Mr Frank M'Lean, Dr and Mrs Marshall, Mr and Mrs Mills, Miss Mill (Port Chalmers), Mr Croabv Morris, Mr Sidney Neill, Miss Maud Reynolds, Dr and Mrs Riley, Miss phve Royse, Mr Stocker, Miss Sale, Miss Salmon, Miss Lizzie Shand, Miss Sinclair, Mr Stilling, Mr Reg. and the Misses Sise, Mr W. Downie Stewart., Mr Thomas, Mr and Mrs Sinclair Thomson, Mr N. Turnbuli, the Misses Ulrich, the Misses Williams, Mr and the Misses Webster, Mr C. and Miss Annie White, Miss Violet Williams, Miss Woodhbuse, Mr Wilkinson, etc. Mrs Ritchio whs a very handsome dress of whita. «ilk covered with black net appliqtt-ed 1 in blark velvet, tho bodice finished with black velvet trimmings ; Mrs Si/iclair Thomson, handsome gown of white -floral silk, finished with touches of blue and pink, and white lace berfcha; Miss Williams, black; Misa Dora Williams also were black, the bodice finished with a lovely bunch of shaded carnations ; ?>Jai3 Leslie Harris, blue crepe de chine, with rucked skirt -nith deep band of stringcoloured Vtre, fifiis'hcdl with ga.there'-l frills below th& lace, and string-coloured lace trimming the bodice ; Miss Beatrice Farqtiha.r, dress of pink tucked silk, the bedice draped with string-coloured lace; Miss Burns (Christchuirch), white satin and net, the bodice dra-pecl with net looped with tiny white rcees; her sister wore blue silk, with belt of darker blue; Miss Angus, palo blue silk diess; Miss Ewing, a cream lace dress over cream silk, belt and sash of florad rablon ; Mrs Liiido Ferguson, handsome* white satin dresi?', the bodice firisJiecl with chou of ceais-e chiffon, rosebuds; Miss> Fisher, black dress trimmed with tucks ard narrow white Valenciennes lace; Mrs Finch, blue crepe de chine rucked) and gathered 1 and finished with peari embroadiary ; Mr 9 Mil's, white satin, with touches of black, Miss Mill (Poit Chalmers), yellow chiffon dress worn over pink silk, the bodice finished with a. bunch cf yellow prirniroises ; Mrs Marshall, black, finished with green bait ;Mdss Jackson, yellow silk and l Paris laco; Miss Joachim, black diess, the bodice draped with sequin trimming ; Miss Dennisfton, cream taffeta silk, with tucks trimming the skirt and cross -over bodice; Mrs Riley, cream' ?atin diess finished with i>ipings of pale blue; Miss Maud Sise, <lress of white- taffeta silk, with wiita dhifron fichu; Miss Lusk, pale pink dress, with white lace; Miss Macassiey, blue tropa de chine, tucked aaid gathered, and tho bedice dra.ped with white lace; Mrs M'Gi>wa.n, black dress with, white- laoe dia.ped on the bodice; Miss Louie Mackerras, blue; Miss Constance Williaans, heliotrope crepe de with of violets on the bodice; Miss De Lautour. pink silk dress, the- bodice trimmed with silver sequin trimming; Miss Salei, pink silk, with tucked okirt and erossovea- bodice, finished! with a touch of while chiffon ; Miss Sinclair, bright blue carepei de thine dress, finished with floral silk sash : Mis'=i Sise, white; Mis 3 Webster, dress of bright pink silk, the bodice finished witli pink flowers ; Miss Georgie Webster, pale blue dress tucked a-nd gathered, with bu.ich of black nuaarguerites on the bodice; Miss Violet Williams, a dainty white diess with lace bertha, and sleeves composed of tiny chiffoni frills edged with lace; Miss Salmon, white; Misa Ellis Uhicii, black dress, the bodice trimmed with istrii'g-coloured lace; Miss Kathleen Ulrich, white.
Mr and Mrs Mackerras, who have been in Auckland during the last few weeks, returned by Sunday's steamer.
Miss Peep Gibson returned to Timara by Wednesday's express, having spent a fortnight in Dunedui as guest oi Mrs Williani9 at Anderson's Bay.
Mr and Mrs Hoklsworth left on Monday for Christqhurch and the noith, and will beabsent a few weeks, Mr Holds-worth having been ordered rest and change.
Miss Mai-chant has returned from Wellington and Christchurch, where she has spent the term holidays with her relations.
Miss Vula Reynolds, fiojn her visit to .lirnaru lft,?t; wjek*.
Miss Beatrice farquhar also returned froni Timaru last week.
Mr and Mrs Arthur Fisher left last week for Auckland, where Mr Fisher takes part in the New Zealand golf championship, which is to be played this week m tha northern town.
Mrs Laidlaw {Matakanui) and her little daughter spent 10 days with Mrs G. Turnbull, and returned on Thursday to Otago, Central.
Miss Sale, who has been visiting Mrs W. Montgomerie at Little River, returned on Saturday to Dunedin.
Miss Alice Shand, who has teen spending the terra holidays with her parents in Dunedin, returned on Saturday to Wellington.
The Misses Burns, who have been stay* ing with Mrs Ritchie at "Balvraid," returned on Monday to Christclvurch.
Mr and Mrs A. D. Bell (Shag "Valley) spent a few days in town last week.
The annual daffodil ball got up by (he ladies of the Cathedral Ladies' Guild takes place on Friday evening in St. Paul's Schoolroom, and promises to be most successful.
INVERCAROILLi Septembar 18.
Mrs J. T Thomson gave a large juvenile danes at hei residence "Lannel," on Tuesday eveniig for Master Jai'k aaifl Miss Forbes, who are a.t present her guests. Mr Edwards's string band wais in attendance, and tho dining iconi floor wag in excellent ordor for dancing. Tho young people thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Among those preset, besides Mr 3 and the "Masses Thomson, Master Jack and Misg Forbes, were Mr and Mrs Batge<r, Miss Ei. Stacker, Mr V. Stockwr, Miss E. Raymond, Miss N. Waym'ou'th, Mr G. Morris, Master T. Bu3h, Master Jack Batgca-, Miss Noel Batger, Master P. Morris, Misses Field, Miss. L. Spence, Missi Callrader, Jiiss Sharp, Miss M. Eattray, Master B. Rattray, Mr Sise., Mr D. Burnes, Mr J. Brodiick, Mr Jamie, etc. Mrs T. D. Moffett gave a, large "At horn©" at her residence, Don street-, on Tuesday afternoon. A number of musical itemo were given, during the afternoon, Mrs Hogg singing several srngs and' Mrs "W. Saunders contributing a< few recitations, which made tba time pass pleasantly. Mrs Moffetb received her guests in the hall, wearing a gown of vivid red, i-e-'Keved with handsome lace. Among these present were Mrs TV. J. and Miss Moffet't, Miss jßennttt Mrs Ooc-k, Mrs Hogg, Mrs Brent, Mrs Saunders, Mrs S-tretioll, Mrs Rattray, Mra and MJ£B Callesider, Miss C. Hali, Miss Harvey, Mrs and Miss Sr^nce, Mrs and Missi Carswell, Mrs Mcniscsui, Miss Ewart, Misis Vyner, Mrs Baxtfcr, Miss Croft; Mrs and Misa Henderson, Mrs Handyside, Mrs J. Moffett, Mrs Stocker, Mrs Cantreli, tM'ie® Wymks, Miss Fielding, Mrs I. "W. Raymond, Mrs and -Miss Rowley, etc., etc. I'he same evening Mr"a Moffett ga-ve a small euhra party. Among the guests were Mar and Mrs J. Moffett, Mrs Cook, Miss B-enn-etfc, Misa Moffett, Mi a Rattray, Miss Herdman, Misis Henderson. Messrs Moffett (3), Dr Sale, Dr Snow, Miss Harvey, Mis® Wyinks, Mr Rodgears. Mrs •Gilmour gave a. large euchre party at her residence, "Aardlin," on Pri3ay evening', ever 50 guests being present. After supper the rccan was cleared for dancing, which was kept up till an early hour. The ladies' euchre prize was won by Mass Fielding, and the booby by Miss J. Speuce. Tho gentlemen's prize fell to Mr Kempthorne- and* the booby to Mr Eraser. Among those present, besides Mrs and Miss Gilmoivr and Mr D. Gilmour, were Mi R. J Gilmorur, Mr and Mrs D. J. Gilmour, Mr and Mrs Samndcrs, Mr and Mrs J. Carswell, Miss Swinburn, Miss M'George, Miss Robinson, Mr W. Campbell, Mr Hodges, Messrs M'Leod (2), Mr Jamie, Miss Callender, Mr C. CiallsndOT, Mrs Hay, Miss Crofts, Mr Rcdgars, Dr Snow, Misses Pilcher, Mjsb and Mr A. Gilkison, Miss Bain, Misses Spenoe (2), Mr Bairns, Miss Harvey, Miss Wyinks, Misses Caa-swelT (2), Miss C. MacGoun Mr Gardner, Mr Horrobin, Mr Ellis', Mr Black, etc., etc. Mrs Eyre and Miss Doris Cliurton have- gone to Dunedin for a short visit. Mrs A. M. MacdonaltH is also staying in Dunedin. Mrs M'Credio returned on Thursday from the north. Mr G. H. "Waymouth gave a j - oung people's "pit" party on Saturday evening.
CHRISTCHURCH, September 16. This has been the dullest of dull week , and if ie had net been for golf I really do ltot know what we sihou'd ha"c d'eno with ourselves 1 . Fcrtunat^.y, the weathar ha 3 been do-bghi fully fine and 1 cool, and we made the nust of it oi course A match was played on "Wednesday, the married members againsi the single, when Mrs Stead beat Miss Kettle. a very cold cla.y, there were cfiite- a r.umber of members at Shu-ley, aanong whom. I noticed' Mrs. Michael Campbell, Mrs DemJstou, Mrs Lioughna,n i Mis, Kettle, Mr? Stead, and; M,isses Moore, Dennis'ton, Kettle, and Canrpbcdl. On Tuesday evening Mrs Denniston gave a bht-hday party for her son, which" was voted ona of the mo;it enjoyable we have had for a long Line It was of the quaint, oldfashioned kind', Jtnd on that aeocmirt was cntiirely new to most of the gaiast®, who eu+ered into such games aa "blind man's Luff'" and ''niusical chairs' 1 with infinite, ze.sti and enthusiasm. Among tbe young people present wone. Mkses Wilding, Humphreys, Recce, PriKS, Byrnes, Nancarrow Moore, Anderson, and Loi;gtnar, also Mossrs Stewart, Oaok, Recce, Nraicarrow, Gould 1 ," "Williams, and Alacdcnald. Tha Misses Cotterill are paying a "visit to Mrs George Rhcdesi at "Meadowbank." Dt Fox and Mrs Fox have returned from a trip to Melbourne. Mrs T. Cowlishaw has gone '-a pay a visit to her sister, Mrs Tumbull. Mr anrl Mrs A. Roberts, "Westerfield," whq have been staying at Simmer for their heaitll-, have rdurr.ed) home gi-eatly recruited by thenvisit tor the seaside. Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron and Misa Cameron have relumed to Spa-higfieM, after a most enjoyable trip to Hotoiuai and Taupo. On Tuesday last Mrs B. O. J. Stevens mvitecl a few friends to afternoon tea. Mrs Ehvorthy, Mrs Roberta, Mr& AVigrami Mrj Kettle, Mr«t Scott, Mrs Appl°by, and Misses Cook, Campbell, Moore., Fitzgeiald, Kettle 1 , and 1 Eiworthy weie present. The marriage ci Miss Hay. of Pigeon's Bay, and Mr M'Kellar has been fixed for September 27. After spending the winter at Sumiwr, to and Mrs Palmes have ie turned to "Woodford." Miss Munay-Aynsley, who hss been the guest of Mrs 'Wells, Ambsrley, has returned to her home. . Mk' J. B. Keid, of "Canowxie, who Iras been away some months in Europe, has returned to' Christchureh'. The Watkin Mills festival of four coaicerfs has opened with grea,L success under the auspices of tho Chiistehurch Musical Union. On Thursday evening Canteorbuiy Hall was absolutely packed -with an unusually enthxtsaslio audience. Mi: MUlg comes well
supported, berth. Miss Kirkwood aaid Mass Lonsdale, as. well as Mr Wilde, baing greatly admired, while th© playing of Mr EdouartLj Parlovitz is full of exquisita cfiaim. Hr Mffls" you have of course heard already, and I need only say that he is an immense favourite with us. On Monday the progTainme includes "In a Persian G-ardan,"' that Most quaint and beautiful composition of Liza Lenmann, witih words taken from ! the "Eubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," and on Tuesday they will perform Spohr's -'Last Judgment." ' j ifiis afternoon a large "At Lionis" is> being givoa to the Wafkin Mills Concert Company at the Art Gallery. _ ! We am locking forward to the spring flower ahiow on September 27, which promises to bo a splendid cne. The warm, damp season has been excellent for all spring blooms. WELI/INKJTON, September 16. We have not been very dissipated lately. An "At home," given last Friday afternoon by Dt Arnold Izard, was one of the roost pleasant functions of the week. Spring flowers were in profusion abonit the pretty rooms, crimson anemotes adorning the drawing-room mantelpiece, and the tea tables were laid in both the fcreakfast and drawing rooms, tall silver vases of daffodils being arranged amongst the tempting sweete. Dr Izafd received liis guest.= in ihe drawing room, and a string band played on . ths verandah. There were a great many gueais, amo-ngst whom 1 I noticed. Mrs G. Izard, wearing a. black taffeta gown and pretty toque . trimiaed with violeta; iker guest, Mrs Izaci < (Wa&gs&nui), ■war© a long biscuit cloth, oca.t, j dark gown, and lilac ioque; .Lady Kussell, black edik gown and black and white bonnet ; ■ Mrs Collins violet cloth gown ; Mrs A. Pearoe, i sealskin ccat. dark gown ; Mrs C. Pea-rce, na.vy I blue clcih; Mrs Herepafch, a charming dress '• of brown silk voile, cud brown and -wMte stole; TSiis T?irth, nut-brown dress and pretty hat .to H'ateh ; Mrs Ward, grey •jostvme ; /Mrs i Spxotrb. black and -white-; "Mrs Wallis, violet cfoth. gown, black hat; 1/a.d'y Ward, grey | cloth dicss; Miss Eileen Ward, a cream voile drees amdl pretty fatetttre- hat ; Mis Seddor^., handsome black gown; Miss Seddon, royai blue; Mrs C. H. Mills, black, relieved with •white; Mrs Stand, brown voile dress, and hat "with rosea; Mrs W. Jjogsun, brigi-t red dress ond black toque; Mrs W. Kennedy, black tailor-made, black and white hat; Mirs Hacon, black; Mrs Tolhurst, blnci- mer v-eUleux, white laoe sr»rf; Mfs Pollen, grey costnmis; Mrs Mills, black tailor-made; Miss Miles, very l>rcfcfcy blue taffeta dre3s, and hat with pink rosebuds; Mrs" Grace, black voile gown; Mass Grace, blue cloth; Miss MacTavish, grey I tweed dress and chiffon hat; Miss Poll, blue tweed! dress; Miss M. Fell, cream cloth; Miss HoTcturt, pale blue voile, long wMi-e coat; Misg G. HarofJUi't, whits cloth dress, black ha-t; Miss O. FitzGerald, grey check dress, •white fnT9"; Miss B. FitzGerald, pretty striped eilk dress, picture hat : Mrs Adams, hand seine violet doth dress ; Mi?s Richmond, black taffeta; Miss M. Richmond, pale blue voile; Miss Brandon, white cloth, 'with black relief; Miss L. Brandon blue -cloth dress; Miss Harding, turauoise blue canvas cloth; jsliss Quick, Black" vaile; 'Miss Dl.D 1 . Quick, grey tweed; Missta Milk?, grey, and pretty hats; Mrs Pinch l , black gown and pr&tty toque ; 3/Kss Pinch, royal blue dress. A pleasant feature was th,3 large* number of present;, amongst- whon? were Captain Braiuhwaate, A.D.C., and! several oa the doctors. j Miss Harcourt -entertained 1 about 60 guests at i delightfuLdanoe on Thursday evening. The marriage of Mdss Muriel Waldegrave, Becond daughter of Mr Frank Waldegrave, to Mr Sidney Fitzkwbert -will take piace ©arly in October. To-night the "Wellington Savage Club, menn-bea-s a.r^ giving the final ''koTeao" of the season, and_ have issued a great many invitations to their lady friends. Kieodlerc to say, we are looking forward: to the function with very great pleasure.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2688, 20 September 1905, Page 72
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2,775TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2688, 20 September 1905, Page 72
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