Tenders are invited for the cartage of the Golden Gravel dredge from Beaumont to Waikaka Valley. The Alexandra Lead dredge was working away steadily last week, but continued to take up some old tailings, which make the returns a good deal smaller than they would be were the dredge working in solid ground. The dredgemaster expects, however, to meet more solid ground this week. There was very little change in the ground worked by the Molyneux Kohinoor dredge last week as compared with the previous week. It was still keeping rough, and as the prospects were not making for- the better it was decided to put in Friday and Saturday on the engine and buckets. It was intended to shift the dredge on Tuesday, and, all repairs- being Snished, dredging wou.d be resumed next day.
The Lady Roxburgh dredge nad a steady run last week, and the gold won was a good sample and not showy, and was obtained on the west side of the cut. The bottom was mostly soft, with an occasional bump of reef. During the last few shifts trouble was experienced with silt, the tailings ahead forming a shelter for a large beach of this material. It was found necessary to work the dredge at a big angle in order to leave a channel open behind.
The Waimumu dredgemaster reports as follows for the week ended April 29 : — Th.^ bottom plank of the pontoons wore through on Wednesday, and would have sunk the dredge had it not been at onoe discovered. The ground being low, the water could not be got low enough to get »t the bottom of the pontoon, so the paddock had to be pumped out. I expect to have two new planks in to-night (Saturday), and, if all goes well, will have the dredge floating the following day. A wire was received on Monday to the effect that he would have the pontoon finished that day.
The month's work at the Nokomai Hydraulic sluicing claim has resulted in a return of 3390z 1-ldwt, of which lOSoz 15dwt was from the No. 1 elevator, and 210oz 19dwt from No. 2 elevator. Shifting plant has commenced at No. 1 elevator, and a start will be made about the end of tha week to sluice in the top material. There is enough water at present to carry on at No. 2 elevator, and sluicing is to be commenced to-day.
An Auckland telegram states that the improvement in the Waiotahi mine is -such that while before the recent rich discovery the mine yielded £4000 yearly, the returns for the past five months have been nearly £17,000.
With reference to the- efforts made by the Mines Department to forward the industry at Kumara recently a correspondent of the West Coast Tiroes writes that there are four men row on the No. 3 channel, and Captain Richards and Mr Rocheford (assistant inspector) have been inspecting the deep level tunnel. May 4. The roaster of the L-ady Roxburgh dredge wired the secretary on Wednesday as follows:
"' On boundary m clean worked ground ; will start down river to lower boundary on Thursday." iThe Dunstan Lead dredgemaster reports having had a very satisfactory run last week. The ground operated on continued good in the middle of the river, but the drift was still troublesome.
The Waikaia dredgemaster, reporting under date 29th ult., stated that he had' ■started to turn the dredge into the flat. The ground show-ed an improvement in the top corner of the cut, but was still inclined to be drifty. The length of the working face was 95 yards, the depth of bottom on the east corner of the cut 18ft, and 1 on the west corner 25ft. The- gold now was of a fine s-ample.
Now that the weather is settled and the river fairly low, a few days should see the few remaining gorge dredges at work once more. The Sailor's Send and New Bendigo dredges will in all probability make a, start on Monday next, and as both have in the past proved the existence of gold in their respective claims, they should, with a favourable river, again give a, good account of themselves. The New Halfway House dredgemaster wired on Wednesday that he had completed all repairs, and was now only waiting for a favourable river io start dredging, which he expects to be able to do in a week or more.
The Rise- and Shine No. 1 dredgemaster reports working ahead 7ft last week, with a cut 40ft wide, and the ground varying in depth up to 50ft. Most of the gold was obtained from the western half of the cut, and the dredgemaster is in hopes of good gold making on the eastern side shortly. The No 2 dredge vorked ahead 12ft, and had a cut 100 yds wide. The ground was practically the same as in the previous week, only rather rougher, and containing large stones. The distance worked ahead by the Electric No. 1 dredge last week was 27ft, and the width of the cut 87ft, with the ground varying in depth up to 40ft. The nature of the gold won was coarser than the previous week's. Thero was a granite bottom coining from the Bannockfrurn side, and, if it continues, it should give good results. The remainder of the crtt was a tough blue clay bottom on the Cromwell side. The No. 2 dredge worked ahead 12ft last week, tKe cut was 80ft wide, and the ground varied in deptfci from 27ft to 40ft. Tlxe woek was not a favourable one for dredging. During Monday night there was a sharp rise of 3ft in the river, due to the heavy rains up country. This brought down a lot of drift and silt into the paddock, and it took a good deal of time to bail it out. The dredge was still behind the old face at the Bannockburn side of the out, and when the face in that corner of the cut is reached an improvement in the returns is expected.
The Manuherikia dredgemaster, reporting under date May 1, stated that he shifted oveT to the opposite side on Monday of last week, and got bottom on Wednesday morning, but it was hard and the prospects were poor. These was also a rise in the river, and this caused the drift to be troublesome for the remainder of th» week. Bottom was struck close in on the oast side, but the ground dips siiddenly out into the centre, and bottom cannot be obtained there. Ih© dredge is now nearly up to the Tough beach it is intended to try ihis week. If it is no good there the dredgemaster intends to go up to the half-mile rock, as there is a email piece of ground there. The deep ground will bo left for a month or so till the river is lower.
The Junction Electric No. 1 dredge worked ahead a distance of 30ft last week. The giound was very rough on the Cromwell side of the cut, with large rocks hero and there. The width of the exit and ill© depth, of Jibe.
ground wore about the same as during the previous two weeks, and the sample of gold fine. The machinery was running well. The master of the No. 2 dredge- reports having started work on Saturday morning last close to the Cornish Point side, so a3 to gei shallow bottom and follow it down. There is a, great amount of stuff to shift, so that up to Monday not very much bottom had been obtained. He expected that it would take" the greater part of this week to open out, and consequently dees not expect a wash-up. Everything on board was running well. The actual time worked by the No. 3 dredge last week was 67 hours: Monday was lost getting up and coupling the buckets ; on Tuesday no dredging was done owing to the No. 2 dredge paasing and her lines being in the way; and on Wednesday a large rock came in from the face and had to be blasted to save losing portion of the cut. In addition there were a few other minor delays. During the remainder of the week fair dredging time was put in. The ground contained a number of large atones, which made it difficult to get a proper face opened out.
The gold return from the Majestic dredge last week was 15oz 4dwt for 110 hours' dredging time. The dredgemaster reports that he shifted the headline last Wednesday, and brought the dredge back about a- dredge length and took a cut right across the river. Me found the drift very troublesome in opening out, but as the river is keeping low he is looking forward to a decent return at the end of the current week.
S. E. Brent, secretary of the Shotover Quartz Mining Company, reports the following returns for the month of April: — From the battery, 51oz ; cyanide bullion, loz lOdwt ; — total, 520z lOdwt.
Mr George Turner, manager of the Clyde Collieries Company for a number of years, is relinquishing his charge this week to take up a similar position in the Waikaia district (says the Dunstan Times). His place is to be filled by Mr Smith, of Kaitarjgata.
The secretary of the Deep Stream Sluicing Company reports a wash-up for 70oz as the result of two weeks' sluicing with both elevators.
The Punt dredge, which has been under repair for the past two weeks, resumed dredging on Wednesday night. The repairing of the winches and tables on the New Golden River dredge has now been completed, and the dredgemaster expected to mako n start dredging on Wednesday
A Eeefton telegram states that the Big ] River Company's mine manager reports: — During the week No. 8 level has been driven 15ft, making the distance from the shaft 331 ft. Reporting under date 29th ult., the New Fourteen-mile Beaoh Company's dredgemaster stated that he had reached the boiindary of the New Go.den River Company's claim, and it will now be necessary to drop back and take up a fresih cut. Messrs Coulson and party, the purchasers of tha old Chicago dredge, have approached the Clyde G old Dredging Company with a view to working the Manuherikia, River portion of that company's" claim on tribute, and have come to arrangements which will tfiiable them to start dredging there in about two weeks' time. The terms of the agreement are that the first 14oz be retained for working expenses, and, of the balance, 40 per cent, goes to the tributers and 60 per cent, to the Clyde Company. Thearea of the ground Io "be worked is in the vicinity of 20 acres. The New Roxburgh Jubiiee dredgemaster reporta an improvement in the indications for last week, as compared with the two previous weeks, and had it not been for the rise in the river the return would have been even better. The Ladysmith Company's tailings have now all been completely washed away, and th.3 strong current in the river has broken up. May 6.
The "Waimumu dredgemaster reports no wash-up this week. The dredge will be stopped for about two weeks putting some planks on the stern. An" Auckland telegram states that during April the Talisman Consolidated Gold Mining Company crushed 3520 tons or ore for a return of bullion valued at £9278 7s sd.
The ground worked by the Three-mile (Greenstone Creek) dredge last week was only from 10ft to 12ft deep, and contained very little wash. A great extent of bottom was gone over for the week, but the ground was very poor. There was also a large number of boulders to contend with, and some of them gave considerable trouble. The No Town Creek Company's dredgemaster reports that the distance worked ahead by- the No. 1 dredge last week was 30ft, the width of th». face four chains, and the depth of the ground 30ft. The No. 2 dredge went ahead 68ft during the week; the depth of the ground was 19ft, and the width of the cut 100 ft. During the week a considerable amount of timber was removed from the face and the surfaca of the ground ahead, where the dirt is gradually getting coarser. The Moonlight dredgemaster reports that he was much hindered by floods last week, a good deal of silt and timber being brought into~the paddock and taking about three shifts to clear it. The ground was the same as in the previous week, and everything was running well. The headline -was shifted on Friday afternoon and the cut squared up.
Says the sA.lexan.dra Herald : — We understand an attempt is to be made to try and raise the Molyneux Fall 3 dredge, which sank in the Alexandra Gorge about three months ago. Failing this, Mr Scott, who purchased the wreck from the company, will endeavour to secure the oil engines which are aboard her. — Mr Ewen Butler has returned from Burmah. and took charge of the Roxburgh Jxibilee dredge en Monday last.
The directors of the Mystery Plat Gold Dredging Company have declared a dividend (the eighth) of 2s per share, payable on Friday, May 12. This brings the amount paid back per sliare since the commencement of operations up to 12s,joa- equal to a sum of JE3307 4s.
The Lake County Press states that the Meg and Annie dredge got a. very handsome return last we«k. Being a. private company the returns axe not made public. The* dredge is now working opposite the Waitiri Post Office — about the middle of her olaim. — The Lone Star, the Sunbeam, and Lafranchi's dredges are all working steadily in the Cardrona Valley. The recent rains have provided a much-needed supply of water.
May 8. The manager of the Ladysmith Sluicing claim reports a clean-up of the paddock for 230z of gold as the r-esult of two days' slviicing. The master of the Garden Gully dredge reports no wash-up for last week, owing to effecting repairs all the week.
The Waiinunm Queen dredge was stopped last week owing to re-decking, consequently there was no wash-up. The Punt dredgemaster wired the secretary as follows on Saturday: — No wash-up; cleaning out paddock ; repairing top tumbler." The master of the Golden Bed dredge reports that he has been boring holes in new plates for and fixing same in screen, also repairing generally, and started dredging on Thursday night. There was no wash-i;p for last week.
The actual time worked by the Sandy Point dredge during the week ended April 29 was 12i hours,* the distance, worked ahead Bft, trlje
width of the cut 150 yards, the average depth' of ground 26ft, and the height of face above water level 22ft. The prospects remained about the same as previously, and the best of the ground was on the inside of the cut.
May 9.
The Hartley and Ri'ey dredgemaster wireel on Monday as follows : — ' Anchor gone ; ladder free; all safe."
The master of the Lady Roxburgh dredg© wired the secretary on Monday as follows . — - " Moored dredge safely at lower end of claim! on Saturday night." In all probability a start would be made at midnight on Sunday; to open out. The dredge has now before hec a mile of the river, and the worked portion of the claim has been surrendered and cuS onfi of the company's area. The master of the Rising Sun dredge reports:—" Dredged 122 hours; worked ahead 10ft, and crossed the paddock three times. Eight hours were lost putting new angles on top tumbler and new pinions on screen, driving gear. The ground is fairly rough, and prospects unchanged. The machinery is running well, but a week's stoppage will be necessary before the winter sets in."
The directors of the Rising Sun Gold Dredging Company have declared a second! dividend of Is per share, payable on the 13th inst.
The Milton Mirror states that Messrs Par!; Bros., of Canada Reef, washed up GOoz aa the result of their last crushing, making about 400oz since the beginning of the year.
The half-yearly balance sheet of the> Majestic Gold Dredging Company should be very satisfactoiy reading to the shareholders. During fhe six months under review the fimpany won gold to the value of £2071 15s 4cfc at a cost of £1170 16s 4d. thus reducing a debit balance of £1045 2s lid to £164 3s lid A large number of men has been engaged cutting the race taken lip by Roche and party, in connection with which there was so much opposition when the application "was before the court. — Tuapeka Times.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2669, 10 May 1905, Page 26
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2,778THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2669, 10 May 1905, Page 26
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