The ordinary meeting of the Tuapeka County Council was held at Lawrence ; pi csent — Cr Cotton (chairman), Simpson, Sim, Ottrey, Oudaille, Bennet, Bennetts, Walkci, and M'lnerney.
Jabez Burton, Roxburgh, wrote intimating that the Roxburgh Borough Council had cut a road through the tailings, at a cost of £7, and asking the council to share the cost.— G ranted.
S. Dewe. Waitahuna Gully, wrote applying for charitable aid on behalf of an indigent Chinaman. — Four shillings per week recommended.
M. M'Rae, Kelso, wrote, in reply to thp council's communication re taking road through her property, pointing out the loss and inconvenience it would be to her if the road was taken where the council proposed to take it. — Received.
The Roads Department wrote sanctioning the construction of a road from Dunrobin to the railway station on the understanding that the payment of sub-idy %vas not made till the title was perfect — Received.
F. Nicoll wrote withdrawing his offer to sell part of his land for road through section 35, block V, Tuapeka West, as he had found from his agreement with the lessees that the council -would have to deal with them. He enclosed Messrs ' Dalziel Bros.' letter protecting agains the deviation. — Referred to the chairman, engineer, and member for the rising to attend to.
J. H. Haughton, Roxburgh, wrote asking whether Mr James Cunningham had received permission" from the council to erect a gate across the Knobby road at the lower end of his section. — Mr Haughton was granted permission to erect a gate on the road in question during- the pleasure of the council.
The Minister of Agriculture wrote replying to a letter from Mr James Benuet. M.H.R., in regard to the exclusion of ragwort as a noxious weed, stating that the opinion of the Solicitor-general was that when once a special crder was made declaring one or more plants mentioned in the second schedule to be noxious weeds ths order could not be rescinded. Under these circumstances the local inspector must ses to the destruction of all weeds that have been declared. — It was decided that the Minister of Agriculture be written to, asking to have the act amended so as to o^nit fro^a the schedule of noxious weeds.
■ The Gabriel Gold Dredging Company wrote applying for permission to dredge across the road near Fitzgerald's bridge, and reminding the council of an understanding made with the late John Young, inspector, to the effect that the company was to shift the road when the company wanted to dredge there. — Permission was granted to dredg-e through the road on the usual condition of a bond for £100.
•The Dunedin Town Clerk wro.e asking for some grading work on the Waipori Bush road, and for the repair of the planking of the bridge over the Bush Creek, the corporation offering to supply the necessary planking — It .was resolved that the grader bs put on to the road at half-cost to the Dunedin Corporation, and the engineer to see that the bridge was repaired.
The of Public Works ivrore. in reply to the council's memorandum suggesting the applying of portion of the £100 poll tax on Chinese to charitable aid, stating thai tho matter had been considered, and that the Government could not see its way to accede to the request. — Received.
W. Cumming, Beaumont, wrote asking to have 20 chains of road towards Elliott's graded, and offering to do the ploughing gratis.--Request granted.
William Rowe" wrote applying to be placed on the electoral roll for Clarks Riding in substitution for Eliza Rowe. — To be instructed to apply to the court for the alteration.
T. R. Christie, Mayor of Dunedio, wrote enclosing constitution of Otago League, expressing the hope that the council would take a live interest in it, and inviting representation of the council at the inaugural meeting m Dunedin on the evening of 19th inst. — Received.
E. Tohill, Waipori, wrote j offering to alow tha bridge over Shepherd's Creek to stand if he was allowed the cost of the timber and his Isbour in erecting it. — It was decided that £5 be allowed for the bridge.
The Clutha County Engineer wrote stating that he hoped in the course of a few days to be able to forward the plans and instructions fcr Elliott's road. — Received.
The District Health Officer wrote reporting on certain necessary improvements in connection with the sanitary condition of the town of Kelso. — Cr Sim said he had been through the township, arid from what he saw was of opinion the grade was not right. He advised the people to ap^ly to the council for a little help towards pipes to carry off the draiinage.
Harris and party wrote re formation of new road from O'Donohue's to Fitzgerald's, offering to give £25 towards its construction on condition that they were allowed to work the old load, and promising to assist by banking the tailings as high as possible with the dredge. — The previous decision of the council to be adhered to.
J. E. Matheson and two others wrote drawing attention to the removal of the rabbit netting gate from across the road between sections 9 and 10 (a concession that had been duly granted to the Brooksdale Company seven years ago), and asking permission for its reerection. — Writer to be informed that the Brooksdale Company had granted the right to ere-t gates on the roa3 in question. Buchanan Bros.. Beaumont, wrote applying for the use of small boat lying idle at Rankleburn punt for the purpose of conveying flax across the river to their mill. — Request granted; the boat to be kept -in good condition.
A resident in the Tapanui district wrote soliciting charitable aid in a very necessitous ca~e. — Ten shillings per week recommended.
The Under-secretary, Mines Department, wrote stating that there was a balance of £225 sti'l available for the Lawrence-Clyde road, and that the necessary authorities for the expenditure of this sum (JEIOO in Vincent County ard £125 in Tuapeka County) were issued on 25th February last; that the expenditure of sum authorised for Tuapeka could be proceeded witE, the specification having been improved. — Received.
Hugh Craig, Roxburgh, wrote calling attention io the bad state of the road between Coal Creek and county boundary, especially near Shingle Creek Hili, and asking that something should be done before winter. — It was decided ihat .£SO be spent under the supervision of the chairman, engineer, and Cr Bennetts. W R. Pearson, Lawrence, wrote calling B+tention to the bid state of the road from Mr Kitto's and extending a few chains beyond his residence, and suggested that a few loads of gravel be put down before the winter. — To be ettended to by the engineer. T. and J. Crowley. Tuapeka Flat, wrote claii-Jing £5 2s for filling gravel in Crowley's GulTt, as agreed upon by the engineer. — The Engineer read a cony of the letter from the council, which clearly s'.-owed that the filling had to be done by the writers. — The letter was received. ' Mary Fahey, Tuapeka West, wrote applying fo have her name placed on the electoral roll So*- Brnwus Ridinsr in respect of pronerty Occupied by her.— Bequest granted.
The Engineer reported that the road forma
tion oi_ block XII. Creok«to->. va, progressing very well, and should be completed m a week or two. The contract for fencirg lead, bock XII, Crocksto.i, ecu d now bo ctinpiefed The contiaet for gra\eJhng j-oacl dc\vn Waitahuna Kiver was well under way,
and contracts fcr gravelling load, Waitahuna to Waipori. gravelling rord. Mu'iio's Hill, gravelling Shanks's road, gravelling read, Crookston, gravelling load, Mount Stuait, gravelling road to Fitzgerald s bridge, road formation, Qrrnaglsde, and gravelling. Miller's Fiat, were completed. No p: ogress had been made with the contract for qiiarrying metal at Heriot. nor with that for -a bridge over Carbon's Creek. The chairman and Crs F. Oudail-e and G. S. Walker recommended the acceptance ot the following tenders: — No. 663 (G.v.). Jer. Ryan, rubbling 17 chains of road, Kae's Junction to Edievale; No. 66i (G.vJ, Whelau, rubbling five chains of road near Heriot; No. 665 (half G.v.), Cruickshank,
formation of 41 chains, road to Dunrobin
Siding: No. C6fi (G.v.), Cruickshauk, forma- > tion of 24 chains of road, b-lock IX. Rankle- ! burn ; No. 667 (G.v.). Crawford, gravelling ! road, block IX, Itanjr: eburn ; No. 668 (G.v.),
No. 669
Lynch. quarrying metal at Jbig Hill;
J (G.v.). Leslie, gravelling road, Munro's Hill ; j No. 670 (G.v.), Cos-sens and Black, iron pipes j for culverts up east side of river ; Xo. 671 (G.v.), Treacy, gravelling road. Beaumont to Ranklebum : No. 672 (G.v.), Hiscock, gravol-
ling load, block 11, Teviot;. InTo. 673 (G.v.), Hiscock, gravelling road near Mr John i S f eel's. The work on Crowby's Gully road had ¥>een completed, at a total cost to the council of £12 16s 4d. the settlers supplying gravel at half-price. The work on Keenan's bridge was completed, and was a good job. j Both the viaduct and bridge at Waitahuna j would be completed in a few days. The ! stttlers in Crook=ton had completed-*63 chains
of gravelling; the price to the council being
only the price of the gravel (3d per yard), and the labour of filling and spreading the gravel. With the road grader 65 chains of the road
deviation, block Xli, Crookston, had been formed to the full width, and with a few
days' trimming the work would be finished. Some lubble had been quarried on the Waipori road. The survey of Mrs Thomas's road at Kelso had been completed. The road from
Evan's Flat School to Big Hill had been patchnd up, and the grading in Brown's and C-ark's Ridings had been carried out. Attention was drawn to the filling up of Wetherstone's Creek and the creek at Uocherty's bridge with debris. The engineer also drew attention to the cuffing up of the Moa Flat Estate. It would be necessary for the council to see that the roads to give outlets to a.! the subdivisions were on the best lines, otherwise at no distant date the new settlers might be asking the council to make deviations for them. Under tho Land Act, roods had to be formed to the satisfaction of the county engineer, and he would respectfully ask the council to pass a motion to enable him to aci on its behalf. Permission was asked to get three or four trucks of Logan's Point metal for Waitahuna road contiguous to the Lawrence borough boundary, also sis or eight trucks for the road from Lawrence to the Tuapeka Hotel. — A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr G-. Sim and other Crookston settlers for the manner in which they had at their own cost gravelled the roads in their district. A copy of a icsolution passed by the Stratford County Council with reference to powers of raiing was received, but no action was taken.
T'as County Solicitor (Mr Crcoke) wrote giving the following opinion in legard to the Toadir.g of the Moa Flat Eslafce: — " The position of the County Council in reference to the subdivision of this estate is that the owners ui.der section 2 of ' The Public Works Act, 1203,' ha\ c to provide <ancl dedicate as a public road a strip of Jan 4 not less than 66fi> in width, giving access to the land told from sc-nie existing " ro id. Tho roads are to be formed by the owners to the satisfaction of tho council, and when dedicated are to be deemed to be vested in the King and shall be under the coniroi of the council. After thjy are made and dedicated, tho cost of repairing the roads will fall on the council." — Tho engineer was appointed to look p.fter the ccuittv's interests in the matter. ROAD "tHBOUGH BLOCKS 111 AND XV, BESGEB. Letters in connection with this road were received from Messrs M'lyennan, John Kerr, and William M'Clelland.— The engineer explained that the chairman and himself had visited the locality some time ago, when tho settlers expressed a desire for the road to go up the left-hand side of the ndge, in which case it would pass through Messrs M'Lellan and M'Clelland's land, which would have to be arranged for. Now he understood they wanted it taken up the right-hand side, which, though on the shady side of the hill, would give an easier grade. On this side it would pass through Mr John Kerr's land, and he was willing to give this free conditionally on the council olosing half of a three-chain Toad which traversed his property.— lt was. reserved that the engineer submit an estimate of tho cost of each at next meeting.
A resident of Waitahuna Gully was recommended for renewal of charitable aid at the same rate he had previously been 'receiving. Daniel Keenan, Tuapeka Mouth, appeared before the eodncil m connection with the payment for his land taken by the council for load-making purposes. — It was resolved that the chairman and engineer visit the locality and report to next meeting as to the amount that should be paid to Mt Keenan.
It was resolved that a clause be inserted in thJ conditions making it compulsory for contractors to have their men covered by a policy under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act.
Mr J. J. Woods, county clerk, was appointed returning officer. Iho Clerk drew the council's attention to a provision in the act for holding a special meeting for the consideration of the adjxist-
n>ent of the representation of the ridings. — It was resolved that no action be taken in the matter. On the motion of Cr Bennetts the engineer was instructed to have the approaches to the chair over the river at Horseshoe Bend improved. It- was resolved that the road to Gideon Smith's be improved by the expenditure of " thirds "
Cr Simpson drew attention to the necessity
for the filling-up of a nasty hole en. the side of the Gabriel Gully road opposite Mrs Kep-p-ell's property, and it was decided that pipes be placed across the road to allow the silt to drift in, and so remedy the evil complained of. On the motion of Crs Oudaille and Ben-
retts, the engineer was instructed to lay off the road froni Greenfield through the Waitahuna Athenseum reserve. It was decided that a few pounds be expended on the road between ■WaitaJraMl ¥*<jJfoe Station and Mr Lynch's house. Accounts amounting to £2089 19s 9d were passed, for payment. In connection with the accounts, Cr Sim clrew attention to the fact that bis riding was being charged for a proportion of the licensing expenses while there •was not a public house in his riding. Similarly he was charged a proportion of the cost of
inning valuation without his having *lie c-m-ren=ati..g advantages of having a cia.rr. He a to t omplamecl that his riding had io bear n.orc than its fair share of bridge- maiiienance —A 'ong and irregular discussion followed on the interpretation of the act m regair 1 tc the a iimtennnce of budges over 30ft sr?n, and it was agreed that an authoritative oninion fiom council's solicitor bo obtained on tho matter.
The engineer was advised to lay off the load thiough Teviot Station as early as possible.
Cr M'lnerney protested against so '?rgc a rorportion of tLe Government vote pliocnied to be spent between LawTence and the Big Hill being spent on the Hill instead of alorg the flat where it was more urgent'y required.— Abridged from the Tuapeka Times.
Picton is greatly excited over the fact that three ladies are coming forward as candidates for the Borough Council, but the climax of excitement was reached (writes the correspondent of the Maryborough ExprcGs) when it became known that one lady aspired to the mayoral chair. The councillors who fully expected to be re-elected are asking solemnly and seriously. " What shall we do with three ladies in the council.' In consequence of an article which appeared in a recent Thursday's issue of tho Temuka Leader, Mr W. S. Maslm, Mayor of G-eraldine, has directed his legal advisers to write to the Hon. J. M. Twoniey, M.L.C.. demanding a public apology in the four newspapers of the district, and failing this, an action for libel is to be brought.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2667, 26 April 1905, Page 11
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2,720TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Witness, Issue 2667, 26 April 1905, Page 11
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