President, Mr W. Moynihan ; vice-presidents --Messrs J. Elliott, E. H. Hunter," Weston, and James Tisdall, sen. ; committee — Messrs W. Moynihan, J. Robertson, sen., F. Atkinson, G. M'Donald, F. Moynihan, J. Tisdall, sen., H. Brewsel]. D. R. Grant, R. Harder, W. Thomson, W. Blackie, jun., H. Popham, G. M'Hardy. James Gilbert, G. H. Webb. G. Fisher, TV. D. Mason, W. Anderson, J. Elliott, A. Guild, W. G. Jones. J. K. Brown, D. rlilgour, and A. Mathewson ; treasurer, Mr G. il'Donald; secretary, Mr R. "Walker.
The Strath-Taieri Agricultural and Pastoral Society was favoured with excellent weather in the early part of Monday and a very large attendance for its fourth annual show. Unfortunately, in the afternoon a strong nor'-wester sprang up which played havee -with the- tents and generally made things uncomfortable. The high wind did not, how<?vpi\ seem to damp the ardour of either the visitors or the. officials, as events were kept in progress until after 5 o'clock. The president (Mr M. Moynihan), assisted by hiq most prominent committee and his invaluable secretary (Mr R. Walker), did all in his power to mako ihc fchow a "jucce^, and his efforts wore net unrewarded. The Mornington Brass Band was in attendance all day, and did not stint its music There is, hoAvevpr, one drawback in connection with thei Strath- Taieri show, and that is the. want of a proper catalogue. Officials, press representatives, and the general public, if they want mfonnation, have to wade through a large sheet of paper called the
schedule, and then read names off little cards, in order to try and obtain correct infoi*mation, whereas a catalogue would not only save all this unnecessary trouble, but would probably be revenue producing. Tho difficulty appears to be in the committee accepting entries up to such a. late hour as it decs, but if it gave early notice of its intention to publish a catalogue and close the entries on a definite date the farmers would soon fall in line. In justice, however, to the class stewards it must b& said that they made the reporter's work ar light as possible. Owing principally to ihe fact that Easter fell on such a. late date this y-ear, the entries were not so numerous as last year, but on the whole the> exhibits were fully up to the average. In shorthorn cattle the principal honours fell to Mr James Tisdall, sen . but the> Bull Championship fell to Mr W. Bennett. Mr W. D. Mason was the principal prizetaker in tho Ayrshire class, and, as might have been expected, Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. carried all before them in the Polled Angus classes. Mr W. Kirkland's dairy cows called forth very favourable comments from the judge, and the same exhibitor also carried off the honours in fat cattle. Tho entries for the fhampionship in thoroiighbjeds this year were confined to Legerity and Mariner, New Headford, although beingwell represented by his stock, which competed fo. Mr Gately's special prizes, being absent. Mr Tisdall had no competition to meet with his trotter Hildago, but the dt-allion well deserved his first honours. The judge was especially well pleased with the weight-carrying hacks, and said that the winners would have scored in any show. There was poor competition in the troopers' horse class, but Mr Kirkland'o winner was much admired The dairymen's turnouts were all good, and quite Tip io town show style. In draughts, Mr D. M'Donald and Mr T. R. Conelly both beat the old stager Hatfield with Hereward Saxon and North respectively, but in the stock Hatfield scored decisively. Hie owner (Mr James Tisdall, sen.) practically scooped the pool in the* draught classes, and all his stock are sired by tlie well-known ' Hatfield. His best exhibits were Gipsy Queen (a three-year- ok) filly) and his two-year-old colt, and a whitelegged gelding in the threei-year-old class was also ereatly admired. Mr Tisdall also won the first prize for both three and four-hor<-e farm teams. In merino sheep, Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. had no opposition, but their stock was all good. Some very good Southdown sheep were shown by Mr John M'Lean, from Hyde. Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. were beaten in the majority of the fat sheep classes by Mr W. Kirklanc). who had some splendid exhibits penned. Tho dog's on the whole, were a poor lot. The pigs, although com-pai-atively few, were nearly all of excellent quality, Mr Kirkland's Berkshire sow and Mr Mcynihan's sow and litter especially calling forth commendation from the judge. The entries in farm produce were not nearly so numerous as usual. Miss E. Pugh carried all before her in the butter, and Mrs Ballingall's home-made bread was reckoned by the judge to be about one of tho best exhibits that he was called to adjudicate upon. The field roots on tho whole were- not as numerous as they should have been, tho best being undoubtedly the potatoes, the majority of which were excellent speoimens. The entries for poultry were neither very numerous nor particularly good, but an exception must be made of the turkeys. The Singer Sewing Machine Company bad a tent on the ground tinder the charge of Mr MacSymon, its local agent, exhibiting the different styles of its well-known machine* ; also some very attractive pictures and fancy work executed on the company's ordinary family machine. There were no implements exhibited, but Messrs Horderii and Whit© had a good display of vehicles*. One of the. most noticeable was a gig built to order for Mr Moynihan. It had mail patent axles, and steel tyres overlapped to protect the rims. Another two-wheeler was well f-et up on Dennet springs, Sarvern patent wheels, with half-round tyres: the seac being neatly finished with turned spindles, and has elbow rests trimmed in claret-coloured leather, and painted bronze-green, with carmine fine lines. The same firm also showed a nice gig. Messrs W. E Reynolds and Co. exhibited samples of their Reston vehicles in the shape cf a platfovra spring cart and a station waggon. These vehicles are specially made. in. Canada to suit the requirements of this colony, and look very suitable in all respects to stand the rough work that might "be required from them by the farm-eis. The high wind somewhat marred the interest in the jumping, but the stockmen's race was keenly contested, caused a deal cf excitement, and Mr Docherty well deserved his win. Appended is tho prize li-t: — CATTLE. Judge: Mr D. Sutherland (East Taieri). Shorthorn bull, any age. First prize 20s. second 7s 6d. Three entries — TV. Bennett, sen., 1, James Tisdall 2. Best shorthorn yearling. First prize 20s, second ?s 6d. Two entries — Jas. Tisdall, sen., 1 and 2.
Shorthorn cow, three years and over. First prize 20s, second 7s 6<l. Six entries — James T'sdall 1 and h c, T. Pugh, sen., 2.
Shoitkom heifer, two years. First prize 20s, second 7s 6d. Two entries — James Tiflall, sen., 1, TV. Kirkland 2. Shorthorn heifer, one year. First prize 10s, second ss. Four entries — James Tisdall, sen., 1, W. Kirkland 2. Champion shorthorn bull — TV. Bennett, sen. Ayrshhe bull, any age: First prize 20s, second 7s 6d. One entry — W. D. Mason 1.
Ayrshire cow, thiee years and over. First prize 20s, second 7s' 6d. Four entries — Tv". D. Mason 1, R. H. 'Weston 2. Ayrshire heifer, two years. First prize 20s, second 7s 6d. One entry— "W. Kirkland 1. Polled Angus bull, any age. First prize 20s, second 7s 6d. Two entries — Muriay, Roberts, and Co. 1 ai-d 2.
Polled Angus yearling bull. First prize 20<3, second 7s 6d. Two entries — Murray, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2.
Polled Angus cow, three j^ears and over. First prize 20s. second 7s 6d. Two entries — Murray, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. Foiled Angus heifer, two yeais. Fiist prize 20.-3, second 7s <kl. Two entries — Muriay, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2.
Polled Angus he fer, one year. First prize 10a, second ss. Two entiies — Murray, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2.
Champion polled Angus bull — Murray, Roberts, ancT Co. Cow most suitable for dairy purposes. First prize 20s. second 10s, third ss. Seven entries— TV. Khkland 1 and 2 TV. T). Mason 3.
Three cows most suitalVe for dairy purposes. First piize 20% second 15-3. thiicl 7s 6(3. Pom entries — TV. Knklaml 1 and 2, R. H. TVesion 2 and 3
Cottdi's cow, not owning more than three cows. ]?ir%t prize 20s, second 10=, third ss.
Three entries— R. Harper I, G- Robertson i» D. R. Grant 3.
Two calves, under 12 months, hand-fed. First prize 10s, second ss. Three entries — TV. Craig 1, TV. Kdrkland 2. Two fat bullocks, under 6501b. First prize 20s, second 7s 6d. Three entries— TV. Kirkland 1 and 2.
Two bullocks, any weight. First prize 20s, secord 7s Gd. Two entries — TV. Kirkland 1 and 2.
Two fat heifers. First prize 20s, second 7s 6d. Two entr.es — A. Cullen 1.
HORSES. Thoroughbreds. Judge : Mr J. Duff (OamariO
Entire three years or over. First prize 20s, second 10s. Two entries— H. Martin's Legeritj 1, J. Moriarty's Mariner 2.
Mare, three years or over. First pr.ze 20s. second 10s. One entry — TV. Kirkland 1. Filly, two years or over. First prize 10Sj second ss. One entn' — TV. Moynihan 1. Best foal by New Headford. First prize 20a^ second 10s. One entry — TV. Kirkland 1.
Best crossbred foal by New Headford. Firs* prize 20s, second 10s. Four entries — E. Hansoil 1, W. Bennett, jun., 2.
Hackneys and Cabriage. Judge: -Mr W. Duff (Oarnaru)
En'iire, three years or over. First prize 20s. second 10s. One entry — J. Tisdall'g Hidalgoi by Del Paso.
Mare, three years or over, with or without foal. First prize 20s, second 10s. Three en. tries— W. Kirkland 1, TV. D. Mason 2. '
Colt or filly, tv.'o years. First prize 15s second 7s 6d. Three entries — M. Moynihan L TV. Kirkland ±
Colt or filly, one- year. First prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Three entries— W. Kirkland 1, D. Kilgour 2.
Weight- carrying horse up to 14st. First prizt 20s. second 10=. thi-cl 55,. Three entries — Murray, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2, TV Kirkland 3.
Weight-carrying hack up to list. Fji"3t prize 20s, second 10s. third ss. Five entries — A. B. Armour 1. TV. H. Elliott 2. D. Ballirgall 3. Lady's hack, r;ddpn by lady. First prize 20s, second 10s, thiicl 5?. Three en-tries — A. B. Armour (rfdden by V -- Hal!) 1 E. Docherty 2. T. R. Comiol'v*"
Best dog-cart !'cr i , <3r shovm in harness. First prize 20s. Peconri 10s, third ss. Four entries — Murray. Roberts, and Co. 1, TV. Kirkland 2, James Tisdall, sen., 3. Pair buggy horses, to be shown in harness, First piize 20s second 103. One entry — T R-Co-nnolly 1. Best troorer's iior=<" First prize 20s. second " 1 ". .-- -"- Kirkland 1, E. Docherty
Cob not over 15 hands. Fir3t prize 20s, second 10s. Three -entries — G. Fisher 1, John Tisdall 2.
Ponies, 12 hands or under. First prize 203 r second 10s. One pntrj' — TV. Movnihan 1.
Ponies. 14 hands or under. First prize 20s, second 10p. One entrv — James Hicks 3
Spring-rait horse, shmvn in harness. Fits! ■irize 20=, second 10s. Two entries — TV. Blackie, inn., 1, TV. Kirkland 2.
Best daiTympn's turnout. First prize 20s T •seoond 10s. th<rd ss. Three entries — TV. Blackie, jun., 1, S. Spratt 2. J. Tisdall, jun., 3. Draughts. Judges : Messrs T. Liken (Oamaru) and J. -James (Herbert).
Entire horse, three years or over. Three entries — D. M'Donald's "Hereward Saxon 1, T. R. Connolly's ISTorth Star 2, James Tisdall's Hatfield 3.
Co'.t or gelding, two yeais. First prize 15s, second 7s 6d. One entry — James Tisdall 1.
Brood mare, with foal at foot. Fjrst prize 20s, second 10s. Six entries — R. H. Weston 1, Murray, Robeits, and Co. 2.
Filly, three years. First prize 20s, second 10s. Five entries — James Tisdall 1 and 2.
Filly, two years. First prize 20s, second 10s. Four entries — James Tisdall 1, R. H. TVeston 2.
Filly, one year. First prize 20s, second 10s. Five entries — James Tisdall, sen., 1 and 2, M. Moynihan h c.
Foal, colt or filly. First prize 10s, second ss. Five entries — James Tisdall, sen., 1 and 2. Dry mare, any age. First prize 20s, second 10s. Four entries— James Tisdall, sen., 1, D. MTiona^ 2.
Mare with tv.-o of her progeny. First prize 20s, second 10s, third ss. Four entiies — James Tisdall. sen., 1, 2, and 3.
Gelding, any age. First prize 20s, second 10s. Four entries — James Tisdall, sen., 1 and o
Gelding, three years. First prize 20s, second 10s. Three entries — James Tisdall, sen., 1 and
Gelding, two years. First prize 20s, second 10s. Three entries — W. Kirkland 1, Jarnei Gilbert 2.
Pair males, any age. First prize 20s. second 10s. Three entries — James Tisdall, sen., 1, R. H. TVe=ton 2.
Pair geldings, any age. First prize 20s, second 10s. Two entries — James Tisdall, ser., 1, R. H. Weston 2. '
Four-horse team anost suitable for farm work. First prize 20s, second 10s. Three entries — James Tisdail, sen., 1, TV. Kirkland 2.
Three-horse team most suitable for farm worl.-. First p-ize 20s, second 10s. Three entries — James Tisdall, sen., 1, TV. Kirkland 2. Charnnion card for best draught horse — T>. M'Donald. Champion card for best mare — R. H. TVeston.
Judge: Mr J. Murray (TVarepa). Merino ram, four-tooth or over. First prize 15s, se cond 7s 6d Two entries — Murray, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. Pair of merino ewes, foul -tooth or over. First piize 15s, second 7s 6d. Two entries — Murray, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. Leicester Border ram, four-tooth or over. First prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Four entries — Murray, Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Leicester order lam, two-tooth. First prizs 15s. second 7 s 6d. Two entries— Muriay, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. Pair of Leicester Bolder etv-es, four-tooth or over. First piize Lss, second 7s 6d. Two entries— Mturay, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. Pair of. Leicester Border ewes, two-tootn. Firbt prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Two entries — Mum ay, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. One hp.lfbred Leic-estei lam, four-tooth or o\or. First prize 15s, second 7s Gd. Four entiies — Muriay, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. One halfbrecl Leicester ram, two-tcoth or/ over. First prize 15s, second 7s Gd. Fotir entiies — Mnrray, Roberts, and Co. 1 and 2. Romney ram, four-tot'n or over. First prize 15?. second 7s Cd. One entry — VT. Eemiett,
Southdown ram, four-tooth or over. First pris'- 15s, second 7s 6d. T'hice enhies — John M'Lean 1 and 2.
Southdown ra.ru, two-tooth oi over. First: prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Two entries — John M'Lean 1 and 2. Five fat wethers. First prize 15s, second 7a Gd. Three entries — Murray, Roberts and Co. 1, William Kirkland 2. Five f'\t wethers, two-tooth, suitable for freezing, net exceeding 120" b weight. First prize 15s. «econd 7s 6d Two entries — "" a * Kirkland 1 and 2. Five iat wethers, two-tcoth, suitable for
butchers. First prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Two entries— TV. Kirkland 1 and 2. Five fat maiden ewes. ' First prize 15s. second 7s Gd— W Kiikland 1 and 2. Five fat lambs for freezing. First prize 15s, second 73 Gd. Fou*. entries— W. Kirkla.nd 1 and 2. Five fat mcrin- wethers. First prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Iwo entries— C. Dore 1 and 2. DOGS. Rough-haired collies. First prize 10s, second ss. Four entries— J. Pugh 1, E. Docherty 2. Smooth collies. First prize 10s, second ss. One entry — J. Pugh 1. Bearded collies. First prize 10s, second ss. Two entries— J. E Matheson. PIGS. Judges: Messrs A. M'Fariane and D. Wyllie. Yorkshire boar, any age. First prize 15s, secord 73 63. Three entries— R. H. Weston 1, W. Kirkland 2. Yorkshire sow, any age. Firsi prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Twc entries— W. Moynihan 1, E. H. Weston 2. Berkshire boar, any age. First priza 15s, second 7s 6d. Two entries — W. Kirkland 1. Berkshire sow, any age. First prize 15s, second 7s 6d. Four entries — W. Kirkland 1, R. | H. Weston 2 Sow and litter, not less than six, any breed, six week?' old or under. First prize 20s, second 10s. Four entries— W. Moynihan 1, W Kirkland 2. E. H. Wesrton 3. Three porkers. First prize 15s, second 7s Gd. Three entries— E. H. Weston 1, W. Kirk- 1 land 2. ' | FARM PRODUCE. Judge: Mr D. Wyllie. Ba°r wheat, 2001b, velvet ear. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Three entries — W. Blackie, jun., 1, J. Tisdall, jun.. 2. Bag wheat, 200lb, any variety. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Two entries — W. Kirkland 1, W. F. James 2. Four bushels barley, Chevalier. First prize sb, second 2s 6d. — J. Tisdall. jun., ±. j DAIRY PRODUCE. ; Judge : Mi A. Macf arlane. ' Two pounds fresh butter. First prize 10s, se-cond ss. Three entries — Miss E. Pugh 1, Mrs F. James 2. Two pcundr powdered butter. First prize 10s,, second ss. Three sntries — Miss E. Pugh 1, Mr 3L. Stafford 2. Ten pounds sa"t buttei. First prize 10s. second ss. Two entries — Miss E. Pugh 1, Mrs L. Stafford 2. Fancy hutter. First prize 10s. second ss. Two entries — Mrs F. James 1 and 2. . ; BREAD. Judge : Mr A. Macfarlame. Hom-e-made bread. Fir c t prize 10s, second 5s Eight entries— Mrs BalliKga.ll 1 and 2, C. J. M'Lean 3. Oaten cakes. First prize 10s, second ss. Three entries — Mrs G. Robertson 1, Mrs J. Robertson 2. Giidle soones. First prize 10s, second ss. Five entries — Mrs Ballingall 1, Miss G. Dore 2. ■Oven scones. First prize 10s, second ss. Five entries — Mrs C. Dore 1, Mrs F. James 2. Fruifc cake, not more than 21b. First prize 10s, second ss. Six entries — Mrs R. Walker 1, Mts Bennett, sen., 2. Seed cake, Tiot more than 21b. First prize 10s. second ss. Seven entries — Mrs R. Walke.*1, Mrs F. James 2. FIELD ROOTS Judge: Mr D. Wyllie. Six mangolds, yellow globe. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. One entry— R. H. Weston 1. Six turnips, green top, yellow Aberdeen. Seven entries — W. D. Mason 1, W. Moynihan 2. Six turnips, purple top. Sis entries — W. D. Mason 1, W. Bennett, sen., 2. Six turnips, Devonshire greystoue. One entry — W. Moynihan 1. Six turnips, swedes. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Seven entries— John Keast 1, W. Bennett, sfen., 2. .» Fourteen pounds potatoes, Derwents. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Six entries — \Y. Bennett 1, John Keast 2. Fourteen pounds potatoes, kidneys. First prizo ss, second 2s 6d. Two entries— W. Kirkland 1, Mrs Brenssell 2. Fourteen pounds potatoes, any other variety First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Six entries— J. B Grant 1, John Keast 2. Best collection of potatoes. First prize 5s second 2s 6d. One entry— J. B. Grant 1. POULTRY. Judge: Mr E. Reiily. Buff Orpington cock. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Three entries— W. Anderson 1, Mrs R. Walker 2. Buff Orpington hen. First prize ss, second 2s Gd. Thiee entries— W. D. Mason 1 and 2. Black Minorca cock. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Two entries— W. Kirkland 1, Mrs L Stafford 2. Black Minorca hon. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Two entries— W. Kirkland 1, Mrs L. Stafford 2. White Leghorn cock. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Thiee entries — M. Moynihan 1, Mrs Pugh, sen., 2. White Leghorn hen. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Four entries — M. Moynihan 1 and 2. Brown Leghorn cock. First prize ss, 1 second 2s 6d. Two entries— W. Kirkland 1 and 2. £srown Leghorn hen. Fu^t prize ss, second ; 2s Gd. Two entries— W. Kirkland 1 and 2. Langshan cock. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Two entries— Mrs Stafford 1, Mrs C. Dore 2. Langshan hen. First prize 5s second 2s 6d. Two entries— Mrs C." Dore 1, Mrs Stafford 2. Any variety cock. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Four entries— H. Beattte 1 and 2.
Any variety hen. First prize ss, second 2s 6d. Three entries — H. Beattie 1 and 2.
Turkeys, any variety, bubbly and hen. Seven entries — "ilis M'Lay i } W. Movmhaii 2,
Ducks, any variety, cluck and drake. First prise ss, second 2s Cd. Four entries — W. D. Mason 1, fl. Brenssell 2. Gee&e, any variety, goose and gander. Tvo entries— Mrs L. Stafford 1, G. Robertson 2.
Hunter, over three flights 3ft 6in hurdles. First prize 40s, second 20s. Three entries— E. Docherty 1, M. Moynihan 2. High jump. First "prize 30s, second 15s, third 3s. Three entries— E. Docherty 1, M. Moynihan and E. Docherty 2. Stockmen's race. First prize 20s, second 10s, third ss— E. Docherty 1, G. Fisher 2, E. Docherty 3. Weight-guessing competition (sheep to be killed and weighed on the ground). First prize 20s, second 10s. Weight 112lb— Miss Stewart (Eoslyn^, 1121b, 1; D. Main 2.
The day's proceedings, which were on the whole very successful, were wound up by the annual ball, held in Webb's Hall. Hiinmel's orchestra played, and about 70 couples kept up the fun until an early hour on Tuesday morning.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2667, 26 April 1905, Page 30
Word Count
3,537MIDDLE MARCH SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 2667, 26 April 1905, Page 30
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