Amateurs are catered for at the Dunedin Cycling Club s sports on February 18, a mile race and a 220 yds handicap having been included in the programme.
The committee who undertook the management of the Harry Pearce benefit last week has handed over to the Australian wrestler the sum of £30 17s 6d, the proceeds of the recent benefit.
The American and Rhodes scholarships winner, Schrutt, who is now at Oxford, i showed good all-round form at Brasenose College sports, winning the Mile, the Quar'.ter, 100 yds, and Putting the Weight. In a trial one evening last week, Frank Ford, the well-known New Zealand athlete, threw the 161b hammer a distance of 117 ft 4-in, Ford is confident of being able to extend this performance by two or threo feet. He has returned to his home in Southland, but will^ hold himself in readi- '■■ ness -should A. A. Cameron accept his challenge to an all-round championship contest. I' fear me there is very little prospect of the two men coming together unlesss one or the other concedes certain events. Ford would be ill-advised to challenge Cameron in the Scotch athlete's own events, while at the same time Cameron would he taking on a considerable contract to defeat Ford in an all-round championship contest.
In order to arouse greater interest among Wellington athletes in the tour of Shrubb and Duffey, the Wellington Amateur Association has decided to hold a series of evening meetings on the lines, I presume, of those so successfully held by the Dunedin Amateur Athletic Club. The first of these came off in unfavourable weather on the Basin Reserve on Wednesday night last. The feature of the meeting was the running of J. H. Prenderville in the Mile, which he won from scratch in 4-min 51 4~ssec. Pollock, the New Zealand champion, also on scratch, was second. The 100 yds was annexed by H. Crombie off Byds in 10 4-ssec. F. Iloss won the Mile Walk from scratch in 7min 10 2-ssec, while the High Juin-^ was won by E. Cardale.
The five mile race at the Greater New York Irish Athletic Club sports, on October 30, afc Celtic Park, New York, which J. J. Daly won from J. J. Joyce and others, did not satisfy the followers of both athletes as p, genuine test of their ability. Joyce fell in "ftie last lap, and Daly won by 40yds. To satisfy all parties, a match was subsequently promoted by the club for Joyce and Daly,
and Daly again won. The time was 26min 42 2-ssec, which was 51 3-sseo slom'Sl' than that- of October 30. The now well-known athletes from Scotland, Messrs A. A. Cameron and G. H. Johnston©, together with their manager, Mr Irving, loft Dunedin on Thursday for Wanganui, where Ihey were to take part in the Wanganui Caledonian Society's sports on January 23. They return in time to compete hi a meeting arranged for them in Palmerston South on February 1. The meeting arranged! for Shrubb and Duffey to compete at in Sydney is set clown for April 15. They will have a week's preparation in Sydney, and the N.S.W.A.A. will provide them with a trainer. The New Soutli Wales representatives will also have the services of a crofessional trainer.
To hand from the secretary copy of the ' programme for the Axemen's Carnival, to no held in Invereargill on Easter Saturday, April 22, and Easter Monday, April 24. Prize money to the amount o>f £307 will be distributed during the two days to the successful competitor*. Included in the events of an interesting programme are four races for amateuts — 440 yds Handicap, Half-mile Handicap, One-mile Handicap, and Onemile Relay Race (team of four). A gold! medal presented by Mr A. A. Paape will be awarded to the competitor gaining the most points in the threo first-named events. The pick of New Zealand athletes will* compete at tho meeting, likewise the champion axe- j men of tho colony. The sub-committee of the Victorian Amateur Athletic Association met recently to make th© necessary arrrngements for the receptions of the world's champions, A. Shrubb and A. F. Duffey, who are now on } tho way to Australia in the steamship Ortona, due in Melbourne on February 8. The sub-committee decided to advise the [ council that meetings be held in Melbourne on I February 18 and 25, on the M.C.C. Ground, j and at Benc-.igo on th© 22nd. It was in- i tended originally to have held a meeting at Ballarat, but the- local centre reported that on the dates proposed large counter attractions were on at Ballarat. and it was reluctantly decided to abandon that meeting. The suggested arrangements (says a writer , in tho Leader) include a match between A. , Shrubb and a local runner at three distances, ; al«o a long-distance event, in which Shrubb will compete against a relay of runners, and ; a long-distance handicap ; whilst Duffey will probably compete in a 75yds Handicap, tho 100 yds Championship- of Victoria, and 120 yds j Limited Handicap. The usual Victorian j championship events will be spread over | the three days, and a number of handicap events w'll also be included. Probably arrangements will be made ifor the appearance in Melbourne of N. Barker, the New South Wales champion sprinter, and there is a fair chance that G. A. Moir, the former Avistralasian champion, may for the honour of the State be induced to start in the sprint events. Dr Sutton has stated that there is every probability of his being a starter in^ the 850 yds and. one-mile events, and G. A. Wheatley is already in active training. In addition, H. H. Hunter (Victoria) and S. Rowley (New South Wales) are getting into form, so that the visitors will need to be at their best to ensure success. According to the view of the Canterbury Times writer in re the Otago Centre's action in disapproving of the inclusion of two Aus- | tralian athletes competing at meetings in New Zcalaricl during the Shrubb-Duffey tour any centre that differs in opinion with the I ruling body and has the courage to voice that opinion may at once be set down as : opposing for opposition sake. It appa- j rently does not occur to him that the Otago Centre, when asked its opinion, has a perfect right to express it, even if it is' not in accordance with the views expressed by the council. The local centre probably brings • quite as much intelligence to 'bear on mat- | ters athletic as the council, and its fearless . expression of the side of any subject taken ! up is, in my opinion, far more worthy of commendation than the supine action of , those who allow themselves to be led by ! those in high places. j The evening meeting hqjd by the Dun- , edin Aniateur Athletic Club on the 20th at- ; tracted the largest attendance of the sea- . son. The racing was excellent and the finishes very close. The track was very soft, and in many places the ground was i under water. The 75yds Race was there- j fore started at the press box, finishing at ' the Kensington end of the -ground, while j the 250 yds was started at the entrance to • the straight and finished at the half-way ' flag opposite the grandstand.," In the \ latter race the sharp turn was \ery nearly the cause of a wholesale spill in -the first heat. The leaders lurched out when turning the corner, and some of the back-markers were thrown almost on to the track. The i occurrence was, of course, quite accidental. Still the track on the grass at the Caledonian Grounds is liable to reproduce these i incidents at any time. j The best form shown at the meeting was that of the brothers Murdoch and Roderick M'Lcnnon. The former dead-heated with [ Mooney in the 250 yds" sprint from the 14yds mark, while his brother the 75vds~ f rom | the 4^yds mark. M. M'Lennon the week | before dead-healed in the High Jump with O'Kane. Although he won with very little to spare last Friday he will improve, "and should be a welcome addition to the ranks of local sprinters. R. M'Lennon is better | known on the football field, and madejavery sjopd start on the track by getting home in his first effort. He is a nice stamp of runner, and will, it is to be hoped, con- ; tinue to_ improve. ! In the Walk all the competitors, with oneexception, walked with the greatest fairn€ss. Brown, who looks like , a coming champion at the "heel and toe," had the race won at the end of the sixth lap, and thereafter I contented himself with watching Morrison, j who walked well. The finish was much I more interesting than usual in this class of pvent, and although Brown had no difficulty J in keepiriEf Morrison at bay there was very , little to choose between them at the tape. \ All four were loudly cheered by the spec- I tators, and the exhibition as a whole was | distincty g;ood. The two newcomers, Row- i lands and Webb, walked with the greatest i gameness, and there, is no doubt that with j perseverance there is the makiners of good j walkers in both of them. Webb broke in the last lap when palpably tiring, but otherwise walked auite fair, while there was no' doubt about Rowland's stylo. I Of the other competitors at the meeting Parata showed a welcome return to form, and wa3 lust defeated in the 75yds race. He won his heat from the 7vds nwk in B|sec, and also won his heat in the 250 yds from the 19yds mark. In all his races he lost ground at the start, and should devote more practice to this most important part of sprinting. Mooney, who dead-heated with M'Lennon in the 250 yds. was on the Byds mark. Heis very well at present, and in good winilil'fir vein. Pater?W ran -vr-01l in the 250vcK and finished third. With more experience he will do better. In the 250vds. owing to tin? track, the back-markers had little chance, and TJoare, O'Kane. and Hamann «ufforcd on this account. I understand that Mr J. B. Holt, who , iudgod tho walking, was vorv plpaserl with ' tlie display, and was of opinion that there j was some very good latent talent in the bei igir'^rs. I Afc the conclusion of Hie cvoninp- meeting I I noticed with pleasure TTpctor Burk having [ a run. Thompson ioine'd him, and from the ' gait of the champion there seemed nothing "
wrong with him. He can be relied on to put up a good race with Shrubb. The programme of the meeting on March 11, when Shrubb and Duffey will compete, is to be placed before the centre this week. I understand that over £50 will be offered in lrophio», and that our visitors will be given a chance over their pet distances. In , this connection it is possible a team from. Wellington may be present and compete afc the Otago Centre's meeting. I trust our northern friends will make the trip, and can ensure them a hearty welcome. Re the suggestion made in this column that all applicants for membership in ama- | teur athletic clubs should be required to I make- the amateur declaration before elec- [ tion, "Sprinter," in the Canterbury Time?, points out that it always has been necessary for those wishing to join amateur clubs .to sign this declaration. I'or ''Sprinter's" information I may say that however much ie may have been necessary, tho rule has not been enforced, and at least one old established club has to my knowledge had forms printed for use since my notes appeared. A number of enthusiastic representatives of the various athletic bodies of Oamaru met on Saturday evening to consider the advisability of. taking steps to secure an exhibition by Shrubb and Duffoy, who will visit New Zealand in March next. The Pioneer Amateur Bicycle and Amateur Athletic Club (Christchurch) has decided to hold an evening athletic meeting on February 3. and if sufficient * support is^ forthcoming from competitors, ?t series of meetings will be hold up to the time of the visit of Shrubb and Duffey. The Wellington Centre of the Amateur Athletic Association it. arranging a, programme for the visit of SJirubb and Diirrr--the English athlotivs. ilie New Zealand Association is to be ask'sd whether at the championship meeting at Chri?l church special trophies will bo g-iven in the events in ■ which Shrubb and Duffey compete, in order that in these events championship medals will be available for New Zealanders. At a meeting in Masterton on January 20 an amateur athletic club was formed, called the Wairarapa Amateur Athletic Association. About 30 names were handed in o£ those desiring to join. A number of trophies have already been given, including one from Mr Harry Goodwin, ex-champion amateur walker of Wellington and New Zealand. Consequent upon the disqualification of two of the^ prize-winners at the Pioneer Amateur Club's recent race meeting the- | following have been awarded the forfeited I prizes: — One-mile— E. J. Davis 1, J. W. Ellis 2; 100 yds —P. H. Hartland 1, C. Morton 2; High Jump— D. Redpath and F. H. Francis dead heat; Three-mile Steeplechase— F. J. Leggett 1, W. H. Jones 2. The ; Ladies' Champion Challenge Cup was i awarded to P. H. Hartland, winner of the- ! lOOydfe Handicaps, 100 yds Championship of Canterbury, and second in the 220 yds Cham- < pionship of Canterbury. Mr C. Herbert, lion. "secretary of the Eng- ■ lish Amateur Athletic Association, writing to the secretary of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association concerning the ! visit of the world's champions, says : "1 » presume the two or three cables I received ■ | xmsigned c*me from the New Zealand Ama- - ! teur Athletic Association. Previously I had! t no means of knowing from whom. they. ( emanated. On the receipt of the first cable ; I wrote to the honorary secretary' of" the I New .Zealand- Amateur Athletic Association, stating the position of the English Amateur Athletio Association in the matter. I gave . i both Shrubb and Duffey to vmderstand that' j tho visit would and must be a, private one i if they were willing to go, "as I had no j authority to send them out under the j auspices of the Amateur Athletic Associa- \ tion. I told them the details of the un- , signed cables, and "both were anxious to go, but, of course, required some -more par- • ticulars and details before definitely accepting. All these facts I told the New. Zea~ | land Agent-General, who then, cabled to i 'Grierson,' whose identity in the 'matter I even now cannot understand. Another unsigned cable came to me regarding 1 Morton, to whom I communicated the request for him to go, and I also saw the Agent-TSeneral, and again explained the situation. In the v meantime Duffey had sailed for Washington on November 12. but leaving me YAs address; j in case the visit assumed a more definite shape. Tho whole facts shall be laid- before i my next General Committee ' on December 17. and they may or may not allow "Shvubb arid Morton to go. In any case, understand that we in England have nothing to do with,I Duffey, an American, with whom you must deal directly. I will cable you\directly my committee decides as to Shrul>b and Morton, if he consents to go out. Even now you are vagme as to how the men, if they\ go, are to h& housed, lodgad, etc. An agent, with full powers, ' should have been appointed .in this country to arrange all details, either with me or the men directly. Some little time back New yZealand 1 athletic scribes mildly roasted Mr J.. E. SulI h\an. secretary-treasurer to the A. A. Union 1 o\ the" United States, over: his supposed neglect in replying; to correspondence anenfc I the proposed' (at the time) visit of Olympic ! champions to New Zealand. Mr Sullivan, ! writins to "Prodigal." by the last mail from | New York, says:— "ln reading your valu1 able paper, I note your comments about tl c j New Zealand writers Criticising this office ! for apparent neglect. Well, I don t tliink. j that's fair. I did have a great deal of correspondence with the secretary of the N-Z. A.A.A., Mr Cuthbert East. I devoted i lot of time to him and his subject. I was to pick a team to go to New Zealand. The I letters were' never quite definite — never positive. The New Zealand Association, just as I was told the plan, sent a representative to me to confer. His name' was Mr Clarkson. I gave him all the information I possibly could. Finally, a few days be-fore. Iho Olympic Games,. a cable arrived, reading: 'Marco, Shrubb, and Duffey.' I translated:
—ih to mean: 'Ship Shrubb and Duffey.' , (Well, as they had notsent me any money, I sould not 3hip anybody. Furthermore, as fihrubb- and. Duffey were satisfied to be , Spuddling in the mvd 5 in England, and not Jooking for world's championships, I could fciot very well ship them. The next infor--inafcion that I received from New Zealand I '{was a'letter stating that the whole thing was - *oft' ; that they had made, a mistake in their figuring, and that he who they had enIfcruated to make the arrangement figured inly on railroad far© and transportation one wray, and when they got down to business 3-hey found that it would cost just as much teoney to send them back as it would to .•ring them there, and they announced the> ."|f aikire of the plan. You have hit the nail j)bn the head in your comment. I have been. •ijfcn' extremely busy man this season. How- 1 got through with it I don't know. I know - fchis much, that in six weeks I lost 201b. not Jtaking exercise, but what might be termed --■jnental athletics. Nevertheless, I had things *o arranged that my correspondence was getlen out at botb> ends of the line. You can imagine what it was when I tell you that I :".(kept two stenographers busy, at each end 1 — Itwo in New York and two in St. Louis. At the mail would accumulate, but I have Wade it a rule to answer every communica.tion that came in. Some letters I could not -_)Bnswer intelligently because it would take -idays, and -sometimes weeks, of my time to Wet " the information that is asked for ; but i don't like to be criticised of neglecting 1 _ jwork I apparently attended to. — Thanking -- Voulsincerely for you I.'1 .' kinffwords, I am, etc., % E. Sullivan." Mr C. East, honorary secretary of the New ..Zeaiiand Amateur Athletic Assentation, has : received the following letter from Mr C. D. -- , Tones, honorary secretary of the New South ' Wales Amateur Athletic Association, conierning details for an agreement between, various associations in connection with %Jie visit of Shrubb and Duffey Mr Jones (writes: — "We have engaged the Sydney Cricket Ground for April 15 and 22. We to be thoroughly understood that the ■ .visitors must be here to appear on April 15. Kindly forward at your earliest convenience a copy of your proposed agreement. In regard to the agreement : (1) We will agree Jfco whatever terms your association proposes, 'and that of Victoria agrees to in regard to r ,'±he expenses of Shrubb and Duffey and their jallowanoes while ashore. (2) We desire Ahat th&y should compete in such events a* are provided by each association. (3) That they should appear at not less than two j Meetings (most likely three) in this State. t would' suggest -that you rassociation should *ppoint~a gentleman in Melbourne to conter with -a representative of Victoria, and " Vne- of New South Wales, who should meet Jhrubb and Duffey on their arrival, when all matters regarding the tour could be settled lher& and then, each representative to be j Vested with power to make arrangements Vnd to sign the agreement." BRUCE ATHLETIC CLTJB. '___ Interest in Caledonian gamea in Milton has Vgain been reviveel after the lapse for two i - ? "£ears of the annual games held on New Year's i * J>ay. An enthusiastic meeting of- " sports " ! " jwaa'-held' in St. George's Hall on Wednesday j svening, nearly 50 persons being present/ Mr I P. Bastings was voted! to the- chair: It was' Jecided to form €he Bruce Athletic Club, -and ih.& following office-bearers were elected: — ~ --\ Patron% Messrs James Allen, M.H.R., and W. -v Moore ; ..president, Mr ~E. Bastings; vice-presi-3ents, Messrs James Landels and J ames jM'Leod"; committee — Messrs C. L. Grant, C. JG-rey, G. Fisher, E. 8.. Jones, J. Parlane, M. SStaunton, J. Bum, C. J. Eerrefct, (*. Fell, and JIC. ST. Draper; secretary, Mr. R. Lbckhart? Mr James M'Murtrie. The membership ice was fixed a.t 55, . and over £15 was collected in the room. It is intended to hold i. sports meeting on Easter Monday. _^iD.A.A.C. . EVENING MEETING. . 'The evening athletic meetings of the Dunedin Amateur Athletic.- Club are increasing in popuisnty, and there was again' a large attendance on the Caledonian. Ground on Friday to witaiess the- sixth of the- series. T-he events, of . AvMch. there were three^ — 75yds Flat, 250 yds pPiz.% and Two-mile Walk— drew large entries, tend the racing was interesting. A-. M'Lennon, a maiden runner,, won the final of the 75yds. IFlat, and dead-heated with Moonev in the. "final of ? the 250 yds. The final of the -250 yds wasiim- in. s^pu-darkness, and there was some fiifnculty -in "picking out the individual comjpetitots.,- The w* was a fair exhibition of iheel and trie, Brown, the winner, showng par'iicularly -good form. Mr M'Dopald made an efficient . starter. Results: — 75 Yabds Flat. • First heat: M'Lennon, 4§yds, 1; Mooney, . ■ 6yds, 2. AJfcT started : Hoare, ser, M'Farlane 6yds> •Shajwi.syds,-Webb''6yds. Won by half a yard. Time, 8 2-sseo. . ' -- Second heat: Lesliei 7yds, l;~M1leodj 4iy3s, B. -Also started: Hamann syd, Christie -ljyds,. JM'Cbrkindale 3iyds, Byan. syds, M'Cracken --'Siyds. .Won by a foot. Time, 8 3-ssec. Third teat: Paiata^ 7yds, 1; O'Kane, §yd, tAlso started: Milrojr 2£yds; Kudkih 4yds, rice syds, M'Ewen syds, Patcrson. 61yds. I r en'by a yard. Time, B%sec. FfnaL M'Lennou, -IJyda .... -r-,- 1 Parata, 7yd» 2 - All qualified started. The men jumped off fhe'Biark together. Paratn, was the first to *how clear, and when three-parts of the distance .had been traversed was still in the lead, and appeared to have the race at his mercy, "but M'Lennon, coming; fast on the outside, ■just beat him by bare inches on the tape. T:*me. 8 2-ssee. ■250 Yabds Flat. First heat: Paterson, 17yds, 1; Mooney, fyds, 2; M\Leod, 12yd», 3. Also started: jECoare scr, O'Kane 3yds, Christie syds, Don 3yds, M'E-wen 12yds, Titchener 14yds, Brown 28yds. Won by a foot. Time, 28 l-ssec Second heat : Paraia, 19yds, 1 ; E. M*Lenj.en, 14y«ls, 2 ; Hamann, 2yds, 3. Also started : Milroy syds, M'Corkmd?ile Byds, Kudkin 11yds, Hyan' 12yds, Price 15yds. Time, 27 3-osec. Final. E. M'Lennon 14yda . .. + Mooney, Byds .. .. J> ifi .. + Paterson, 17yds .. .. »., #jj i. 3 + Dead heat. All qualified started.- Parata and "Paterson Jah together to the turn, closely followed by ffiTooney and M'Lennon. The virtual scratch fnan, Hamann, got up alongside Mconey, but fthe- latter drew away. In the straight Pater«jon was leading, but M'Lennon and. Mooney, fcoming with a great burst of speed, passed JPatefson, and breasted the tape together. $ime, 28 2-osec. Two-jiile Walk. * Brown, scr .. .. I . Morrison, llOyda a 'Also started: Parsons "2oyds, Webb, 140 yds, .iDowland 140 yds. ' For more than half the distance Rowland led the field. Entering the straight for the .Seventh, lap Parsons, who had been walking ftell, dropped out. G-oing round for the last lap Brown, led by two yards from Morrison, ?rao xas about the same distance ahead oi
Rowland and Webb. The scratch man Brown put on a, spurt going round the back stretch, Morrison being in pursuit. The pair quickly outdistanced the others, and turning were over 40 yards ahead. The finish wa3 fcmglit out m great style, but Brawn gradually drew away from Morrison, and won by about 15 yards. Time, 17min 3 2-ssec.
WELLINGTON EVENING- MEETING. (3?kom Our Oytx Correspondent.) WELLINGTON, January 17. In view of the approaching visit of Shrubb and Duffey, the well-known English athletes, the Wellington Amateur Athletic Club has organised a series of evening competitions to take place on the Basin Reserve.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2654, 25 January 1905, Page 57
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4,062NOTES BY AMATEUR. Otago Witness, Issue 2654, 25 January 1905, Page 57
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