The Hyde Creamery was opened on Saturday, 31st ult. • ,_ , -'.No less than. ( 29 arrests' were made at Auckland on Saturday night and Sunday, most of--th"e charges being drunkenness. At L-yiteHron. l > the thermometer, ' which. ' stood-at 90deg in the sun ,bn Tuesday, had fallen to 48deg on Wednesday afternoon.. The town of Candellb, New South Wales, • has 1 , just been by'a plague ,o'f many houses "being, completely covered ,by • the' insects. - ■ .-. " , - , ~ - qld'P 1 . and O: liner^Ballaara?, "which* was engjiged in the Australian 'service many years-ago^has' been 'sold to" an Italian owner' ifor £9600. V*=, \" ", s j ' ' - V ' \ Oaly one offender was m Ash.burtdn for drunkenness duringr thfr holidays. ;It iwas.-his^ifirsi offence,- and be was fined . ss. and . costs.- c ■ - r , -', . \ " " ' , Gilded sixpences have been circulated in Auckland.' They' have been 1 cleverly dippedin an • bath. , Qne' made 'its, appearance at Thames/ ■ - ' "'' '*". 1 There i was- a considerable fall of- snow on the .higher slopes' of the Tararua Ranges l'a;few nights- ago — a -rather linusual phenome- . non towards the end of December: The', strawberry "erbp. £v Auckland is much., larger than growers bad^ expected.-. The .demand; liowevei, is greater than the supply, and' good- prices are. being obtained. - The.' Bruce Herald is informed that a 'five-roomed house- at Glenledi Coast, belpnging to Mr R. Morgan, was - completely destroyed by/ fire about 5 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. - " v - The governors of Nelson. College have -decided to erect temporary , buildings -at once, in order,' that .the work of thecolleg*e may be" carried , on with as -little interruption' as possible. " _, ' . '" ■ ' x • The Executive 'Council of South Aus--» tralia has ".decided that , Albert ~ William Bonfield, aged 23, shall bq hanged" on ' January l 5 for. the murder of Caroline . Elizabeth Hinds. .- - Otto. Lottimoser; steward on 'board the" German. -steamer Grosser' Kurfurst, was fined £25 at Melbourne on December 21 for sell- ■ ing" lager . beer at the 'wharf, 1 Port" Melbourne, without- a ,license. ' - "' '■ ■ A -Palmerstonian who lost a Tattersali's -sweep ticket 10. months ago ..found -It the : other day. He made- inquiries in Hobart and' Happily, discovered that he had .jron »£SO, "which was "duly, forwarded. _ „. - V -lifdrmaiiok fromT Johannesburg states tiiat the skeleton. , of ' G- M:, Schilling', 'the onearmed man, who* was -walking round the world,' was .found, by, the "Cape polioe" near ; Puff Adder, in the Ifrieska district. , ' It is estimated that to cope with the additional holiday traffic on the Bluff -section, of >the Government railways it would be necessary to provide* ,240 carriages, at an . approximate ' cost of ' £200*000. . ballasting, operations on the Edievale seotion of railway are being pushed on as • rapidly as. circumstances* will permit. A public meeting will be held at Heriot early in. the new year to arrange for opening o&remonies. The secretary of the Clyde, branch of the Otago Central railway has "forwarded a resolution, through Mr James Rennet, member for the district, urging: on the Minister of Public Works that the work of' erecting the -.bridges over "the Manuherikia River be proceeded with at once. • "I am pleased to, say," said a Thames mine manager of many years' experience last „ week, V that the present year will olose with a more hopeful feeling than has. existed at Thames for years. All rouiid.the, prospects are brighter, and there v is no doubt that the New Tear will open well." -A telegram, was reoeived by the Christ-, church polioe on Wednesday stating - that Dr Halsa 'Francis,- a resident of -Kaikouret, died on. Tuesday from the- effects -^of ' an. overddse of morphia^ whioh he had apparently- taken, inadvertently. Dr_ Gunn was called' in, -and resusoitation was attempted, but failed. ' There , is an unusually large crowd"" "of visitors at ths Port- Mblyneux Beach this year — fair more than on any previous year. Every place is full (says the Cluthp, Leader), and there are quite a number of oampera' out. In one house there are no less than 14 Dunedin young ladies, chaperoned by Sister Evelyn. &/ somewhat unusual and startling expe.'iienoe bsfel the. driver of a wafgog on_
the Orawia to Oteut&u road one l day ' last week. A swarm of bees settled on •• one of ' the horses, and, despite Tevery effort, would not disperse. The horse had to *b& un.yoked^and left on the jroadsidei; and its 'fat© has not, so far,. been, learned. • ./-C The- attention, off the : Sumner Borough Council has Been ■ drawn, to. \the" want of proper means>. of searching for' bodies in cases of drowning accidents at^Sumner, it -•being ' almost impossible to recover - 'bodies -.with .the means.>. i at,,present, i in r^useir , 1?he f matter was .ref^rreU to th"e**H'afbour^Bd"a'rd, < which ''has decided- to supply alT'the' iieoes- j sary drags,'. Kfebelis, *cte. , \> ' \~ r \ 1 Boxing" Day was-ihe hotte's€^aay^ which ha£ •Tbeen experienced' m Chidstchureh 'for some" time r the maximum', thermometer reading in the shade^being jß6deg7* ,This was "exceeded, on' 'Eebruary"^, 1902, when' the /maximum «, was SOHeg, and on-Februaiy 28, : r lgo2,,.wheh ; tst'"-was 87deg." The". 'maximum j in the shade, 'as reported nt the. ! Rbodes Convalescent Home, was 84deg.- - . • The following' message, under the heading "Latest Mail News," 'and 4 dated Wellington/, September 6, appeared,' in a recent issue of ,a London weekly,: -^" ,The ratepayers of- Wellington,- by a^-mJSrjoyity of ,bV*r '* 800," hare ' Eejecjed. .a> Bropbsal^iav borrow" ;'d870,000 for the' extension- 1 of the trantwuys, from- "Miramax tor' Dunedin. They 'agreed to ' a. soheme- for -amalgamating 'Cavereham ' with' the .city."--' ■' - ' ' ' The erection of the Deceased .Troopers' ■ 'memoriaL at Timaru ' has v f been oompleted, j and it has-been deeided*'to hivite" J his -Excel- I Jency^th© Governor to visit Timaru' to unveiL the memorial; the date of the ceremony to j "be fixed to.-suit his- Excellency's convenience ' if he cau accept the invitation at an early j date, after, say, the "20th. of January, by, j which ' 'time ' "the^ lettering should •be coin- i , pleted.: ' '\ ■" "'/;-' - .*' A " ' "" - .> ; A man named '-Donald ''Ste.wart v -was | charged at the Thames on Friday with pass- ! ing a counterfeit coin as a half-sovereign; j .-The coin was a sixpence, but was cleverly gilded to represent a half-sovereign. The 1 ' accused, who was committed . for trial at, j ■ Auckland, did -not' deny having^ tendered I _the coin, but said he was unaware that it ] was hot genuine. -The fraud was not de- ■ tected until, some three hours after the 'coinr was tendered... . ■; /J - « - ; "■ -- theß~reuttiba_ "of - ot3 -drsgera' held- "a^ ■ .Wanganui thii' week Mr^J.";Peak« told-iiV| interesting story of the carrying business -in ] the,yery^earljP-;days.- After ,"a brief trial at digging -he bought 'a team/ and commenced asacarrifer between Melbourne and Bendigo He- mentioned that; he, obtained' £30 a ton. in the summer, and £140 ria fte-winler, but ©yen at these seemingly .fabulous prices' it did not pay, and he -.relinquished the'business and came over to New^JZealandr / £~i£? T & consisting otDr and Mrs Chappfo." w WeUm g*°?)» Mr'andJSTrs J. .Campbell { (Wellington,, ih» former Government archt at° 'i> L^ 91^ Cson-in-lawvof the-, Premier), • w M^ a^ M - H -R-^aridMr W. Howell^ St.ephens6n, and Co., Invercargill), left,the-Bluff-oa'Thurs4ay;night by the^ Hmemoa for -Milfor.d', Sound. .The" pasty will walk^ overiapd, .via Mafiapouri and Te Anau, to Lumsden. arriving in Gore on Wednesday week.— Southern.. Standard. T^v^ 6 ?T^ °l the Wan'g^mii Hospieal Board stated at the board's meeting a few daya ago that a man who was an inmate ot the institution some seven or eight years nSfcw « ad ™ n ™<* * Ability of -£15, had caJled at the office and voluntarily paid £10. The person referred to had not been in possession of means till recently, and ,h<ad taken, the first opportunity to reduce his debt. He also expressed his intention of paying, the remainders soon as possibleVj cominerci *l traveller rianied MMasters had a very unpleasant experience on the Tarawa between Oriehunga and New Plymoufch last week. JBs went dowh into the hold to look at a raoeJiorse, and while, he wSa, -thus engaged the hatches - were" - fastened clown, the tailors "teing • unaware that, a' passenger was _ below. •" .Th«. imprisoned' traveller endeavoured -to attract" aotice^but it was not till ,some three hours elapsed tha* attention w*s directed' to his pjsedi-cament.^ .1 , How some valuable presentation.-, books i find their way to the hands of the-dealers-| (remarks- th© New Zealand Times) "'-»- ar j matter of conjecture. A catalogue of books • reoeived from a London bookseller quotes £10 10s as the price of a book written, in 1868 by Queen Victoria, entitled " Leaves irow thg Journal of Our Life in. the Hijth-
+?f ia ? l_^ ie o^j which was a present 1 the PrilpoQ Consort from. Queen Victori «ontaiaejd writing of the Queen to" ths eiieet. ■'>• « slewing draught taken by a young ma riPßt«fromr iPBt«from insomnia, caused by ove; study, was nearly attended by fatal conse quenoes^at Oambridge (Auckland) the otfce day. 'A&.the victim, was found in the morn ing to\be iv a comatose state, medical ai was callfM i n> an( j a ft er continuous effort !£!p^ over hours Jhe doctors sue ceeaed. .j^- r&3 £ O ring coifseiousness - an( <¥>unterac|;iu,g t&e effects ot'^the drug. Tfa young tastes condition was at one . Tim« exceeduigly oritkaL — °°™ a full-grown, man, who had beei aocTJstome'd to stimulate' on beer, get drunk on. one whisky and soda? was a question ove? I ?' iuo »; t aej SJM., police officers, and a memI ° eT of *ho 'legal' profession debated at great length at; New -Plymouth Jast week. The defence Va33 that. kidney troubles were the ? au p ,°MEhe man's f sud3en collapse after n?. na<l IHq fvyhisty and; E oda r and in. giviaz judgment, in the oase the S.M. praetioa^ agreed t% tbat was the true explanation of" tno cnrcuEtetances whibh had arisen. A Koyafe Commission has been appointeot toMnquir^i nta the working of the OJvil »er-i«ee-^fi^,Tasmaiiia. It consists- df- Mr Sfia Wj ex-police nlagistrate, and Mr •±t. U Ol^ifem^.cEieciera]. electoral-, officer and pubhef >o|tk3 = officer/ and deputy publio service inspVtdr 'for this Staie. -The iom™iafJon.ViMjfully, investigate the worEihg of , the'GivU^Sfervicej with a view ia> amalgama- " WSJL an d possible retrenchment. The reebnt-mendationgfc-f the commission will~probably b© .embocJiM in -« -new -Civil Service- Act. The Edujafion and Railway Departments •will not idbme under the review of the wmmissioiq'!-- 1-*1 -* ' - _ * " ' A-. misUap^ which TnigEt have had serious results att^-lsd the Oddfellows^ rpicnior picni o to Rotorua od. (Monday. Uowards of'SOO^persons wentlWross .. the Rotorna. Lake to, Tmgae. Qe^tetuniing thejiiachinery of the large new j motor launch- Rotorua broke " down;" as dia- also that of one o£ the smaller launches^ 'wlffef a' third took fire, and naturally) causfetf great alarm .to trie passengers. In consequence of these mishaps- some of the pionickt E& did not reach home before midnight. s fortunately none suffered any-, thing - worse a fright and a wetting. The aceidenjiare believed tahave beendoo^ to- overloaSi ig. _ ■ ' . . The large, gang of" men" employed, in' the _ railway concretion works with the proposed site of thene^ wharf at. Qamaru are making: rapid progr© s.- Ifr.js expected that the -Hue . will *be', completed in -time to carry- to the mole two 'cargoes of' timber, whiciv,. are expected shortly, where' it will be 1 stacked in readiness -tfalfil required; w The dredge : 13 doing gdqjd wori, and the >MaSJ uunderr r ■ standa thaS^stiffieient depth 'Bps- been, robtained to;!warrant-5a start being "made >n the -constrtifltrdn of the' nefa- -wharf. Of course therefc-a lot' v Of dreSging to be done,, "before the I^rfchjs" sufficiently -deepened to" -' as^smm°dat€rtite-larg,e£.class-,ofa s^s mm °dat€rtite-larg,e£.class-,of vessel* whieTk--f'lt -is".4oi accpjmmodatel * ' '" \" I - iThe " T;aKmi&L-Herard' cays .that stories . are I told' 1 of- difficulties of locomotion and transit 1 in., that district whi^hr -'will ' appear almost ~in credible r to., bee-pie- who do' not know.whatt. a/ bush rpacTNan become. Mr O'Neill haoT" seen- three draugnt) I^orses, worth £150, em"ployed thronghotrt'the past season in TfaHng . Hess than half a ton of milk— which a light : tr'ap*horße^wili-3rawroni a~meta?llecf- ioad= i T-'|o, [ the, factory,' knd^ even than sometimes the : milk had to }\e emptied out into the "mud in. : order to get jjxe, cart and cans home. Another 1 settlers-Mr, Fuiiierfy, said that only a day I or^twb'-^revii tisly he had seen. 18 bullocks yoked to: ailprd'of about 30cwt on the road .he 'ha'ds-to cosie. along, -to the factory' daily.. _"WhiM;Me{irtf A.rR: : iTack, G. «TT Wood, ■~W: H. Dabin^iffi; Mingo Potiki^ and severalladies" were 1 ashing 1 oft *fche JErlstoke^ Reefi. ; (Port Molyneux) on •Cuesday Mr 'Jack i notio6d>- sbmefihing rising^ in "the watei? to-" , wards the nai)d of io-ne of the ladies resting lon the side i;! of .the ,. boat. . She had j«s* her -&anc> J (say3 -the Clutha Leader) I when the head of large 'sharfr rose^six .or J eight inches out of~the water. One of the ■ p^arty struck t%e brute over the head several ; times, but it jdid not seem to take much i notice. They [subsequently baited a hook, \ and.' in-.a; short time^had the satisfaQtion-.of ! catching' the~' fgly customer. -G^etting fliim tKffjt belaboured him"jwT6i at boat-, ! hook^ and , afferwards -pulled ' him -twhora i more " dead >t»aii alive. -The. /monster j measured 7ft tOmin lengthy, and 3ft e t^xt iin girth— a d<*iSedly " <%i|geEous' visitor to I the Day.' • " C-J.c-^-^^.'i'.V'x, , The from as' •' private letter "f,writtspr rv by ? *« "-"-New Zealand I lady now/in. jf^dc^-f« ; Mr-^4r^ laTwell< j .laiown Kew you^know, haunts every. ''?p^r>T\ff~h'a.r\ri- -KoA}f«j]if>p. hunting for gejns,, and^ni^this -|r«!asjonrie"-goi?. one. lie- is," ~-maimg3K eo^wfcHM><>i?,bbo4^ioS.''l<ftW I sfc~aland,- an#~he i down t -a v ffldfi'sEte^^aod?''aaked."Jf6r-*a>Bn^ onl New-'Zea^ndr^adti^ysaiU^l^eSj tbey, had one,' aiid.irOTEht^it/btf-^BTirely^bhapd in, leather,- "and/ tK#;%m.e; ' •^a'QyCMafy^Eygon^ in gold, o'lr'ibe' piffisraev^riYou" remember she , was " one, of f tae,'"-,-ladies^in-waitiiig' to th& Princess of W^les in ISew Zealand; and inside -the covl^- it stated, 'Presented to I/ady Mary', Ljgpn by Richard Seddbn," etc., ! etc., and tbe.Jsjubject o£ the hook — a colleci tiou of. speeches made by R.S. to Maoris lon the land duestion. And this valuable I present was sold to Mr for Is. What i would poor- MrVSeddon say?"
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Otago Witness, Issue 2651, 4 January 1905, Page 4
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2,293OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Witness, Issue 2651, 4 January 1905, Page 4
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