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The monthly meeting of the Clutha County Council was held in the Council Chambers, Balclutha. on Friday; present— The Chairman (Mr "W. Hay) and Crs J. dimming, J- C.arke, W. Grainger, D. A. M'Lachlan. VT. Nicol, A. C Saunders, J. R. Mitchell, and J. A. Ayson. CORKESPONDSNCE. Tha Secretary to the Treasury, Wellington, wrote informing the council that the sir.i 1 of £l<) had boen remitted to the credit cf ihe Cluiha County Fund on account of flood d?magps. — Received with thanks. The Receiver of Land Revenue, Dim ed m. wrote advising the council that he had paid ii> »*, the Bank of New Zealaud to the credit of the Land Fund account at JBalch'tba the undermentioned amounts being '" thirds" ant 1 " fourths" of land revenue for the periods staled. -January l to March 31, 1904, £130 0s 40; April 1 to June 25, 1904, £?,G 17 j 10d — fipceived. J. "W. Thomson. M.H.R.. Wellington, wrote to the effect that he would be very pleased to co-operat-j with Me=srs Symes and Jennings legarding assistance thai should be extended to local bodies. — "Received. The Clerk of the Balclutha Borough Council wrote conveyirg the thanks of the council for the use of the County Council room during the erection of the borough's new buildings. Dr Fleming wrote notifying the council of a case of scarlet fever at Toiro. — Received.

Dr Ogston, district health officer for Otago, wroie nofifyingisihe council that whooping cough was prevalent among children attending the Reomoana School, Port Molyneux, and Maori Kaik, and asking the council to see that all possible precautions be taken to limit the spread of the disease, as the places mentioned would soon be frequented by tourists. — The Chairman mentioned that the school -.vas to be clqsed for two months. He also mentioned that the cases were all improving, and tho trouble was practically dying out. Messrs John Swan and Co., Dunedin, wrote re supplying the council with dog registration labels. — Received.

A. Clulee, secretary of foe Benevolent Institution, wrote requesting the council to appoint a delegate to attend the annual meeting of representatives of contributing local authorities to elect trustees of the Otago Benevolent Institution. — Held over till next meeting. A. Burns, secretary of the Dunedin Hospital, wrote making a similar request m rsgard to election of trustees for the Dunediu Hospital. — Held over till next meeting. T." S. Graham, secretary of the united district of Central Otago (Charitable Aid) Board, wrote intimating that it would be necessray for contributing local authorities to hod the annual election of members of the above-named board on Wednesday, 23rd November, at the County Council offices, Balclutha. — Held over till next meeting.

The same writer wrote regarding the meeting of contributing local authorities in connection with Otago District (Hospital) Board. — Held over till next meeting.

Alfred Thomson, puntman, wrote resigning his position as puntman at South Molyneux. — Accepted, and applications to be invited for the position.

John Farquhar and three others wrote drawing the council's attention to a gate leading through Messrs P. Ayson' s and H. Robinson's properties, which, in the writers' opinion, wa3 a source of danger to travellers, and asking for its removal. — To be left in the hands of the engineer.

Frank Poff, Longbush. Southland, wrote asking the council to pass work done by him on Chaslands road, and to credit him with amount in his rate account. — Request declined.

John B. Green, Pleasant Grove, Owaka, wrote stating that he proposed to absolutely close the private road through sections 5 and G, Block IX. Glenoinaru, for the term of one week from November 10. — To stand over till next meeting.

Edward Clements, PoxJotunoa, wrote offering, in the event of the council allowing him to ocoxipy river bank reserve, to keep it thoroughly clear of all noxious weeds, etc. He also requested permission to erect another gate on the river bank at the corner of sections 4 and 5, block XIV. — Left in the hands of the engineer. • • Robert Ayson, Toiro, wrote requesting permission to erect a gate on block road running east and west at the rear of his property. — Request granted

The New Zsaland and Australian Land Company, Dunedin, wrote to the effect that they had beau advised by the Telegraph Construction Department that the Clydevale telephone was stuck up for the want of funds, through subsidy not being received. — On the motion of Crs Mitchell and Clarke, it was decided to forward £25 immediately, and call upon the bondsmen for payment at once. Cr Saunders presented a petition from Mr John Miller and 15 other settlers of Kahuika, drawing the council's attention to the almost impassable state of the road between Campbell's and the M'Lennan River. — Cr Sauuders moved that the matter be left in the hands cf the engineer to attend to.— Seconded by Or Ayeon, and carried.

The Clerk of the Bruce County Council wrote forwarding the following resloution passed by his council : — " That a return be asked i or stowing the amount of outdoor relief grantad to persons residing within each local authority, and the amounts contributed by eaoh local authority to the Charitable Aid Board " ; and asking the co-operation of the Clutlia County Council in the matter of getting a return, as the Benevolent Trustees had refused io furnish one' in the past. — On the motions of Crs Saunders and Clarke, it was decided to support the Bruce County Council in their demand, and that it be left to the chairman to take further action, if neces-sary, after the next meeting of the Bruce County Council.

Johri M'Kinley, Tahatika, wrote asking the cruncil for an outlet from his property, section 60, block I, Catlins. — Cr Saunders moved, and the Chairman seconded—" That Andrews (an adjoining neighbour to M'Kinley, and who had obstructed tns outlet from the writer's property) be asked to erect a gate on the fenced roadline."— Carried.

Robert L. M'Latohie and five other settlers o£ Owaka presented a petition asking the council to open the road adjoining Green's property, and also the road through Miss Shand's. — On the motions of Cr Saunders and the Chairman, it was decided to hear the peti-

tioners.— After the petitioners had been fcearci considerable discussion ensued, and it va* finally decided, on the motion of Crs Clarx psu TCirol, that the request be granted, suojeii. t, lbs engineer's approval. John Findlayson, o. -"re'e ig Uie dangerous state of ihe b:id;e o.i iho Cm! track, near the wiiter', !vji-ip=tei-d — Oil ir? motion of Cr Xichol r.n--l Ihe O-u.min, it *.v.i= decided to leave ihe :n.u'.. '.- '>- cici-cc* to attend to. . -, G. Hunt, Tahs-i.k?, v. i< .-> -■'. t - Me rev : i. to erect a bridge <■ i x < c " •'-"' l>'»"cr, /■•' the wntei's- propc~-v, ■>;'■■ :\c • locci-^-crossing — -l-me'v. > • -" <' ' v.hcn^. . river wp.4 Li floo I. j' 11..11 ..' 1 • '■ - •' ■•- ) - e ? ri f a l1 *• give every ci-shl. :"■ " ' "- r " -~--\ ol •"' bridge. — O.i '-ha m-> • • '--.-■ ■ i isr<s * < Aitken, it v..i h : ' . "■ e?i v...i the matter. ... , ,- , Central dago, JVar^t-.i. .. A O .■ ,■ C hrnUb.s Aid Boaid. and the Sc.ic-i.w a "'-c OU~a Hospital Board foi-.-ircleJ sita!,ki.,s oi jiie levy' for ihe "cnri-e.i* rear Iho I< ' »• for !a« former was:— For the year frch ,s M?rch. ol : 1905, £123 10s: to ec'-er. mo.-th- 10-iTsbutio.-is to date. £247 03 10rl ; Ly v-a v "ents to £207 0s 6d ; balance due to the board, £i 00s 4d. The latter wss ■ Levy for year ending March 31, 1905, £272 10& ; to seven months' contributions to date, £158 0s 2cl ; by payinenip to date; £ISI 19s 4d: balance due to board. £2S 19a 4d. — Received. — exgissek's eepop.t. The Engineer's report w"as read as follows: — "In conjunction with the county clerk, I have to lay before you information dealing with heavy traffic. Heavy tr-ifnc nieaiis a load and vehicle on two wheels weighing more tha-i COcwt, and on four wheels three tons, and when bullocks are used the traction of anything irrespective of weight. The council has not power to regulate for weights -which come below the above minima. This practically bars via from dealing with the timber traffic in the Catlin's district or regulating the weights. The council has power to make by-laws providing that heavy traffic (as above) of all or any kincl shall cease during the whole or any parts cf the months of May, June. July, August, and September. But we think it would be unwise to fcrce this provision, as it would entail too much hardship on the timber traffic. Its effecii might also be defeated by so leading as to come below the definition of heavy traffic. Tho council has authority to provide for payment* of a license fee or to provide for ?.n annual paymeiit of any reasonable sum by way of compensation for damage likeiy to occur, and we are of oninion that the latter is the system the council should adopt, and recommend thafi a conference of tho council with the sawmillera bo held in order to arrive at a satisfactory arrangement. . . '• The various detailed instructions issued at last meeting have been carried out or are in progress. J^o reply has so iar been received from the Land Board re Carrick's application. Jones's ford has been attended to. The culver* in front of J. Heaps' s has been cleaned out and a coating of metal p\it on top. Mrs Shaw (Finegand) has agreed to give £5 towards grading the road between the river and the railway crossing. I have inspected the bridge site at the forks at the Puerua. There is scarcely, a sign cf the old bridge left. A new bridge could be built for £15. Re James Main: This work is waiting Mr Main's convenience as to carting. All the works authorised have been advertised, tenders for s&sie beir-g opened today. "Re contracts : Mr Townley ha=> started ma works at Waipahi, and Mr Sharp has just about finished his .work at Glydevale. Mr Smith has been working at his contract of gorse cutting, etc., at Port Molyneux. These are the only contracts in operation. • " During the month Mr Begg's bridge has been finished; also the footbridge' at Kelsd by day labour. The accounts for the latter have not come to hand, but they are not much, more than half the tender price. — I am, etc., J. "Walker Johnston, county engineer."' The report was adopted, consideration of the question of heavy traffic being held over for a month.


Tenders were accepted as follows: — Contract !Xo. 117— James Townley, M 0; contract Xo. 118 — James Townley, £60; contract Xo. 136 — Kobeit Dynes, £45; contract K"o. 138 — (a) A. Paterson £3 15s per chain, (b) James Murray, £4; contract No. 1-11 — Palmer and M'G-oogau, £41 los; contract Ko. 142 — John Taylor, £25 10s; contract No. 143 — M. Kane. £27 10s. There were no tenders for contracts Xo. 135 and 137, and on:y one for 139 and 140. Fresh tenders to be called in each case.

The Clerk reported receipts and expenditure for the month as follows: — Expenditure: Government grants, £54 0s lOd : Laud Fund* £13 13s; general, £107 17s 3d;— total, £475 lls Id. Receipts: Deposits, £5 0s Gd; refunds; £2S 3s 3d ; office rent, £G 10s ; Government vote (flood damages), £40; dog tax, 2s 6d; rates, £837 16s lid;— total, £917 13s 2d.— Adopted, and pay-sheet passed for payment.

On the motion of Crs Clarke and dimming, the sum of £15 15s was voted to the chairman for travelling expenses for the past year.

Proposed by Cr Cumining, seconded by C? Grainger — " That the engineer be authorised to expend £20 on the Pukerau-Waikoikoi road opposite Sinclair's house." — Carried. Proposed by Cr Clarke, seconded by Cr Ayson — " That tenders be called for quarrying, say, 500 yards of stone at Albert's Cap quarry for the stone-crusher; also that tenders be called for carting the stone to "Waiwerc* station road." — Carried.

Cr Saunders brought tip the matter cf tho South Molyneux special rate, and moved that a test case be brought for next court day at Owaka. — Seconded by Cr Nicol, and carried.

It was resolved that tenders for dog collars be called for next meeting, also that applications for dog tax collectors be invited. It wag decided to fix the dos? registration fee at 2s 6cl.

Cr Saunders moved that the Marine Department be asked to take ovei* the control oi Owaka jetty. — Seconded by Cr Cumming, and carried.

It was decided that the next ordinary meeting be held immediately after the pnimal meeting on Wednesday, November 23.

The Chairman mentioned that this was the last meeting they would have during his term of office. He desired to thank members for the courtesy shown him en all occasions, andj said the utmost harmony had existed between them during the past year.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 2642, 2 November 1904, Page 23

Word Count

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Witness, Issue 2642, 2 November 1904, Page 23

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Witness, Issue 2642, 2 November 1904, Page 23


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