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]An ordinary meeting of the Bruce County Council was held yesterday at Milton ; present ■—Crs Begg, Adam, Noble, Bryce, Crane, jfcfsurtin, Noble; and Mosley.

.in the absence of the chairman at the County Councils' Conference, Cr Noble was Voled to the chair.

" Cr 'Driver wrote., tendering his resignation •s a member of the' council. — The resignation Was accepted with expressions of regret.

EsrarsTEEß's bepoet.

The Engineer (Mr A. Nelson) reported as Hp.lows: — * 1' I have the honour to report to you on the eta'ie of the roads and works for "the period ending July, 1904:— Roads: The roads at this season of the year are -in very- fair order, with tße exceptions of some short portions of Inchelutha, Wangaloa. and Loudeh's Gully to the coast. Works: .The works on road to Waipori, under Government grant of £100, are near completion. The formation contract on War-g&loa-Coombe Hay road is also near completion, and the work of erecting the Crookfeuru bridge is also near completion. The impairs to Stony Creek bridge are now finished. Portion of the river bank close to the side of the read above Falconer's bridge, ffokoiaaixiro, was threatening to be washed away, and to protect the road several truck loads of large stones were got from Logan's Point Quarry, and they have been built into X wall from the bed of the river upwards to protect the road af this point. A i>ipe culvert has been, placed under the main road opposite Messrs Finch and Drinnan's farms, lokomairiro. Messrs Finch and Drinnan have cut -a ditch up through their lands to a lower level than the present culvert. These gentlemen also -assisted! to put in the culvert, the council supplying the pipes. A new culvert has also baen put down on the road through JBarnego Estate, near Morgan's, and a very eoft piece of the roa-d, one chain in length, 4as been metalled. A new culvert has also been put down on the riverside roa-d near Pillans's' station in place of one that has given way. A large sluice box leading into the river *t* Muliine's, Inchelutha, gave way, and stopped the flow of water in the ditcheg. Instead of laying it down with timber again it «ras arranged to put in a pipe. Messrs Mui'tine and Steele agreed to cart the pipes free of charge, and the work of taking up the old box and laying down the new pipes is in hand. Some maintenance metal has been laid down on the following roads: — In Matau Riding — Salclutha to Kaitangata road. Tokompiriro Eidng — North branch load and Southbridge loads, and part of Main load, and several of file roads near Milbtirn and Clarendon. On the Balclutha-Hiilend road — EcacT on the flatthrough Barnego Settlement. The work nf filling up the washouts on the Wangaloa road «f; Glenfern and Mitchell's Creeks is now completed. The works on the road through block VI, Clarendon, under Government grant, are etiJl progressing slowjy. The rails forming the coverings on several culverts through th<" •village settlement at Taieri Beach have been renewed. Several other small works have been carried cut during the past two months."


The Treasury Department wrote stating that owing to the present stringencj' in the money market the Treasurer regretted that he could not entertain the council's proposal for an advance of a loan, as all the money available had to he used in opening roads to back Wocks.— Received.

James Allen, M.H.R., wrote stating he would interview the Treasurer re advance on loan, •nd that ]ac would lay the list of grants ic-

quired for vote* before the Roads Department. — Received.

The Stock Department forwarded a Gazette notice of additions to the noxious weeds schedule. — Received.

The Treasury Department wrote requesting the council to fill up «• return asked for by the House of Representatives of all loans raised, or in process of raising, by the council, rates of interest, sinking fund accrued, etc., up to March 31, 1904. — The Chairman stated the return had been filled m and returned to the department. The Town Clerk, Kaitangala, wrote acknowledging receipt of a letter from the council objecting, on behalf of some ratepayers, to the proposed site,. oi the nightsoil tieposit. — Dr Ogston, writing on the same matter, stated that hp was of opinion the proposed site was a suitable one, and no evil result would arise through stock drinking water below the depot. — Received. **

Sarah Turner, Stirling, wrote asking that something be done to improve the entrance to hex proiierty, and offering pipes to put in a culvert if the council would supply the labour. — Referred to the engineer for attention. H. W. Frazer wrote drawing the council's attention to the state of the road between John Frazer' s and Morrison's property. — The engineer reported that the road had been attended to. A letter was also read from John Frazer drawing the council's attention to a culvert between his and Morrison's. The culvert had fallen in and stopped the flow of water. — The engineer reported that the chairman ar.d himself had inspected the road, and could not find the culvert described.

Messrs Neunie and Horsburgh, Loveli's Flat, wrote offering 5s per ton for all green flax on the county roads in the Kaitangata-TTangaloa roads district.

Eobert Riddle wrote offering 5s Gd per ton for the flax, and stated that it was estimated there would be 500 tons of green flax on these roads, and he would, in carting, limit the loads to one ton.

J. H. Thompson wrote offering 4s 6d for the flax on. the roadside near the Malau School, inchclutha. — It was decided to decline the offers in the meantime.

Mr Neil Patersou, on behalf of the hotelkeepers in the Bruce district, wrote asking for r. refund of a proportion of license fees as lecommendeo 1 by the Licensing Committee. — Cr Begg said the council had no power to make a refund. — Cr Adam moved that Mr Paterson be infoinied that the council had no power to grant the request. — Cr Martin seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.

R. .Baxter wrote asking for a rebate on the rates on the Inchclutha Dairy Factory land and buildings on the grounds that it had been a financial loss to him since he pmchased it. He had asked the Valuation Department to reduce the valuation, but it had refused to do so. — The Clerk reported that he had been informed that the factory buildings had been scld for removal, and the rate 1 ' were in arrear for the past year. — It was decided to collect last year's rates, 'jut to recorrmend the department to reduce the valuation.

Letters were read from a large number of •county councils asking far particulars of the small bird traps adopted by the council. — The clerk stated that lie letters had been leplied - to and cages sent where ordered. The Interim Secretary to the association proposed to be formed by his Worship the Mayor of Dunedin for the promotion of the commercial and general interests of Otago, wrote requesting the council to elect a representative. — Cr Martin said the council should give its hearty svpport to any movement having for its object the advancement of the province. He moved that the chaiiman of ihe council be ap-

pointed its representative. — Cr K"oble seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. Tba Roads Department wrote stating that it now undertook the legislation of roads, etc , and that all plans of closed roads were in future to be sent to the district road engineer, who would examine them as to the advisableness of the roads being closed or deviated. — • Received.

Mary Heads, Milburn, wrote drawing the council's attention to the state of the ditch on the side of the road past her property towards Circle Hill, and stating that the ditch must be cut deeper to carry the water, ps at present it flowed over her paddocks.— Received. H. L. Johnson, Berwick, wrote asking the council to improve the grade on the hill rising uv> to Berwick, known as M'Judoe's hill, as it was in a very dangerous state. — To stand o\ er till next meeting. J. Orchiston, Akatore, wrote stating that there were three very bad pinches on the road leading to his land. A deviation through his ground would give a grade of, say, 1 in 12, at a small cost for side cutting and formation. If the council would carry out the work he would give the land free of cost, and also remove the fences. — The engineer was instructed to report at next meeting. The "Waipori Falls Electric Power Company wrote acknowledging receipt of the council's resolution regarding the Enabling Bill, and asking the council to request Mr James Allen, M.H X., to support the bill in the House. — Received.

James Landels wrote asking the council to form the road past Smaill's property, and offering £10 towards the work. — The engineer was instructed to report on the application.

David Shanks wrote asking the council to take steps to improve the road through section 43, block VI. Table Hill. He estimated the cost at £10 — The engineer was instructed to report at next meeting. Stephen Aitcheson, Wangaioa, wrote asking leave to put in a culvert across the road to keep the water off his property, fluid he requested the council to supply the pipes. — Left over till next meeting. The M'Gill Trustees, writing re township outside Milton, stated that the streets were to be formed to the satisfaction of the council. They suggested that the council carry out the woiks, and they would pay on completion. — It was resolved that the council prefers that the tiustees should do the woik to the satisfaction of the county engineer.


Several letters were read from the Minister of Marine a-nci Mr James Allen, M.H.R , showing the final result thast the department agreed to the wire lopes of the Taieri Mouth punt remaining at the height they were above the wptor when the department's action was com- - irenoed against the council on the ground that the wire ropes were dangerous to navigation of the river.

j The Chairman said as the Marine Depart- | ment had withdrawn all opposition to the I height of the .wire ropes the punt was now I woiking as usual. Matters were in the same j posihon as befoie the -action was commenced, ! the department having discovered that it had | taken up a wrong attitude. Cr Mosley moved that the council request the Maiine Department to take steps to have the council's name expunged from -the court records.

Cr Martin seconded the motion, and. said the case had been brought on by over-officious officials. The motion was carried unanimously. kaitangata ctlveets.

The Town Clerk, Kaitangata, wrote forvraacliug a petition from 10 ratepayeis of the borough stating that the culvert on the noitheast boundary of the borough was too small to contain all the water in time of flood, aud

consequently there was an oveiflow on to the i petitioners' property. The Chairman said this was an old question I which had cropped up agsin, and if any griev- j aiice existed the blame rested on the Borough Council, which had deliberately closed up the ditch that drained! part of the petitioners' property, and diverted all the water into the county drain. If the county ditch was not large enough the remedy was m the hands of the Borough Council — viz , to cut a ditch from the boundary down to the canal or river. It was not at all likely lhat the ratepayers up around Stirbng would raise money to drain land within the Borough of Koitangata. To put a larger culvert under the railway would cost JEIO or £50, and the Matau drainage district had no funds at disposal to undertake a woik of that dimension. It wis questionable, anyway, if a larger culvert would remedy the evil. If i larger culvert was pin under the railway, to be of any benefit a larger culvert would have to be put thiough the bank into the canal, because if the water got through the one it would be blocked at the lower one, as they were both on the same level. — On Cr Mosley's motion it was resolved to reply that the council had nothing to do vuth the matter, and that the remedy lay with the Borough Council. CrEJTERAi The statement of receipts and expenditure for the month showed the former at £610 12s and the latter at £S6l 15s Sd. The former included rates, £141 14s 6d ; Government vote, £3 32; loans, £200; and refund for works. £100; and included in the expenditure were the items : Works, £548 10s 6d; suifacing roads, £74 Is; hospital rate, £57 0s Sd; charitable aid rate, £•51 15s ; and salaries, £6-2 10s — Approved. It was resolved, according to advertisement, to make and levy a general rate of Id in the pound 1 over the Clarendon, Crichton, Glenledi, Tokomairiro, and Waihola Ridings and the outlying district of Matau Riding, |d in the pound over Inchclutha subdivision of Matau Riding, and gd in the pound over Mount Stuart Riding ; to make and levy & hospital and charitable aid rate of 3-16 d over the county ; a separate rate l-6d over the county for Balchitha traffic bridge " secondl instalment," and a separate late of Id over Matau drainage district On the motion of Cr Begg the council decided to procirre iron moulds for the manufacture of concrete pipes. SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting was held at noon for the purpose of confunung special orders constituting the Kaitangata Rading a special works distuct, to be known as the '" Kaitangata Flood Repairing District," and making and levying a special rate of Jd in the pound upon all the rateable property in Kaitangata Riding. i

The Auckland Star states that a despicably mean thief recently .-=-tcle the til&s fiom a grave at Puiewa Cemetery. Advice to Mothers — Are you broken in your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth t Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of Mss Winslow's Soothing- Syrup. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harmless and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes " as bright as a button." It soothes the child, it softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates iihe bowels, and is the best-known remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers everywhere! i

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 2630, 10 August 1904, Page 18

Word Count

BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2630, 10 August 1904, Page 18

BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2630, 10 August 1904, Page 18


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