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-Ins last week has bsen a fairly' eav one W £°W^» 2rsu£Hs thronged with those ewje'r to show thekiXres. m the explorers about to leave by being priaeiM to wave a, fiiuJ K ood-bye. About a ft-oi *h* ss 7 V€T y.? nd doming moved away WM c i m wharf am V* &t ringing cheara. On J.IJVI.S. Jaurarjga a bugle wa& sounded, and a salute gim firecil, tHe sailors also ch«eriji» heartily. About 253 quests of the Harbour Board were present 0:1 their tug, and accompuniPd the two vessels almost as f ar M the .Heads. The Lyttelton Marino Band, being on bcaid .played such appropriate airs as ''The grl I left behind me. 1 ' -xnd "God be with you ! ti,l we meet again." Numerous stragglers be- | losing to berth crewa had to be gleaned in by ncats and tug on the journey along the harbcur. When the timj came to leave the tvo Antarctic vessels to piwsue their lonely voyage, the band on the tug struck up "Auld lang syne, and many final cheers were given Ibe tug return-ecll to LytteJton, and the visitors werp regaled with afternoon tea Chi is'tc 'lurch will feel rather depressed for a time after so much gaiety. However, the spirits of the Wer3 of dancing will be roused ciice more by rumours of a large ball to be giver, by the bachelors of the town in a short time. Tho members of the Hunt Club were the gupsts of Mr and Mrs E. V. Palmer, "Burn-1-arn." last Tuesday. An ex;;ellpnt day's sport and a sumptuous lunch and afternoon tea rewarded them for their eaa-ly start on a cold morning. Among those following on horseback and wheels were Miss Rutherford, the Misses Bassett, Miss Murray- Ay nesley, Rev. and Misses Jasper Smythte, Mrs Wardtrop, Mr Montgomery, Mr G. Gerard, Mr Collins. Another of Miss Cox's charming little assemblies took place on Tuesday evening, this one being fancy dress; but not compulsory. A daiiriy little supper of the- saoidwich kind was given, and dancmg was kept up io.ll 2 o'clock. Miss Scnvenor supplied the music, and the extras were played by Lieutenant Royds, of the Discovery, and Mr D. Helrnor-e, both being I excellent. Miss Cox wore a piebby Watteau costume ; Miss Peach (Mmvit Somers), Japanese; Miss Phillips (The Pou-t), an excellent c-iess called "Carnival" ; her sister, Miss D. Phillips, a cfiarmiii" costume of green" ar.dl black, lepresenting a Japanese bcetble; Miaa Lewin locked very well incieed in an Early Victorian dress and bonnet; Mass Overton also vi ore an Early Victorian costumia, which was lvosl perfectly carried out, moat of the dress having belonged to her grandmother; M 193 Mathias, Dutch peasant; Miss Harley, "Folly"; Miss Ai:derscm, North American Indian; Miss Moore, "Dieaden chm-a" ; Miss Kifcson, country girl ; Mi=s Greenwood, "Queen of Hearts" ; Miss Nancarrow, nur=e ; MIS 3 Wilder, poudirt frock of white crc-p>; de chine ; Miss Lumaro, poudre, oau de I'll chiffon frock; Miss N. Lum&ro, poudre, ps.le pink dress; Miss Coife, black; Miss Syinea looked charming as "Red R' cling Hood" ; Miss LouUfion and her sister, both Japanese; Miss Miles, Spanish lady. Miss Anson (Peraki), a lovely frock of pafo yellow, green tinted brocade, heliotrope sash and trimmings, hair poudra; Miss M. Meares, blue ; M'ss D. Meares, flowerc-d ctrepe de chine ; Mass S. Meares, white, Miss Merton, blue; Miss G. Mearton, white; Miss Denniston, old English costume. Among the sterner sex very, few fancy dresses were worn. Among them Messrs S. Steac 1 ! (hhruing costaune), G. Staikey ("Vice-vers.!"), H. Cox (Turk), Savte (down), Fevrar (pirs.te), Anderson (bookmaker), Kitson ("Rajah of Bhong") were the 'ones I ncticed. Tho ergrgement of Lieutenant Skalton, ot the Discovery, aai<l Miss Sybil Meares was [ ci'nounced last Monday. Mrs Burns's benefit" concert on Thursday 1 night was a brilliant success in every way. To ! begin with, the night was fine — a most unusual thing for us lately— and the Canterbury Hpli was jilled a'most t~ overflowing. This has been p much-talkcd-of concert. Mrs Burns is a grrat favourite -with us all, and has al"V\ays been most ge.iTous in giving her services at «11 'hantpble purfo-rmpnees, so when ifc wag proposed to give her a benefit everyone felt that it i\ as no moie than she eleserved, ar>d the sale of tickets was vry brisk. The picrrairnne :i popular one, and everyone&c< mcd in very good voice. Aftor Mrs Brums's fir°t item she wa 1 ? presented! with ai wreath of lain els, i,hi<:ili she wore on iieor n,rra for ths lest of the evening. She was dressed in yellow satin and white lacs, and looked very beaming and happy. The most eartihiisia.stta encoro of the evening was accorded to Mrs I isher (Miss Ettie D-avie) for her ehainning rendering of Teresa del Riego's "Slave song. 1 ' Ju the second half of the programme, Mrs Burns, Miss Graham, Mr Collier, and Mr Reeves, by special request, gate the "Daisy ohaui." ilr Wallace during the; interval made a little speech, thanking the audtienee on behall of Mis Burns for the enthusiastic iecej?«

tion accorded to her. Messrs March, Millar, "Wallace, Cookson. and Vincent, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Barber also corrtubuted items. A hockey match was played tit the Thirley Golf Links j-a&fe week, when Miss Rita. Wilson ■won the prize erven by Mrs L. Harley with i. score of four down. Miss Violet Camp-bell and Miss Turubull tied for second with five clown. It v«s a very blustery, cold day, co the scores were not as good as usual. There are a great many interesting matches coming en clurin., the next few weeks. . , Mr and Mrs Anson, of Peraki. have .alcen tV, Aingers' house, in Worcester street, ioi the -winter months.

WELLINGTON, June 11. Socially we have beon rather gay this week. not a bit keen about dancing, «d™^T£ IT The arrangements to speed the part?ng and welcome the coming Governor are iein- entered into with, energy, a«d the prm cSST event will be a conversazione, to be held at the Parliamentary Buildings? _ Mrs Frank W*ldegrave and Miss Muriel Waldegrave have returned from Sydney. Whi c tnere they, with a party of other New Zealandersr "did" the Blue Mountains, Jenolan S5 and Wentworth Falls. Mi 93 WaldcgraVe, who has been visiting Hawera, returned ArThTteresting "tea" was given last Wednesd»v by Miss Amy Hoggard, each guest bringing with her a "curio." These- were placed on a table, and formed a very interesting collection, and later a prize was awarded to the mo« unique curio. This was popular.y voted to be a Disuted chain, said to have been made from the hair of Grieg, the famous ? olnpOS^ Amongst the collection were snuff boxes 300 years old, quaint carvings, and old samp.ers. Afternoon tea was laid in the dining room, the tables being prettily arranged with roses and autumn leaves. Miss Hoggard wore white ■Boile; Mrs Hoggaid, a, pretty black gown; Mrs Fulton, dark green tailor-made costume; Mrs Eichaa-dson, navy blue; Mrs Tonkmg, Wack; Mrs Gowing also wore a black g°wn. Othsr guests were Misses Miles, Fulton, Butt Ewen, Kiley, Simpson, Wilson, Chalmers, Chatneld, Be Castro, Ward, Ledger (Nelson), Warburton, MacKellar, Wheeler, Whittem. .... „, The Garrison officers have decided to hold their annual ball at the Sydney Street School- • loom on Tuesday, July 5. It is hoped that Lord and Lady Plunket will be present. This ball is always a brilliant one, and enjoyable. An engagement is announced between Miss Grundy, daughter of ,Mr Grundy, Wellington, headmaster of the Clyde Quay School, and Mr W. G. Lamb, part owner of the Tararua Vineyards, Wairarapa, and late of the Bank of New Zealand staff, Wellington. ' The marriage will eventuate shortly. . Miss Kane entertained a number o£ her giri friends last Wednesday afternoon at a veiy jolly and bright "tea." An original and clever comptietion was arranged for tho guests amusement, and delicious tea was served m the dining room. Mrs Kane was gowned in dove grey crepe-de-chine. Miss Kane received her guests, wearing a cream voile skirt and embroidered silk blouse. Some of the guests •were: Mrs Holmwood. wearing a black tailormade costume; Mrs Hall, a navy tailor-made and red hat ; Misses Fell, grey costumes ; Miss Logan, blue costume and black hat ; Miss Mills, blacK tailor-made; Mias Blanche Mills, brown, white felt hat; Miss Holinwood, a pretty tailor-made gown; Misses Finch, navy blue gowns; Miss M. Macgregor, black; Miss Elliott, dark blue ; Miss Elsie Elilott also wore a pretty blue dress; Miss Grace Eiley, brown, and a brown hat; Miss Fulton, dark costume, red hat; Miss Miles, brown costume, pretty hat; Miss Edwin, blue gown, and bright red hat; Mis 3 To 1 hurst, grey, hat ti - inuned with blue. Miss Macdonald's gowi was of navy blue, ».nd her hat was wreathed with leaves ; Miss Wright, who is visiting Mrs Eawe, wore a cream voile gown, and, with Miss H. Gibbes, assisted with the tea. Miss Gibbes wore_ a pretty voile gown. The prize, a quaint spangled fan, waa won by Miss Edwin. Mr and Mra W. Levin arrived last week from England, travelling vis 'Frisco. They are staying just now with Mr and Mrs C. J. Johnston, at Karori. At St. Paul's Church on Wednesday last the marriage was solemnised of Mr A. E. Cowper, of Dannevirke, son of Mr and Sirs Oharies Ccwper, Wanganui, and Miss Clare Eoulston, third ""daughter of the late Mr S. KoulsLon, Greymouth. The ceremony was performed oy ■the Bishop of Wellington. The bride was given away by a brotKer,, and was attended by her sisters, Misses May, Isabel, and Edith Roulston, and Miss K. Alcorn. After the wedding a reception was held by the bride's mother, and later Mr and Mrs Cowpcr left for their home in Dannevirke. Mr W. S. Pearce, son of Colonel Pearce, who lias been for some years on the local staff tf the National Bank of New Zealand, has resigned his position to join the firm of Messrs Dymock and Dymock, accountants and auditor*. Mr and Mrs Eiddell (Picton) were over here lap; week. Mrs H. "Rose has returned from a visit to her sister. Miss Greenfield (Blenheim). Mrs and Miss Eiddiford hava been visiting Napier. Mr and Mrs T^. Barton, who. I regret to say, have lately lost their eldest child, are inst now the gua3ts of Mrs S. A. Rhodes, "The Grange." Miss Elliot has returned from Palinerston North, where she has been visiting friends. Hon. C. H. Mills and Mrs Mills have reti!ine<l from Mar'.bcvough. The Victoiia Coikge Students gave their annual ball at the Sydney Street Schoolroom on Friday, June 3. It was a very great success, and the committee are to be congratulated. Especially pretty and artistic were the decoration?, which consisted chiefly of Iycouodium su^rl e^sp. tlf letters ''V.C." bein^ formed of the' latter. '.Hie siago was a veritable fairyland of palms ferns. Aruorg the chaperones weie La7y Stout, wearing a handsome gown of black brocade and lovely lace - Mrs Butt,"iin black velvet ; Mra Eaii2dn Brown, very pretty white gown and medallions of palest blue; Mrs Fitchett, grey brocade with flowers on the corsage; Mrs Watpon, bbek relieved with rcses; Mhs Jiena Butt's sown was of pale blue &atii2 and chiffon;

Miss Coyla Brown (Dvniocun) wo-e vhito silk and Isce iichu: Miss Finch, white brocade; Miss Ewen, v.-hite satin and lace; Miss Hsybifctle, white silk; Miss V. Wilii", a soft black laca gown and loses; Miss E. Waid, black net and lace; Miss K. Marchant, whito iu'le and lac£. Another very' successful dance was tho Convent Old Girls' ball, which rsmo off Ja=t Thursday, a'so at the Sydney Street Schoolroom. Tha stage was cosily aiiaiiged for the chaperones, and decorated with palms and greenery. There were seveial debutantes, amongst whom I noted Miss Davis, gowned in white chiffon and violets; Miss Slattery, white accordeonplaated chiffon; Miss Dingnan, white glace; Miss E. Gallagher, white crepe and lovely l9ce. Tho Skating Sink is to be re-opened very shortly, and no doiibt nuking will soon be the "rage" here as it is elsewhere. Mrs James Lance, Cauterbiuy, is on a visit to "Wellington.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2622, 15 June 1904, Page 64

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CHRISTCHURCH. June 19. Otago Witness, Issue 2622, 15 June 1904, Page 64

CHRISTCHURCH. June 19. Otago Witness, Issue 2622, 15 June 1904, Page 64


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