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MOll clay, January 11. T'-e- meeting of ihc Australasian Association for the A-.i\s.i-cmc;it of Sc.cucp, cfc prc-ent being held in Dunedin, ha* kept us bu^y this peri \.cek, <-onx']y re well es m(pUcctiia'h-. The o A >n.-.~ r-.e> ring was held en T\c "lie -Jay ci-amj, and for =01110 days pie\ious vi^tcrs from the \arioas colonies vud ncighboiiiin.- towns 01 A w Zia'anct ilve.irr.ed into Dur.-edin. Rkiiikki frcm the other sido arrived ricv/c'^d with paft-r.ger*, taxing the u'm-.-: l,m.t« of hotels ar.d bcavcn\g helices ro prct'i.inicduo pi' the gi'e c ts. fJnforin-vtciy, t\ -;pi i-n\>y Jong sp-Hl of f:\<i we a lr i- v t hi r Vrn enjoying bioke ou Tup- !a-. r"..l t" o .rov.J, < f vi=>tor s who air^vH by th" l.crclitvn and southern o:pj "1 scs v\c:i> v.i i '~)p."u 1 y torrents of rain. Trjs r.ii.'.c'come 1 lditicn of affaiis v,a<3 ('o'lbly unfoituna p. co .->i;ig ;,, io did after rr.u_h fine v.vathcv, c<s all ccit= of outdoor orutrlainiri-n.;. "*-arl he n f'' 1 " in anticipation cv a co*itii.'i^a<_^ ct v.kaG ahncMt =cc:iir-d to h • the- i>or,nnl ccin'moa ci tho v.cathcr. HoiCwr. it uji m't :o Lo. Mid tho he -i had to h> maW of tli.nLS u.i-Jo.- tho cxi-:i".3 state oi «'(iair- for a few ri.?}-... A c>,ii.'" Icm- tlie b>;t 1 v ."- appaicnt on SatCidav, £"< 'i tiic -- v 1O we. it the \aiioiu ruin'ion? iVied ■* m\ well, as tlift c"a> impro^d -i-ad.'y Fortunately Dimod 11 'i;,i3 tli<.u appeared at its -vciy I:C:l, glotiou^ weather i.'o\niliu'-. H's Excellency the <-o\ri-nor Lou' Ranfully, accompanied by Loid Northlands arrived on Tuesday evening, and pro-cec-drd to tl.o Vcinl.sll Cub, wi.eio ha stayed Uirmg his \isit to DunecUn,

On Wednesday evening the iiiiugural sneeting was held in the Garrison Hall, Lord Hanfurly presiding. The Mayor received the visitors, and the presidential address Teas delivered by Profeaior David, of Sydney University, president of the association. On Friday evening another crowded audience filled; the Garrison Hall, when Professor Baldwin Spencer delivered a lecture on '"Australian Ab6rigines : Their Habits and Customs," illustrated by cinematographic and' phonographic records of corroborees and ceremonies. All business meetings and day Uectur©3 were held in the Otago Boys' High School, where ample accommodation had been provided. On Wednesday afternoon a garden party was held at Bishopsgrove, the residence of lib Lordship Bishop Ne-vilL The inclemency cf the weather somewhat marred the afternoon's enjoyment, making wandering about the grounds impracticable, if not impossible. 'AH who are familiar with the beautiful grounds of Bishopegrove know how much pleasure ia to be derived from being able to wander up the bush tracks and view tho wondrous bush and waterfalls. A large marquee had been erected on one of the lawns close to the house for tea and other refreshment's, and a band was stationed outside close by. There was ample room for all to be accommodated in the marquee, and aa drags plied 1o and from the tram terminus, the visitors suffered no inconveni-^ ence whatever. His Excellency the Gover-* nor, accompanied by Lord Northland, arrived about 4- o'clock, and was received by Bishop Nevill. Amongst those present were Mr and Mrs Butterworth, Professor and Mrs ■Bragg (Adelaide^ Professor and Mrs Cook (Christchurch), Miss Cook, the Misses Campbell (Sydney), Miss Cookson, Mr Justice Denniston, Professor and Mrs David (Sydney), Mr Deane (Sydney), Mrs and Mies Gordon, Miss Gilkison, Mr Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Joachim, Mies Macassay, Mr and Mrs Moore, Mrs and Miss Melland, the Misses Peacock (Adelaide), Mrs Le Patoural, Miss Reynolds, Miss Richmond (Wellington), Miss Shand, Profeseor Sale, Profescor Salmond, Professor Baldwin Spencer, Dr Scott, Mr and Mrs Stilling, Mr Sargood, Miss Todd (Adelaide), Mrs and Miss Woodhouse, Mr Leslie Wilson, Miss Ulrich, etc. On Friday evening a brilliant conversazione was held in the University, when a very large assemblage was present. The committee had been at no email trouble in perfecting all the arrangements, which proved most satisfactory, and are /to be congratulated on the undoubted success of the entertainment. On reaching the entrance ihall of the University one looked down a' long vista of ferns and foliage, intermingled with draped flags and streamers of various colours, etc., transforming totally for the time being the usual somble appearance of the place of learning. Cloak rooms were prepared just at the entrance door, beyond which the hall was arranged with pot plants and four huge tree ferns, spreading forth their large leaves like a canopy overhead, end giving forth a delightful scent 'of "bush." Across the hall w-as the wide staircase, with its draperies and greeneries, making a pretty background for the who-e. Concerts we're to be given, one at 8.30 and another at 9.30, and long before the com-mon-cement the room was filled to overflowing. However, there was plenty of epace in other parts of the building to accommodate the overflow. The concerts were both very much enioyed, the performers being Mrs Blandforcl, Mrs Evan3, Miss Amy Murphy, and Mr Maitland Gardner, while Mrs Murphy and Miss Gow acted as accompanists. Downstairs, in one of the olass rooms, Dr Marshall gave a meet interesting little lecture on New; Zealand scenery, illustrated by lantern slides, which attracted a large audience— m fact, numbers remained standing throughout the entire lecture, being unable to obtain seats. The University Grounds were lighted with electric lights and the verandahs and balconies enclosed; in fact, everything possible had been done to ensure success, and if the weather had not been so cold and damp nany would have enjoyed strolling about the grounds. A spacious marquee, reaching from a door within the building, had been erected for tea -and refreshments, and most of the guests found their way thc-re some time during the evening. A very large number were present, amongst whom were Mr? James Allen, Mr and Mrs Allsop Melbourne), Mr and Mrs Allan, Mrs Adam, Mr Barron, Mr and Mrs Barclay, Mr and Mrs Butterworth, Professor and Mrs Benham, Mrs Blandford, Hon. C. C. and Mrs Bowen Christchurch), Professor Brown (Ohristchurch, Professor and Miss Brown (Auckland), Mr and Miss Burnett, Mr and Mrs Bundook (Queensland), Mr and Mrs Brunnioh, Mr and Mrs A. Bathgate, the Misees Bathgate. Professor and Mrs Bragg (Adelaide), Miss Boyd, Mr and Miss Briorley (Sydney), Mr Justice and Miss Chapman, Dr and Mrs W. Chisholm (Sydney), Professor and Mrs Chilton (Christchurch), Professor and Mrs Cook (Christchurch), Miss Cook, Miss Cairns, Miss Cookson (Brisbane), the Misses Campbell 'Sydney), Dr and Mrs Colquhoun, Professor and Mi" David (Sydney), Professor and Mrs Deane (Sydney), ISlr Justice Dermistou (Christchuroh), Mr and Mrs G. L. Denniston, Judge Decker (Sydney), Miss Dunlop, Miss Ewen, Miss Fitchett, Dr and Mrs Frank Fitchett, 3>r and Mrs Fulton, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Fergu?, Mr and Mrs A. Fisher, Miss Fodor, Miss Freeman, Miss Ford (Sydney), Mr Aubrey Gaulter, Mr and Mrs Goodman, Miss Gilkison, Miss Gow. Professor Gilruth, Miss Gray, Mrs and Miss Gordon, Professor Gregory (Melbourne), Mr and Mr 3 Hosking, Mr Hamilton, Miss Hunt, Mr Herbert (Lawrence). Rev. Mr and Mrs Hcwitson, Mr and Mi's Howard Jackson, the Misses Jackson, Mr and Misses Joachim, Dr and Mrs .Jennings (Christchurch), Miss Kerr, Mrs Kinsey (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs Lusk. Colonel Leege, Dr Lc&per (Victoria). Mrs Mayo. Mr and Mrs MclHnd, Miss Melland, "Mi and Mrs Moors, Miss Maco-eorge, Mr and Miss F. M'L^in, Mrs and °Miss Maekerras, Dr raid Mrs Marshall Mr J- C. Marshall, Miss Frederica Mitchell' (Melbourne.), Mr Mitchell (Sydney). Mr Marchant, Uiss Ruby Neill, Mis* Orbell. Mr and Miss Park, the Misses P^'cock (Adelaide) Mr • Petre Dr and Mrs Ryley, Mr* and the Missps Reynolds Mr and Mrs Lasho Reynold- , Mr and Mr? Ravnor, Mr Rawson. Mrs end JVms Royse, Professor and Mrs Salmono. Professor Salmond (Adelaide). Mr and Mis Percy Sargood, Mr. Mrs, and Miss Simpson. Mr and Mrs Smith. Professor and Mrs Sale, Miss Sale, Professor and the Misses Shand, Mr Stocker, Mr and Miss Spoil (Sydney), Professor EaWwm Spencer, | Mr E. 'Stead. Mr and Mrs Hurst-Seager i

(Christchurch), Mr and Mrs Stilling, Miss Stanford, Professor and Mrs Scott (Christchurch), Dr Scott, Mrs Tapky, Mr and Mrs 'Tidswell, Mr and Mrs Twelvetroes (Tasmania), Miss Uirioh, Mr Wcigalo, Mr Trcgcar, Mr and Mrs Heron Wilson (Queensland), Mr and Mrs Henry William 3, Miss Wilding (Christchurch), Mr, Mrs, and Miss Wocdhouse, ?\liss Wimperis, Mr Whitson, Mr L. Wilson.

On Saturday various excursions had boon arranged for tho visitors, a goodly number of whom took the opportunity of visiting ono of the fa\ourito picnic places of the neighbourhood. Each trip was limited to a certain, number, and had rhe weather bsen up to Saturday moro propitious, doubtless tho limit would have- been most necessary. Ono trip was to Tc.icri Mouth, the party going by spee:al train and steamer ; another to Wairongoa ; and another to Waitati; these latter by drags all tho way. The fourth •excursion was to Portobello by tho high road, returning by the lower road, the party stopping for afternoon tea at Glenfallcch, the residence of Mr George Gray Russell, by special in-vita-tion. All the. trips were very vrell patronised, although the numbers were not so great as no doubt they -would have been had the day been warmer. The trips all patsed off successfully, the visitors; being greatly pleased with the various views of the district. Mr Justice- and Mrs Williams are spending a little time in Ota^o Central, and are at present visiting Mrs W. Laidlaw at Matakanui. Mr and Mrs Thomas and family left on Monday for Invercargill, and expect to be there for three months, whilst Mr A. Morris, Bank of New Zealand, has a holiday. Mr and Mrs Oldham are at present visiting the Wanganui district. Mrs Jack Wright returned from England by way of Melbourne by the Victoria on Wednesday. Mr and Miss Queenie Wright remained in Hobart. Professor and Mrs Gregory (Melbourne) are stopping with Mrs Percy Sargood, Professor Gregory having come ov&r to attend the meetings of tho Science Congress. Miss Frederica Mitchell, from Melbourne, is visiting Dunedin, and is staying at Wood's Hotel Miss Todd (Adelaide) is the guest of Mrs' Butterworth, Roslyn, at present. Miss Orbell (Waikouaiti) is visiting Mrs Fulton at her residence in Georgs street. Mrs Kinsey (Christ-church) is staying for a little with her daughter, Mrs Moore, at hexresidence,- Mornington. Mrs Shand is spending a little time at Warringt-on as the guest of Mrs G-eorge-M'L-ean. Mrs Martin and her children arrived from Sydney on Sunday, and are stooping at "The. Eyrie," the residence of Mr Farquhar, Mrs Martin's father. Mrs Macß&th has returned from Christchuroh, where sho has spent a few we-ek^. Miss Law. who has been visiting fri&nds in Oamaru, has returned. Dr and Mrs Ogston leave this week on a driving tour through Central CKago. Miss Stanford (Palmerston North) is at present visiting Mrs Stilling, Stafford street. Alias Richmond (Wellington) '"s spending a little time in Dunedin, and is staying at Mrs He-rtslett's, Manor place. Mrs Macgowan has taken her children to Waikouaiti for a holiday. Mrs Barnes (Wellington), with her children, is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs Macneil, at Woodhead. WELLINGTON, January 8. Gradually the holiday makers are struggling beck to town, and business people are dropping into the* oLI familial stride-. We are- grateful that the weather permitted ■everyone to make tho most of the leisure day?. Unfortunately other town* were not so favourably circunvsHaced. In Napier, for instano?-; the weather i emained perfect for the tennis tournament, but broke on tho day following, and continued very v.*et and cold until aftoi the New Year holidays. The tournanif -it pro\cd a great attraction, visitors conglobating from Auckland, Wellington, Chrislcliurcli. and se-vsral other districts. Mrs Maichbanka and her sister. Mug Gore, went up from hero; aho Mr and Mrs Goldie, Misses Ward, Mrs Grady, Messrs H. Gore, H. Parker, L.iishlej, Cachcmaille-, E-eere, and Everything went off excellently, and the gathering was in oveiy vsay one of the best yet held. Mr and Mrs Robert Lovin and Mr W. Levin visited 2>!rs Macrae, Wairarapa, for Christmas. Mi -3 M Socd is spending a few weeks with her c ister, Mrs Bowc-n, Napier. Mr and Mrs Ernest Braboson ara also en a visit to that pretty nltle town Tho marriage of Miss Zoe Johnoton and Mr W. Levin i? arranged to take place at Karori on rue=clay. Jannaiy 12. A largo number of guests hivr. been invited. The bride will be by her «ister, Alias, Doiis Johr.-oton. two cousin' — Miss Mcta Johnston and lU!=9 Katherm© Fitzgerald — and a icons* n of tho bridegroom — Miss Oonah Fitzgerald. Several marriages are. to tak? placa in ths near future, amo >?:t il'O'n being that of Miss Olho Riwtson to JNIr John Abbott; Miss Linda Kcch to Mr Webster, cf Rangitikei; Mi«s Joan Parker to Mr Cac'icmaiilo. Mr and Mrs Doughs M'L^an (Napi-er)^ and tlioir laaiily ha\e come to Wellington fcr a month or two. Tup Rev. H. Van £ta\cron, J;t.i'h H.b l ,!. and Mr« Vvn Ftiiviif r, lcaw «'io:tly on a M*io to Eiiotlrnd. Mr and Mrs C. Tiiugham ha\o! from a -usit to Ro'oriia an 1 Auckland Mr C. P. bk-errett and Mr 11. N. Turnbull left last week on a v v-nd-the-wcrld-trip. and intond being away about ten months. Mrs Henry Blundell raid hc-r daughter returned kct week from a mo.t ciijoyable visit fco Enarljnri

Miss Madge Macgregor is visiting Mr and Mro M'Kenzie, i:i Southland. Mis and tho Misses Runcie have gone to Christ rhurch for a month or two. Archd-oacon and Mil"* Fancourt leave on Saturday for England, and will be away several months

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 2600, 13 January 1904, Page 60

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2600, 13 January 1904, Page 60

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2600, 13 January 1904, Page 60


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