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In the House of Representatives to-day, after adopting a message congratulating tho King upon his recovery and his Coronation, and expressing a hope that the reign of his Majesty and Queen Alexandra will be a. long and happy one, and transacting some formal business, consideration of the Estimates was proceeded with. The Education votes always lead to much discussion, but yesterday the Government sustained a defeat, a motion being carried indicating that the Minister of Education should be * member of the House of Representatives. The House was still sitting when the Telegraph Office closed.


At 2.55 the House went into of Supply for further consideration of the Estimates.

Tho first class taken was Customs and Marine, total vote £86,179.— Mr MILLAR complained that the Customs expert did all ho poaiibly could to injure local industries by endeavouring to put a high duty on any material that came in for local manufacture. —The Hon. C. H. 3HLLS eaicl the official in question did the best- he could in, tho interest of the department, and tried to do justice between importers and the department. He was sure ho had no desire to injure any industry. — In the course of a discussion it was pointed out that there was wide dissatisfaction with some of tho decisions of the Customs expert, and it was suggested that the complaints of importers should be placed before- and considered by a Customs Committee. Some> objection was taken ~to the practice of giving a refund of duty imposed on wines imported by the Governor, but tho Hon. C. H. MILLS replied that tJuere had been uo refunds- of tiiafc kind since* the Governor's Salaries and Allowances Act was passed ia 1900. After further discussion the Customs vote, passed unaltered.

At the vote for marine end harboiirs, in reply to Mr Massey, tho Hon. W. HALLJOtsES said the Government steamer Hineinoa. was almost wholly •ccupied in lighthouse work. The Tutanokai had been a good deal employed in cable-repairing, besides) which she had earned a good deal of railway material. A much larger sum would have been in chartering a caWe-rspair-ing steamer.— Mr MASSEY believed thafc boats for the work could be chartered for a very much loss sum. — Tho voto was agreed to, and tho total vote for the whole department was passed unaltered.

The House rose at 5.30 and resumed 7.30.

Tho vote for Stamp and Deeds Depart, ment <£26,948) was agreed to without mud* discussion.

The next class considered was that of tha Minister of Education (£529,976).— Mr ELL moved a reduction of the first vote 'head! office, £5382) by £1 as an indication that; the Minibter in charge of this department; should be a member of the Lower House. — Mr MONK said ho had been informed thnfc it was intended to alter the schools' svltabus* to the advantage of city schools over country schools.— The Hon. C. H. MILLS said it was proposed to alter tho syllabus, but not in the direction indicated by Mr Monk Tii» alteration would be specially advantageous to country schools. Under tho new svllm-.-s the subjects would be the same in all uliorl-. with % few optional subjects for cm.i • - schools. — Mr MONK hoped the spiwt .>f militarism would not be fostered among the youth of tho colony, but at tl*e same time he urged that children should be thoroughly, drilled in manual exercise. — Sir W. RUSSELL pointed out that the tendency waa towards the centralisation of the education administration, and the more that was brought . about tho worse it would be for country schools. — Mr PIRANI said the question was not whether the Minister of Education should have a seat in the Lower House, but whether the present Minister of Education was competent to fill that position. Ho (Mr Pirani) maintained that he was not. — • Mr FISHER 6aid tho Government sroulcl not need a spur in this matter. They should recognise that people were dissatirfiod with, the present state of thing*. Oitr w/'iole education system was suffering for want of ;v competent controlling head. — Mr R. M'IvENZIE said this discussion' was intended as an attack on the peruonnel of the Administration, and ho strongly objected to the. way in which it had been brought on. — Mr HORNSBY said there was no gainsaying the fact that in tho colony there was a general feeling- of disappointment with the. administration of the Education Department, and unless something was done the colony would demand a complete change in the administration. — Mr FOWLDS paid the department had never been better administered than it was now. A large amount of carping criticism, was caused by the- control of teaohers* having been taken out of the hands of Education Hoards.— Mr TANNER condemned the fcystem of administration. Thcrp was too much duplication and too much complicated machinery which should be simplified. — Sir SIUEY agreed that a reform was necessary, and supported tiie amendment. — The lion Mr MILLS expressed regret that somo me*nbers should have adopted a personal tone in regard to some on© who could not reply. It was incorrect to =ay that the department had done nothing in the past «rven year*. In that time reforms m the direction of impii-UPinenl had been brought about. In regard to the delay in attending to correspondence, e\i»rything was now in proper working order after recent change*, and there was not likely to be a recurrence. He suggested that Mr Ell should be content with the axpics&ion of opinion obtained, and withdraw his amendment.— Mr \V. IRASER <-aid there could be no doubt the country was not sati-fied with the adtniniftiation of this department. — Mr WILFORD suppoitcul the proposal that the MiniitPr of Education bhould hz\& ■*. seat in the House. — Mr GILFEDDER said there was room for improvement in the administration, and the rountiy and House should insist on more vigorous management — Mr HUTGHESON said the very contention of Air Mills that il was unchivalrous to attack a Minister's administration in the absence of the Minister refepon< sibl* waa an argument in favour of th« amendment. — On a di vision Mr Ell's amend,* ment was carried by 21 to 19, and the vott as reduced was agreed to.

The following is the division list: — ■ For Mr Ell's Amendment (21). — Messrs Arnold, Collins, Ell, Fi=her, Fowlds, Gilfedder, Lpng, Graham, Haaeklen, Hornsby, Masaey, Millar, Ixl'Lachlan, Monk, Siday, G. J. Smith, Steward Tanner, J. W. Thompson, Wilford, Wilhs.

Against the Amendment (l'J).— Messrs Carn-*_ ciosb, Benuet A Carroll, Jueid,, F.lftVnian, liaU< %

femes, H&ggf, Lawry, Lsfhbrielge, M'Gowan, K. IL'Kenzie, Milla, O'Meara, Parata, W. H. Bn&sell, 13. M". Smith, Stevens, Ward. Fairs. — For the Amendment: W. Fiasei 1 . Against the Amendment : Mr Seddo'n. Oil the next vote. £466,526 for publio ichook, Mr WILFORD moved as an amendment that the amount should b» reduced by £1 as an indication that the House {desired that members of Education Boards be elected on the same franchise as that on which members*of Parliament were felected, instead of by school committees. — •Mr PIEANI asked whether tiio Government were going to increase the amount to fee paid to boards to enable them to pay pnore capitation, and enable them to carry on their woi'k aa they should do. — The Hon. O. EL MILLS paid this matter was now under consideration. — Mr WUford's motion jvaa lost on the voices.— Mr G. J. SMITH inquired on what basis the department had fixed- the amount of £2000 to be paid under tho heading o£ " Drill i.n Schools "' for capitation, rifles, instructors, etc. —Mr MILLS said ie was at the rate cf 2s bd per head.— Mr G. J. SMITH urged the Government to take into consideration the question of providing for cadet corps some >ort of tunic and cap. and also rifles, and then pay the 2s 6d. He was certain that 2s 6d per head would simply kill the whole cadet movement. — Several members urged that the amount should I>3 increased.— Mr MILLS eaid there was a good supply cf tides- in hand. The other points raisod were aow under the consideration of the Government. The £1000 on tire Estimates had nothing, to do with what was novs under the consideration of the Cabinet. The Government were supplementing the 2s 6d -in other directions. — Mr G. J. SMUH moved to reduce the item " £2000, drill in schools," by £1 as in indication to the department to provide some sort of uniform for school eadeta.— Mr MTJ.T.ATt. suggested that consideration Df tiie Estimates should ba- deferred until the Cabinet had considered the matter tvhioh Mr Mills had said it was considering. —The Hon. W. HALL-JONES said the department would B©3 that proper instructors were provided for cadet oorp3. He believed that school cadets should only be taught plain drill, and he did ucfc agree with any elaborate uniform. H« was in favour of promising children who £ad passed the Sixth Standard being, given an opportunity of faking advantage of our secondary education-. That was to come, and if we did not do it this Parliament, he hoped it would bo done next Parliament; but Ec urged members not to increase the cost of educa(ion too largely all at once. Other matters referred to were receiving the serious consirierstion of the Cabinet, and lie hoped that the result of these deliberations would be nude apparent before the end of fche •session.— Mr &ILFEDDER suggested that for a few years a* vote of £IGO should be placed on the Estimates for th-3 proper eucoiiragemont of tescluug of sewing in eefjools. — After further dweuwion, the Hon. 'Mr MILLS said, he felt satisfied that provision would be made on the Supplementary Estimates for teaching sewing in sclibols. — Mr Gv J. Smith's amendment vra& lost on the' voices.— Mr ELL contended that the allowances to school committees should be increased, and moved a reduction of £L in the; vote for public schools as an indication, in that direction.— Lcrt by 22 to 14, tmd the- vote was agreed to unaltered. LHineicy- and Charitable Department, ' £67,55*.— Mr PIRANI asked 1 what waa to bo "done about the office cf cssistant inspector of asylums, for. which £750 appoar-ed on 'the Estimate* for years. This had been a purely OEtuunental vote. — Mr ELL va; ' not satisfied with the administration of thia e'epartment, which, he held, was in need of reorganisation. As an indication of his dissatisfaction he moved — Fir«*t. the vote h& reduced by £200. The administration of ♦his department was antiquated and out of date. They had old men in the asylum wl-o \ver« merely suffering from senitn dpcav and ought not to l» there., and th<\v had , children in the asylums who ought to bo in some more suitable home.— The Hon. C. H. MILLS said no appointment of ai.-wtant inspector of asylums had yet be-en mad<\ — Mr Ell's amendment was lost on the voitps. —■Mr FIELD urged the neceygitv for the ; establishment of some tribunal by which the ' grievances of asylum attendants could he considered.— The Hon. Mr MTLLS said he could not see his wav to do anything this ; tesribn in. the Direction of e.stibii'ihiiig an ' uppesl board, but would look uito the ' matter. Inebriates' Hcwe*. £16*0. —Mr MTLLAR Jirged that some of th<^ young doctors who had beon to South Aim *. should h a cjivo.ii an opportunity t-o take e'larsce of tfiiM honip .—Sir J. G. WARD r'phi-d t ! iac tlio Inebriated Home would ho under the tharijo of Dr Truby King, cf SracJsS". until ;t w<i« in woi-king order. When that it jgpe ! j.d be<»-n reached tHor'' w.i- n~> doubt cjiie man would not be able ro !rok after tho iv.n institutions. Mr Mi'Lir\ sustt; -tit, i -„.s worth r-orisiJ.evlnsr. -T'j-j \.<ji<» \va» j.a •:• At 3 IS a motion to report pi.igress \cha I^-it by 22 to 10. nlid thf» -.v'ioV voln fir t':n Lunatic :w\ C!r ritah^e Aid L^p.trni .-rt v?as agr^fnl to unalt-fi^d. The. \GiP"> for tlie D»>p?rtrnc»it. of L.i < -i r (£9535) and Mn." D-par:. Ie- t (L13. V1) veerb passed uualtercd. A QUESTION OF LAM' CAGE. In the House thi- afternoon Sir Joseph ffasd uuived m tke direction of cablma ilic

congratulations of the- colony to his Majesty , t-be King on the occasion of his Coronation. Tli* words of the resolution were as fellow : " That this House desires to record its respectful congratulations to the King upon bis Coronation, and to express the hope that the reign of his Majesty and Q\teen Alexandra will b» a long and happy one." Mr Hutche=on eaiil he would not have risen had any older member of the House risen to speak, but he could not let the opportunity go by without congratulating the Acting-Premier on tbe sclf-regneotir.g ninnly telegram he proposed to send, and oa hia r-hoice- of good, wholesome-, and vigorous English. He thought the resolution reechoed the sentiments of every liege- subject of hia Majesty, and cf every self-respect-ing" man and woman in the colony. The words used on the present occasion were in contrast to the slobbery i-lueh with which we had been so nauseated in the past. Mr Tanner fnul, as one who had 12 months ago protested ;> gainst tl-e sort of language leferrcd to, he wished now to express satisfachoji with the language used by the Acting-Premier. It was in marked contrast to the bomba-stic stuff which we wore compelled to put up with in the past. Mr Fisher said he entirely concurred in and endorsed every word uttered by his colleagues, the member for Wellington City and the member for Avon (Mr Tanuei). Mr Fisher added something about " slush," but the- oontext was not heard in the press gallery. Mr Atkinson agreed with what had been said. There was nothing oleaginous, hyperbolical, or nauseating in the message ■which it was pro[jo=otl to ?pnd. It was a pnnple. straightforward motion. Mr Monk on behalf of Waitemata, said he had been very much paiued with the language used in the communications sent from this colony to the Matter Country. He congratulated the Acting-Premier on his choice of simple language. Mr M'Laughlin, while agreeing that rhe words of the motion wore appropriate, depr-eratod references to pa-st telegrams. Mr Hogg said no doubt the proposed telegram was well worthy of the colony and of the present political head of the colony. At tho same time he couid not appreciate the good ta«to, or rather bad taste, of mombers on both sides of the House in making insinuations lecranling a gentleman who was absent Mr Fisber : There is no insinuation.—(Laughter.) Major Steward a'so roroplimeutod tho Actmg-Premier. Sir Joseph Ward, in replying, said that on Fndoy last ho sent tie following telegram to Jiia Majesty the King: --"The Government and people of New Zealand desire to tender their respectful congratulation 1 ; to hi 1 * Majesty on the occasion of his Coronation. They rejoice at his re-storation to health, and pray he may long be spared fr> rule over his people." Tho Governor had received the- following telegram from tho Secretary of Stato for the Colonies: —"His Majcetv the King commands me to thank yo-\ and your Government and tho people of K'*w Zealand for congratulation*? on the occasion of the Coionation." He dcyrecated any in vidious- distinctions being made between tlio terms of the past and present resolution". The resolut'on was carried unanimously. TBE FORTY FOVSTDI* GRAB. According to a return laid nn the table to day 41 members of the Legislative Council and 65 members of the Haute of Representatives received the increased honorarium under '" The Paym-entof Members Act. 1900." The members who declined to at cent the increase- were Messrs Atkinson and Hutcheson, of Wellington. EMPLOYERS' AND WORKERS' UN-IONS. There are 15 employe-is' unions m the Auckland district, 17 in Wellington. 13 in Canterbury, 18 in Otago and Southland, 1 iv Taranaki, and lin Wcst'ond In Auckland there are 40 industrial uiiions of workn-a. in. Wellington 52, in C.ntorbury 52. m Otngo and Southland 55, i>i Turan:iki 6, in NVhoti 4. kiii) in Wc-M'uir' 11. The m<Ht pott--3rf;il union i- of ti>c 'ihi'Ji&i miners, which ha* .i membership of 1651. WEDNESDAY. AFUrST 13 In the Legislative Council to-day the cbiff busiie-s v;'s the consideration of the , Thsherics Con?ei vntion Act in committee. ■ A clause was added wlm'.i would empower lioidev* (if fishing to trespass upon. privat-e property, but rventua'ly tiia mutter i wa^ d<? f-rr^'d uniil th" Crown law officers , eeciiie whether thj-. wo'ild imohe the pay-nif-nt of oomnpiitat.ou to ia^dhokWs. ! FISI3EHIB3 CONSf^VATION Tn conunitti't 1 on tLn Fisheries Conservatiwn A-t Ami- mini cut Rill, T!i« Hon. Mr RK.-C, n.o^e-l to add the fd'.lowuvg n«.\\"> ' 'fh-'- liolcl'*r of a hcen-<~ <»' all b.> .-ntiile'l, dunng per:<)d as msy lv> ]>i -t-ribod, :»r ;tnv time during ciay'r^-pr, to" on any- iM-i\are <»r oihe-r (vi.d tin' nil li -.->)• »r th< n -'OO yards from nuy dwelltuij-Miiute. for tlio pm-])o-e <if fisli.n-j ffii" n- i, a'ui -hail uo liable only for any ac.a. ('fu.';_-e v.ii '.'v i.i.iy be oi"*oi -d \iv -.'i. ei:i;- r.v rio:i ' Mr FFLUWIfII saw no ji.i-oji ,;\\y fiohipg in -.'K-anis sUcild he- tivji u]>o i tv", and cmtende'l the public cis.z^' t^ !••',» a r - 'i : 't of a^r.-v=« to streams for h-' ,'ir 'i:i- Ho-i W C WALKER th'iiiiU' 1 1 ■ i i' "v w i= uvani *o f»xnr.gui«h lip l.^liti ot l rT\.il<- iiwnni of iaini If that wie '''>:,■. :t mi'-nt t>. j > tiic louiitrv £l(h) GCO, as ti't j rights of pnvara owners couLd uut Le re^auicd HiLhoat conioensa

tion. Most of the streams in tliS colony were already open to hone3fc anglers, and the objection raised waa mors eehtimenial than real.— The Ecu. Mr ABKWRIGHT conaiderod tiie right to fish should be free to all. — The motion to add the new cl-aiuo was aspreod to by 16 to 9 — The Hon. Mr TWOMEY moved to add to the clau«« a proviso that no lioanso shall entitle tho holder to take fish from any but a permanent stream, lake, or watercourse.

At this stage progress was repented, to ona'ble the Crown law officers to be consulted on tho effect of the amendment.

In the House of Representatives today a motion waa passed recognising tho public servicea of the- late Mr f£. G. Wright, of Ashburtoii, a former menilver, and cxprowing sympathy with the family. Thi% with some formal business and replies to questions, took up the afternoon sitting. In the evening the Road Heard* Aft Amendment Bill and the District Court* Exirrsion Bill were read a second time The S(aiutc3 Compilation Bill was passed. Mr Hornsby's measure intended to suppress ring^s and combines na3 debated at some length in committee, progTO3s being eventually reported. The Acting-Premier intimated during tho evening that a Govcrnrpozi*- measure* would be introduced dealing with the matter.


In reply to question* Ministers stated: —

J t ha 3 not yet been decided whether a bill amending the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act would be brought down this session.

When the State coal mine is in full working order it would Lave the effect of preventing the scarcity of coal that existed m the principal cities of the colony.

A bill would be introduced t\is session to permit boroughs with a population of less than 2000 raising loans from the Governniont for the purpose of making roads.

The Government hopes to bring down a bill this session dealing with fonie of the recommendations of the recent Municipal Conference.

Ihe Government intends to arrange for the training of veterinary surgeons withni the colony.


Mr TAXNER moved the second reading of tie Road Boards Act, 1382, Amendment; Bill. He explained fcha-t under the present law there wa» a limit on the rating powers of Road Boards of $d in the pound, aad it was keenly felt in some districts th-ifc tho work of these bodie3 was unueccsrarily rc-,tr;pied on account cf thai limit This bill proposed that in the case of road districts adjoining a borough there should be pouer to levy a rate no: exce.-vin.g id in the pound to mere effectually carry out tiie work cf sanitation, and that tho money so raided should bo used for no other purpo c t».

Aiter a brief debate, the second reading waa agieed to on the \oicps.


' Fdiigli ' Rubbish ! It it. only a wreleln»d e-\euse," wos tho emphatic, if somewhat 111:-l»r.;am-ntary, retort which Mr Mtu-<t- y threw 1U.T033 the ohttmUer this nftemoon «t the iCnister of Lands, who waa answering one <>f Mr Lang's questions. The member for Waikato, v. ho never loses an opportunity of urging the Government to unlock the rich tract* locked up in thn King Country, wanted to know from the Minisrpr of Laudt when he intends t-o open up more lenda for settlement m tlie King Country, and, when ho docs so, will ho open it under tlie optional system, so as to givo intending R^leftor* the choice <>f taking up land under the lease in perpetuity, occupation with right of puiLk.iee, or cash purchase. The Hon. Miuistc-r replied in an apologetic manner that if the> Land contained hmestcne, which waa \ .tillable, the land would oniv be thrown open under the lease in perpetuity system. "What 7 " says the meini.T for Franklin. " Luncstono." say a tlie Minister, and then followed the member for Fraukiin'3 brief retort. THi; BLUE STAR SERVICE COXTRACT TO UK CANCELLED. Rpp'j ing to a question conocniing the prfyont position of thr> Blue Star conlTaet for a steam to South Africa, Sir Joseph Ward said that about ten day? ago the Government ser\ed a notice through the Agent-general for the termination of the contract in consequence of having received information to the effect that up to duty- riie agropineufc liad not been signed. Tlie Government «a-> mm only waiting to h»Ar ofiit-ially that the notice tn question l>e^n .sni-\-ed, ajid «limi that information v. a^ n-o-ived it would take other M-ps to secure a servic* TOT'IUMT DEPARTMENT. Thf fir=t en'nual report of tlio Tour.-l. D^p.ul'iune docs not contain much matte-r of pariicular iiitert*-»t. As the department < I .L\-9i!>p-j it is snEjsrp- te<] that svib-offio<-s W i^ia'<h;hed in siic'i tuv, ns as Wangar.ui, N.'jjicr. Hckitika, \V.",lpurt, Tima-ru, and (>u.'cn-t'.vvii. '1 ho s<"pe of ndi erasing the <i)lynv in oih<T hinds i« to l»e widp-n-gd \vht>n i he departmont has ita own srries of ])hotoi?raplis. The iiepartment liaa bought from Mr B.ivrtz, of Ilnnedin. a supply of hi^ ll'uitr i ti-'l guifle t>ot»k = . I/i)tor thf> c!ppai tincnt will l»<uip ito own pude book. One hundred thousand coloured post-cardi tue io lc l^iued Ehortb'j Tko ftreUtiiUinLj

of tFie Government balneaologist are givr-n at Ip-ngih. A good deal of space is "devoted to tho northern rhermal district and sanitoria. The tourist traffic to Rotorua, in. particular, shows a large increase. The drainage works are rr-portpd to be in a very uiTW-isfactory condition. In one locality a hot spring liad penetrated the pipe=. Subsequent tests showed that the leakage v.-as pen«ral throughout the system, and £2500 will hove to bo expended to plane the system in a working order. The danger of pcl'ut:on of the springs through the d«fectivo sy?t?in if p^ointod oitt. Increased facilities cro to be provided for visitors to the volo2.noef». Strctche-rs. splints, and bandages are being sent to Mount Cook. The revenue from tho Hermitage vras £597, an increase of £238 on ln, c t year's r?ccrpt=. The impre»gion 1 ' of Dr Heem, tiie Swiss geologist, are ghon. Kr> statet der'dedlv that the glacier actidi at Mount Ccck is not erosive.


RofLrring to the to^i.-l traffic between Tii-toria and the southern ports of New Zealand, the report of tho Tourist Deportment speaks cf tho hnperauvo necessity for larger steamer? in br> used m cic°*>ing the Ti'sman Soa. 'J he roport says that it is well known that a gr-'at many Australian'; and visitors to that country from abroad avoid coming to N<*w Z?air.'vd solely on account of tho c<;mparati\ely smull steamor3 tint ordinarily wain tun tho fp' vice betv/eeu tho Commonwealth and tlie colony. IjL'NEDIN CHRISTCHUKCH IMPRESS.

Tliis aftevr.odn the Hon. W. J. Steward asked the Al'nister of RiuLs?a.ys wh&thcr ho would provide for the convenience of longdistance pat=en.gers by reducing the- number of stopping places for tl.e express train?, and at tlie same time to provide tha-t settlers m the neighbourhood of the intermediate stations shull have the advantage of travelling by the express, iry ihe experiment of running two express trains daily each way between Chriatchurrh and Dunedin, the oi.e to call only af Arhburboii, Timaiit, Oamaru, and Pa'.murston Houth, aiid the other to stop to pick up and set down passengers wherever required. Sir Joseph Ward replied that t'.ie existing train service wa=. ampla for present leqicrements. An extra train would mean great additional <r--t. which t'.e present Ir.iixic did not variant.


Mr Millar a^ked the Ac-Ding- Premier why no branch of the Tourist Department has l-een opened in Dunedin, st eipg that all the other centres have agcnt3 appointed. Sir JoßP'ph. Ward Raid no suitable premises could be obtained ni, present. When a suitable building could be procured an agent would be appointed.

To-day Mr T. sla<kenzip as-Iced the Minister of Minos wlicn the siphon coutrart at Na-eby wiJl br- let, sii^o when tho contiaet fur tho orertion of the nevv dam will be put in hand. The Hon. Mr M'Gowan replied that the pipes were bs>ing made, and that the construction of dip. dam and siphon would be proceeded with as hooii an the weather permitted.

Mr E. G. Allen asked the Minister of Ju.-tifc if he will this ct-.vuu place a cum of nid'iev on the K"t'm*te^ for the erection of a new courthouse at Waikouaiti. Tlie Minister .-aid he would make special inquiry and find if there w*> any necessity for a new building.

Mr J. W. Thomson aiJced the Minister of Railways uhetheu li<> will frive to the settlers at Catlm'.i Ri\ - cr^ for slecper3, as lias been tho riutonr in tho winter season for some % ears pa^t. Tlie Minister said only a. certain number of sleepen were required, but if those who Uad them for cale would r-ommunicate with tho general manager of railways the latter would pee that as far as possible a selection would be made from the Catliiw district.


Mr Barclay asked the Acting Minister of Defence if it is correct trvat returned tmopera are to be dripped of mamentos of tlie South African war in the- shape of rifle-, bandoliers, etc. M.r Haii-Jone.s said tlie l inpo and baJidohers were the property of the Imperial Government, who had called i:p'm the colony to account for them. If they did not account for them they would have to pay cash for them.


Tn the Legislative Council to-day the SUttUea Repeal Bui and Loan Bill were put thiough tlieir final stages. A discussion took pace with r'ifoience to th°> condition of soms of t-lie hotp-ls in Wellington ivhicli faliould have the effpet of aroumng owners of hotel properties to a. sen-se of their obligatlOlltt


Tlie lion. (4. JdNKS moved— " That the ( ;ovt*rnni«»nt, in viow of the alarming re- i poi m of die inspector of Police and City Kngitieer of Wellington as to the serious and ur.^at.-f.ictory < otulition of a Lirge nvun- ' I'cr of hotels in Welliugtou, pliould take ' ptsps to spcuro such reform.-* a* m?y ba neceaf.ary in connfctioa with these undesirable j und illegal drinking saloons to bring about ' a removal of menac&s to public; safety, ' health, and comfort, desc-rib^ci in the reports." Mr Jones ouotwl flip report!,, ;uid tcntended that the law had been eenously infringed X"nder tlie circum-tanees, he con- i bideied it tho duty of the inspector to obieob I

1 to the granting of licenses" to the house* I concerned. i The Hon. W. C. WALKEiI- i-eplled. tiieb hotel accommodation in Wellington waynows j a great d«rl better than pre-viously, and, looking to tlie, fact that a menace- was- helct ever the heads of owners because of them being no certain tenure, ho thought it would?' bo y mistake- if the adminisrration of tbe act by the Municipal Council was interfered with by tho IJavernxnenfc. The Hon. Mr RIGG said the condition* nf wme Hotels in Wellington was a disgrace to the city. The influence of the brewery on<L publicans was becoming 1 a danger to tho colony. The only remedy was tbe Tied Hou«es Bill which ha had introduced.

The Hon. Mr REEVES thought imder proper conditions the best course to pursuo was to gi-ant freetrado in licenses. He moved as a« amendment — " That all tko words aftea*

' nocessary ' be struck out of the motion."

The Hon. Mr BOWEN thouglit there wa«» no doubt but that, th« licensing law bad not ]k>c-h enforced. A great many of the hou«f4 v. ere merely r laces to stand up and drink tn, amJ lacked every other necessary accommodation.

The Hon. Mr PINKERTON supported the> niotion.

The Hon. Mr JENfKIXSON thought; the obnlaele to reform was the- joining hautl* of publicans and prohibitionists.

The Hon. Mr BOLT urged Stnte control of the traffic* as the only remedy for the nbuses in the- trade, a view concurred in Lv ths- Hon. Messrs TWOMEY and LEU SMITH.

The Hon. Mr FELDWTCK supported tJie an endment.

The Hon. Mr FRASER believed the n.otion would do good r as it would direct* tho attention of owners of hotels- to that dis-satisf action existing; The motion, as amended in the. direction suggepted by the DTnn. 3lr Reeves, wa* Jtgrecd to on the voices.

In tho House of Representatives to-day a resolution was passed expressing sympathy vith the relatival and friends of troopers who had died since their return to tha colony by the Britannic. The final report of the Representation Commissioners was discussed, and some very uncomplimentary* remarks made. A number of local bil'a were passed, including tlie Dunedin Town. Belt Road Closing and the University cf Otago Empowering Bills. Tho remainder of the- afternoon and the whole of the cvon« ing sitting was devoted to tho Estimates.


The following local bills w-ere put through: their final stages: — Duneddn Town Belt Road Closing and Regulation Bill, Christ-tlmrr-h Dietrict Drainage Act Amendment; Uil!. Wellington Harbour Board Empowering Bill, Christcuurcli Tramways District Bill, D:lworth Trustees Bill, University of Otago Empov.'eWnrf Bill, and Mastertoa Truits Kinpoworiug Bill.



I« tho Legislative Council to-day the Diuvsdin Town Beit Road? Closing-, U«ivar-:-iiy o? Otago Empoweripg, and several other local Lillr-, parsed by the House on th» previous day, were read a first time.

In the House of Representatives today the Slock CouruiUi-j reported s^aiusfc the Live Stock Am-:ion<; Bill. The Goldfiolds Committee recommended thstt the Stata Cual M"ine«i Bill be allowed to proceed s.» jjrinted. Questions occupied the remainder of the afternoon. In the evening there was a general bef'.irc the E=<ima£c* were proceeded with. The defence expenditure i» oi'caaionaig .some uneasiness, and tne Estimates were under ditcua&ion when the Tele-graph Office closed at 2 o'clock this morning.


In renly to questions Ministers stated — It wis not contemplated this season to> legislate in the directioa of enabling electors to express their opinions on the question. of Bible-reading in schools. A bill haa been preparod providing, for the direct election of members of Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards.

The Education Department is preparing a» book on health for use in public schools, anil in it questions of temperance will ba dealt with. £n view of that publication, it is not considered advisable or- necessary to print temperance wall slie^ts for schools. The Education Department has no information to show that any school has been closed o'ving to the adoption of the Publio iSihoo! ToaeheTif' Salaries A'-t of last session.

A b'H ih being considered with a view to extending the b&nefifca of the Military P&usioiis Acts to member? of the Eighth, Ntnib # and Tenth Ccmtiii!j2nts. It is not cmi^idere-d hke'iy that tlie Tin* prrtal authoriti-es will allow members of tKa Seventh Contingent to reUttn their bandalii m as memontoa of the Bothasherg fight.

Tho Government doa3 not intend to get Dr Bakowell, of Auckland, to rapcrfc on Lieutenant CalK-vnaj'a cat<e. Tlie Government vvi! 1 uphold the, health officers in th&ir diagnosi<! of tiie rase


To day M; T. Mackenzie asked tke <&*

Y«rament whether they have considered fhe carious condition arising through the adoption of the Public School Teachers' Salaries Act of last session -whereby v large number of country -schools are now closed, and if «o, what measures do they propose taking to remedy this serious condition of affaire. The Hon. Mr Mills said the department had no information to show that aiy school had been closed because of the adoption of the act. Mr Mackenzie : "Well, theru the department ought to be -wiped out. I say it has information. CONFJRiIED DRUNKARDS. Mr Collins asked the Minister of Justin* if anything haß yet been decided itr-on with reference to tie -treatTPent ol the class of •vicious inebriate}: who infest our larger cities, and with regard tc which c!n=s he promised to consult the Cabinet !a-t prss:on in order to see what wus the be*t to be done. Some of these p&ople, he said, had many convictions record>d against them. They were •ent to gaol time after time, but imprisonment had no effect on them. They wore ainxpty kept in gaol long enough to enab'c them to pet up another great thirst. The Eon. Mr M'Gowui replied that the subject ■was a very difficult one. The Government had considered ir, and had it st:ll under consideration. TEMPERANCE. Replying to Mr Ell, the Kon. ilr Mills «aid the Government did not think it necessary to distribute " temperance wall sheets " among the public schools, but mentioned ; that the Education Department was preparing a boot on health, and temperance would j be dealt -wrta in the publication. j JOTTINGS. The Joint Stock Committee report that i they heve considered the Hon. Mr Duncan's | Land and Live Stock Auctions Bill, and { recommend that it be not proceeded -with j during tins session. ! Tho Petitions Committee think that Judge Edwitrde's salary and law cost* amounting to ! £3916 should be paid. They therefore recommend that his petition be referred to the Cyovernm-ent fur favourable consideration. \ Tho Golcifields and Mines Committee recommend that the State CoM Mines Act Amendment Bill bo allowed to proceed as printed.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2527, 20 August 1902, Page 29

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N.Z. PARLIAMENT. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12. Otago Witness, Issue 2527, 20 August 1902, Page 29

N.Z. PARLIAMENT. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12. Otago Witness, Issue 2527, 20 August 1902, Page 29


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