C.J.C. NOMINATIONS AND ACCEPTANCES Peerswick Hurdle Handicap, of lOOsovs; onca round and a di=tance. —Social Pest, Vanquish, Huku, Larboard Watch, Holler. Autumn Maiden Plato, of lOOsovs. Seven furlongs.—Land Tax, Kotokoto, Calotype, Ray, Wepener, Speculate, Wonderful, Pallas, Bill Perkins, Kiore. Addington Plate, of lOOsovs, special weights, with filing allowances. Five furlongs.—Sophistic, Rawmore (nil), Sarchedon, Cahver (ml), Ordnance (nil), Imperator (£100), b g by Lakeshell—Fatigue (£100), King Stork, C'landeboye (£SO), Refi>x (nil), Bealey (nil;, Cannonshot (nil), Walda-(£100), Lady Dupdas (£SO). Autumn Nursery Handicap, of 300sova. Five furlongs.—Aher'tow", Golden Vein, Te.celet, Secret Society, Sarchedon* Lolah, Orlofi, Eveiyu Wood, Romany Queen, Grand Chain, Grand Rapids, Imperator, Stepson, Flint, Firebrand, Stepdaucer, Greek Maid, Merrymaker, Lady Rosslyn, Noblesse, Vladimir, Puaanm, Wellbcck, Furious, Liquefy, Walda, Cerise and Blue. Teinpleton Handicap, of 20Gsovs. Six furlongs.— Goldenmere, Wind whistle, Re-i Gauntlet, AyrdtUe, Canteen, West fruard, Vleka, Cruciform, Wepener, Battlecr>, Antigone, Rosemeie, Tsaniza, Pallas, Lady Dundae, Coiv Linn. Yaldhurst Welter Handicap, of 120sovs. Seven fuilongs. —Glenalad.ile, Windwhisile, Graduated Tax, Red Gauntlet, Ayrda^e, Kotokoto. Scottish Minstrel, Calotype, "Whirlwind, West Guard, Fleka, Clandebove, Antigone, Magnificent, Speculate, Rosemert, The Mastei, AYcnderful. Lady Medolhst, M:dm, Clanburn, P»l;k.s, Lady Dundae, Kioie. Tl'° following hascLeayis here b=en declared for events to be decided At the Autumn meeting of ths Canterburj Jockey Club . — Kildare Handicap Hur^'e Race, of 120sovs. One mils and three-quarters. —Social Pest 12.8, Huku 12 8, Roller 10.S, Vanquish 10.5, Larboard Watch 9.0. Rus6iey Plate, of loOsovs. Five furlongs. — Tercelet 8.3, Ron:ar>y Q\i°en 8.0, Lady Rosslyn 8.0, Stepdancer SO, AWrlcv.' S.O. Grand Chain fi.O, Grand Rapids 8.0, L.oue.'y 8.0, Stepson 7.10, Fucbrard 7.10, Secret Society 7.7. Lolah 7.7, Flint 7.7, Fotigue gelding 7.7, Punamu 7.3, Sarchedon 7.3, Furios 7.3, Cerise and Blue 7.3, Walda 7.0, Merrymaker 7.0. Sockbiirn Handicap, of lOOsovs. One mile and a-ouarter. —Fultnen S.lO, Scottish Minstrel 8.10, Lady Lillian 8.9. Cameo S.O, Huku 8.0, Magnificent 8.0, Djin-Dj:n 8.0, Mec'iis 7.11, Whirlwind 7.7, Wonderful 7.7, Clandeboye 7.2, Redoubt 6.7, Flame 6.7, Clanbum 6.7. Epsom Welter Handicap, of loOsovs. One mile.—Scottish Minstrel 10.9, Medus 10.0, Wind-•»-hist!e 9.13, Fleka 99, Ayrdale 9.6, Rosemsie 9.5. Th» lisstcr 9 5. Baitleciy ".5, Clandeboye 9.5, Lady Dundas 9.5, Lady Medallist 8.1-2. Rec.cubt R. 12. Ca!orype 8.11. Naicissus 8.2, C!*nburn 8.3. Graduated Tax 5.2. The following acceptances, final forfeits, and subscriptions has been received for the Autumn meeting Groat Easter Handicap, of 1000=ovs. Seven furlongs -Crucifoim 9.~9. St. Michael 9.6, Connie Chiel 9.3, Canteen 8.4, Tsantss 8.3, West Giiard 8.0, Lady Lillian 7.13, Cora Linn 7.13, Goldenraere 7.11, Red Gauntlet 7.9, Terrapin 7.b, Glenaledale 6.10, Calibre 6.7, Pallas 6.7. Great Autumn Handicap, of 50050v3. One mile and a-half. -Dundas 9.1, Canrie Chiel 8.6, Fulmen b.2, Canteen 7.13, Lady Lillian 7.11, Skob°lofF 7.6, Cameo 7 0, Glenaiadale 7.0, Corn Lsna 7.0, Djm-Djin C.iy, Terrapin 6.11, Cahbve 6.7 Champagne Stakes, of oOOso.s. Six furlongs. -CiolcT Vein, Tercelet, Vladimir, Evelyn Wood, Or'off, Groek Maid, b c by OccidentBay BeH, b c by Gipsy Gri.nl, Wellbcvk. Cnalleuge Stakes, of 500fovs. Sever, fai'ongp. -Cav.rie Chiel. Go'den Vein. Teycelet, Aherlow, Royal Artillery, Cruciform, Orloff. Impr*dtor. Evelyn Wood, Pampero, Cireiovs a, Greek Maid, Merrymaker. After payment of the second forfeit the following remain in THE CHAMPAGNE STAKES, of SOOsovs. Six furlongs. Sir Geo. Clifford's eh c Golden Vein, by Clanranald—Golden Crest. Sir Geo. Clifford's eh c Tercelet, by Clanranald—Teredina. Hon. G. McLean's b c Vladimir, by Stepmak—Mist. Mr 'P. Sheenan's eh f Greek Maicl^ by Musketrv—Psjche. Mr G. G. Stead's b c Evelyn Wood, by Hotel'kisfc—St Eve'ju. Mr G. G. Stead's br g Orloff, by Stepmak— Sortie. Mi W. Crossan's b c. by Occident—Bay Bell. Mr AY. A. Law«on's b c, by Gipsy Grand— Mensette. Messrs Lewis ami Thomas's br c Welb"ck, by Perkm Wai beck ll—Reverie. After the final payment the following remain in THE TENTH CHALLENGE STAKES, of oOOrci b. Sevpn furlongs. Mi G. G. Stead's eh f Cruciform, by St. Legpr —Fornie, 3yr=. Mr G. G. Stead's br c Royal Artillery, by HotchkiE"—Rose of Wellington, 3yrs. Mi G. G. Stead's br g Orloff, by Stepn;ak— Sortie, 2yrs. Mr G. G. Stead's b c Imperator, by Gipsy Grand—Coronal, 2vrs Mi G. G Stead's b c Evelyn Wood, by Hotchkibo—St. E\elvn. 2yis Hon. G. MvLean's eh c Ps-mpero by S*. Clair—Mistral, 4yrs. Mi T. Sheenan'a eh f Greek Maid, by Musketry—Psyche, 2yr«. Mr T. Shetnan's eh i Merrymaker, by Musketry—Pleasure Seeker, 2jts. Mr Wm. Stubbs's br c Capetown, by Mannhoher—Hettie, 2yrs. Sir Geo. Clifford's eh c Golden A em, by Clanr? paid—Golden Crest, 2yrs. Sir Gro. Clifford's eh c Tercelet, by Clanranald—Teredina, 2yrs. Sir Geo. Clifford's eh f Aherlow, by Clanrgnald—Golden Vale, 2yr=. Sir Geo. Clifford's eh c Canmo Chiel, by -Clanranald—Weathereye, 4yrs. AUCKLAND R.C. HANDICAPS. Tradesmen's Plate, of lOOsovs. One mile and a-quarter.—Beddmgton 9.0, Coronet 9.0, Formula 8.10, Bacchus 8.8, Defender 7.11, Matamataharakiki 7.9, Sundial 7.8, Red Lancer 7.8, Orange- and Blue 7.7, Despatch 7.6, Winsome 7.6, Goetzer 73, Volee 7.3, Paul Seaton 7.2, I Belfast 6.12, Ragabrash 6.11, Commodore 6.10, I Loch Lomond 6.7, Leo Delaval 6.7, Putty 6.7. I Eden Handicap, of lOOeov- Seven furlongs. —Rosella 9.11, Formula 9 3, Solo 8 10, Defender 8.2, Sundial 8.0, Jjajidlfick 7.11, Golden Rose
7.3, He-riot 7.2, Ragabrash 7.0, Hesper 6.11, Hikipene 6.9. First Pony Handicap, of 75sovs. Seven fur- ( longs.— Blue Paul 10.0, Stepaway 9.8, La Polish 8.10, St. Loanda 8.9, Sentinel 8.5, Annoyed 7.8, j Pipiwharauxoa 7.6, Vulpine 7.0, Polly PerkinaT 7.0, Trooper 6.12. j Onslow Stakes Handicap, of lOOsovs ; for two- J year-olds. Five furlongs. — Marshal Soult 8.5, Powerful 8.5, Lavslette 8.5, La Valiore 8.3, Spalpeen 7.12, Loch Fyne 7.10, Lavadel 7.10, Waireni 7.7, Geordie 7.7, Bastion 7.0, Muskerdale 7.0. Railway Handicap, of lOOsovs. Five furlong"!. — Hohoro 11.3, Okoari 9.13, Takapuna 8.10, St. Olga 8.7, Reclaimer 8.6, Lady Avon 5.4, Glasgow 8.3, Scotty 8.0, Cressy 7.10, Despatch 7.7, Geologist 7.7, Camillo 7.7, Klondyke 7.3, Hesper 7.3, Maroon and Gold 7.2, Bobs 7.2, Rosiphele j 7.2, Hector 7.0, La Polish 6.10, Mara 6.8, Kohai | 6.7. NAPIER PARK ACCEPTANCES. Welter Handicap, of 30sovs. Seven furlongs. —Wilson 10.5. Murmur 10.5, Reliance 10.0, lnspan 10.0, Lady's Link 8.10, Victoria Cross 8.9, Ogle 5.9, la 5.7, Vathek 8.7. Napier Cup Handicap, of 400sovs. One mile and ahalf.— Tortulla 10.5. Ideal 9.0- Kahuwai 7.9, Sirius 7.6. Cure 7.1), Kiwa 6.12, Fakir 6.10. Sapling Stakes Handicap, of lOOsovs. Five furlongs.— Eland 8.4, Ballynetty 8.2, Gold Seal 8.1, Liqueiy 7.7, Gold Purse 7.6, Immersion 7.5, Ehbank 7.3, Camelot, 7.3, Drakensberg 7.0, Mad- ! rigal 6.10, Gold Dusi, 6.9, Wind 6.7. Handicap Hurdle Race, of lOOsovg. Two miles.— Scallywag 12.3, Waitio 11.4, Paria 10.12, Stockade 9C13, Missfire 9.13, Rodara &£, Syl-\-anus 9.0, Cobra 9.0. _ Flying Handicap, of lOOsovs. Six furlongs. — F.oat 8.7, M^ongonui 7.4, Fleka 7.3, Assayer 7.0, V T ictoria Cross 6.7. TAIERI AMATEUR TURF CLUB AUTUMN HANDICAPS. President's Handicap. One mile. — Transoort 9.7, Vandyke 9.4, Wild West 8.13. Tufto 8.10, Red Banner 8.7, Phryne 8.2, Spider 7.12 j Easter Handicap. Seven fiirlorgs. — Transport 9.9, Vandyke 9.6, Wild West 9.1. Fiist Light 9.0, Tufto 3.12, Forward Gur-rd 8.7, Phryne 8.4, Spider 8.0, Western Bell 7.9. Plyrne: Handicap. Six t'urlonss. — Vandyke 9.7, First Light 9.2, Tufto 8.13, Haw+horn 8.10, ; Forward Guard 8.8, Phryne 8.5, Spider 8.2, Lord Rule 8.0, Far Niente 7.10, QuickshoL II 7.8, Off ■ Chance 7.7, St. TJlva 7.3, Red Peony 74). I Trial Stakes. Seven furior.gs. — Lord Rule 8.13, Western Bell 8.7, St. Ulva 8.0, Lena Ban ' 7.8, Bellini 7.2, Witch Winnie 7.0. Hack Handicap. Five furlongs. — Lord Rule 9.5, Patron 8.12, Reuben 8.10, St. Ulva 8.7, Red Peony 8.4, Lena Ban 8.2, Ma Belle 7.9, Rubigo 7.5,_ Bellim 7.2, Witch Wi-:ue 7.0. Novel Handicap. Four fur'ongp. — Patron 9.0, Reuben 8.11, Far Nie^te 8.9, Quickshot II , 8.7, Cherrywood 7.5, Rubis-o 7.3, Lady Ruthven 7.0. , ~ ; Handicap Tiot. Two miles. — Cling scratch, Geo. M. Patchen 13 seconds, Goodwind 15, Plan • J9, Cottage Boy 24. Susie Wild 28, Airedale 31, I Korea Queen 31, George L. 33. Messenger 33, ' Dromedary 33, Rex 35, Hukla 35. Phoebe 35, ! Miracle Jack 40, Waipouaamu 45, Tan 45, Split Ear 45, Crest 47, Caloola. 47, Ben 47. * I Handicap Trot. One mile a^.d a-half. — Cliug scratch. The Baron 7 seconds, Geo. M. Patchen 10, Goodwind 11, Plan 14, Cottage Boy 17, j Chrome 20, Susie Wild 20, Norse Queen 23, < Haroldson 23, Messenger 25. Dromedary 25, Rex 26, H»zel 26, Hu'.da 26. Phoebe 26, Devil's King 30, Miracle Jack 30. Craigmore 30. O-dos-suni XI 30. Uncle Sam 34, Srneorach 34, Tap 34. Split Ea.r 34, Cr«st 35, Caloola 35, Ben 30, Floater 37, Del Avis 37. :
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Otago Witness, Issue 2505, 26 March 1902, Page 48
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1,413WEIGHTS, ACCEPTANCE, &c. Otago Witness, Issue 2505, 26 March 1902, Page 48
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