(Aberdeen Daily Journal, January 7.) The series of granite tablet 1 ? i\n& o^her •work executed by Baillie Taggart, Aberdeen, to the order of the Earl of Aberdeen, for the purpose of commemorating the Gordons of Methliek and Haddo,. have nowbeen erected in the family burying ground at Haddo House, and there is thus preserved in unique form an interesting chain of historical facts. The situation of the burial ground is mos.t appropriate and picturesque. It is situated near the ivvcovered gable of the old church, now an interesting ruin. Skirting the churchyard is the rivei Ythan, and on the braes at the opposite side is part of the extensive -^elmuir Wood, on .he Haddo House estates, with its fine Si tree.'-. Round the churchyard itself are a number of venerable ash trees. The whole setting of th« scene is typical of +he ideal country churchyard, such as mighb have been in the poet's mind when Gray wrote his famous "Elegy." It is appropriate that the burial ground should ba so close to the venerable ruined pile, especially adjoining the old staircas-e up which former earls paesed ou their way to the family pew in the gallery of the church. What are supposed to be the ruins of a .still older church are yet extant surrounding the burial ground, and the old stones have beeD preserved as the wall upon which the granite coping with historical inscriptions has been placed. The supposition of those being the ruins of the still older church is strengthened almost to certainty by the fact related in the older records of the family that interments took place within the church itself. Round the enclosing tv<->ll ivy has been planted, fit emblem of the Gordon family and of the Gordon clan. The burial place was recently rearranged by Lord Aberde-cn. and the long series of granite cablets have been attached to the coping of the enclosing wall, both inside and outside : while at •each corner inside is a shield, carved in granite, with ths aims of the Aberdeen family. In the centre of ihe burial
ground is a beautiful Celtic cross of while Kenmay granite from the model of an old Celtic type of rare debign. Lord Aberdeen was forturuite in securing this through a friend who is an expert in archaeology, and especially in Celtic architecture. The name of the place where the original eros" stands is Clonmacnoise. a spot famous and sacred in the religious annals of Ireland. The cross i« ten feet in height, and presents a very imposing .ippearane?, being of White Kemnay granite. The base measures 3ft 4m. md I*. curlrounted b\ second and larger steps. Both are fine axed, and on ihe latter ie*t« the shaft, the lower poition of which is beautifully caived with interlaced woik. while the head .aid arms are neatly failed in with ivy, the bndyc of the Gurrton t.unily On the" face of the cro«& are ten uu-ed bosses, •■aived in \ai\ou«. designs On <i small tablet at the gate is the following inscription : — TiaS BU2IAL PLACE WAS HE^FRAXCEP. THE INSCRIPTION EKOKWKO, >KD THX CROSS ERECTED BY JOH-. CAMP3HLJ. TTH EARL OF WTTDZr", 1901. [XSCRIPTIOX.S OX THE CROSS The inscription on the left Mdc ol the crose "^ TO THE MEMORY 07 The Hon. JAMES HENRY GORDON. =ccond sou oT George John James, fifth Eiirl of Aberdeen, and Mary, Countess oi Aberdeen; bom at the Ranger's Lodgp, Orccu•wick Paik, 11th October, 1845, died irom the effectss of a rifl 0 accident at Cambridge, 12th February, 1863. On the front of the cro 5-*5 -* i the f illowhig : - GEORGE JOHX JAMES, -'uti, E.ul o. Aberdeen, born si Stanmore Pi 'or, Sei)teniber, 1816 3J.P "for thf County cf Abirdeen. died ai Haddc iiouoc, M.uch 2^ Icol, at
the age ol 47. Also of his wife, MARY BAILLIE, Countess of Aberdeen, daughter of George Baillie, of Jerviswcode, and sister of George, tenth Earl of Haddington , born August 4, 1814, and died at Kennet House, Alloa, April 3, 1900, at the age of 85. Their work dc follow them. God of our fathers,
be the God of their succeeding race
Or. .he light side of the cross :j: — GEORGE, sixth Earl of Aberdeen; born Decembei LO, 1814, at the Palace of Holyrood House, Edinburgh. Adopted the seafaring profes^on, and earned a master's certificate During a voyage from Boston to Melbourne in the schooner Hera he wss swept overboard in a gale and drowned at 4 a.m. on 27ch January, 1870. He had built the church at Methhck in 1966, ar.d the church at Barthol-Chapel wps erected by his mother in his memory.
With regard to the records on the tablets running along the coping, the idea has been not to go farther back than to such a period within which names and 'lates and other information could be obtained with tolerably reliable historical accur icy. The records therefoie commtnee in t.->e fifteeiith century. Much care has b"cn exercised in endeavouring to secure the most correct version of family statistics lelatmg to those comparatively early times. The text of the inscriptions is as fo'.lows : — TO THE MEMORY OF THE GORDONS OF METHLICK AND HADDO, And especially of PATRICK GORDON, of Methliek, who fell fighting for King James II of Scotland at the battle of Brechm, May 18, 1452, and of his son, James Gordon, cf Met Mick. Also of Patrick Gordon, of Methhck and Archadhe (he died ,531), son of the aforesaid Jame3, and of his son and heir, George, who predeceased his father. JAMES GORDON, of Methhck, Archadhe, Ar-.-datt, Brauchlaw, and Haldach, sou of th = aforesaid George Gordon, a faithful adherent of Mary Queen of Scots, of him it 13 recorded that he bigged a house called Kelly. He died 1582. Also of his wife Marjory, sister of Sir Thomas Menzies, of Pitfodal, Comptroller of Scotland, and of his son and heir, Patrick Gordon, who predeceased his father, and o' his wife, Agnes Fraser, daughter of Andrew Fraser, of Muchill. JAMES GORDON, of Methhck, Haddo, Tarves, etc., son of the aforesaid Patrick Gordon. He died .11 November, 162 1, and of his wife, Jean, daughter of William, Lord Keith, Earl Mai'ischal, and of his son and h"ir. Geoige Gordon, who died in 1610, and of his v.nfe, Margaret, daughter of Sir Alexandei Bannerman, of Elsick. Sll JOHN GORDON, of Haddo, son of the aforesaid George Gordon, created a baronet of Scotland in reward of his seivice3, 1042, second 111 command of King Chir'es la forces m the north , was taken pruon T>y the Covenanters under the Marquis oi Argyll at his house of Kelly, May 6, 1644. and was beheaded at the Market Cro^s at Edinburgh, July 19, 1644, and wat buncd in the Grejfriara Church} aid. Aid of lu^ wife, Mary, daughter of fen "William Forbes, of Tclquhon. Also of Sir JOHN GORDON, Bait., to whom his father's title and estates wire re^toied in 1661, and who died 1665, ar.d of his wifs. Mary, only daughter of Alexander first Lord Pitshgo. Sa GEORGE GORDON, Bart, born Octobsr 3rd, ji637, pioie-=or of law at King's College, Aberdeen. Succeeded his brother 1.: 1665. appointed a Lord of Session with the title of Lord Haddo, 1630, and became Lord Pref.dent on NovernbeT 1, 1691. He was ::eate I Lord Chancellor of Scotland in May, IC-C, and Shenff-Princippl of the countie-s of Abeideen and Edinburgh He was created Earl of Aberdeen, etc., m Noveru bei 1G32, by King Charles II 111 recognition of h.s own <=eivices and of his father's drvo'."d loyalty and of his suFerirgs in th^ loyal cause. He died at the !iou»c of Krlly jn the 83rd year of his age, April 2J, 1720, and wa° buried here A-hc of Li*, wife, ANNIE LOCKHART, Ccutcs= of Aberdeen, daughter of Ceorge Lockhari, of Torbrecks, who died July, 1707 , niso of his eldest son, George, Lord Haddo, bori' 1674, and died Sept-ember, 1699, and of his children, John, James, Patrick, and Joan, who died in infancy, and of hu daughter, Lady Margaret Goidon, who died unmarried, 1633 All buried here. T *'ILLIAM, scond Earl of Aberdeen, K.T., born 1679, elected M P 101 the County of Abc.ufn, 1708, but wi-> dec'ared unable to d.t in Pimiameiit. being an eldest t>on of a pee., < lejtid ope o! tho lpprc-entatne pe.-rs of Scotland. J721-1727, ho bui't Ha'-'dc Hoi. * l"'i' 2, ard die-d of a fe\'>r m Kdiut-.ihgh. March 30. 1745, m the 70th >ejr of his age, and was buried here, April 15 lji.'\y MARY MELVILLE, Lady Haddo. .laughter of David, Eail of Leven aid Mel- \ 1 1 le, fir = t wife of tiic second Earl of Aberdeen, died June, 1710, a"d buried here. L;dv SUSAN MURRAY, Countess of A.beide°;i, eldest daughter of John riist Duke of Atholl, second wife o' the second Earl of Aberdeen, died J 11.12 22, 1"25. and was. b ancd here. Laco ANNE GORDON, Countess of Aberdeen, daughter cf Alexander, second Duke of Gordon, third wife of the «econd Earl of Abeideen She died m Edinburgh, June °C, 179), and was buried m St. Cuthbert's Cnrrch, with her son. Lord Rcokcliffe. A .co of MARY, JOHN, SUSANNA, and BETTY GORDON, n.fant children of "William, second Earl 01 Aberdeen. All buried here. Gir.ORG E. third Earl of Aberdeen, a repiesentatiw pfcr of Scotland from 1747, 130111 Jaru.i'-v 19. 1722, died at Elloa Caatle, Au»u-t 1 i, I^ol A"-o of IC\TIIEKIXE, Con' t.<-,» of Aberdeen, tlaughtei 01 Oswald Hanson, E-q , 01 Wakcfielcl, and wife of the third Earl of Aberdeen. She died at Ruddin<; Park, Yoik .•shne, March 15, ISI7, a-?ed 81, and was buried here, April 11, 1817. Ho CHARLES GORDON, son of tne second Earl and of his wife, Anne, captain of the GGth Rogiment of Foot, died 1771 at Aberdeen, and was buried at Methhck. GEORGE, Lord Haddo, born January 28, 1764, Grcml Mastei Mu'on of Scotland, died -suddenly ou April 2, 1791, aged '27, buried !p;e Ard of lv« \,ife. CHWLOTTE BAIRD, Lady U.idd^ daueht»r o< WiMiam Baird, of Nei B; tli Died «t Clifton, Octobsr fe, 1795, a^ed 30 buried hcie, No', .mber 7, 1705 Ho". WILLIAM GORDON, ol E.lon, accord •3O' 1 of Geori^e. third Ecirl of Abirdori 1 , r'.d of his wife, Katherme , died at Boalo^re April. 1845, and \\a L buried hcic Lauv CATHERINE, daughter cf tl.o ih .d IC^il o." ALcidecii. ci'id la.niur.n' «t Vaquair Ci«t!e, St-'ptcmb^r 20, 1 7d i, . -icl buried heic GF.ORG L HAMILTON -GORDON. (ei.r.h ] r .arl o:' Aber'lecn, XT , K.G . bom «• J-dinbur^h, Jauuai^ 2b, 1764, benl as
rpe^icil diplomatic envoy to Vienna, ISI3 . cic.tcd a pfei of '.he United Kingdom. 1814 , Secretary of State for Voreigu Affau<\ 182S-J.830, Secrctan- for the Co!ome«. 3534]83j; Secietcry of Sti>te for Fore>gn, 1841-184G, "Pnme Mnnsto,. 1852 1P55, '.bed at Argyll Hoi"ic, London, Deciiibs'- 14. 1860. and was buried at SLinrore, Middlesex, v. bore, in the church, a 'jatirb'e lecumbent figure, by Boohni, ha^ been placed in his memory by his graud--on. Join C.mpbell, se\ci-th EiiJ of Abeidecn. Lad;- CATHERINE ELIZABETH HAMILTON, Countess of Aberdeen, daughter of John James, Marquis of Abercoin, fii-i. wife of Geoiqjp, fourth Ilarl of Aberdeen, boi-r Jai.iwry 10, 1781, died February 20, 1812, and was buried at S'anmore. bARRIET DOUGLAS, Countess of Aberdeen, daughter of Hon. John Douglas, wide,*- of Viscount Hamilton an' l spcond wife of George, fourth Earl of Aberdeen, died Aiuu&t -26, 1833, ut Argyll Hou=e. London and was buried at Stanmore. Alto of the dearly-loved children of George, fourth Ear' of Aberdeen, and of his .nle, Catherine — Lady JAKE. born Februaiy 11, 1807 died in 1825, at the age of 13. Lady CAROLINE CATHERINE, bom March 2S, ifOS, died July 21, 1818 "Lady ALICE, horn July 12, 1809. c^cd April 29, 1829, and w-a-> buried utGicat S'-jninore. GEORGE, an infant son, bom and dud November 23, XBIO. Al=o of Lady FRANCES, daughter of Grorge, fourth Karl of Aberdeen, and of his wile, Harriet died in hei 16th year on April 20, 1834. Hon. Sit CHARLES GORDON, son ol George, Lord Haddo , served with 3id Regiment, ot Foot Guaids at tne taking of Copenhagen and dining the Spanish campaign, and aftei\\?rds commanded the 42nd Highlander-, bom sth July. 1700, died a. Cfic.-a, September 30, 1855 Ri/ht Hon Sir ROBERT GORDON. G CB, nin of (leoigo. Lord Haddo, Briti-h Mini<«* in ii'.zii, 1822-1828, Brit'bh Am-bas-d.loi ut Coustuntn nple. 1823-1831. aiid at Yie'ina, 18-il-ld-IG, born 1791, died at Bjinioia', Oc.ober 8, 1S1", and was buried here Vice-Admirai the Hon. JOHN GORDON, son of George, L.0r.1 Haddo, born 1792, t'-ed Novemb»r 11. 1569, and was buned at Kensal Green, London Lientenant-Colonel the Hon. Sn ALEXANDER GORDON, KCB, son of Geoige, Lord Haddo, born 17&6. heutenantoioncl m the 3id Regime nt of Foot Guards was present ft thr tak:n« of the Cape of Good Hope, Biieno, Ayic. and Copenhagen as A D.C to his uncle, Sir David Baird, Commhiider-u. -Chief , was sent home with despatches aflei the battle ol Corunua, 1809, ADC to the Duke of Wcllmgtoi . by whom lie was. .specially mentioned m despatches corcernmi; tLe battle of Wateiloo, whpio lie was k.lifd, Jim» 18, 1815, buncd ut Waterloo, where a monuino'it wai erected m hi^ raeuion by his brothci, the fourth Earl of Aberdeen, and by Irs othei suivnmg brother-, and YKC-Adnmal the Hon WILLIAM CORDON, hon of George, Lord Haddo, born 17f5 , M P. for the county of Aberdeen from ]01--1854, Commauder-m-Ch'ff at tlie Norn, 1854-37, died Febiuar; 6, 185S, and ,-as buned at Exmoi.lh. L-dy ALICIA GORDON, orly daughter of Geoige, Loid Haddo, died urn .<ri ed, Api il 24, 1847, n London, and v.r Lur'cJ .t Ken'-al Gieen. Ge era! the Hon. Su ALEXANDER HAMIL-TON-GORDON, KCB., son o! Gcoij-e. fo'uth Ear! of Abeideen, and of hi- «wie, Hsunet colonel Ist Butt 'lion Prircr of AVales'.- J?"ginipr,t, aiid sened 1:1 to dime .i rai , MP. for the Count;, of Aberdeen 1875 1885. Knight of the Leg.on of Honoi l *r.d of ill* 3 Medjidie born Dei ember 11 ISI7, died Msy 17. I^OO, m Ijc: \o\ s\d ai 'jar:ed *.< Ha".-..-el Cei^.' '- -v . '1 "' DOUGLAS rf-v itiLTOIC d''KOON, Ca of Sal.-'- .>. I'^pi^in in o. !i, ■ > \r the Q';r .. , '*> ■-ii- * , 3».d D...' übr. <", ID
"li." tablets are all of Hill o Fare giYnite. With re 4. ml t( tin' ni'«' s-tiiu tura! arr.ingcmei^t (11 the b' ])!.ice. it may be >-aKI tL.'t tI.L etWt is vei\ good, on the « hole, aud \wtit Lilt uosb, the liiu^iuiUuixa ul v im-.U
harmonise exceedingly well with the surroundings, will add" much to the appearance of the picturesque old churchyard of Methhck. There can be no doubt .that the placing of these memorials is regarded by the people of the district with a very sinceie feeling of sympathetic approval and satisfaction.
On Sunday the churchyard gate was onen during thp whole day. and many visited I the place, especially after the church ser- | vice and in the afternoon. They appeared to be deeply interested in reading the clear and finely -cut insciiptions lound the coping and on the cro«s. and in admiring the beautiful carving of the Aberdeen heraldic arms, -with the thistle and lose ornamentation upon the double tressure. which is ir.- | dicative of the highest position amongst I the Scottish nobility, and the three boars" I head? in the centre of the shield ; as also the beautiful carving upon the cross itfelf. i As an additional loving tiibute to the me- | moiy of the departed, a wreath of laurel I and bay leaves wa.s nlaced on the ero.«s> when the shaft springs from the die. PULPIT REFERENCE'S. Rev. A. Ritchie, preaching Jn Methliek Parish Church on Sunday, said a"t the close of his sermon : The Dumber of deaths in \ this parish la«t year was 24, being less than the average of past years. Some relatives I of the congregation have died in distant I places, bringing sorrow into the homes of both minister and people, and were buried I m different churchyards ; but some of these also have been brought to "God's a-re" heie. to rest with their kindred dust. Many of tho congregation may have observed, or will shorSy observe, that the old family burial place of the Haddo House Gordons has been learranged, with commemoiative inscriptions und a monumental cross The recoids of past generations of 1 his family, thus peimanently preseived. contain many names; but the central position and place of honour is allotted to the parents of the present head of tilt family. The funeral of the late Dowager Lady Aberdeen will be fresh 111 thp menioiy of many. One of the touching and impressive featuies of that occasion wns the singing of the 2nd P.iraphiase, ■0 God of Bethel,"' by the school childien of the parish: and perbans a rort of leminiscence and suggestion from that *njidrnt is to be found in the select'on of the words which form a sacred motto for tlii- last jesting place (where there can be no more interment?, the available space being row wholly occupied), the motto en-g-aved on the .'ohd granite base of the cross being : '"God of our fathers, be the God of their succeeding race." The beautiful memorial cro«s and the sui rounding tablets .ufc evideinlv intended its an act^of filial ] devotion nnd of grateful mcmoiies. on the ] ]>->rt of tlio^e «bo have placed them there I • 'tit. together witb this, there will aho I be tlie helpful consciousness that many a one in thk district, and not here only. \\ ill reg.Trd tue existence of jt-his monument with kindly appreciation, and with a sympathetic concurrence 'ju the sentiments" indicated. 1 have been asked kindly to mention that theie will, of course, be no hindrance whatevei to the inspection of the epitaphs. within the walls of the enclosuie. a. well as those on the outside, by any who dcsiie to ex'iininc the inscription*.
A somewhat bimiLv leferenee was made in the United Free Church of Methhck on Sunday by Rev. Johr H;i_ r gart. minister of the dniivli.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2504, 19 March 1902, Page 65
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3,020THE GORDONS OF METHLICK AND HADDO. Otago Witness, Issue 2504, 19 March 1902, Page 65
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