The monthly meeting of the above council ■was held at the County Chambers, Balclutha, on the 28th ult.; present— Crs J. M'Neil (chairman), W. Hay, J. R. Mitchell, Jno. Johnston, A C. Saunders, D. A. M'Lachlan, J. Clarke, D. Robertson, and R. Simmers, jun. The chairman had to retiie on business at an early stage of the meeting, and Cr M'Lachlan was voted to the chair pro tern. The Chairman Said he had visited the proposed Tahakopa Cemetery site. The matter had, however, better stand over pending a rply from the Education Board. CORRESPO NDENCE. R. Campbell, Inverteil, wrote that he had received the council's notification re removal of fence. He had been led to believe by officers of the Land Board that the land fenced off belonged to him and they advised him to fence. If the land did not belong to him he would be pleased to comply with the council's wishes, but before doing so he would be obliged if the coined would let him know that the fence was not on the boundary .of his own land. — The Chairman denied that the Land Board had suggested that Campbell should fence. He (the chairman} was going to town, and would inquue more fully into the matter if the council desired. — Chairman to inquire as suggested. • The Under-Seeretary Department of Lands and Survey forwarded a copy of the proclamation vesting the control of the Tuapeka Mouth punt in the Tuapeka County Council and Apportioning the cost of maintenance in accordance with the recommendations of the commissioners. The Tuapeka Council were to pay es per cent, and the Clutha Council lo per cent. — Received, and consideied satisfactory. The District Road Surveyor, Dunedin, asked to be informed how the council paid its labourers employed in the Catlins Bush — whether the men came to Balclutha for their money, whether it was sent in cash by an agent or officer of the council, or whether cheques were sent by post.— Clerk to attend to the matter. The Road Surveyor further wrote re ChntonOwaka road pound foi pound— that this was for construction, maintenance not being mentioned, and that plans, etc., had to be approved by him.— Received. The Road Surveyor forwarded circular letter stating that the chief engineer required a monthly report of all works undertaken by local bodies under Government grants. — • Keceived. The Chief Engineer of Roads, Wellington, ■wrote re his telegram of December 23 last, stating that all agreements entered into prior to June 30 last had been cancelled, and asking that all claims for money expended under said agreements prior to December 24 be forwarded before the 28th February. — To be attended to. The Clerk Bruce County Council notified that liis council had agreed to pay half cost of woikling and of maintenance of Ciydevale punt. — The clerk was instructed to write asking" the Bruce Council to allow their engineer to go up to the •punt and confer with the Clutha engineer with regard to the bank forming on the Bruce side. The Clerk Balclutha Borough Council notified that his council approved of an increase in the '(Balclutha bridge-keeper's salary to 10s a week. 'Matter to stand over pending Tepjy from Bruce Council. — Cr M'Lachlan objected to the council taking the initiative in the increase, particularly in view of the fact that the Government ■was about tc undertake the maintenance of tho [bridge. The Valuer-general wrote that the claim for £28 17s Cd was for one-third the actual «oat of n^kin-i 38a alterations fin
the county rolls for the year ending March 21. 1901.— Cr Mitchell " moved that the letter be received, and the account paid. — This was agreed to. — It was further carried—'' That m the opinion of this council the present system of preparing and adjusting the valuation roll is unsatisfactory, being costly and harrassing to the ratepayers, and that wi»h a view of placing the matter under the control of local bodies, the member for the district be requested to do all in his power to aisist to have the system altered. The Manager Bank of New Zealand, Balclutha, wrote, under date February 2, that the county fund account was overdrawn £3330, being in excess of the limit by £1007.— The clerk sa:d that £1591, rates alone, had been paid in since the date of the letter, and that the overdraft was now within the linv.t. George B Watt, and Charles B. Rowe, Pomahaka Downs, drew attention to the necessity for reducing the grade and metalling the hill on road from corner of Pomahaka Downs road towards Mount Mistake, and offering to cait th a stone for same. — Granted. R. Chalmers, jun., Purekireki, wrote complaining that he had no road to ins sections, 18 and 19, Mock VIII, Warepa. The engineer said the land fund available foithe whole block was £12. — Referred to the engineer, with power to act. A. Sioie, Purekireki, wrote complaining that nothing had been done to culverts on Hunt's road in front of sections 27 and 2S, block 11, though it was almost a year since he wrote about it. His Lrothei =aid he would rcpan them for £10. — Left with the engineer to have the work done. Margaret Lees, Owaka. wiote that the footbridge across the river to h:i property had broken down through decay, and asking t l ie council to grant her a coil of galvanised who for its ie-erection.— Granted. Jas. Sim, Purekireki, requested the council to proceed with metal on Brush's road, to which he called attention some time ago.--Clerk to write to Mr Sim on the question of land fund, and engineer to inspect the road when ho is in the distnct —The engineer =aid the books did not show any ciedit to this road. D. Miller, Upper Catlins, complained of both «, separate and special rate in addition to the ordinary rate being levied. He complained also of the roads in his locality, and expressed a hope that the chairman and member for the riding should come aid see them for themselves. — Cr Saundeis said the Upp?r Catlins was a dreadful load, m sledging up provisions the sledge very often went out of sight altogether. — Engineer to m=pect the road when in the district. Jas. D. Calder, Ratanui, wrot_* stating that the Long Point ro?d was very bad in places, and he would like to know if there were any land fund moneys available to make the road passable before winter. — Referred to the engineer. A. W. Pollard, Owaka, asked perrnis c ion to erect a gate across load between sections 101 and 102, block VIII, Glenomaru district.— Granted on usual conditions. Thos. Wilson wrote that as there was £40 road money loaded on section 57, block 111, Glenomaru, he wished it spent on roading, as tho chief surveyor and "engineer thought proper. —Writer referred to Government road surveyor. W. Mason, Owaka, drew attention to a ditch between the dairy factory and his place, which ■ had been filled in. He asked the council to oeo that it was cleared out; also that gorso ■was cleared off the road. — The Engineer said ho understood that Mr Bradfield was at fault with regard to the ditch, and had viittep to him, but had got no reply. — Engineer to vute r.gain in more urgent terms. R. ChaiflAPra, Waiwera, drew attention, to Lh«
necessit;. for Slaving the road Chnion to Owaka formed at bock X, Kuriwao.— Received. Xo funds available. J. Walker Johnston, county engineer, wrote that he had received two letters from Mr John "Wright, jnn., Kaihiku, complaining of the effect of mobs of sheep camping on the road opposite his property. Thrre was a danger of damage to bis f.nces, and he said there was i.mple accommodation to be had by paying for it. Mr Wnght wished some ruling by the council as to course to adopt in such cases.— The council declined to express any opinion in the raattei Wm. Paterson, Puema, drew attention to the dangerous ttato of the road leading from Main load to Mr Meikle's, "Waitepeka. He suggested thpt the engineer report on same.— Engineer to examine and report. Hugh M'Kechnie, and three others at Glenommu, respectfully asked that a few loads of stone ba put on road from Dawson and M'Kcchme's sawmill to Main road. — Cr Hay said there was =ome £60 of land fund available, and moved that tenders be called for the work. — Agreed to. William Brown and nine other ratepayers m Richardso.i Kidmg diew attention to the dangerous staid of tl.e road leading fiom Mr W. Brown's past Mr Meikle's to Mr Telford's, Otanomomfl. — Matter already dealt wit!f. John N. Harris, Purekncki, applied for theposition of ranger fop that district.— Appointed accordingly. THE ENGINEER'S REPORT. TiiH County Eiigineei (Mr J. Wulker John-<-toii), m his> monthly report, enumerated the works for which tenders weic called. Specifications for work m connection with Mr Veitch's apphcat.o.i wcie m course of pr°paiatio;>, aiid tendei^ wou'd 1-e called for next meeting Works earned on by day labour had been arranged for ii the following eases — D. Murray, metalling, Lr^an'-, loid formation. fiille«pip's. load cnlverting and foimation, and in Biyant's road, Owakp, and Dick'«. Tahatika. In those caseb the narties interested had all promise! to proMdc hoises <uid otherwise assist to an amount practically equal to the amount spent by the council. This was a good principle. and deserving encouiagement at the hands of the counc.l. With regard to Mr Jpfcoate's letter regarding ihe state cf the bridges on the Puerua road, he had examined all the biidges complained of, and found them structurally sound. The skew bridges o\ei I'■ c Little Puo-rua. however, required icdecking, and pro\ isioii should be made for hand-iaihng. The other two bridges o\er the Puerua required that additional spare planking should be stocked handy an case of bieakages. While Tepairs were being effected to the Otanomomo Swamp load bridge ;t was discovered that an additional stringer was required to make a complete job. Arrangements had been made for a, thorough repair of the bridge. He had also attended to the repairs of the bridge at Brown's Waitepekn, which had a sencis hole in its deck timbeis. During the month the bridge over the Omaru at Murray's had practically been rebuilt out of land fund moneys. And in connection with this he might add that a considerable amount of the clerical labour in connection with his office during the month had been a subdivision of the accounts and time bills into their various funds, the land fund especially." "With regard to Mr Marshall's complaint (Warepa) he had made a careful examination of the road where it crossed the waterccurses complained of. The water-courses were dry at the time of his visit. He was inclined to think that Mr Marshall's property would be subject to flood, no matter what the council did, as the water-courses in his own property were full of flax, niggerheads, and debris, as was also the case on \Hpa Fla^^-the opposite aide
of the road. At all events, three loft pipe culverts at the place where the road crossed the watei-couises would xeheve the council of all responsibility, cost about £6. As legarded Mr Marshall's second complaint re small creek deviated along Mr Stewart's Tence, hs advised the council to arrange with Mr Stewart to cut his gorsc fence, which was at present obstructing the ditch complained of, after wh ; ch the surfaceman could easily clear out the ditch in a day. In regnrd to the South Molyneux punt, he had received a communication from the Bruce County Council and from the puntman (through Mr Hay) in reference'to the leaky condition of one of the pontoons. He found the leports were not exaggerated. The general timbers of the punt, with the exception of the keelson, were in first rate order, and would last for years. But the stem of one was very much bruised and m a very leaky condition, and the v.liole punt would require beaching to effect the necessary lepairs. He would suggest that the matter be left in h:s hands with power to act. The repent \\a« adopted. TKNDFRS. Tentleis \.'rc dealt wit' 1 , as follows —Contract No. 12 Allison's load, Pueru.i — J. Town-lc-y, £18 (accepted up to £31) , two tenders. Contract Xo. 18 Upper Ciydevale — John Shaip, £57 10s (accepted): five tenders. Contract 14 (irKeazie's road, Waiwera)— J. Taylor, £14 os (accepted up to £25) , only tender. There were no tenders for contracts 6 and 10. only one for 8 and 9. Fresh tenders were c-idered to be callfed for these — to be in in a fortnight. There was only one tendei for contiact 11 (Mound Hill), but it was ordered to stand ovei till funds were available. THE OWAKA BRIDGE. Tlip Ch:ci Engineer of Roads, "Wellington, v. iote that iio autlioi ity foi the of the vote fci the Owake bridge could be ijupii at piesent. — The Chief Engineer fuither urole. generally, that under the present circumstances authorities tould not be issued fo; the expenditure of giants and no promise could be given that if the conn*:! on with the work the money vould be paid after Apr:! I.— Cr Saunders ha\mg explained the position, tenders for the work wcie oi tiered to be returned. KIXAXcIAL The monthly pay •■hc-i.t, amounting to j££3o, was passed for r.avmu.t. The Cleik reported that the receipts for the mo.ith of February were as fo'lows-— Dog tax, £20 10 •> , hawkers' hceni-es, £1 , load woiks refund, 14s; ] grant Owaka. P.O. approach, £10, deposits on contracts, £'22 Is 3d, rntes, £1591 7s 9d;— \ total. £1G43 13=. —The loport was received ancT geneial satisfaction expressed therewith. THE " THIRDS " AND " FOURTHS " QUESTION. Ihe Chairman (Mr M'Xeil) suggested the holding of a special meeting to deal with this question. There vas no time to go into it at the ordinary meeting. The council would have to do something to put the matter right. There was no doubt the Government would withold the subsidy till the matter was rectified. Cr Saunders referred to the matter at a subsequent stage, and urged that the council should take steps to deal with, the matter finally. It was no good leaving it over fioni time to time. I ■motions. The following motions were passed. — Moved by Cr Mitchell, seconded by Cr Hay — " That the engineer, as soon as convenient, visit the Ciydevale Ferry with a view to deciding what is the best way to improve the landing on the Bruce s:de, with power to call for tenders for next meeting. Moved by Cr Robertson, seconded by Cr ( Saunderfi— " Th>t the engineer call fa> teu-
ders for maintenance gravel on Waikoikoi roacj/ boundary between Waipahi and Glenkenich Ridings, tenders to be at per mile for one to five miles, and to bo in at next meeting." Moved by Cr Clarke, seconded by Cr Robertson—" (1) That tenders be called for repairing the Pomahaka-Clinton road between Mr Sangster's corner and the railway station, amount not to exceed £40; (2) that tenders be called for repairing Pomahaks Ford road, near Mr Gib soii'b homestead, amount not to exceed ;£20." Moved by Cr Saunders, seconded by Cr Johnston —'" That the engineer examine Cupid's road, and have the same put in repair, either by tender or day labour." Moved by Cr Johnston, seconded by Cr Saunders—" That tenders be called for metalling seven chains on Little" Puerua road, place tc be pointed out by the engineer." Moved by Cr Johnston, seconded by Cr Saunders—" That a vote of thanks be passed to Messrs Keys, Muuro, T. Telford, and A- Houliston for their services in grading Shaw's track, and the Otanomomo Flat roael, and in lending their teams to work the grader, and all with tile best of good will and for nothing. It was resolved that, the next ordinary meeting falling on Good Friday, the meeting be held on Friday, April 4 instead.
A laugh was occasioned at the Mackenzie County Council on Mondny, when a member reported one of the objections offered to the order to remove pigetyes from certain parts of the township of Fairlie: " Some of us were brought up with pigs under the table, and you will not allow" us to have them in the back-yard." —Timara Herald. Like- either visitors to elistricts north of / Auckland, Sir Joseph Wnrel was impressed with the excellent facilities for water carriage which exist there. He was pleased al=o to notico a present tendency to make use of them to a greater extent. There is coming tc be a better recognition of the line?-on which these districts should be developed, and in their development steamer traffic lr- destined^ to play an impoitant part. —Xi_w Zealand Timc=.
In Mu'ilch tie penalty for not filling a beer glass to the limit i«'a £25 fine and tuo nTeeks' impiisonment.
The Queen of Greece is th- .m.y woman | admiral in the world. She ho.cU that po-i *'«>» m dia Rllstian nav *
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Otago Witness, Issue 2503, 12 March 1902, Page 11
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2,830CLUTHA COUNTY COUSCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2503, 12 March 1902, Page 11
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