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Rus-i.x is opening new sa\ ings banks at the- rate of 600 a year.

The -caicit> of water on the goldfield-, of Wo^toin Au-jtiaha. is causing coiiaiderable anxiety

A uimil)pf of fow Is arf lopoitod to lia\ o ched in Maaterion on Monday an a result of sunsuoke.

A cur.ous i»erqui-ite of Dr<ni-h M.P.'s Is the nyht to a lrce Turkish hath anywhere in the kingdom.

London's -pur— 00-t £5550 a mi'lp. tlu =■• of BlaiUmui £t7GO, wine jil;u:ch< stt r'- ccs v only £1240 a mile.

The Pan Mr .Torchin. of Tauranga. mtPiid.-, to -fand for the Ba^ of Plenty -eat at the t,?wial plc-ction.

I'i'inl- m F^nglieh Roaid schcoK oo=t rate pa\ii- Cl 16s 8e a head a year; m Scot-la-i . Jb? 1- 6d oac'.i.

'{|>c MJa^khall Company shipped 1513 toni m.'l Ami the Brunuer Company lb^b tons fioin (irevm nitli la-t week.

Tup other clay tha CioniWi'll Ar>.'.i- was sldwu a. Mock of refill w. xifinn^ 151b, taLen tioiii a toalpit iiPai fcJt H.uliaii".

Ah >ut lialf-pa-t 6 on Tve c <luy night the p*"( iiliar p'lcnoineuon of a snick mvi was aeeii b/ re-idcnt 1 ' m Ciir.atfhurch.

The We-tport C >al C nipany'- output last week i\a s 6025 trm^, toal Wcrk at the Coopera' ne mine is temporarily »i'spendecl.

Tho -tPiimer Delphic, which was jo the Calliope dock (Aucklai d) early .n the week, i-> the Lugcnt \ e-sel e\er taken into the

Dinintr tlif rec r nt pyclonp at Narrabii, Xfiv .South Wale-, n any lipadbtonos and nioiiiuncn*-. in tho local cemetery were blown down and -mni-hrH.l.

The loiige'-t meu-inetl 'Inft of a hottlp waa in tlio Pacific, from 4tl^R eouih of tho <qiiator to thp Fiji Island-, a th-tante of 6700 ipi!c = . m 455 tldv 1 *

'J ho pru-,( rit lusli juices for flax lia\p n ih'( idpd nrmetiK to th" i',dn = tiy. -f»\ mills in ill© IlotortiJi d' = tiict liavii'g rp^i;rn("l opt MtionThi' wo'-k of dfitini? th'- ■' >nt. rir , m roniM c tion will >>iinnlyini? t - 1 .- ho:oi:/h of Law 1 1 lit.' with VV.itt'« water gas «i'l b<* jj'it 'i haii'l at mi oa'lv rlafo

llip I/i\i'ii ariji'l I'xiiuu^h Couiuil ■- follo'iin_r in llio -tei>- < I the Dune v n City ('•m.cil in |i;r-«n.« a hj 'aw nnLii'? it di ntin.iP to c\ppi toi.up i.ii the fo it, aih&

'Ihe li.iva Inr'l of I'idi.i >-j:Pi.ds lv- -.p: r." 1 in. ip c.\'ll>h'(j; maminotli {jipPh--, whcl: lip fa-ten-i lo the ■■ides' of !>ig 111=1 «itli moi'-t ciay On a d.irk m^Jii a ba^.t'- lie- looks hkp ,vi flrctrc -tn ct lamp Tl'p w \tor livhtuith 1-. I) ooniiiiif a lapidly 71.v niir -roursjp m thp C'l.uccj Rncr (New •Somli Wjl .-), and uii"t - p-> riv tak^n row. •!'■(! it- l'!.1(il< rtt'dll I'IOII- .!)(!- lif .l(!i> 11.11 bofi i-i. loiii^ l)p rci"!er. (.1 v- h • I'l'iiit 1 ! RiO'.Miig ne:u thp sou !aM t!i tL< r leni'. than thooe giowma; :ii'r»i tl Appalfiuly tl.c f-alt i, the tauw of tln» nhen • nuii'iii. .t^ plants cultivated jn arutitialiy -a.'p'l <n<\ vn'ld tlrfk<-r h-avr-

Sc\'ral limes during tl:o luniin? of the'n". ca-p> (>avs the Pro=^) Mr .histice Donm-ton lojrietted tlif of an offi rjal ■-horthand writer to take down the viTiimn.oii-. o\ idonrp m thp ca-><>

At a land -ale liokl n> \fafckine; la-! niont'i a lPtJid pnto ff>i li"l w.i- oUl.inifd T.tlw 1 I'jK me i>--iniic? 4 1 ! t l>v 91 f: dep'li if'iiii-r-d .la a\ciuii' of i2-'5 rai h. _\ g^od • leal of copipcuutn ian p fi in India l hiiv < : -

"\ 111 1 -> .\r.n.t!ic^ Aiiio'ii. 'al'oo tit pI U ye joiciitlv* lrcoidt'd. hni hrciuraiiird hy ii<T v.ill ,i -inn of £1000 to fou id a ' Miiulhmv Aiiiold ilcmoiial Pi.<ce ' i nmiaily !■ r i'li t-tay on tome iiibjcct ted wjtii ling lish iierftturs,

Brigadier-general Finn, the now military Commandant of New South Wales, is tall, broad-Miouldercd, well set up, and, in his healing and speech, outspoken and unartected. Like his old mate, '"Fighting -Mac, ' he ro3e from tho ranks

Aimy c urgeoas declare that the expre-s-Pion ou the faces of soldiers killed in buttle reveals the cause of death. Those who have perished from sword wounds have a look* of repose, while there is an expression of j,ain on the faces of those slain by bullets.

A man rained John R. Campbell fell from the Brisbane tram near Chftcn the other night, and injured his «pine in that no hope 13 entertained of 1m« reco\<?ry. 110 w.i- a We«t Au-tralian \i.-itor to Queen-lanLl. with a \ low to purchasing land.

A Coronation gift to the King is to be nrrida by the Prince of Walsh's HoFnital Fund. The id^a is to emancipate the h.'ispit.'K <" f London, and open all hospital b«"\ to the poor. In order to acc^inpli-h tlr.i objttr an income of about £100.000 a ycai i? required.

Admiial Schlcy, of the T'luted States, i-, »aid to have spent tho saving- of *5 year* in tlio recent inquiry o\er las conduit m the .Spanish Amcrit au wai. Financially, the admiral is worse off than he w?* half a century ago, when, he enteied the Na\al Academy as a cadet. The (Jraymouth Star nndois-land. that the Coal Crcrk coal lea.=c3 were taken over by the Cuveuimcnt on Monday, 20th. The next step i, to take o\er the railway line, uhk!i will follow, but in what way — whether like Hie Midland lino or by purchase— is not jet finally determined upon.

Offifi-il figures* give a total of 492 unemployed in Queensland The secretary of the Waterside Worknrs' T'nion, at Towit-mUp, state that at that place alone tlipr- 1 are 520 mpn on Ihe books of the union and only woik for 120, aud at othi i i\> ilium ports conditions pret<ul.

Bathing fatah f .es ha\e been prpvalt-nt in the colony of late On Sunday a lad named Benjanvn Do.Miing. after attending the Cat ho! c Sunday eclinol at Cli-.e (Hnwke'a 15i\), \>rtli s^iernl otlicr-> went for a bathe in the Ngaruroro Pviver Downing got out of 'in tJppth and was drowned. Kt!u..rtl Bfaupre, of the Piom rp of A »iii'boine. Canada, t lannj to 1) ■ t!:^ tallo-t ii.;>u in tlip world. Hu e\.'ct l.eiglit i» 7ft 10/j'i, and he i» "'.ill growing, and expects lo leae'i ihe eight foot maik. He i-> 20 yews (>l<}, wears a number twenty oiie thod and a number twenty-one collar.

Mr n R?.uadf»n. of llark.uv.jy. Nmv -South Wale*, ''ad hrr liome dr=olated this month in a p'tifullv manner, llcv hushand and yoiinci -t mvi were acrulontaliy drowned on tho 3rd, and a ft w t'ay^ later her < ltlr^t and only inniainiiig --r.n. a young mm of 20. was found dond on the road, hawng died m an ppilppt o lir

Tluj Balt'utlia Boiou^li Couucil ha-i dcfidcil on NVndnp-tlav ai tlip weekly half holiday The diTi-ion of thp Tratkrs and lietaih-rs' A^^ociat.on to adhpre to Thuiadav, as formerly, was not upheld by the f. until, who v/pre pptitioimd m t'ho matter. Tiie iipw arrangemPiit will conif irio forco o:i Fcbrnaiy 1-t.

Li Hum; f'lianjr. to vho-p'<r«- a (riiiplp lias ju-t he->;i tied. rat. d, wu bin k-<I \h'!i qnaiiii fi'iipral vit»'s. M.iuv HudtUi.-'t pr.e*i-> wore in at'endaio'. Km ? of tab!e< wcro arranged on which «eie pl.e d ctf- r irß' of food, runounhng to »e\nal ton?, and pilei of paper money Candk* and ii.ieiise wctp lmrning about tlip coffin.

At the meeting of the .Stuuh Caiiior'.iirv Hospital P.oard Dr Tyotran made a \cry good oiiftgcstion with rt^ard to the difficulty with ■visitors' to the fryer ward. He suggested iktAt, the brard should ioUg^UC^^ £•££- °^

telephone, so that visitors whoso friends vvcre convalescent might speak to Ihein without danger of spreading infection. In the course of an interesting address in the Sydney Domain the other Sunday afternoon Dr Stone-Wig-g said that cannibalism was Mill a real thing in New Guinea, and not simpiy a yarn spun by the missionary. To emphasise his remarks he exhibited part of a skull, thf> relic of a cannibal feast, the detail* of which ho fully described.

The following incident, which, according to an Opotiki paper, occurred in the East Coast district, shows how the Old-age Pension Act v, orks as applied to Natives. A European, settler sold a comfortable buggy, to a Native, the said Native undertaking to pay so much per month out of his pension until the price of the vehicle was made up. The opium habit is stated by a correspondent of an Australian paper to h?ve taken a fiim hold in Queensland, more especiaiij- in the backblocks. He affirms that th^ia arc many cases in which white men. do work for Chinamen in exchange for tha drug, and that on many &hecp and cattle* stations opium is sworking silent tragedies. Messrs Strachan and Co.'s employees held their annual picnic last Saturday at Sawyers' Bay. and a very enjoyable day was spent, music being supplied by the Citizens* Band. A short programme of sports was held, after which toys wc;o distributed to the children. Cheer 3 having been called for the popular manager (Mr Withers), all left for home, well pleased with the clay's outing. " I need not pay this unless I like.'' However, with the alternative of imprisonment; in view, he thought better of any such notion, and paid out the money, being apparently well enough supplied. As he counted out the money very deliberately, ho remarked that the clerk was very particulaxor ho would have allowed him a discount. He was mulcted in a fine amounting in all to £3 14s 4d.

An ingenious but misguided inventor has (says the London Globe) just invented a, staircase which plays tunes as you walk up and clown it. Sundry nins are pressed by thi feet and play gongs and drums, while others are connected with collapsible chambers which blow trumpets and other noi-y instruments. If this comes into general use, the unmusical will be obliged to revert to the infantile process of sliding down the bannisters.

A five-roomed wooden buiklirtg, situated on tho Main North road, WaikouaitT, owned by Air Robert Mill, of London street, Dunedin, and occupied by Mr William Hatfiekl a* a ftrooei - "3 shop, wan destroyed by fire about 3 o'clock on Thursday morning. Tho building was iimued in the Mutual offico for £55, and tho stjeic and furniture in tho Alhan-p v r £163 The fiie is supposed to have vi';/ •;.'. 'I t!iro.;gh a defective chimney.

The I'--.i'.ci-« rc^identa recently forwarded to tho Minister nf R:ulway3 a resolution, pa.jj'l p.t a public meeting, asking that tho 'itivejvil rrmte of the Waimahaka line b© deviated to pa«s through Fortrosi 1 . M^r M'Nab, M,11,R,, has recei\ed a reply from, the Minister stating that the only possible vvr.y of Fortro=e being coimcctsd with a railway vvp- by a branch 1 ne. as the 6iirveye<l route, of tho tiank hno through Tokontu would be adhered to.

A book auction 100 mm London had a little 'cn-.ition the other d^y when a fine and perfect copy of "' The Royall Book": or, Book for a King," minted by William C?\ton in 14-87. came under the hammer. It consists of 162 leaves, fol^o, and is one of the only five perfect copjc-3 known, Iho oihor four being already secured bj- pubho librai 'i-«. For this co|)y f!ie bidding began at JblOO and cmlptl at £I^j9. at which price it pa==od into llic poss'- -ion of lir Quarltch.

Chas. Lacy Medder, ag^d 13, -jvai charged at the fnvprcargill I'ohcc (Vttrt on Thursday with stealing a horse, saddle, and bridle, value £19, the pmpertj of John M"Lach'an, of Greenhill-, ancl a clock, \alucd at 10«, tho pioperty of Thomai Kingsland, of Makareva. Tho accused pleaded guilty. The Sub inspector stated that the boy's father was m gaol and h's mother had no control ovt r the lad. and he a'ked his Worship to commit the accused to an industrial school* Steps will be taken accordingly. A youth who was brought before ths yndhaia Court on Tuesday for mi<!bcliaviour in th<? prec nets of the PubJio Hull at Mataura conducted himself witlt levity during the healing of the cases (=ayi the Herald). He porii-iently protested that hr> was not drunk, saying, "A fellow 13 nob drunk till he has to lie doun to it." When the case was over, he went to the doorway and began puffing- a cigarette. In a few moments he returned to tho court, smoking: and v. ith cap on head, saying to the clerk iii ( a voice audible throughout tho court, Thealk-gcd supernatural powers of the sevcu th son ol a seventh son (.'•ays an excnangp) are merely an illustration of tho mystical powers of that number, which has «oinehow caught the imagination of mankind. The seventh day and tlje .seventh or jiibilep year of the Jew 313 a case ia point. But there aie also the seven wiie men, the seven wonder^ of the world, the =e\eu lamps of architecture, thp seven 3leepcr=. tho ■even ,i=ter^. and the 'even senses, the la.«b being an obvious concession to superstition. Indeed, from thp seven churches to tne seven deadly <-in=, thp number for good 01 ill holtk the arithmetical record. A '•ingular old man has died in Vienna in his 73rd year. From h. , 27th he k.'jii, accurate account of everything he bought, and what he pa:d for it. In the ?I-\C ai : of lu * fi o:ivivial life lie consumed <i>i,ilib „'las-es ol beer He gavp up drinking 111 ln« 54th year, but he continued to smoke constautly. even during his last sickness, ui-iiig the number of ccai-, to 628 71^ or an average of 13.667 a year. Of the whole iiiimbpr, =ome. 43,500 wero triven to himhp bouglifc the re=t for £2500. or about a pt'iinv pacli Thp average =moker will contpmplace 'huddpringly the idea of consuming huncirecU of thousands of '-penny" cigar-.

At tho Shanghai Police Court rprontlv, a cuiiuu- object vva- Jiantlcd up lo thp horch for inspection. It was contained m a souarcvcllow box. ami resembled nothing morn i nan 3 ;ueco of black wax. £t weighed a'lout 2oz, and Iho policornan who had charge of ilip casp wth which it was connected, explained to the court that it was Chmp-p medic. Ie compounded of raoskevs' toe nailt boiled down and haidencd by b.'ing btiued uudf-rground for a number of year. Thp Chemi-t and Druggif-t «ays thab rl;p |v cc produced was worth £32, and !nd h'on stolrn from a native apothecary*? ii.^ji .n Nanking roacl. The apothecary wai i.i attendance to identify this strange sivpciftc as his nroperty, which lie eagerly did. and seemed very glad to have it restored lo him. The thief was sentenced to .300 blow*. Monkeys' top-na ; ls. it appear", '' •"» well-known remedy among tlie Chinese fo.- nomach troubles.

There is only oue WOLFE'S (the ori s inal) SCIINAPPS. - ■

Tho new Indianapolis Telephone Company has arranged to gi\e ita long-distance operatorß lessons in elocution at the expense of the company, in order to improve their enunciation.

A recently- registered baby of Sydney was named Fern Tree — name= of parents — T. Tree and Rose Tree. Other children aie Peach Tree, A. Z. L. Tree, Wattle Tree, and Eucalyptus Tree.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 29 January 1902, Page 4

Word Count

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 29 January 1902, Page 4

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 29 January 1902, Page 4


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