The following candidates have passed the 1901 examination of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and Royal College of Music: — LOCAL CEIfTRE EXAMINATIONS. Theoretical Elements of Music— Mis3 Kate Hanran, Mi«s An. mo Li«ton, Miss Ethel Lawrence, Miss Mi'dred Carey, Miss Minnie Tator, Miss Gertrude Meenan, Miss A. M. Cadogan, Miss Flora Boyne, Mi«"s Ethrl Templeton (Waikouaiti), M:s S "Ada E. Shard, Mr F. 11. Lockyer. Miss Audrey Stock, Miss Constance Lone, Miss Idu Lone, Miss Isabel F. Smaill (Kaitangata), Miss Lizzie F. Renton (Kaitangata), Miss Cice'y Gardner, Miss Cissie Watt, Miss Lilian King, Miss Lilly Shnnd, Miss Jean Mackellar, Miss M'Gow, Mi<=s Lily M. Michelson, Miss Mabel E M'Crorie, Miss F. M. L. liwin, Miss May Lello, Miss B. M. F. Dow, Miss Maud E. Reed, Miss Mabel E. Wright. Counterpoint. — Miss K. Geerin, Mr jM\ O. Morgan. Harmony.— Miss C. Clapperton, Mr X. O. Morgan, Miss M. Grenell, Miss A. Moon. SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Elements of Music- Miss Laurie Wilkinson (Sisters of the Church, St. Hilda's) , Mi«s Cora Clark (Miss Henry) , Miss Martha B. Mackissack (Miss O. Little) ; Miss Mary Stenhouse, Miss Eleanor K. Whita, and Eebie Rowlandson (Mr Taylor) ; Miss Kathleen Goyen, Miss Catherine M'Leod, Miss Annie M. Gilray, Mi=s Myra Montague, Miss Maude Collins, Miss Hilda M'Kay, Miss Mary Byrne, Miss Freda Clark. Miss Mary HerMiy, Miss Maiy M'Mullin Mies Fanny M'Cluskey (Dominican Priory). Harmony.— Higher division: Miss Josephine Griffin, Miss Lucy Leslie, Miss Ethel Kirkcalclv, Miss Minnie Paion, with distinction (Dominican Priory); lower division— Miss Miriam Helps, Miss Margaret MCi fegor, Miss Mary Cutten, Miss Annie Kerr. Miss Jessie Kelman, Miss Ida Edmonds, Miss Mary JackiPan (Dominican Priory). The three lastmentioned passed with distinction. Mr Arthur J. Barth, the local secretaiy for Dur-edin, has supplied us with the following results of the examinations in musical knowledge, held m the Normal School on the feth of June last. Maximum marks 100.— Senior Honours —Miss J. Smaill 80 (Mr Frazer), Miw S. West 79 (Mr Ea-ton) , Miss A. Falconer Miss N. Mann "6 (Mr Tinison), Miss K. Church 70 (Miss Yorston). Mr A.. Lilly 70 (Mr Taylor), Mr H. Black 66 (Mr Eastern), Miss A. Nicol 64 (Mr Easton), Miss J. Matheson 62 (Miss Aitken), Miss M. Knott 61 (Mns Yor-ton), Miss M. Pickard 61 (Mias Yorston), Miss M. Early 60 (Mis* Church), M:ss .1 Lees 60 (Miss Lees), Miss S. Sutheiland 60 (Mr \ all8 Senior Pass.— Miss V. Patiick 92 (Miss Ycrston), Miss J. Gow 88 (Braemar House School), Miss C. Barr fe6 (Miss Yor&ton), Miss H Bimiie 84 (Mr Fergusson), Miss E. Begg 83 (Miss Aitken), Miss M. M'Leod 82 (Miss Yorston), Misp J. Duke 80 (Miss Yorston), Miss \£ M'Pherson 79 (Mr Tayloi), Mr F. "Walsh 79 (Mi«s Aitkfn), Miss J. Brovu 7 7 (Mr Easton), Miss N. Sutherland 76 (Miss Lane), Miss 4Caldow 73 (Miss Yorston), Mr B. Brown 74 (Mr Epston), Miss A. Cadogan 74 (Mr Valbs), Miss L. Heighway 73 (Mr Taylor), Miss N. Munn 70 (Mr Tnason), Miss F. Allan 63 (Miss Salmond). Miss M. Boarclnian 69 (Miss Hartley), Mis" H. Couston 69 (Miss Aitkeni, Mr H. Black 63 (Mr EastonA. Miss C. Duncan 68 (Mrs Hugh Miller-, Miss M. M'Crone 68 iMr Vnlli*), Mis<? M. Donaldson 67 (Mr Easton). Miss E. Logic 67 (Mi Taylor), Mi%3 J. Matheson 67 (Miss Aitken), M*iss M. Leece 66 (Miss Harrison), Miss E. Barr GO (Mr Lomas), Mr P. Bennett 60 (Mr Timson), Miss H. Miller 60 (Mrs Miller), Miss F. Shearer 60 (Miss Yorston), Miss F. Whiting 60 (Mi3s Maekay). Intermediate Honourg.--Mis=> J. Fea 98 (Mr Barth), Mif« M. Wright 98 (Mr Barth), Miss A. Daw3on 96 (Miss Ferry), Miss L. Renton 95 (Mr Frazer), Mis 3M. Sharpe 94 (Miss Lees). Miss A. Outram 92 (Mr Clark). Miss A. Caldow 91 (Miss Yorston), Miss A. Neale 91 (Miss Yorston), Miss M. Umbers 91 (Mr Vallis), Miss M Sinclair 90 (Miss Aitken), Miss L. Galloway 89 (Mr Easton), Miss A. Gillie 388 (Mrs Miller), Miss V. M'Beath 86 (Miss Torrsnce), Mr E. Marfie 86 (Mr Fergusaon), Miss N. Sutherland 88 (Mips Laup), Miss J. Bryce 87 (Mrs Paskell), Miss M. M'Leoa 87 (Miss Yor&ton), Master G. Schacht 87 (Miss Aitken), Miss C. Clapperton 86 (Miss Yorston), M*bs A. Martinclli 86 (Mr Vallis), Miss V. Grey 83 (Mrs Paskell), Miss J. Hoddmott 83 (Mr Vallis), Mr J. M'Bride 83 (Miss Ohisholm), Miss F. Maitland 83 (Mr Barthi, Miss A. Pryde 82 (Miss Yorston), Miss L. Smith 81 (Miss "M'Carthy), Miss A. Hewitt 80 (Miss Aitken), Miss M*. Adiuns. 77 (Miss Ycrston), Miss A. Breeze 76 (Miss Yorston), Miss M. Thomson 76 (Miss Yorston), Mis.s T. Tinnock 68 (Miss Yorston), Miss M. Scott 60 (Mr Frazer). Intermediate Pass. — Mr A. Brown 98 (Mr Easton), Miss J. Reid 98 (Mr Easton). Miss J. Fea 95 (Mr Barth), Miss A. Neale 95 (Miss Ycrston), Miss M. Wright 95 (Mr Barth), Miss H. Bremner 94 (Mrs Paskell), Miss J. Dallas 94 (Miss Clark), Mr J. if'Bryde 94 (Miss Chiiholm), MifeS A. Dawson 93 (Miss Ferry), Miss A. Jeavons 93 (Miss Henry), Miss M. Sinclair 93 (Miss Aitken), Miss A. Pryde 90 (Miss Yoiston), Miss A. Bewley 88 (Miss Daniels), Miss E. Williamson 88 (Miss Henry), Miss C. Clapperton 86 (Miss Yorston), M-ss M. Thomson 84 (Miss Yorston), Miss E. M'Oariney 83 (Miss Johnson), Mr It. Macfie 80 (Me Fergusson), Miss M. Stenhouse 75 (Braemar House School), Miss E. Russell 74 (Mr Easton), Miss L Bewley 73 (Miss Daniels), Miss V. Grey 73 (Mrs Paskell), M:ss A. Cameron (Miss Lane), Miss E. Cutlibert 72 (Mr Lomas), Miss J. Inglis 72 (Miss Gibb), Miss A. Lucas 72 (Mr Vallis), St. Taylor 71 (Mi^s Harrison), Miss E. K<.ig 70 (Miss West), Miss T. Tinnock 70 (Mibs Yorston), Mis« C. Martin 65 (Miss Harrison), Mi^s A. M'Mullin 63 (Mrs Miller), Miss B. Skipworth 62 (Miss Gibb), Miss N. Twomey 60 (Convent of Mercy)
Junior Honours. — Miss M. Dow 100 (Miss Chisho'm), Miss J. Wishart 8S (Miss Collinson), Miss K. Bums 86 (Miss Johnson), Miss L. Smith £5 (Miss Lo Keong), Mi-s C. Kettle 84 (Miss Lees), Miss H. Mosley 83 (Miss Clark), Miss S. M'Callam 82 (Miss Lees), Miss S. Haggitt 80 (Miss Collinson), Mr A. Hyde 80 (Miss Hartley), Miss E. Tapper 80 (Mr Vallis), Miss G. Waters 80 (Miss Lees), Miss M. Jacobs 78 (Mr Valhs), Miss E. Gordon 77 (Miss Duncm), Miss M. Wall (Mr Tayloi), Miss E. Jolly 74 (Miss Yorston), Miss V. Smith 74 (Miss Niven), Master J. Dawson 73 (Miss Tewsley), Master A. Hyde 73 (MiS3 Haitley), Miss A. Scrvmgeour 73 (Miss Kyle), Miss N. Esther 71 (Miss Yortson), Miss M. Wright 68 (Miss Rehberg), Miss H. Ball 63 (Mrs Millei), Miss F. Loudon 62 (Mr Easton), Miss F. George 60 (Miss M'Carthy), Miss M. Pearce 60 (Mr Easton).
Junior Pass. — Mvss C Fletcher 99 (Miss Yorston), Miss E. Ford 99 (Mr Valhs), Mi«s M. Hart 99 (St. Joseph's Convent), Miss E. M'Ewaa 99 (Miss Lees), Miss J. Scott 99 (Miss Lees), Mic3 M. Dow 98 (Miss Ckisholni), Miss S. Haggitt 98 (Miss Collinson), Miss A. Henderson 98 (Mrs Paskell), Miss A. Lilhe 98 (Mrs Miller), Miss F. Mathews 98 (Miss Lees), Miss H. Mosley 98 (Miss Clark), Miss G. Powley 98 (Miss Henry), Miss V. Smith 98 (Miss Niven), Miss L. Woodhill 98 (Mrs Paskell), Miss A. Anderson 97 (St. Joseph's Convent), Miss E. Donald 97 (Miss Yorston), Miss E. Jolly 96 (Miss Yorston), Miss M. Pryde 96 (Miss Yorston), Miss M. Reid 96 (Miss'Reid), Miss M. Ritchie 96 (Misr Henry), Miss M. Carter 95 (Miss YorstiuUt Miss X Es^jgr 95 {Mis^ Yoistoa^ M*S3
L. Rice 05 (Miss Selby), L. Smith 05 (Miss Lo Keong), Miss V. Waters 95 (Miss Lees), Miss J. Wishart 95 (Mi°s Collinsoi.), Mis? G. Pollock 94 (Miss Parker), Miss J. Durham 93 (Miss Lees), Mibs E. Kirkwoo-1 93 (Miss Lees), Mis** M. Kie 93 (Misj Nelson), Miss N. Smith 93 (Miss Yorston), Miss A. Falconei 92 (Miss Gibb), Miss L. Rose 92 (Miss M'lntosh), Miss J. Cook 91 (Mi=s Lees), Miss V. Brown 90 (Miss Marshall). Miss M. Pe^rce 90 (Mr Easton), Miss C. Turnbull 89 (Mi Frazer), Miss J. Giay 88 (Miss Hooper), Mis- F. London 88 (Mr Easton), Miss M. M'Cciley S8 (Miss Dunne), Miss A. Scrvmgeour 88 (ili=s Kyle), Miss J. Lousley 87 (Mis Gr.gor), Miss V. Stephenson 87 (Miss Rehberg), Miss E. Stokes 85 (Mr Fer"u«-,on). Miss, M. Wall 85 (Mi Taylor), Miss L. Jeff, Si (Mrs Miller), Miss N. Kenelly 8i (Convent of Merer), Miis L. Ton a* 81 (Convent of Mercy), Miss L. Heller S3 (St. Joseph's Comenfi, Miss E. Beadle 82 (Miss Russell), Miss G. Lei<=hman 82 (Mrs Miller), Miss E. Dun ford 81 (Convent of Meicy). Miss J. Giev 81 (Miss Lane). Miss J. Campbell 80 (Mif-s Rehberg), Miss M. Thomson 79 (Mr Ashbv), Mi-s L. Campbell 77 (Mr Lcmas), Miss L. Mcc 777 7 (Convent of Meicy), Miss E. Shicls 77 (Mr Fiazer), Master R. Stokes 73 (Mr Fergusson), Miss E. Bagley 72 (Mrs Miller), Miss T. M'Crovvan 70 (Convent of Mercy), Miss S. M'Nab 67 (Miss Rehberg), Mi«s F. Smith 67 (Miss M'Carthy), Miss N. Mahoney C 6 (Convent of Mercy), Miss S. Black 61 (Mr Tnnson), Mies M. Bishop 62 (Mr WaltsgotO, Master A. fepeddn.g 62 (Mrs Spedding), Miss M. Mason 61 (Miss Duncan), Miss M. Campbell 60 (Miss Rehbcrg).
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Otago Witness, Issue 2479, 18 September 1901, Page 28
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1,567TRINITY COLLEGE EXAMINATIONS. Otago Witness, Issue 2479, 18 September 1901, Page 28
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