At a meeting of directors of tha Old Dunstan Sold Dredging Company, held in. Mr Payne's office on Saturday, gth inst., it was decided to instruct Me Payne to proceed with the plans of a dredge upon the following lines — via. : — Ladder to dredge, 50ft; buckets, 4. cubic feet capacity; 16 horse-power engine ■ and 20 horsepower boiler ; screen, not less tiran 20ft long. Tenders aro to be 1 invited in Sydney and Melbourne, aa well as in Dunedin, as soon as plans are completed. The statutory meeting of the Roxburgh Jubilee Gold Dredging Company was held at tho office of Mr D. 6. Davidson on Tuesday there being over 20 shareholders present, and Mr J. H. Waigth occupying tho chair. It wa3 resolved that the number of directors be five, and the following gentlemen wero nominated : Messrs H. Adam, A. C. Broad, H. Youngman, Dr Burt (all of Dunedin), Messrs D. D. Elder, G. Banbury, E. Hart, and J. H. Waigth (all of JRoxburgh). and Mr J. A. Duihie (of Milton). On a ballot being taken the selection was 'Messrs Adam, Waigth, Hart, Broad, and Dr Burt. The directors remuneration was fixed at 60gs per annum, to be distributed as they
think fit. Mr D. G. Davidson was elected auditor at a fee of sgs. The fixing of the date of the annual meeting was remitted to the directors. It waa mentioned that Mr John Davie- had been appointed secretary, and that the office of the company would be in Dunedin. At a meeting of the provisional directors of the Greenstone Gold Dredging Company, held on Tuesday, it was announced that the shares had been fully subscribed, and were largely held in tho North Island and on the West Coast. Mr Proctor \va3 appointed secretary, and it -was decided to hold the statutory 'meeting on the 22nd inst. Mr Reynolds was appointed engineer, and it was decided to in- .' struat him to proceed at once with the plans for the dredge, etc. 1 The Crown Mines, Auckland, crushed 2874 ; tons for a return valued at £62 ji. \ Hartley- and Riley had a return of 6loz last week. The gold was won on the only day the • diedge worked after the previous week's re- » turn was made up, and before the river rose. I Last week the Woolshed dredge, although ' working several shifts, short, owing to an aocident to the machinery, gave a return ot 26osi. — Bruce Herald. J "We understand that the directors of the ! Upper Waitnumu Dredging Company (Linii- ! ted) ha&'e decided,, at the request of the vendors, ' to have further prospecting done on this claim, ■ the vendors having offered to pay all expenses in connection with this prospecting should the : result not_ prove satisfactory enough, in the opinion or the shareholders, to warrant tho . company going on with the venture. The pontoons. of the Great Western Dredging Company's dredge, ia the Round Hill district. ' Southland, are now completed, the c-ngine is on the ground, and tho machinery and boiler will bo despatched shortly. The directors, al a meeting he;d on Tuesday evening, resolved to call for tenders for the erection of the ma- ' cbinery and other necessary works. It is expected that the dredge will start operations early in the year. The engine and boiler for the Nugget Comj pany (Waikaia) are on board the s.s. Paparoa, j which is expected to arrive within the next i three weeks. The winches have just been comj pleted by the Otago Foundry, and were sent away by rail on tho 13th. All the other machinery, except the elevator, which is far advanced towards completion, is either in position on the dredge or on the road to the claim. Mr James Durward, who erected the Cromwell Company's dredge, has been for some time en- , gaged in putting the Nugget machinery to- ' gether. He expects to have everything, except the engine, boiler, and elevator, fitted up before the end of this month, and to start dredging early in- January. Writing on the sth insl., ' he says it rained heavily the previous day from midnight, and at daylight the whole valley was full of water to the height" of the fences. Ho could nofc get near the dredge, but saw she was '. in a dangerous position, through, an accumula- ' tion of timber and scrub' at her bow, forcing it . almost under. Just before the rain ceased and ' the river began to fall her head mooring gave way, beside 3 others, when fho slewed, and the rubbish got clear. She only floated down 200 yards, and he aaw that the lines held her. . -In the afternoon Mr Durward and his staff got on board 1 . The river fell co rapidly that he could not keep her afloat, although they all worked till 10 p.m. She was then aground for-" ward, but in a. safe position, and he stated ho ' would have her back at her old placet by tho next evening. Jfo damage was done. Mr R. B. Halley, ona of the directors, left Dunedin for Waikaia on the 13th on Jhe company's busi- , ness. " I The special adjourned meeting of the Mac- ] raes Flat Gold Dredging Company, called for on the 13th inst , lapsed for wont of a ; quorum, only five shareholders putting in an ■ appearance. The company is continuing work under improvod prospects. The directors of the Leviathan Gold Dredging Company have accepted the tender of Messrs I Turn bull and Jones for the installation of the : electric light on. their dredge. I The directors of the Kia-Ora Gold Dredging j Company have received the following" telegram from the chairman of directors: — '" Struck gold 16ft; going deeper; prospects.'' At a meeting held yesterday the directors instructed ■ their engineer to order engine and boiler, and to call for tenders for pontoons and machinery. The Secretary of the Zealandia Syndicate (Limited) lcporVs having" received a wire from Mr John Don, who went to the West Coast to report on Watterson's Consols claim, now on ' the market. The wire is as follows: — "' 1 can ' recommend Wntterson's ciaiin, Ahaura, safe in- - vestment for capital. Report follows.— John Don." At a. meeting of directors of the Golden Elbow Diedging Company, the engineer, Mr F. W. Payne, was in attendance, and reported gene- I rally as to the claim: — It is expected that an ' up-to-date dredge can ba put on the claim for i a sum within tho capital of the company, and . that it will not ,be necessary to call iip the ur.- , allotted shares.' The engineer will visit the ' claim during the week, and his report will be. ! submitted to the directors on his return, when ! tenders will at once be called for building a j dredge capable of fulfilling- all requirements. The chairman of directors of the Macraes Flat • Dredging Company recently visited the claim, j and inspected the dredge with a view to ascer- I tain what was required to put her in thorough j order. Tho buckets aro to be re-lipped, and made much stronger than before. Four heavy grabs arc to be fitted to the bucket ladder, and ! the screen holes are to be squared out to . t prevent stones from sticking in them. A ! pe.ieral overhaul of the machinery is to be made j before making a fresh start on the ground, , which now gives indications of giving very gc6d ! returns. It was previously mentioned that the * j dredge was lifting 8 tons or 10 tons per hour for ,' i a return of about 14oz of goia, hut we under- ' / stand that a much smaller quantity was being put through— only 3 tons or*4 tons per hour — for the return. As soon as the dredge is ready she will make a fre3h start. There is almost an entire absence of clay in the wash now, as the dredge has got through the belt of clay, which was causing bo much trouble previously. { The Hartley and Rifcy commenced dredging again on Monday on the beach some 300 yards l:elow her good ground. — Cromwell Argus. J A Wellington telegram says: — "At a meeting \ of the local shareholders of the New Zealand i ' Talisman Gold Mining Company it was decided , to decline the proposals received from London for amalgamation." The Secretary of the Golden Vein Gold Dredging Company reports having received from Mr A. Fogo the following telegram: — ' ( " Bottomed Golden Vein 22ft; gold, good wash. 1 '
The general manager of the Blue Spur Consolidated Company reports that the work was delayed by a serves of heavy thunder showers for the past fortnight. The directors of the Enterprise Gold Dredging Company have declared a dividend (tlie 3Sth) of 4s per share, payable to-day. An Auckland telegram says that the New Zealand Talisman ciuahed 760 tens ore for gold of the value of £2216. It is reported in the Thames Star that another mining corporation, doing business in New Zealand, principally in the Auckland district, has notified its engineer that it is the intention tc withdraw from operations in the colony at the end of the year. The Reeftoa Times is authoritatively informed that Captain Cradock is leaving afc an early date for London, and hears his visit is in connection with another appointment that has been offered to him. Mr Free will for the time being take Captain Cradock's place, and act as business manager to the companies he represents. The directors of the Manorburn Gold Dredging Company (Limited) ha.r- declared a dividend (the 14th) of Is per share. Tho return from the Moonlight Sluicing, Company (Limited) is 40oa *$dwt. Tho chairman of directors of tho Kia-Ora. Company telegraphed on Thursday tiiat in a second boring, going to a depth of 20ft, good" gold had heen shuck. Ifc is understood that all difficulties m connection with the claim of the Gold King Company have been settled, and that the company (which was floated four months ago) will be registered shortly. A deputation consisting of Messrs Roberts, Payne, Cutten, Reynolds (engineers), Broad, Hogp-, Howison, Moss, and Brown (representing the timber and dredging interests) waited upon Mr James Mills, manager cf the Union Steam Company, on Friday with a view to geUing a more expedit.ous delivery of timber from Tiobart. The engineers stated that over 3.000,000 ft of timber would be required for about 100 dredges, building and to be built. Mr Mills recognised the difficulties the industries had to contend with in not getting the timber, and assured the deputation that he would endeavour to put on a special steamer within a month, providing tho ordinary time tab'.e ctsamers could not overtake the delivery. The t'mber for the pontoons for the Blue Duck Company is pretty wall on the ground, and the contracts for the machinery are well advanced. Mr E. Roberts has been appointed engineer for the* Roxburgh. Jubilee Company, and haa received instructions to proceed with the preparation of plans with as little delay as possible. The same- remarks apply to the Paul's .Beach. Company. Tha Kiverbank Company's pontoons are about completed, and the machinery is now coming forward. A meeting of directors of the Fora's Creek Gold Dredging Company was held in the secretary's office on Yriday, when a telegram was received from Mr Don, who was sent to examine the claim. It lead as follows: — " 1 csm recommend Ford's Creek claim. Safe investment for capital. Report follows." It was decided to accept the Despatch Foundry's tender for machinery and gearing, order an engine, and proceed the construction o£ the pontoons at once. Farmers are not the only ones subject to the vigilance of the rabbit inspector. Notice has been served upon a dredgemaster to afc once poison the ground of one company, which consists of about 100 acres of a flat. The pontoons for the Waipori Gold Lead Dredging Company have beon carted to the claim, and are undergoing a thorough overhaul prior to the machinery being erected. The first statutory meeting of the- Long Valley Gold Dredging Company (Limited) wag held at the registered offico of the company, Ross place, Lawrence. 'Die following gentlemen were elected a-3 directors for the ensuing year: — Messrs J. H. Jackson, H. Craig, Hugh Craig, G. O. Taylor, and Dames Craig. Mr H. i±. Leary was appointed auditor. The annual meeting was fixed for the first Monday in December, 1900. The brokers for the Garibaldi Gold Dredging Company (Limited) report that the shares in this company are almost all subscribed. The list will close immediately the 6000 shares aro subscribed. A telegram from one of the directors, received in town on evening, states that the Nugget dredge, which was left partly aground by the heavy flood in tho Waikaia last weelr, was floated 'off on Thursday. Extra precautions have been taken by tho engineer in charge to prevent a recurrence of the mishap. The flood was the highest known in the river for niany years. A meeting of the New Zealand Gold Dredging and Mining Flotation Syndicate waa held al the office of Sievwright Bros, and Co., High street, on Thursday night. The syndicate has been, formed with a view to the flotation o£ dredging claims on. the English market. The services of Mr Gascoyne "Williams, F.G.S.A., have bec-n secured, and ho proceeds to the "West Coast to inspect the various claims placed under offer to the syndicate, after which ho visits Otago Central for a similar purpose. Mr Williams will proceed to London on the syndicate's business about the end of January. The first general meeting of tho shareholders of the Beaumont Lead Gold Dredging Company (Limited) was held last evening, when Messrs R. Chaleen Skeat, C. G. V. Leijon, S. A. Stevens, John Tyson, and William W. J3asjley wero elected directors, and Mr W. Vivian was appointed auditor. A statutory general meeting of the sharefioldens of the First Taieri Gold Dredging Company (Ltd.) was held on Friday evening, when the offices of the company, 40 Dowling street, Dunedin, and wa3 well attended by an influential body of shareholders. The following gentlemen were unanimously elected directors: Messrs William Anderson. Ewmg, Alexander I Durie, George Knox, Nicholas Moloney, and George Mo:r. Mr Win. T. Monknian was appointed auditor to the company. The Waihi Company crushed BSBB tone for the month, for a return valued at dE23,080. It, was expected that the New Alexandra dredge would start working on Wednesday or the day following. The Dunedin Slock Exchange wiR be closed from noon on Friday, 22nd inst., until Thursday morning, January 4, for holidays. The repairs to the Golden Beach dredge will be completed by Christmas, and she will prdbably begin work immediately after the holidays. We understand that Messrs Hsvrman Reeves and Co. have formed a syndicate to take up about 30 miles of river in North Queensland.
The area consists of 19 miles of the Burdekin and 10 miles of the Cape Rivers. It is intended to engage an expert to make a report en tbo crospects of the property for dredging. The rivers are said to .drain some of the richest auriferous land in Australia. The intention is to float a largo company in Sydney and Bris--bone to work the property with about six dredges. This is probably the largest dredging claim that has yet been placed upon the market. Information has been received from Mr Green, ono of the directors of tho Charlton Creek Company that the dredge, was expected to start work on Wednesday. The pontoons for tho Naumai Company will be completed at an early date. The race and dam are ra-pidly approaching^ completion, and the foundry work is well in. hand. The statutory meeting of the Paul's Beach Dredging Compnny was hold, in the company's office on Wednesday evening. Nearly 20 shareholders attended, chiefly from the country, and Mr Geo. Knox occupied tho chair. Tho following gentlemen wero appointed' directors: Messrs Gco. Knox, A. C. Broad, John Wardell, J: C. Jones, Chas. Tbdd, and Win. dimming. Messrs Barr, Leary, and Co. were appointed ouditors, and Mr L. G-. Beeves secretary. The annual general meeting of shareholders was fixed for the third week in January, 1031. An Auckland telegram' says: — "'During tho past five weeks the Waitekauri- Company's ?»ines crushed 2567 lons oro for bullion "worth £7941. This brings, the year's- output from the Waitekauri Company's mines up to £7i 270, being an morease on past years." A meeting o{ tho provisional directors of the Geld Deposit Dredging Company (Limited) was held on Monday at the registered office of tho company, No. 14 Bond street, when shares were allotted. The share list was.over-subaorihed by 1950 shares. Tho statutory gen real meeting of the compaaiy is fixed for Monday, 15th January 3900, at 8 o'clock.
The manager of the Champion Gold Mining Company (Limited) haa boon increasing the size of the fluming on the race during the past week, and he now reports that the race will deliver sufficient water to work the claim efficiently. He expects to have the race finished this week. From I'ie top boxes he obtained Coa lodwb 9gr of gold for a few hours' elevating.
The secretary of the Shotover Quartz Mining Company (No Liability) has received a- telegram fiotn. the mine manager stating that ICoa of retor.ted goid have bsen obtained from the stone taken out of the machine level (about 50 tons) ; blanketings- have yofe to be treated.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2390, 21 December 1899, Page 18
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2,898THE WEEK'S MISING NEWS. Otago Witness, Issue 2390, 21 December 1899, Page 18
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