Business Notices. MARSHALL, SONS, & CO.'S SUPERIOR THRASHING MACHINERY. OVER 300 PKIZE MEDALS IN ADDITION TO NUMEROUS IMPORTANT MONEY PHIZES ts g. w" s w «O New Zealand Kxhibition, IS9O, Only First w .ids for TractioD, Portable, and M fffiS-Cj Vertical Engines, and Oaly First Award w d -pi rial Mention for liinuhioe a S a Thrashing Mac in s. «. tSo^S cs F. R. MANNING^ AGEET, WAIKEB STREET, DUNEDIN. WHERE MAOHINEBY AND RKSKBVK PARTS ARE KEPT BUT SECONDHAND KNGINES WD MACHTNKS ON RALE ENGINES LET ON HIRE. TO| AGENT for ANDREWS AND BE AV UK'S SIfLF-BAOJOINa CHAFFCU'TTERS. DUPLICATE PARTS KEPT IN STOCK. jg|||r Owbr'dge's Lung Tonio COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, li|k mm BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, lsSlk MM WHOOPING-COUGH, CONSUMPTION, VA a Household Remedy, in all parts of the British Empire, for Diseases of the Throat and Lungs.-' f|i||m J|||l WHEK YOU ASK FOE VB BE SUEE YOU GET IT. fiP N -No Colonial should ever he without this mSmW iHf WL ]lvo^ ua^ e Remedy i which saves many lives. (jijMM f « % For outward application, instead of BmR Wr OWB ? IDG^S EMBROCATION. Mm ' It is much safer, more effective, A ! : W. T. OWBRIDGE, 7 Chemist, Hull. jl||r Sold in bottles, at 1». lid., 2s. 9rf., 'Is. 6d., MBgOGW and 11*., by all Colonial Chemists, JSsS&Bm Tpffiggk Storeß, & Patent Medicine Vendois. /&ssgg? Wholesale of all London and jßvjU&Br ,—— ____—__—— — — — ■ — — —^-^— — — — — — Full Cream. largest Sale in the World. A4Rfi£!!T ftUUE M the TTPRIA
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Otago Witness, Issue 2376, 14 September 1899, Page 2
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