By David M'Kee Wbight.
No. B.— THE DESERTED HOMESTEAD The snow-grass thatch is mossed and green, The walls are in decay ; The willows bend to touch the creek That sings along its way; The garden fence is broken down, The stakes are pulled away; And the ghosts are flitting, flitting where tha grass is growing green, And the ewes and lambs are bleating whet* I the flower-beds have been. The grand new homestead lies below, All painted clean and bright; A wool-shed, big and lip to date, Stands full and fair in sight; And the little pine plantations Lie around to left and right, And the ghosts are flitting, flitting in tUS shadow and the sun, — The ghosts of men I used to know, and tb" things that once were done. The bushes round the garden plots We used to know so well; The paddock where the horses ran, Where Wally Stephens fell; The gate that led to Walley's hut, Have each a tale to tell; And the ghosts are flitting, flitting where th» grass is growing green, And the ewes and lambr are bleating wherfl t the men I knew have been. I see the chaps I used to know All round the water-hole, The daily hunt there used to bo For soap the woodhens stole; They used to laugh and barrack then — ■ The station had a soul ; And, while the ghosts are flitting out of dayl o£ long ago, The brand new station grinds away like sorafl machine below. There's not a sound except the creek That babbles on its way, Where laughter used to wing the night After the working day: The boys are scattered far and wide, And moat of them are grey — For the ghosts are flitting, flitting where w« used to laugh so load, And the gully's full of sunshine that is heavX as ft cloud.
Otago Witness, Issue 2376, 14 September 1899, Page 47
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