Public Notices. The Most Fashionable Instrument of the Day • .'. .-. is .-. .v .-. THE SEASONS FOR ITS POPULARITY ARE NUMEROUS, AND INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:— It is Easily LEARNT Has a Lovely TONE Has a Fine APPEARANCE Gives Unlimited SATISFACTION to all who Learn it. •••♦♦••#»»»»»»»»♦♦♦♦»♦»»♦»♦»♦♦« A WOKD OF WARM.^G is given those -who intend purchasing one of these Instruments : DON'T buy the cheap rubMsh which is thrust on the market by unscrupulous dealers, but get only first-class models by reputable makers. Tlse Very Best 9fakei' 1S L<OVeri, whose instruments are used by the world's leading Artists, and are offered at £2 10s, £3 10s, <£4 10s, and £5 ss, Including handsome CASE and POSTAGE to any part o£ New Zealand. BEST QUALITY MANDOLIN STRINGS AND PLECTEA AT LOWEST PRICES. JUST RECEIVED — A splendid assortment of Half and Three-quarter size At 355, 425, and 50s each, Post Free. PEINCES ST., DUNEDIN.
MARSHALL'S PHARMACY. Do you suffer from PILES? If you do, try i the New American Method of Cure. It is painless in application. The internal remedies are easy to .take, and rapid relief soon follows their use. Several severe cases report prompt rpHef and cure after a short course of treatment. They cure both blind and bleeding piles. One month's treatment costs ss; post free. The following Remedies have now stood the test of close on a quarter of a century's use, and the sale of them is larger now than e"\ er : — MARSHALL'S KURA-KLAVA, for Corns. Is bottles. MARSHALL'S ODONTALGICON, for Toothache. Is botiles. MARSHALL'S INFANTS' TEETHING POWDERS. Is packets. Guaranteed entirely vegetable and free from mercury. DR CROSSLAND'S HEADACHE POWDERS. Cure the worst headache in less than 10 minutes. Is 6d a box. MARSHALL'S PODOPHYLLIN LIVER , PILLS, one of the best liver and stomach pills on the market. Entirely free from mercury. The best miner's pill on the market. Is bottles. We have an ASTHMA POWDER that is slowly but surely making a name for itself. It is very carefully prepared from herbs that have proved effectual in giving relief in Abthama and Bronchitis associated with Asthma. All those who have tried it speak in the highest terms of its power over these affections. It is sold in tins at Is 6d; post free for Is 7d in stamps. We are constantly hearing of the good results obtained by the use of Dr Wanless's GOITRE CTRE. We would strongly advise all sufferers from Thick Neck or Goitre to give this remedy a trial. It is pleasant to take, and a short course is usually sufficient to cure the worst cases. Price, 3s 6d ; by post 9d extra. Numbers of ladies with Grey Hair would no doubt like to restore it to its natural ' colour without dyeing it. We can reeom- ', mend MARTIN'S HAHI PROMOTER for this purpose. This preparation is not a dye ; but, if used as directed, it not only restores the colour, but makes the hair soft and glossy, and kills the hair-eater, thus preventing premature baldness. Price, 2s 6d; postage 6d extra. Although COUNT MATTEI'S REMEDIES are not so extensively advertised now as they once were, yet their use is slowly but purely extending all over the globe. Those who 'have once used them continue to do so with the happiest results. For indigestion | they are without an equal, and chronic cases that have resisted all other remedies soon yield to these potent medicines. Numbers of cancer patients use them, and find that they give great relief from pain, and if taken before the disease gets too strong a hold they prevent its advance. Free pamphlet and full directions for using given on application at the authorised New Zealand Agency — MARSHALL'S PHARMACY, 86 Princes Street, ( DUNEDIN. ! CHEAPEST SHOP for New and SecondV> hand Furniture, from a needle to an anchor.— Galbraith, dealer, George street, Dunedui. &» ,
Page 32 Advertisements Column 3
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 32
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