(Per United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, September 6. The entries at Addington were fairly large in all departments of stock, but more especially in fats, a-nd a good demand existed for fat sheep and pigs. The entries comprised 5820 fat sheep, 3000 store sheep, 437 head cattle, and 366 pigs. Fat Cattle.— The 247 fat cattle were mostly light sorts, 31 from the North Island being below the quality usually coming from there, and selling at from £6 17s 6d to £8 2s 6d. For bullocks the bidding was dull, and last week's rates were barely maintained. Of the local cattle good steers brought £7 to £8 ss; lighter sorts, £i 17s 6d to £G 10s; heifers, £3 15s to £6 15s; and cows, £3 15s to £0 2s 6d. The stores and dairies were a very poor lot, and no quotable business was done. Fat Sheep. — The bulk of the fat sheep were good wethers and a large yarding of butchers' ewes of good quality, with an unusual proportion of secondary merino wethors. Freezing buyers operated freely, and this class remains very firm, and, considering the quality, the prices in many cases advanced. Butchers' ewes were much firmer; but there were too many merinos in for trade purposes, and none being taken for export caused a slight weakening. Prime heavy-weight merinos brought 19s to 21s 6d ; freezing quality and prime mixed sexes, 16s to 18s 6d; unfinished sorts, 15s to 15s 9d ; prime ewes, 16s to 18s 6d ; good do, 14s to 15s 6d ; best merino wcihers, 14s to 15s lOd ; other, down to 10s. Store Sheep. — A good many of the store sheep were North Islanders, and all sorts met a good demand, but several lines of wethers were withdrawn, the owners asking too high prices for them. Wethers brought 13s 5d to 15s 8d; others being withdrawn at from 13s 3d to 15s 4d. Mixed two-tooths sold at 13s lOd to 14s sd; breeding ewes, 14s Id to 14s 7d; hoggets, 12s 5d to 13s 4d for good sorts; and 9s 7d to lls 7d foi backward sorts; merino wethers, 10s 6&
Pigs. — With the exception of baconers, which were slightly easier, all pigs met with a good demand. Baconers brought 35s to 455, or 3d to 3Jd per lb ; porkers, 30s to 375, or 4Jd to 4£d - *per lb; large stores, 24s to 30s; smaller do, 18s to 235; weaners, 13s to 17s; and suckers, 10s to 11s.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 30
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