September 5. — The weather since the great snowstorm, which was a record one here as elsewhere, has been quite dry and windy. There have been only two days on which rain has fallen during the month of August. Ploughed land presents a very parched appearance. Grass is beginning to show a tinge of green, now. Very little winter whewt hae been sown _ this year. Farmers are busy sowing, trying* to make up for time lost during the month of July. Lambing^has stp,rted on some of tho farms. "" Health Note. — There has been a good deal of sickness in the district lately. Many sa> that they never remember bo much at ' one time before. Colds and chest complaints seem to be tbe order of the day. j Ambulance Class. — A meeting was held on | Saturday evening for the purpose of reorganising the ambulance class. Fifteen namea were handed in for the men's class. The retiring officers were re-elected — Rev. W. Panton Brown president, John MuTre,y secretary, ancl Mr A. Battersby treasurer. The first lecture is to be given by Dr Hislop, of Palmerston, on Tuesday, 12th inst. An attempt is being made to form a ladies' class. Amusements. — A quadrille assembly is being run in the schoolhouse by Mr W. Glover every Wednesday evening, and 13 very well attended. Dancing seems to be the favourite form of amusement here. The local lodge of Oddfellows, M.U.1.0.0.F., intend celebrating their anniversary by having a ball in Glover's HalJ on Friday, 15tb inst. The Oddfellows' ball is looked upon as the ball of the season, and given good weather there ought to be a good attendance.— The annual social in connection with the Dunback Presbyterian Church is tti be held on Wednesday, 20th inst. The Rev. Mr Porter, of Oamaru, and probably the Rev. Messrs Stevens (Papakaio) and Neave (Kurow) are announced as speakers for the social.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 29
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