The annual meeting of the Peninsula A. and P. Society was held at Portobello on Saturday, 26th ult., there being 15 members present. The balance sheet was read, showing a credit balance of J615 4s 2d for the year. All the members present expressed their approval of such a satisfactory report, and a. hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the president and secretary for the indefatigable manner in which they had carried out the working of the show, the success of which was principally due to the secretary (Mr R. Milne). It was resolved that a vote of thanks be given to all those who contributed to the show. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: — President, Mr James Macandrew; vice-presi-dents, Messrs W. Lee and T. Allen; Working Committee— Messrs North, R. C. Kerr, W. Townley, D. Young, J. Sanderson, S. Hinkley, J. J. MAuley, J. Weir, J. G-. Lewis, R. .Mitchell, D. Seaton, Wm. Robertson, J. M'Tainsh, and R. Clearwater. It was decided to hold the next show on December 15. The ordinary meeting of the Portobello Road Board was held at the board's office, Portobello, on Saturday, 26th inst., and was attended by Messrs Dickson (chairman), Geary, North, Macandrew, Seaton, Hinkley, and Milne. The inspector reported that some of the me^al broken in Kellas quarry was two-thirds rubbish; and he further reported, with regard to scarlet fevei cases, that according to the doctor's orders he had visited the two houses in which the casea were reported. In the first instance he had tc destroy clothing, etc., that the patient used | during her illness, to the value of £5 14s. In I the latter case the patient was not altogether, convalescent. — Received. Mr H. Richmond wrote asking the board to make some repairs on the road to block IV, Otago Peninsula. — It was resolved that the surfacemen be instructed to clean out the water tables and surface the same. A letter was received from the Survey Office stating that as soon as a surveyor was available the work of the Andf rson'j Bay bridge would be attended to. The Treasury department wrote stating that the last part oi the subsidy was Tjlaced in tbe bank to the board's credit. Tht toll for the month, including that on bicycleß, w»3 £11 14 s Bd. The secxetwy of the Otago Harbour Board wrote stafc
ing that his board had no objectio* s to taKJ ing over and keeping in repair all >he jetties in their district. Mr Thomson, chairman of the Waste Lands Committee, forwarded a copy: of the Roads Obstruction Act. — It wa3 resolved) that it lie on the table, as the board thought the measure unnecessary. The chief surveyor, forwarded a plan and other matter re the deviation on the Hooper's Inlet district road. — It was decided to hold a special meeting on Sat* urday, September 30, to consider what steps it will be necessary to take in the matter. Mr Gallaway, solicitor, wrote v calling attention to the dangerous state of the bicycle traffic on the lower road. — It was resolved that the chairman and Mr North wait on the board's solicitor and Mr Gallaway fo ascertain the probable cost of a test case, and report at next meeting-. Accounts amounting to £63 0s 9d were passet for payment.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 29
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