jjj^. The health of the whole body depends upon <r^it\ 1$ i&# the blood and the nerves. Therefore, a medicine J^^Shi/s^f3lv P Ithat creates new blood, and supplies the necessary rf^^^S^^^^^ H materials for rapidly rebuilding wasted nerve tis- //^S\v H 'S Sfc » sues, reaches the root of many serious diseases. / / M P It is these virtues that have given 1 I f7f 7 fi&t^jM 8 |f their wonderful power to conquer disease, and ImjIW%W m 8 || caused the miraculous cures that have startled the if jg I? scientific world. Thousands of cases have dem- f|' S. !^ onstrated that this remedy is aii unfailing specific fflf \ffi 1 |f! for such diseases as bronchitis, consumption, Bright's W ¥ I S| E^ disease, pneumonia, chronic coughs and colds, 1 f \ sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, influenza, locomotor \\ i £| iataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, nervous ' headache, pale and sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness in either i| men or women. g But you must get the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. If Imitations never cured anyone, and other so-called tonics are but imitations of this great medicine, M ALL GIRLS MADE BEAUTIFUL. Soron Yoara Rheumatic M No young lady need be sad, white-faced, thin and ' *J| |p languid when Dr. Williams* Pink Pills are obtain- This is irhat Mrs. John Bowman, storekeeper, ffl jdj able. Miss Petenon, of Featherston, North Island, is Ahipara, Manganui, says:— "l suffered very much M ju aged twenty. She suffered greatly from anasmia, heart from rheumatism in the hands, knees, and lega for S£ palpitation, swolling in the legs, crampi, insomnia, and seven years. They were stiff and sore, aching and -fie H general depression of the nervous system. Somttimes irritating. Nothing seemed to relieve them. I tried <& Jp^i the would almost fall down with giddiness. Several most advertised remedies, but without success. I took, o i« j doctors were consulted, unfortunately without effect. altogether, about six boxes of Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills, 2§ &k At last Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were tried. ETen after and I can honestly say they proved of the greatest & j?c three doses a change for the better occurred. Six benefit when other medicines had completely failed to H boxes altogether were taken, and then every vestige of «yen relieve mo. lam now 54 yearn of age. Publish. j§| %k illness had gone. Miss Peterson is now a healthy, good- this, as it may be the means of doing some other poor S| 3| tempered, happy, well-developed young lady. She people good. I have reoommended your pilla to several *% *V heartily recommends Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. people." . M m fMimymww f mm<&9 v 'MFs. T3ie G-©ntlineG -© ntline arD soU onl 7 *» Packages § 9 im^^^P^fl^r JffllA like the E W &Yi^ (Wllite^»pp»* S 1 iH IBlidlP^ Jor IM % i ssockeds * ocked b y all Chemists and Storekeepers, | IP lll\ WM^il]Li£f lUn t\ and fey the ■ Dr ' Willia^ us ' Medicine Co., I 1 m \\m\ JIIIL l?i&?Sv«? w4 /V "WeHiagtotti N.Z. . Price, 3/- per box, 6 P m \hw2xl tei^vtoK. lioxes, 16/6 (post free). Jf
Page 22 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 22
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