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At the Stock Exchange on Thursday sales wet e made at the following premiums : — Alexandra Lead, 7s 9d and 8s ; Dunstan Lead, 13s 3d ; Golden River, Is 6d and Is 5Jd; New Alexandra, 23s 9d. Sales also took place at the following -prices : — Nevis, 355; Ophir, 22s 6d. Business was brisk at the Exchange on the 30th ult., and shares changed hands at the following premiums: — Central Electric, 13s 6d and 13s 3d; Dunstan Lead, 12s 4Jd; Golden Link, 2d and 3d; Halfway House, 4s 9d; Richards's Beach, 7s ; Second Magnetic, 6s. Sales were also effected at the following prices : Galtee More, 235 ; Golden Point, 365 ; Magnetic, 595; Ophir, 23s 6d and 235; Springvale, par; Vincent, 76s and 77s 6d; Waimumu, 27s 6d and 27s 3d. There was a brisk market at the Stock Exchange on Friday, and sales were effected at the following premiums: — Alexandra Lead, 7s 6d and 7s ; Alpine Consols, 4s 3d ; Central Electric, 13s 4£d and 133 3d; Charlton Creek, 4s 3d; Dunstan Lead, 14s; Fraser Flat, 9d ; Galvanic, 2s 3d ; Gold Queen, 5s 6d ; Golden River, Is 6d ; Halfway House, 6s; Moa Flat, Is sd; Second Magnetic, 7s; Springvale, 2s 6d; West Matau, lid. Sales were also made at the following prices: — Hartley and Riley, £6 12s 6d; Magnetic, 595 ; Ophir, 20s and 20s 3d. A large amount of business was transacted at the Stock Exchange on Saturday, and sales were made at the following premiums: — Alexandra Lead, 7s 9d ; Alpine No. 2, 5s 9d and 6s ; Central Electric, 13s, 13s 3d, 13s 6d, and 13s 9d ; Dunstan Lead, 14s ; Electric Extended, ljd ; Golden River, Is 6d, Is 6id, and Is 7id ; Halfway House, 6s and 5s 10^d ; Monte Christo, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s Id, and 3s 3d. Sales were also made at the following prices : — Clyde, 54s 6d and sis 9d; Golden Terrace, 16s; Hartley and Riley, 138s; Nevis, 35s 3d; Ophir, 20s, 20s 3d, and 21s; Bannockburn Creek. 6d discount. Business was very brisk on the Stock Exchange on Monday. Sales of shares were made at the following premiums: — Alexandra Lead, 8s 6d, 8s 3d, 8s ljd, and 8s 4Jd; Alpine No. 2, 5s 6d; Central Electric, 15s 6d and 15s 9d; Electric Extended, sd ; Fraser Flat, Is sd, Is 3d, and Is 6d; Golden River, Is 9d; Halfway House, 7s 3d; Moa Flat, Is; Monte Christo, 6b and 5s 6d; Nelson Creek, 4s 6d; New Alex-
andra, 255 ; Richards's Beach, 8s ; Second Magnetic, 8s 6d ,and 9s 6d; Upper Magnetic, is 9d; Olrig, par; Metallic, par; Bannockburn Creek, 3d discount; West Matau, 3d discount. Sales of shares in companies where dredges are at work took place at the following quotations : Golden Point, 375; Inch Valley, 44s 3d; Magnetic, 595; Ophir, 22s and 22s 6d; Upper Waipori, 2s. The following are yesterday's latest quotations, subject to the usual brokerage: — DREDGING. Alexandra Lead — Buyers 8s 3d, sellers 8s 9d premium. Alpine Consols — Buyers 6s, sellers 7s 3d premium. Alpine No. 2 — Buyers ,5s 6d premium. Bannockburn Creek — Sellers 3d discount. Blue Duek — Buyers 2s, sellers 2s 9d premium. Cardrona No. I—Sellers1 — Sellers ljd discount. Cardrona Valley — Buyers 6d, sellers Is premium. Central Electric — Buyers 15s 7§d, sellers 17s premium. Chatto Creek — Buyers £1 19s, sellers £2. Clyde— Buyers £2 13s 6d, sellers £2 16s 6d. Cromwell — Buyers £1 9s 6d premium. Dunedin — Buyers 6s, sellers 10s 6d. Dunstan Lead — Buyers 15s premium. Electric Extended — Buyers 6d, sellers 9d premium. Fraser Flat — Buyers Is 6d premium. Gold Queen — Buyers 5s 6d premium. Golden Beach (contributing) — Buyers 14s 6d premium. "Golden Point— Sellers £1 17s. Golden River — Buyers Is 7d premium. Golden Run (paid) — Buyers- £ 1 15s, sellers £2. Golden Terrace — Sellers £1 3s. Halfway House — Buyers 6s 9d, sellers 7s 3d premium. - • Hartley and Riley — Buyers £7 2s* 6a, sellers £7 10s. Inch Valley— Buyers £2 4s. Jutland Flat (contributing) — Sellers 5s 3d. Klondyke — Sellers 7s 9d premium. Macraes Flat— Sellers 16s. Matau— Buyers £4 13s. Metallic — Buyers par, sellers 6d premium. Miller's Flat Electric — Sellers Is premium. Moa Flat — Buyers Is, sellers Is 3d premium. Mokoia — Buyers 4s 6d, sellers 5s 4Jd premium. Nevis— Buyers £1 13s,- sellers £1 17s. Nugget — Buyers 2s 6d premii".m. Olrig — Buyers 4£d, sellers par. Ophir — Buyers £1 2s 6d, sellers £1 3s. Richards's Beach — Buyers 7s 3d, sellers 7s 6d premium. Second Magnetic — Buyers 9s 3d premium. Springvale — Buyers 3s premium. Upper Magnetic — Buyers Is 74d, sellers 2s 3d premium. Upper Waiinurau — Sellers par. Vincent— Sellers £3 17s. Waikaka Forks — Buyers 3d premium. Waimumu— Sellers £1 Bs. West Matau — Buyers 3d discount, sellers par. Harman Reeves, sharebroker, Dunedin. Member of the Stock Exchange. Quotations telegraphed free on inquiry. Guarantees close prices. ~
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 24
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786THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 24
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THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 24
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