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SPECIALTIES in m SPECIALTIES in VIOLINS— BANJOS- , |%pl^||^ CAMPBELL BAND INSTRUMENTS— r4mq WASHBLTRN (AMERICAN} I \ MELODEONS- BESSON'3 PROTOTYPE Z,ZZ a ■ ■ ZITHER, 5 Stg. fl \ FAVOURirE»... 2os COUESNON H B MINIATURE ... 17s 6d WALLIS m CHIN RESTS GUITARS—. B 1 GEM - — lls 6d VIOLIN STRINGS- WASHBURN^CAMERICAN) T J AUTOHARPS- MOUTH ORGANS. • WEICHOLD ... l 8 GERMAN jy^ «& No. I.i ... 22g 6d ZOBOS PADUA «. 9d BAGPIPES— §| £5* OCARINAS GERMAN i 6d HENDERSON | CLARIONETS- WHISTLES FRENCH ... 6d MACDOUGALL jF & /O^&± Bb » A ' °» and Eb METRONOMES VICTOREUSE 6d GLEN & 0 SB SONORA REEDS ... 9d OBOES ETERNELLE... 6d pipE FITTINGS— |W^ jFy^ TROMBA REEDS ... 6d BASSOONS MANDOLINS- P ™« 8 jK 3^ .^F^lk CONCERT FLUTES- MUSIC CASES MANDOLINS THALER SdS Mm^W,^^ WL' £2 to £10. PIANO LAMPS WAS ££l^ f ' ESSS^Sf iyi!iySlll if PICCOLOS- TAMBOURINES FRENCH ■ ?AGS &c , S jJF "' '' "" "' BANDSTANDS We carry by far' the largest Stock of the above, and all *Qr Send for Prices and Particulars of any Musical Instrument Mmicil iJoveMes «nd Small Goods, in Sew Zealand. "— "^ yon require, we will send promptly.
WHICH IS THE BEST MANURE ? HERE IS PROOF POSITIVE. Those who used it last year, "being judges, say— JAMBS A. STEEL, Keho. WM. W. WYLIE, Maheuo. MICHAEL HUGHES, Wiogatai. •• I applied liowt of your N.P.M. per acre on He used on hmvy clay land l-£cwt N.P.M. } u !3 d J 3cw6 , N ?:| l : P B . r / cre , on he^ cla y he»TT land, and had middling crop tur- per acre. Braird was splendid. Crop and land. Had a splendid braird and good cropnip», becanae of having sowed seed too thick, quality very good. Estimate 15 tons per acre, about 25 fan* per acre. He adds :" I used , Sowed ib alongside of M guano, and cannot He adds: "I am well pleased, and purpose bone dust by itself m same quantity, and had ! teU any difEerenco in yield. The guano cost giving you a larger order for ensuing season." as good results from your N.P.M. The turnips more money per acre. * . brairded quicker and were quite as good." WM. M'KERROW, Hampden. A> T * ? , ,„ ° „ , „ • MORGAN WILLIAMS, Glenkenich. H« used Scwfc NPM ncr acre for hh l üßed 2cwfc N - P -J^- ?. er a !? re f <« Turnips. Used 2 £owfc tier acre on heavy clay land. Tnrnins SSfrded" reSreeuS Crop %cry Brairded very well. Quality of crop was good Brairded quicU^ and had good crop. Ho '^oTauaHt^ 40'TS nefacre Heav? land Sabsoi1 ' M « ht » B!ka^' . He^B :" I have used addg ... 7i 4M4 M i/t / best manure have ever used." jaWLd .°pSid Pe r«S, SftSL Ef iftSf £ SSPSAS 1 ? SK& PICKERING, Mau^a. . weighing up to 401b. and ag j b ig somp £2 per ton chespsr I consider Used 2owt N.P.M. per acre for toheat, and ADAM ANDERSON, Otopopo. it must ba the best.*' on very poor land. He- had 35 bushels per acse He nsed for Tarnipi 2001b N.P.M. per . BPmRArn mrr,^ TT am r»i«n of very good quality. Mre. Condition everything that could be ARCHIBALD GILLIES, Hampden. w M , LELLAN> w; tai> derired( Brairded very well. Crop very good, Used 3cwb N.P.M. with stockyard. Very n , Vc\t*.tn vrntinA («. li^hf *<A\\ He adds: "Used three other brands; results good braird; quality good, and aboufc 30 tons scwb U^ %,?%*£ 'po^To M a nnre. S %hey about equal, but I can save money by buying per acre. came * weU JQ > efid ftnd j had abflufc tf your B ,.itbeiDg much cheaper It answered the - , KarKri. per acre of excellent quality. purpote equally as well as the higher priced." «ao. auoo, a»iuy. £„.£, „ , . ' „ * nn a ... On acoount of the very wet season the CHAS. M'GRBGOB, Palmerston. t). » lilfiOD, bpnngbanlc. turnipt did nob do to well. The braird came Used N.P.M. for Turnips, Oats, and I used your N.P.M. with very satisfactory away first-class. Crop was light, but this was Wheat. He says: "Turnips were a great remits ; have an excellent crop this year. It is entirely on account of bo much water lodging success ; Oats yielded 40 bu*he ls, and Wheat •ne of the best Manures anyone could use. on the land, which was light, wet, and sour. about 25 bushels per acre on light land." Our Testimonials are not done— our space is— but those produced should induce you to give these Manures a trial. Further particulars on application to the MANAG-EE of the .PRODUCTIVE MANURE SYNDICATE, 350351 \^T 9 PTTIWEPIIg. A Succession of Foods vhlch affords nourishment suited to the changing digestive powers from birth upwards. Tf?@ ie All®®bui?y& v ' n«ik F®@^ H©> I ii?e c first ) «»«**• *>ods, I • , ••-■.« L needing tho te»n i<s jkihb n_ -L- M •,» ,= n rvir similarly adapted to the second [ addition of hot 1 TJg& AU<&B2PWyS VV 4*\llllJHi |p®@<gl O© 0 Z- 'three months of life. J water only. i - hitherto known as "Allen & Hanburys' Malted ■ The AHenbuiy»"naltedFoodNo.3Foo^fega ffinSi hh S pro S a m a«* 3^ j Pamphlet on Infant Feeding free on application. The Halted Food has also been found of great value to CONVALESCENTS, INVALIDS, and the AGED. j THE FINEST m the WORLD. lawy W^" MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY ALL THE LEADIN3 1 BAKERS THROUGHOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM. 1 Dr - ANDREW WILSON says :— " This Bread should be iKryfra^^^S^^^^^^g-LJ^JI eaten by all who are in any way affected by digestive ailments. " Windsor Castle, December 7th, 1886. ' Deae Sib,— Her Koyal Highness Princess Christian desires me to express to you her very great satisfaction with the Malt Bread Biscuits and Eusks provided to her. Her Roy* Highness considers them all most excellent.- Yours truly, , Eichd. Tahoubdih. Should you not be able to obtain a supply of this Bread, kindly write to Messrs T. H. HALL and Co., AUCKLAND, giving them name and address of principal baker La your district, and they will see to appointing Agents. f
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 18
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960Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 18
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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 18
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