COUGHS & COLES CURED IN A DAY OR TWO, A Cough or Cold is troublesome, inconvenient, and depressing, and you want to get rid of it quickly. It is worth your while to buy a remedy if that remedy can cure you in a day or two ; but otherwise you might as well let the malady take its course. Most Cough Mixtures have no immediate effect, and ifc is extremely doubtful if they are at all instrumental in bringing about a recovery. It is more likely that they get credit fov Nature's effort in shaking off the chill. SPENCER VINCENT'S BENJAMIN GUM Cures a Cough or Cold in a day or two. Its action is immediate, and admits of no doubt. Moreover, it wards off a Cold if taken in time, and always protects the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes from inflammation. ' . Mr C. A. Wilkins, of Christchurch, states: "Some months ago, while suffering from hoarseness and a severe cold, I invested in a bottle of Benjamin Gum. I confess I was sceptical as to its curative properties, but before half the bottle was used I was convinced of its merit. It acted like magic. Moreover, it is pleasant to take, and I am persuaded is a reliable and valuable preparation." SPENCER VINCENT'S BENJAMIN GUM is sold in two sizesPrices, Is 6d and 2s 6d. LOASBY'S WAHOO MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., SOLE PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTURERS. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, AND CO.'S N.Z. DRUG CO., LTD., ■WHOLESALE AGEHTS. '
Page 17 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 17
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