Amongst the persons charged with drunkenness at the Police Court this morning were two recipients of old-age pensions. The first called was about to be let off •with a caution as a first offender, but Subinspector Wilson asked tliat a conviction be recorded, as the man was an old-age pensioner, and he was instructed to asic in such cases that a conviction-should be recorded. He thought it only right whew a man got his pension on the Island v ? arrested for drunkenness at 6.30 o'clc t next morning, that a conviction should ." recorded, as such cases had to be repor. 1 -'. This man was an inmate of Costley J-; j and came out to get his pensioriT ' Vi <■ arrested next morning all his money mi - gone, and no doubt he would row* bo «i charge upon the community. The ;;irm stated that he 'had paid away his- moncv. The bench recorded a. conviction, and d'smissed the man "with a caution. Liter on, when a second man 'appeared io answer a charge of drunkenness. Sub"-inspectof Wilson said : " This .is another old-age pensioner. He was .before .the court on* Satur-day-morning, and was convicted and discharged. At 8.30 o'clock on Saturday evening,, he was found drunk again.". 'ln this £:ise the bench inflicted a fine of 10s,- or, in default, 48 hours' .hard labour. CHRISTCHURCH, September 4. J. D. Davis, an old-age pensioner,, was examined to-day as to is ability to comply with a judgment summons. He said he had a mania for the arrest of the horse fiend, and haa signed a bill for £67 14s without security for Hill, the constable who some .months ago was sentenced to six montlhs .for robbing a prisoner. Hill told him hepossessed information -by which he would easily arrest the horse fiend, and only .needed money. Sheppard, who advanced the money, made Davis bankrupt.- Mr jßeetham «aid the question was whether, .when Davis signed the bill, he intended to defraud, and he reserved judgment to con.sider tihe matter.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 17
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