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■ Business Notices SPECIAL SALE PAKCELS. CARRIAGE PAID BY POST OR RAIL ALL OVER NEW ZEALAND. CARTER and CO. beg to inform the Readers of the Witness that" they take Stock at the end of next month, and the} r are anxious to reduce their jStock at least £5000 by that time, so they are making great and genuine Reductions on their reliable up-to-date Stock of Drapery and Clothing, and they strongly advise you to buy now. When you consider even their regular prices, leave alone the fact that they are now offering you many lots at one-third less than usual, and the positive fact that next season Drapery will be much higher in Price, owing to the great Advance in the Price of Wool, &c. Now is the Time to Buy.
REAL OSTRICH FEATHERS. — Lovely long Ostrich Feathers, white, cream, or Tuscan, 5b lid quality;. Sale 3s lid. FEATHER QUELLS, black and all Colours, usually 2|d and 4|d each ; Sale price, four for 6d. CARTER'S SALE. LADIES' WHITE LINEN COLLARS, usually 6d each ; Sale Price, 5 for Is ; *nd better Quality, turn-down points, utu1 ' ally B|d each, now three for Is. HARTER'S SALE. ._ MOTHERS, NOTE THIS BARGAIN: Fancy wool Jackets for little children from 2 to 5 years old, in Cardinal or Nayy, 2s lid quality for Is 3d, Carriage Paid. Can be worn either inside or'eutBide Dress. MOTHERS NOTE THIS BARGAIN: Lovely wool Jackets as above, only better Quality, Colours, white, cream, pink or cardinal, usually 3s 6d, now Is 9d. Alao cream fleecy Cloth, usually 4s lid, now 2s 6d. .YOUNG NOTE THIS BARGAIN. T,hree fashionable Veils, lyd in each, usually Is to Is 6d a yard ; Sale Price, 2s for Byds. ' OUR WONDERFUL PENNY-PACKET NEEDLES: Contains 20 good Needles including Darners and Bodkin. We post 12 Packets, Carriage Paid, for 9d ; last a life-time. CARTER AND CO. GREY FUR NECKLETS, with 2 Tails each end and spring; Carriage Paid Is 6d each. * LONG FUR BOAS, Imitation Bear, usually 10s 6d ; Carriage Paid for 7s 6d. BILK CHIFFON, ~4in wide, usually 4£d a yard; Colours, cardinal, heliotrope, sky . blue, cornflower and violet j Sale Price, syds for Is. BILK CHDJFON, 6in, black, white, cream and all Colours ; Sale Price, 6Jd a yard ; and lOin wide, all Shades; Sale Price, Sjd. , Bargains in nice lace.— i±in to 2in wide white or cream ; Sale Price, 6yds foils, and 6yds for 1b 6d ; worth double the money. CARTER'S SALE. LADIES' NEW CLOTH GAITERS, in fawn, brown or navy, also girls' cloth Gaiters, nisually 3s lid; Sale Price, 2s 9d. Carriage Paid. CARTER'S SALE. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN LINENETTE: Colours, navy, cardinal, pink, sky, cream, brown and myrtle green ; the newest Dress Lining, usually 7|d a yard; Sale Price, sd. &EAL GINGHAM DRESS CLOTH, plain, grey, navy or red, washes splendidly, worth 7Jd a yard ; Sale Price, s£d. Carriage Paid. CARTER'S SALE. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN FLANNELETTE. Soft, heavy twill, stripe Flannelettes, 28in wide, usually 4s 9d a dozen ; Sale Price, 3s 6d a dozen ; also yard wide, Sale Price, ss, 6s 6d, and 7s 6d a dozen. Carriage Paid. Grand Value at CARTER'S SALE. SARGAIN IN TARTAN FLANNELETTE. Special Purchase of red and black check Flannelettes, both sides alike, worth B|d ; Sale Price, 6s 9d for 12yds. Carriage Paid. CARTER'S SALE. HEAVY MOLLETON FLANNELETTES. Two Special Lots of heavy Dressing Gown Flannelettes in good floral Patterns ; 10|d quality now B|d, and -Is quality for 9|d. Carriage Paid. CARTER'S SALE.
BARGAINS IN WOOL HATS or HOODS. Specially Cheap Lot of Infants' wool Hats or Hoods, white or coloured. Sale Price, Is 6d and 2s. Carriage Paid. Worths 3s and 48.4 B . CARTER AND CO. BARGAINS IN SILK POMPOMS. For Is CARTER AND CO. will post you four lovely Pompoms worth 2s. BARGAINS IN COLOURED PLUSH, 14in, usually 2s a yard, now Is 4d. Carriage Paid. Colours, navy, brown, marone, D.R. moss, gold. CARTER AND CO. A REAL BARGAIN DRESS PARCEL.— Contains 7yds double width, dark, small fancy check Dress Material, 6yds Silesia Lining, 4yds fancy Silk Gimp for trimming, 4 long strips Whalebone, Idoz Buttons, also Twist and Skirt Braid, all to match ; carriage paid to any address for 10 6d only. CARTER AND CO. A SERVICEABLE DRESS PARCEL.— Contains 7yds double width Heavy, Plain, or Shot Tweed, colours Myrtle, Navy, Electric, Dark, Marone, Moss, Purple, Brown, or Black, also 6yds_ strong Silesia Lining, and lyd Velveteen* to match, 4 large strips Whalebone, Idoz Buttons, Twist, and Binding Braid, all to match ; carriage paid to any address ■ for 12s 9d. CARTER AND CO. SPECIAL BLACK FIGURED DRESS PARCEL, a marvel of cheapness. — Contains 7yds double width fancy Black Satin Cloth (newest designs), 6yds Silesia Lining, 4yds Jet Gimp Trimming, 4 large strips of Whalebone, Idoz Buttons, Twist and Braid for binding, all to match, and carriage paid to any address for 14s 6d. CARTER AND CO. A WONDERFUL DRESS PARCEL.— Contains 7yds plain Satin -^finished Lady Cloth, the right thing for Tailor-made Costumes — colours Navy, Brown, Electric,- Prune, or Marone, also 4ydß Silesia Lining for Skirt and 3yds Sateen for Lining Jacket, also 8 large fashionable Buttons and Twist, all to match, and sent carriage paid to any address for 17s 6d. CARTER AND CO. A SPLENDID ALL-WOOL SERGE PARCEL, containing 7yd« bright finish Wor- I sted Coating Serge, Black or Navy, wear | like pinwire, also lyd of Silk or Velveteen for Trimming, 4yds Silesia for Skirt and j 2^yds textra strong Silesia for Bodice, 4 i long strips Whalebone, Idoz Buttons, ! and Twist and Binding Braid to match ; j carriage paid to any address 18s 6d, or j best qualities 22s or 255. These are tiptop Serges.' SPECIAL WINTER DRESS TWEED PARCEL.— Contains 7yds pretty Dark Tweed t Mixtures, look well and wear well, ako lyd of Velveteen or Silk, or if you prefer, 6ydß of Silk Gimp for Trimming, also 6yds Silesia Lining, Idoz Buttons, Twist and Binding Braid to match, including 4 strips Whalebone. This choice Parcel sent carriage paid to any address for 17s 6d. CARTER AND CO. LISTER'S SILK PLUSH, 18 inches wide, Peacock, Old Gold, Cardinal, Marone, etc. Rich Silk Plush, 2s lid yardworth 4s 6d. Also, the same quality Plush, a yard wide, same colours, 5s lid I yard — worth 8s lid. Carriage paid. CARTER A-^D CO. LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES.— Wonderful value in Black or Brown Cashmere, .with Astrachan Gauntlets, , or Black or White ordinary Cashmere Gloves. All post free' Is pair. CARTER AND CO.
LOVELY VELVETEEN DRESS PARCEL. Contains 12yds Silk Finish Peerless Velveteen, colours Black, Navy. Marone, Purple, Electric, Brown, Moss Green, Myrtle, etc., also 4yds Gimp for Trimming, 6yds Silesia Lining, Idoz Buttons, Twist, Whalebone, and Braid. Sent, carriage paid, to any address for 255, or extra quality Twill Back Velvet 37s 6d. CARTER AND CO. LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES.—C heapest in the Colony. Black Cashmere, Black or White Net Cashmere, Black or Coloured Cashmere, lined silk, Is 6d. CARTER AND CO. LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES.— BIack or White Cycling Cashmere Gloves, Ringwood Gloves in Black and Brown. Post free 2s pair. Try CARTER AND CO. SPECIAL FLANNELETTE PARCEL.— Send 5s 9d, 6s 9d, 7s 9d, or 8s 9d and CARTER AND CO. will send you 12yds of really good Stripe Flannelette, 33 inches wide. Carriage paid. SPLENDID FLANNELETTE PARCEL in Plain Pink, White, or Cream. Send .7s 9d, 9s 9d, or 11s 9d and CARTER AND CO. will- send you 12yds of lovely Soft Flannelette for Ladies' or Children's Underclothing ; nearly yard wide. Carriage paid. COLONIAL FLANNEL PARCEL in White, Pink, or Shetland. Wear guaranteed. Send 68, 7s 6d, or 9s and CARTER Ai\D CO. will send you 6yds of first-class Flannel at the price. Carriage paid. More if wanted. COLONIAL BLANIvETS.— The Roslyn Blanket is the beat in the Market this Season for the money. CARTER AND CO. will send, carriage paid to any address, 1 pair lovely All-Wool Roslyn Blankets, medium size, 17s lid ; large size, 22s 6d; extra large, 27s 6d. Carriage paid. BLUE OR GREY BLANKETS, "medium size, carriage paid, 14s 6d ; larger size, 18s 6d. Grey Colonial 17s 6d and larger 22s 6d pair. BARGAINS~IN~WHITE QUILTS.— Size 2£yds long. suit three-quarter bed or single bed. Post free 5s 9d, 63 9d, 7s lid; and larger size, suit full-size bed, 9s 6d and 12s 6d. Also Coloured Tapestry Quilts, medium size 6s 6d and large size 7s 6d. CARTER AND CO. ; LACE CURTAINS, EXTRA CHEAP.— CARTER AND CO. will post to any address 2 pair choice Lace Curtains, with handsome Taped Border, for 6s 6d, 7s 6d, 10s, 15s, or 20s, and they guarantee to give you the very best obtainable at the price. They buy them from actual makers. LADIES' CAPES OR JACKETS. -CARTER AND CO. keep three sizes— S.W., W., and 0.5., and they will post to you free for 12s 6d, 15s, 20s, or 25s the very newest in Fashionable Winter Capes or Jackets, either in Black or Colours. CORSETS ARE OUR SPECIALTY— Ladies, try CARTER AND CO. for a pair of the newest and cheapest Corsets obtainable at the price — 3s 6d, ss, 7s 6d, or 10s. Send size. LADIES' BLACK FEATHER BOAS. -Long Black Feather Boas, 3s 6d, ss, or 7s 6d. Short Black Feather Necklets, very smart, post free Is 6d. CARTER AND CO. Black or Brown Fur Muffs, 3s 6d, 'ss, 7s 6d, or 10s 6d ; extra "cheap ; all carriage paid.
SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUB READERS.— CARTER and CO. want yon to thoroughly understand their Method of sending Country Parcels. Their moafc experienced Men look out and pack all Country Orders, and CARTER and CO. state positively that their Mea of Oleverneia is to do their very Best to give Satisfaction. CARTER aDd CO. are not going to be satisfied wifch One Order only. They intend to giv« you much better Value than you can Obtain in your District, and they hoDe to gain yon rs their regular Cußtonaers. Good, Reliable Drapery at the Lowest Possible Prices (Carriage Paid) should do it. GIVE US ONE TRIAL ORDER. I^-All Orders must hare enclosed Postal »otes, Money Orders, Notes or Cheques ; if Conntry Cheque, 6d exchange added. We advise you to Begister, and mafce payable to PiBTPR £r PO ADDRESS -60 &62 GEORGE STREET, DUNEBIN. UAlwlllU fit UUfl ALSO AT GORE AND LONDON. DUNEDIN CARRIAGE FACTORY. ' - -^^^^ •• 1 -jj, oil flit *~' ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES - ■ ~^^^xstS^SS^BtL \ SBHBBS Bhßßb SmS S B!Bpj»ffiPss^ o O Friday, on arrival of first train from Dunedin, ing Dunedin 6.5 p.m. OUR - RECORD » BUGGY-Can be changed instantly to suit Two Sand Egress or Four Persons. Easy access to both,seats. Comtortable riding ana Company. plenty Ot room for parcels. Full particulars from Thomas Cook and Son, * J r Dunedin, and from TJrYDTYI7''E>TVr S-* TXTTJ Trrvo Pbinces stheet south, h. ckaig & co. JtlwX\)l^XliXilN C& VYJLIHJDi 9 DUNEDIN. ' Head Office: Peel rtreet, Lawxenot.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 16
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1,808Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 16
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