St JACOB'S OIL p yllr !- I '//"Cures a// cufs and bni'/ses. ** ] CONQUERS PAIN, SOLD EVERYWHERE. > > '"" i" tOUUOEttCfftf ■ i SOLD EVERYWHERE. i i \ ** LIGHTEN OUR DARKNESS ! ! WRY USE A BAD LAMP ? Aleo, why use a good one that ; is Expensive 1 -•■ - " THE - -t MANHATTAN PATENT SMOKELESS INCANDESCENT X_ JBLJ—C J~» IS AT ONCE THE BE^T and THE CHEAPESI LAMP ON THE MARKET. It is the only Incandescent Lamp burning ker» sene oil without, mantle. Among ita other eood pointi may be mentioned these : — It is Smokeless and Odourless You can't turn the Wick too High or tooLoyv The Light turns off like Gas. You dont require to blow down the chimney The Wick requires no Attention, being Sel£« adjusting There is always an Even Flame The MANHATTAN produces 50 per cent. more Light than any other centre-draught Lamp, and uses less Oil. LAIDLAW & GRAY, AGEN-TS. i ■ The Jewish New Year, 5650, began, fts 6 p.m. on Monday.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 15
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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 15
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