Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. repert as follows- —
There was a miserably small entry of horses far this week's sale, and not a first-class draught or a good harness 'horse amongst the lot. Indeed, of the forrnefc class there weTe only three in the yard, and these of medium quality, and they* were sold at £36, £29, and £27 respectively. Buyers from both north and south were in the market, and a large number of young and useful draughts could readily have been placed *t .'market, rates. We can very strongly recommend consignments of draughts and of firstclass harness horses for this market. The harness horses are chiefly wanted for town tradesmen's delivery and order carts, for buggies, tramcars, and similar work. The market has not been so bare for years as it is at the present time for good horses of all descriptions. On the 14th inst. at Mr Wilson Hall's homestead, near Riversdale, we shall sell the whole of his valuable contracting plant, including 62 superior draught mares and geldings, the be=t in Southland: See advertisement. We quote as follows: — First-class young draught mares snd geldings, at from £40 to £50; good do, £32 to £38; aged, £20 to £30;' good spring carters, at from £18 to £28. Harness horses and hacks of the best class at from £15 to £25; good do, £12 to £15; aged and inferior, £2 to £5.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 15
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