WHOLESALE PRODUCE REPORTS. Mr J. Fleming, Princes street south, reports under date the sth mat :—: — Wheat per bushel. per ton Best milling ... 2/6 Barley dust ... 60/0 Medium do 2/o—2/3. Oaten hay ... 60/0 Fowls 1 ... .1/B—2/0 Oatmeal, in 25's lfco/0 Milling oats ... 1/4 Oaten chaff 37/6—47/6 Feed oats ... 1/2-1/3 Ryegrass hay 50/0— 60/0 Seed oats ... 1/6—l/9 Straw ... 25/0—27/6 Malt barley 3/o—3/3 Pearl barley ...210/0 Feed barley 1/9—2/0 Onions ... 5/opercwt Cape barley ... 3/0 ' per lb. Maize ... ... 3/6 Rolled bacon ... 0/7 per ton. Side bacon ... 7Jd Hour, in 200's ...330/0 Smoked hams . 0/8" Flour. iuso's ...HO/0 Cheese ... 4d to 4Jd ' ; Pollard 70/0 Good salt butter, 5d to ' Bran ... ... 60/0 6d, according to quality Kiriney potatoes. £1 7s'6dto £L 10a pat [ ton. Derwent potatoes, £1 53 to £i 10s per ton. FARM AND DAIRY ritODUCE. Messrs Irvine and Stevenson, George street, report paying for produce during the weekending th« sth iiißt. as follows :— Bacon (roll), 7id p. lb Fresh butter, 9d and Ham, BJd p. lb lOd p. lb Fresh eggs, *d doz Saltßutter— Notbuying Fresh butter, good ordinary (in lib and *lb prints), 7d to 8d per lb. Bacon pips, 1301b .to 1601b weight ; special quality, 3Jd. Fowls, 2s to 2s 9.J pair. Ducks, 3s to 5s pair. Geese, 4s to 6s. Turkeys, 5d per lb. GRAIN AND PRODUCE REPORTS. Messrs Dalgety and Co. (Limited) report having held their weekly auction sale on Monday, when the attendance of buyers was fair. Oats. — The market remains about the same, and owing to the scarcity of orders buyers ara not anxious to purchase. Prime milling, Is id to Is sd; .good to best feed, Is 3d to Is 3*3; fair to medium, Is 2d to Is 2£d; inferior, Is to Is Id (sacks extra, net). • Wheat. — The only demand at present is for prime Tuscan, other sorts being neglected. Prime Tuscan, 2s 5d to 2s 6d ; do velvet, 2s 4d to 2s sd; medium, 2s Id to 2s 3d; fowl feed, Is lOd to 2s (sacks in, terms). Potatoes. — Stocks' on hand are fully up to requirements, and values" still the same. Prime Derwents, up to 30s ; other sorts unsaleable. Chaff. — Fair supplies have come to hand during the past week. We quote; Prime, £2 6s; extra prime, 2s 6d more; fair to good, £2 to £2 - 2s 6d; medium and inferior, 30s to 37b Gd. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report that prices ruled as under at their auction sale on Monday : — Oats. — We offered a catalogue of medium to good feed oats. There was a full attendance of buyers, and under fair competition the catalogue was cleared at prices fully equal to lata quotations. Good to best feed sold at Is 3d to Is 4d; extra heavy, to Is 4id; nledium la 2d to Is 3d; inferior, Is to Is 2d per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat.— We have still good inquiry for prime milling Tuscan at late values. We offered several lines of good fowl wheat, and sold same at Is lid to 2s per bushel. We quote: Prime milling, 2s 5d to 2s 6d ; medium to good, 2s Id to 2s 4d per bushel (sacks in). Potatoes. — Best Derwents were in fair demand at 27s 6d to 30s ; others, not much soueht after, at 22b 6d to 25s per ton (sacks in) ' Chaff—The market is fully supplied with medium quality, for ivhich there is only limited demand. Prime quality is not so plentiful, and met with fan- sale to-day at late quotations. Best oaten sheaf sold at £2 5a to £2 7a 6dmedium to good, £1 15s to £2 2b 6d pei ton (sacks extra). Turnips.— Best swedes sold at 11s 6d to 12s per ton (loose). •Messrs Moritzson and Hopkin report having • held their weekly sale' of grain and produce o£ Monday morning. There was a fair attendance of buyers, and competition fairly brisk - , -%*?•— 'f here is a S°od demand for best feed but -inferior- sorts are not much sought after Best feed sold from .Is .3d to.la 3Jdf medium ' an ww' lOl n\° m f IS ,^ to , ls 2hd P" bushel. Wheat—Only fowl feed offered, *hich met with a ready sale from- Is lOd to 2s per bushel, liiere is -not much doing in milling samples wHh c a r r^d a y n sd. mS *" "* mcct * Potatoes.— No improvement to report Beat s, w °»* ai° m M »« *»■• <■«•« *»«>£ *bb; medium, from £2 to £2 2s 6d»
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 14
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