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I Hi lS" /\ vf l\/l I"" fP^ FOR - I \J I /^iVlTl fain. IV 'W. -^^^^^ OVER FIFTY YEARS. _^. i . . . FOR DRESSXNG~SEEDS . . . Numerous Testimonials received in Canterbury and Ofcago testifying that the PKOTECTOIi ' '■ Prevents Smut in Wneat, Oats, and Barley ; Prevents Destruction of Seed by Birds or Worms ; ' Seed Germinates a fortnight Earlier ; Saves a Quarter Bushel of Seed per Acre. ' ! This Specific takes the place of Bluestone, and by its use the Seed is strongly carbo- Obtainable from all I lised, and is protected both by the smell and taste from being eaten by birds and other Storekeepers i pests. The Seed also germinates quicker by its and Ironmongers. PRICE: One Shilling per Packet,^which will Dress Eight Bushels. . . PTJ3XTE3DIIST, , SOLE AGBHTS.
A MUSICAL EDUCATION FOR HALF A CftOW^. SHOULD BE IN ALL HOMES WHERE THERE IS A PIANO OR ORGAN. finHE above heading will, of course, appear to JL most people as the height of absurdity, yet the absurdity is. more apparent than real. It goes without saying that a finished musical education in the regular course cannot bo had for a crown, or even with several hundred additional crowns, but can it be truthfully said that the pera on with a sufficient knowledge of music to pl»y accompaniments readily on the piano or orgap to all the popular and standard songs of the day has no musical education ? Assuredly not. A musical education sufficient to enable • one to play correctly accompaniments to the | songs sung in the home frequently gets and ' gives more pleasure from the modest accomplishment than does the Acquirements of many j on whose education large sums have been , expended. i Th c remoto modest musical education the above heading applies. Such an education the Otag# Witness is now enabled to offer its music-loving readers for half a crown, the publishers having recently decided to reduce the price to that sura. This ready-made musical education consists of Pratt'a Chart of Chords for the Piano and Organ, which is tbe nearest approach to a ready-made knowledge of music yet attained by science. It is a short cut to harmony, and is to music what the multiplication table is to arithmetic — a quick method of learning to play the Piano or Organ without a teacher. With this chart anyone can with but a small amount of practice become- an expert accompanist. It is complete self-instructor, enabling anyone to play without difficulty accompaniments to any song ever written. It is valuable to the advanced musician as well as the beginner, embracing nearly avery major and minor chord used in music, and is endorsed by teachers and musicians everywhere. This chart is the practical result of years of study by Charles B. Pfratt, the noted American composer and musician, whose compositions have world-wide popularity and a larger sale than these of any other American or European composer. Believing that the educational and pleasuregiviDg value of this Chart is very great, the Otago Witness has arranged with the publishers to supply Pratt'a Chart of Chords to its readers at Half a Cbown each, and in addition to the Chart of Chords tbe publishers have kindly agreed to send without extra charge a ropy of the Book of Songs, containing 184 c n ,s, with words and music. Many of these aougs are old-time favourites long out of print that can be obtained in no other way. Every home that has a piano or organ, especially where there are children, should have Pratt's Chart of Chords. Address, with postal notes to value of 2s 6d, with l^d for rosfcage, Publishers Otago Witness, Dunedin.
COOKING - - hi- • -. ... » - | Jim i » ' £> o fr 3 i 1 - 811 hS n 2 0 t& 111 01 h kT m 1 w V^f^^j <^> V\ d| h| S o E • • 13 FROM ALL IRONMONGERS; "' 08, THE MAKER, EX. IS. 9 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN.
'J. W. FAULKNEK & SONS | (LIMITED), D TT N E D I N\ ENGINEERS and IRONFOUNDERS, Wire "Weavers and Galvanises. Manufacturers of Wire-netting Fences (sheep, Dig, and rabbit-proof), black or galvanised ; Wire Mattresses, Oat, Malt Kiln, and "ft 001-diyin? Floors. Iron Railings, Fencings, and Gar- ' den Seats, Sieves, ScreeriE, Rivets, Bolts (plain or galvanised) , made to -order. stimates given. N.B. — Cash Purchasers of Cast Iron and Old Zinc. Any quantity. !s4n i OTAGO DAILY TIMES. — The <-nly Morning Newspaper published between Or-mam and Invercargill. Circulating extensively in Dunedin and all Provincial towns.
HOW TO PEESERYE THE EYESIGHT I send this little book free on application to Srarland & Co., Ltd., Auckland or Wellington. It tells of a remedy with 300 years reputation. „. SINGLETON'S EVE OIKTMEHT cures all oyo disorders. Get a genuine pot from any Chemist. —Proprietor, STEPHEN GREEN) 210 Lambeth Road, London, S.E. '|U|Cr{MCrf Krery Lady ehonld srire these ex- M • »■&•«& cellent Towels a trial. They are ||j tntiieptic, absorbent, and will last twice as long as H any other at double the price. H i3^ SANITARY 1 To be obtained from all Drapers and Chemists. D 9 Auckland and Wclllngtun. LADIES, S
The irony of fate! At a meatini? of the Napier Bowling Club (says the Hawke's Bay Herald), trophies (silver plated teapot 3) presented by a brewer wore handed to two teetotallers, one of whom is a clergyman. The committee of the William Black memorial have resolved to devote the sum subscribed to tho erection of a beacon light at Duart Point, near the Lady Rock, on the coast of Mull. The scheme, which has the approval of William Black's family, will cost about £800, and the Commissioners of Northern Lights have' undertaken to maintain the light after the beacon ig erected.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 10
Word Count
1,112Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 10
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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