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Business Notices. m- PARCELS FREE _3"5r POST Olfc Xt-A.xr.. No. 44.— DRESS PARCEL contains a full [ Austrian stripe Rug, suitable for bed, Tweeds. Our own make. Sizes 6to 8, Dress Length of Navy Blue Tweed ; an- I sofa, or buggy ; 1 large coloured Coun- carnage paid, 9s lid j Sizes 9to 12, carother full Dress Length of Rich Black I terpane, fringed or plain border ; all suit- riage paid, 12s 6d. Cashmere 44 inches wide, pretty Apron able for double beds. FYFE & CUM- No. 120.— MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING* for afternoon wear, 2 dozen Buttons for ING respectfully ask you to try this par- PARCEL. Two All-wool grey flannel each Dress, Silk, Twist, and Bones for the | lighted. Sent carriage paid for 25s to Undershirts, 2 pair of heavy 'Ribbed Cottwo Dresses. This useful parcel sent car- | any port or railway station. ton Pants, 2 heavy Shirts, 4- pair of riage paid for 20s. ,• No B_BLANKET8 _ BLANKET PARCEL-OUR SPE- k eav y Wool Knitted Socks, a .pair of No. 99.-NEW"DRESS PARCEL contains 3 CIAL BLANKET PARCEL contains 1 . S'^a?? artid™ SSaSte-d* 8 P ' Dresses for 20s. A full dress length of a pair extra large, fleecy, downy, and very every article guaranteed. Dark and very useful Tweed in plain or soft Colonial Blankets, suitable for best SHOWROOM! fancy Cloth. A full dress length of a üßeu ß e- bedroom ; 1 large size, well-made honey- • !r" Zl*" 4n-_, nTTm ful dark colour print; and a full dress comb Quilt, with nice deep fringe; 6yda No. 108.— BABIES' COMPLETE OUTlongth of dark stripe Drill, fast colour: ■of nice Twill Cloth for pillow caseß, 40in FIT PARCEL— 2Ss. Contains 3 fine Linings for the Tweed Dress, and Buttons, wide ; 1 very nice scarlet Blanket or Rug. muslm Uaygowns, 3 fine longcloth NightBone Silk and Twist. Sent carriage 1 large white Marcella Toilet Cover, and gowns, all beautifully trimmed withlaee paid for 20s 1 handsome Lace Antimacassar. This and embroidery; 2 large-size flannel : splendid parcel sent carriage paid for Barries, 1 Headsquare, in cream, carGREAT DKAPERY vSTOKES. 40s. dinal, pink, or blue twill flannel, nicely No. 88.— NEW DRESS PARCEL contains a ««ATDlMftiiw embroidered; 3 white Shirts (fine lawnfull Dress length of Navy, Maroon, MATRIMONY. trimm ed Valenciennes Lace), 1 hnen Brown, or Black, heavy, useful Dress No. 9.— Ladies anticipating and about to cele- n ?«l r' k f N" 8 ' •_ .? om * >let ,° Tweed Another full Dress length of brate the most delightful event in their S™'^!? 8 ; i° P h e*e * wh»to, w oolBlack or Maroon estamene Serge for life should take our advice and secure S"£ mg Shawl or beautiful Chn & tomn£ Women's or Children's wear, 6 yards of one of our wonderful Matrimonial Par- p . . .'. lovely soft Piuk Flanelette for under- eels— a big quantity sent out and uirvtr- No. 122. — LADIES UNDERCLOTHING c-lpthing, 6 yards good, useful Lining, sal satisfaction given. We can, with oon- AND APRON PARCEL (Extra Special) and Buttons, Bone, Silk, and Twist for the fidence, recommend it. Wouldn't it be — 20s. Ladies, please note. Comtwo Dresses. This splendid parcel sent a grand present? fortable, warm underclothing often carriage paid for 20s. THE MATRIMONIAL PARCEL contains 1 saves a doctor's bill. Twenty-five NoTTT'ZNEW DRESS PARCEL contains a P air ex . fcra V^lity real Witney Blankets shillings' worth for one pound. flnlfmJirl DrflSß for afternoon or best wear lar S e 81ze - for double beds; 1 pair good Contents of .the parcel: —2 beau7 P J_S& dxmbte width rich Black or Slvv Witney Blankets, for ordinary use, full tiful Flannelette Nightdresses. Z B^iJ^^XlflrtoirZl Bize; 1 pair full-size pure white twilled lovely Flannelette Chemises; 2 pretty Venetian Tweed in nice dark shades, g°"™» S q h . ee^ ' 1 P«* Bo to » Knickers, all full size and good flanMyrtle, Navy, Maroon, Brown, or Grey), Twilled Sheets, extra large size; nelette ; one pair splendid Corsets ; 1 6 yards of the new fancy Gimp for trim- 1 superior white Marcella .or pretty white Muslm Apron or Holland mini? 6 yards elace finish Linine with honey-comb Quilt — lovely design, Cooking Apron; 2 pairs black CashButtons Silk Bone and Twist A very near] y 3 y df3 lon &5 2 P airs of ver y hand - mere Hose - ™* P a ™el can also be had S^««i!pS and R pnV by noM "or rail for Borne white Nottingham lace Curtains, in White Longcloth. When ordering, nice parcel, and sent by post or rail lor wifch yery handsome design and border; please say whether Flannelette or White '„ 6yds superior twill pillow Cotton ; 2 nice Longcloth is required. Free to any adNo. 66.— 81G LOT FOR THE MONEY quality toilet Covers, full size ; 1 set very dress in New Zealand, 20s. PARCEL contains 8 yards stripe Galatea pretty toilet Mats; 6 large size Turkish T nr - q ~ ryTirT^nv^T^TrrnTlyuv" v 36 inches wide, 6-yards Pink Flanelette Towels; 1 white Tablecloth, 1 unbleached I'OT 9 t he PRINCESS KID GLOVE.— * our 33 inches wide, 7 yards very strong Lea- Tablecloth-both full size; 6yds good broil 'ami B^l PB «Jn P °nf Tt ™ f ther Shirting, 6 yards fancy Muslin for linen check V Glasscloth ; 1 very pretty ™° w n ' , a »f B la £ k ' guaranteed to wear Pinafores, 12 yards Navy Blue Dress Gipsy Table Cover, and Oriental silk jSt oJr S n W i^f 7 T kept m Tweed. 1 pair women's woollen Stockings, Rug for sofa or bed covers. This useful S fa £- ? u^r ench Kid Glove four dome 2 pair men's wool Socks, one nice linen and everyday Matrimonial Parcel sent fasteners, tans, browns, blacks, free by Apron, 6 yards All-wool Colonial Flannel .carriage paid to your own door for £5. post 4s per pair, in every size. for Shirts" or Petticoats, 6 yards dark A splendid and extraordinary parcel. FUR BOAS for Ladies, 10s 6a., post free. Cretonne for Curtains. Thia extraordi- jj o> jq VELVETEEN VELVETEENS ! W? are overstocked, and in order to sell nary parcel sent carriage paid for 40s. VELVETEENS ! ! VELVETEENS I ! quickly will clear lls 6d, 12s 6d^ 15s 6d, pPl?imp Pl?i m URiPFRV <CT<TRF<3 Special purchase of blue-black Velve- anc | 21s . Boas all at 10s 6d, free to any (xRJiAI DKAk&KY fciUttlb. teens: ""also maroon, brown, cardinal. address in New Zealand. Seize this opNo. S.— REMNANT PARCEL— This » a The full dress for 20s. This wonderful portunity 1 grand parcel, containing goods useful Bargain Parcel contains 12yds blue-black, T 4 mirs' tapitptq <•„.. i, _„. ,r , ■," especially to mothers. It comprises 40yds silk finished, indestructible fasfpile Velve- T^ni HS T« L/ l?wt' i.l" f * to 45yds of various useful Remnants, teen; 3yds. braided Gimp;.2doz pretty 25 21 g l' LS a M including Dress Materials, Flannelettes, Buttons? and 6yds Lining. The whoJo * '£ °fc ' shap °' Sen »- sa °- 15(i 6d Cretonnes. Shirtings, Prints, Hollands, • lot sent free by post or rail, 20s. Velve- ' c'e ' Diapers. Liberty Muslin, Pinafore Mus- teens are very fashionable, both for trim- THE BRIGHTON NICE JACKET, Somilins, and Check Galateas. By post or rail mings and complete costumes. sao or tight-fitting, trimmed braid, and for 20s. ■ ~ r ' Velvet Collar, 21s, post free.— =-The above _, .^ „ Q, rn R ,-y GREAT DRAPERY STORES. Jackets are stocked in three sizes — small, LrlvfciA 1 VixArp.ixX olUJtilo. Rfl'crWft OAPrri G medium, and extra large ladies'. When orNo. 50.— CASHMERE PARCEL— LADIES' T ni ' „ "nx- T t m ,^, «' dering, please state which of the three BLACK CASHMERE PARCEL con- No. 117.— COLONIAL TWEED SUIT for sizes you require. tains 7yds of a rich blue-black Cashmere Men, well made and finished, m medium t OT I? _r adTTCS' — MFW — MAPTNTTO^TT (very wide), colour and wear .guaranteed , S^sSf hUnTfe f™" 8 " *"*' ** PARCEL, 10s6dwitk full-deSed lyd.nch black Silk for trimming 6yds cf nB-inOLONIALn B -inOLONIAL TWEED SUTTS for Ca P e-a useful, stylish Cloak. When a nice soft-finished Lining, and 2 dozen flo - -J iD - V i j-j -I * CT ?■ r i 'ordering nlease send length of hart from Buttons to match the dress. Sent by gcys-A splendid suit of a heavy Colonial Sto bottom of skirt nost or rail for 20s carriage naid Tweed, extra well made and lined ; sizes necK to oottom oi sicirt. P°Bt or tail for carnage paid. from 1Q t _ Thia Splen(Jid LOT 10.-THE NEW UMBRELLA PARNo. 7.— OUR " UNIVERSAL BLANKET carriage paid— 2ls. CEL— Stylish and Durable, new artistio PARCEL— contains a pair of Double- No. 119.— COLONIAL TWEED KNICKER Handles, free by poßt 5s 6d, 6s 6d, and bed fleecy wool Blankets, 1 large size SUITS, in a heavy make of All-wool 10s 6d each.
All orders mutt be accompanied by 'Postal Noteß, Money Orders, Note*, or Chtquee. With the latter 6d must be added for exchange, and made payable to F\B W* IP A ttFi 13 1 Hi ME H i IR- T)"R A PP.TJ V A TOR. fiT.nTTTnVTte 66, 68, 70, 72, George Street; and 2, 4,^ St. Andrew's Street, Dunedin. Basv to Make, Easy to Digest, and of Perfect Flavour. Strengthening, IToimsliing, and Cheapest in Use.
A splendid supply of artesian water has been (-truck in the locality of some Oobram grazing farms, Cimnamulla district, on the Queensland border. The flow is estimated at 4,000,0002(11 per day.
Two thirsty lads at a fancy dress ball ati Foxtop took a drink of < methylated spirits ia mistake for lemonade. "Under medical treatment, they came out of the misadventure ajji right, ~
Whllo d man named Jasperson vs.* boing opciated on et, Albury (Ne'i South. V<-'tvle«) lftcently, for the removal of an. cb^ce^o ;r> the throat, it suddenly hurofc and uuilocatcd him*
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 9
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1,588Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 9
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