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THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, „" 4 m . n?r= : fe "CISTATE, AND AGENCY COMPANY OF MA. W A V ITA B; E jSX EDIEB- #* EVERY HOUSEHOLD a»:>TRAVELLINC TRUNK ought to oontain A BOTTLE of ■& v new Zealand (Limitod). xvjl^. l^il V J.±ii a^ aj i?i jj xj xxj X?, ■^ "w— BKW B aM. n /]ffifo> V" RBBi B?f*v 88 ■) O) =^raa A 53 BKa a ' With which are incorporated the Firms of -— -^-v—^^-^^^^-^^v^^-^^-v^x^ IB&iaftdfegggssSfij 3 &^ Subscribed Capital £108,345 Fop Preventing & Curing- by Natural Means pp a idu P ... Dib »- ctob »-. ...£24,279 «^__, rsn"ff^ "Sf m"H^r*^l^TrH^ All Functional Derangements of the Liver, Thomas Moodie. Esq. JT AJj^j «S« Jjy«ai JCi^^ JL » Temporary Congestion arising from Walter Hision, Esa. Aleonolie Beverages, Errors in Diet, w b BteySfd.rSq Wl&^^jMlimm Biliousness, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Monger- PHPfIJUTIIPfyiT /-^ D|l CQ Vomiting, Heartburn, Sourness of the Walter Hislop. 1 iw umimfinij Q) ni-l&O iWW^^HI Stomach, Constipation, Thirst, J n _„ Offices: 2s 6d PEK EOX. g c^^, | Can be c^edwith Mrs 'W hF /M^l&SSlti <SW« -RVrm+iAnc. "Rnila WT7o-ri«Ti Pnl/I Corner of Rattray and Vogel streets, Dunedin. H f Towler a treatment mthiiruptions, 130JlS, J< evensh L-Oia, - Mr GORE, Town Clerk, £ j#2l jCT^ l £ out an operation or ddetern r Wt^Bi&^ $WMsßk Influenza, Throat Affections, and > This Company is empowered by Special Aot St. Kilda, writes to tell S v on rom b- ÜB J nes 3> if MW^^^^^m^ Fevers Of all kinds. of Parliament of New Zealand to act as Exe- me that he considers my S l^^ia bleeding or, internal; if mfflltjr / *®? l mmjsm cutor and Trustee under a will; as Trustee Ointment the best he ever M k j^X% 3 protruding, can atop the ' TESTIMONIAL.— " I have been a nurse for ten years, and have nursed cases a T^ V^! J r Mhl,% ■ SetHementa ; as used# He says it cures g fe rectal catarrh and intense |of scarlet ffve^mia, erysipelas, measles, gangreL, cancer, and almost every S'^^^l^^SSfS 2£S B -.S everything, aid it but- g 2 itching at nights Relief mentionable disease. During this time I have not been ill for a single day, and Executors, Trustees, or Administrators, and Passes anything of the m " can be °ota in ed if my i this I attribute to the use of Eno's • Fruit Salt,' which has kept my blood in a as Attorney or Agent for persons resident in kind ever introduced into treatment is STRICTLY pure BfcatfN I recommend it to all my patients during convalescence. Its the Colony or abroad. The Company under- Dunedin. " " ADHERED TO. Ni ?QrtsT health CRmXOt ° Tereßtimated "~ A PP * OFESSI0 *- ,*£ jZ ™P^ f T^ 8 relatiV6 trCatment ' medidtle ' C ° St ° n aPPliCati ° Q t9 ■ THE EFFECT OF ENO'S 'FRUIT SALT' OH A DISORDERED, SLEEPLESS, AND FEVERISH CONDITION tuSo^ofSis °l\^l^TvlZlf% ™** 7'7 ' ° V 7 ! ;IS SIMPLY MARVELLOUS. It is. IN FACT, NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, AMD AN UNSURPASSED ONE. Kjertfea. either pdvafefy or by aucTionf CO3S^ULTING EOOM : Ko. 15 EOYAL ARCADE, DUNEDIN. CAUTIOW — See capsule marked ENO'S 'FRUIT SALT.' Without it, you have a and the Management of Estates. WORTHLESS IMITATION. The Company has For Sale and To Lease, " k ' Prepared only br J. 0. ENO, ltd., at the TBTTIT SALT' "WORKS, LONDON, by J. O. ENO'S Patent. Properties in all parts of the colony, full par- p # HAYMAN & CO. mnaaiaiaMHiil ticulars of which can be had on application at * '* th £r ofece -m t j T r, -o WHOLESALE AGENTS, DUNEDIN. J Money To Lend at Lowest Current Kates.
: PeARSALL'S ]' 1; b -a "Washing Filoselles < ! ,„« tttt^ PT7Ti7^RATT7-n.^^-. r |»tand Soap and Boiling Water. Need no ' | TMF It Washing InstTuctiona. Over 35Q Shades. I 3-^/h * ' II f^°"fa"p»y««°*V"^^ II 11I 1 m It Ji 1 I I %Jsi ' 0 ' 1 ff r )&&FS&US j! '^^^^« * SHIPPERS' & IMPORTERS 1 I a t^3s?liS?S^«'el??S r* 1 tHnHiHr \/ c i \/ cr T" c" et ki ■ DmE zi ORY 1 fs*&£jt<jj&i££ & ' S "^^^^^^^^K"^ w^^^>^-v^w^^^^-^>--^^^^- COMpLBTE GAZETTEER OF ALL, fe ijjjw^^^^ gj ■•« i i " : | THE COLONIES, s Ik fcyyi'S^^j^^^ > THIS POPULAR AND HANDSOME FABRIC IS -NOW IN THE FRONT \ oT%w^^v£ui£& f : £wl&oy*l*®Jtff%> 2 ■ - RANK OF FASHION. I customs N d™tieT OWING "' ( IjL&Q*Cirl tjitli,!, «3 3 " < MINING REGULATIONS h y # «^T^ J^ • S l' LAND REGULATIONS P jA P£SlT9fißia C w-^^^v^v^x^v^>^>^x^/-x^^^^-^^^^> % AGRICULTURE | « ST.**- > - S CLIMATE S I Ctf*ewel SiISC ) -^ < imports and exports •ACh MP . ?!^^^g!j|g^> LUSTROUS BLUE and JET BLACK < 7unmm^ Q _ . .- < ANI) MANY COLOUaED MAPSi Jf i Cl^'«s<*« 9 J -r-i^-rT^-m^^-r- /m rx^t /mt-. t *t * _ _. __ , ___^ MELBOURNE AGE, APRIL 16 : o S .r0.... r 0... ? EVERY CONCEIVABLE SHADE ••«» r bli^ hßfl ng b r a i. r»tf*^A/«il € >•: •**-'■■■"■ recognised authority on the colonies. VICfWCI kdlin 1 . , ,- The volame it a history, »n atlas, a, ! " alf " pen " y Ske<n »- > ' FOR PRESENT WEAR. ! gazetteer, % statistical register, a ealen- F ',••" """i'Vi""""' l • ' i ' ■ < ' ' i da r » * n^» l* B^ '•> " a Colonial Bayera' p uVIAA *%^rk d\ am *% i ** ''■■{' Gafde to Manufacturers and Shippers, £ *S M&P/rw B*Jk4r3 M § jS, A i■ •> ......umu»u. u <uumumu<. u . U i... u . uuu ..^ and an inditDemable adjunct to every f yh* i '%.%M,ASJ%A>mj> C ...>••.'■-" y __ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦••««•. commercial concern." ► jo, atoewn^fl «L/?ol r . 1 "LOUIS" VELVETEEN IS ESSENTIALLY A LADIES' MATERIAL, AND SURPASSES X OF ALL BOO^ d L n E e f TOORDER - J Does not Stain in Wear. Easy to Work. S • \ '.0s od net. ■ £=* f'K !, ALL FABRICS FCR THE ADORNMENT OF WOMEN. I > — • » i \ >I • GORDON & GOTCH, [ M ©a*iJ-«i«^a (rfßuaeien (' / MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, BRISBANE' I "A JJ?" ™- * °^- 5 NOTE WELL-Each Yard of GENUINE " LOUIS " VEt. {[ FBBTH (W - A) - ANP LONDt)N - .i; »T tbt« si^t^tt^Sh' J VETEEN Bears the Name, and is Stamped with a a«arantee j! # Keodlework (Plain and Commenced), ( Q-f ' ' | ' !i PattemT^lCards, and th« Tarions * ■ ■ ' if requisites for. the Berlin Wool.' '| IP LADIES SHOULD REJECT ALL SUBSTITUTES. !' Agent for JAS. FEASSAI.Z. ft CO.. ' ( ♦ ' (' 304, Victoria Arcade, AUCSIJA-'^'l). I . i • gETiIL OF,LEADIHG BERLIHJOOLJEALEHJL 111 1 * (! a .», A'^ry^"^:^. a a a a a a % _ »
■ I ! THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Wffi9Sft&'> J^^SfcSELi -' GRATEFUL COMFORTING '- I HfflJfefc-a'^^^H^^^ 1 " BREAKFAST* ' SUPPER 'NEVER REQUIRES GRINDING. *. t fI M UlFV'Svgg? - - NATURAL FLAVOUR ONLY. [' ' '' I ;'/ !(L4CKERRAS AND HAZLETT, * 'I ' : ; ". ' Agent*. ' •i|
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 64
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998Page 64 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 64
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Page 64 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 64
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