MedicalilCureFits.^ u -ssi 111 1 vm v i iid» to spend | any money to test whether my |£ « remedy does or does not cure to> * Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitas' Dance, g« 2 &c. All you are asked to do is to |t *■ send for a fr £ £ bottle of medi= & * cine and to try it. lam quite p S prepared to abide by the result, gj 2 A Valuable and Safe Remedy. Jj <f CERTIFIED BY THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. ?» H.G.ROOT,2B,EKOSLE!QHQDNS,,LONOOH,ENO.' 'SJ BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BOKKIiYGTttK'S CARRAGEEN OR IRISH MOSS WILL CUR 2 INFLUENZA LOSS OF VOICE BRONCHITIS ASTHMA COUGHS COLDS INSIPIENT CONSUMPTION | And all CHEST COMPLAINTS. TRY IT t EFFECT CERTAIN ! RELIEF IN FIVE MINUTES I ONCE USED, ALWAYS USED!). DON'T BUY IMITATIONS J 4
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 63
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Page 63 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 63
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