Arriving At It.
The yoiiug man was evidently an optimist. A short time ago he came lo the conclusion that he would like to insure his life. With this object in view he made application to a prominent company. After filling up the necessary form he received an invitation to call upon the medical officer of the company and undergovthe usual examination. In due course he interviewed the doctor. Requesting the young man to remove his coat and vest, the physician produced a stethoscope and began his examination. All at once he stopped, and regarded the candidate with an expression of alarm. " Young man," he said, " can you bear a shock?" " I think so," was the cheerful response. •' Fire away, and let me hear the worst." "You have only one lung- !"' announced the doctor solemnly. "Well, what of that?" retorted the candidate with the utmost composure. "I never told you I had any' more, did I?" "What!" exclaimed the doctor, "do you mean to say that you were aware ofyour condition?" "Of couise I was. Do you suppose a man could have only one lung without being aware of the fact?" '"And yet," said the doctor, "you apply to a company for a policy of life insurance. Do you expect to get it?" " I certainly do. Not only that, but I think I ought to get it at a substantial reduction in the premium." " Upon what ground, may I ask?" " Upon the ground that having only one' lung, I am 50 pei cent, less lable to contract consumption than if I possessed two lungs."
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 62
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Arriving At It.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 62
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