Business Notices. The Very Finest Dressing 1 , Specially ., Prepared anH Delicately Perfumed Produoes Luxuriant Hair, Praventa It 3 FalHflgf 'Miw'^^^^^^^^^^^^mJlJjl FOE PROMOTING THE GROWTH OP ' U £=' \ffl. 'Jill THE BEARD AST) MOUSTACHE. WW V '■ ll \ < l^^*f i^^fK W - THE RENOWNED |f / * REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. /^f^rv For Presorrlng, Strengthening, and Rendering the Hair Beautifully Soft ; for Removing Scurf, Dandruff, &c, also for RESTORING GREY HAIB TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOUR. "HARLENE" PRESERVES, STRENGTHENS, AND INVIGORATES CHILDREN'S HAIR, Full description and directions for use in 30 languages supplied with every bottle. __ 1/., 2/6 and (triple 2/6 size) 4/6 par Bottle froifa Druggists &c, all over tbe World. "HARLENE" Co., High Holborn, LONDON, ENGLAND. ■ BIRD'S Custard Powder makes si perfect High-Class Custard at a minimum B of cost and trout>lQ> XJsed" by all tbG l6&din{£ Diploirzees of the South I Kensington School of Cookery, IJondon. Invaluable also for a variety ■ of Svifeet Dishes, recipes for urhich accompany every packet* ■ Storekeepers can obtain supplies from Ali. the Lpading Wholesale houses. - 7 , <•<• Not at all. It is merely a case of How Wonderful ! cause and effect . The ca ; se was an Aton. NAllcock's Porous Plaster placed right over a^ffllft *^ c sma^ °* *^ c back. The effect was the disap3 **^Mlffli JHss(S&^ pearance of the lameness so suddenly ItAMiffiPlf /\ >^liir at "l° st " was only term which s o ACf^[| uP < T_£>^ could fairly be used. But it is not ii^iiyiil . rss>ii^/\. lameness only that thus disappears iiPBl \vO^^ \ under the touch ° f Hip It! sj ii?©i^©Tus'p--Asißa !Bs__*^' It is equally effective ii> sprains, stiffness of the joints, sore muscles, pain in the chest, any trouble arising from taking cold from accident or overexertion. REMEMBER when you need a plaster is the one you want. * TAKE NO OTHER BUT ALLCOCK'S. r j A SILVER WATCIH FOR SWFHIS\i@_ WE hereby undertake to give one of our Famous Silver Watches (L^y's or Gentlenian'p) to ever • Man. Woman, or Child who sends us the Correct Reading of the following PUZZLE The only condition is that if your answer is correct you Purchase one of our tUijIU til JiKLIJNU SILVER CHAINS to wear with the Watch :— . .—. — . — _ DxxT MxxS TxxS CxxxsE. SEND NO MONEY. Simply forward your answer and enclose stamped and addressed envelope, so that we may inform you if you have won a Watch. We are making this offer solely with the object of introducing ana Sdvertisiug our Goods. GOLDSMITHS COLOSSAL COMPANY, Care of A. A. ELLISDON, 284 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND.
Page 60 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 60
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