Public Notices. <&^v QHAW, SAVILL, AND 'CTSm~E& ALBION COMPANY gffißfr'lKMiß&i (LIMITED). FOR LONDON.— ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, with Superior Accommodation for all Classes of Passenger?, calling at Monte Video or Rio de Janeiro, Teneriffe, and Plymouth. g.S. - Tons. m^ n m ; n From j Date. lonic- ... 4753 Kempson Wellingt'n Oct. 12 >WaiWera 6100 Stuart — Oct. 6238 (Maxwell — Nov. "Qbfhic ... 7730 Kidley Wellingt'n Dec. 7 Delphic ... 8273 iSowden — Dec. AOTEi. ... 6346 {Evans — Jan. CARGO STEAMERS. Rangatiba 1 4045 iNiccle iLyttelton Sept. 14 Maori ... 5200 Moffatt Lyttelton Sept. 16 Kumaha ... — Scotland — Nov. Mamari .. 3553 — — Nov. Matatua . 3322 Holmes — Dec. Pakeha .. 4331 ProsEer — Feb. Passengers forwarded from Dunedin to of Departure of Mail Steamer Free. Special facilities are afforded for bringing out friends and relatives from Home by issue of passage orders in the colony. For freight or passage apply to the Agents : NATIONAL MORTGAGE <fc AGENCY , COMPANY OF N.Z. (LIMITED), MURRAY, ROBERTS. AND CO DALGETY 4 COMPANY LIMITED. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S LII^E. FOR (.LONDON, calling at ffigSSgflb' MONTE" VIDEO, TENErfSli^JJflWgfc BIFPE, and PLYMOUTH. R.M.S, PAPANUI, 10,000 tonß burthen, . | Will be despatched as above from BLUFF ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. mO be followed by the s.s. BUAHINE, on ML THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. Coastal Paesago to Port 'of- Departure FBEE. "Warrants issued for Passages from the United Kingdom to New Zealand. , Through •bookings to West Coast of South America,. Falkland Islands, Bahia, and Pernambuco. For -further particulars apply to THE NEW ZEALAND" SHIPPING COMPANY (LIMITED), - 9 Bond street, Dunedin. AM'KENZIE draws attention of RUN- • HOLDERS, FARMERS, etc., to the Special Values he is offering in Colonial-made -SADDLERY, especially in. SADDLES. No. 1 turnout consists Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, single rein bridle .. .. £2 10 No. 1— Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, leather girth, double-reined bridle .. .. f4 0 No. 3— Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, leather girth, nickle stirrups, doublereined bridle', nickel bit £4 10 No. 4r— Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, lea-, ther girth, nickle stirrups, doublereined- bridle, nickle bit £B 2 No. s— Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, leather girth, heavy nickle irons, best double-reined bridle, stout nickle bit. ..6 10 Attention Stockriders directed to super, quality No. 5, which has very large pads. On cash orders for £2 and upwards railage will be paid. Cash orders for £5 upwards delivered free in South Island. Goldfields orders receive special attention. Note carefully the addTess: A. M'KENZIE, SADDLER. Princess street, Dunedin. BUST MONEY TO LEND On Freehold Securi^r or Municipal Debentures.— £ls,ooo to. Lend in sums of £5000 Til TRUSTEE^ #XECTTORS, VaqS?CT OF NEW ZEALAND (LTD.). 28ju W. LAURENCE SIMPSON, Manager. mtr ANTED KNOWN— "Without fa doubt '1»W PL-tSB DICK is the most Reliable .Watchmaker. Opposite Coffee Palace, Moray Place, Dunedin.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 1
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