A FASCINATING SPORT. Thos who have tried it find v.cry special fascination in the -quest of grey seals among the Western Islands of Scotland. They are exceedingly wary and keen of sight, and many a good man and true behind a rifle has learned from sad experience how difficult it js to shoot them from a boat. A calm day is the bes>t for the purpose, and as the tide is making the boatman row 3 you along quietly on some mountain^irt arm of the sea. Ere long a dark, bullet-like object appears at the surface — a seal, only the upper part of his head showing. If it be within shot the boatman at once stops rowing and cautiously you raise your rifle and align the sights. Often the seal detects its enemy before a shot can be fired. With a slight splash and raise of the body it disappears under the water as quickly as any of the divers, and may be a quarter of a mile distant when seen again. Even if it remain above the surface long enough to permit of a shot, a successful one is not easy of accomplishment. The mark is small. The broad Atlantic is never quite at rest, and it is wonderful how easy it is to miss a seal even at cloge quarters. If the aim be true there will be a commotion in fche sea for a second or two, the seal will disappear, and when you reach, the spot the blood-stained water affords the only trace of your quarry. For seals almost invariably sink on being shot, and unless the water be shallow there is small chance to recover them. It is said that they will float if the bullet passes through the brain, killing them instantly, but I do not think this can be accepted as a hard and fast rule. Cases are on record of enthusiastic sportsmen, bent on retrieving their spoil, plunging into the briny "in puris naturalibus" and emerging with the cold and slippery seal clasped in a fond embrace. Seal shooting from a boat at the best is uncertain work, and a better plan is to wait for them at low tide on skerries which they 'are known to frequent. They may often be seen sunning themselves on low rocks which are covered at high tide, and it is Jpoth interesting and amusing to watch their movements through a glass. In the water the seal is a model of grace and easy power, but when removed from its natural element its motions become awkward and uncouth. As one after another emerges from the sea and climbs up the slippery rocks, they assume easy and unrestrained attitudes, rolling over tm their backs- and playing with one another ; but if danger threatens they will tumble off the rocks, and all be out of sight under water
in a shorter time than would be thought possible. In such circumstances they may sometimes b& stalked from the land side, but a more certain plan is to lie up in ambush within easy shot of the skerry they are accustomed to visit. The sport ha-s its drawbacks. The shooter will have to remain concealed among wet clammy seaweed for some time before the seals make theii appearance, and when the chance at length arrives it is just possible he may not care to take advantage of it. When " playing themselves " on the rocks these amphibious animals exhibit so much of intelligence and affection for their young and it is so; pretty to watch them, that the sportsman's desire to kill sometimes departs : he has not the heart to disturb such a happy family parly. The seal of the British seas is not oi the same variety as that which frequents the Pacific Ocean and supplies ladies with handsome fur capes. The coat of the British seal consists of shoi't, rather stiff han, is grey in colour, mottled witb darker spots and the skin makes rather a handsome fiooi' rug when properly mounted. Seals are easily tamed, and show considerable affection for their owners. — Captain, the Hon. R. C. DRUMMOND, in the St James's Gazette.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 55
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