Monday afternoon. __ On Tuesday evening a most successful dance, partly juvenile, was held in the St. Clair Schoolroom, got up by a new club called the " Kote Rakiatea." A large number were present, some of whom came from town, special drags having been engaged to convey the dancers back to town at 12 o'clock. The hall was most beautifully decorated with foliage and flags ; and lin«s of dainty coloured fairy lights were entwined across the walls, shedding a shimmering 3 light on all around. A marquee was erected without, and a most recherche supper had been prepared by the ladies of St. Clair, which was done ample justice _to by the young people present. The floor was excellent, and the music, supplied by Mr Yates, left. nothing to be desired for the evening's enjoyment. Mrs Coughtrey, Mrs Easther, and Mrs Fisher acted as chaperoues, and were present all the evening, and Mr Rorald Fisher made an admirable hon. secretary for the club. On Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs J. Stephenson entertained a large number of friends to dinner at their residence, "Conisboraugh," to celebrate ' the anniversary »i their wedding day. Amongst the guests
were the different parties in the firm of Wright-Stephenson, and several other old family friends.
Mrs and the Misses Reynolds returned by the Mararoa from Nelson, where they have been spending the winter months.
Miss Reynolds and Miss Vida Reynolds intend leaving Dunedin for England next month. Mrs Colquhoun returned by the Mokoia from Sydney and Melbourne. Miss Haggitt lias returned to town from Lawrence, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs A. Morris. The Misses Mills and Miss Maunsell returned from Melbourne by the Mokoia. Mr and Miss Cargill returned from the " Island trip " by the Waikare. Miss Boyd left on Thursday for Welling- , ton to meet her mother, who is a passenger on board the Ruahine. The engagement is announced of Miss Katie De Lautour, daughter of Dr De Lavtour, to Mr Christian Fraser, son ot the late Captain Fraser, of Dunedin. The engagement is\ announced of Miss Ella Julius, daughter of Bishop Julius, Christchurch, to Mr Arthur Elworthy, "Pareora," Timaru. The team of 'Christchurch lady hockey players, who are to play the match against the Dunedin Girls' Hockey Club to-day ■ (Monday) ariived on Sunday by the Mararoa. There are eleven in the Christchurch team visiting Dunedin, and the -girls are all staying with friends, most of whom belong to the Dunedin Hockey Club. Miss Campbell and Miss Kettle are staying with Mrs Roberts, at Littlebourne } Hou=3e ; Miss Russell with Mrs P. C. Neill ; j ! Miss Denniston and^-Miss Meares with Mrs \ G. 1.. Denniston ; Miss Hewitt with Mrs j Mackerras ; Miss Inman and Miss Holder- i ness with Mrs Baker ; Miss Overton with I Mrs Scobie Mackenzie ; Miss Poulton with | Mrs Graham, and Miss Cook with Mrs Joachim. Ethel E. Penja.min, Barrister and Solicitor, Albert Buildings, Princes street, Dunedm ; (opposite C.P.0.), hao trust moneys to lend 0.1 ! approved security.— Adrfc
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 51
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