Games In London International Tournament.
j Pjayed on Friday, June 30th, in the twentythird round of the International Tournament: —
Although Tinsley's score was stationary for some considerable time, his play was mostly of an interesting character, and always enterprising. In the present game his attack against Pillsbury was a fairfy lasting- one, and he certainly obtained a fairly good position. In fact he was much more steady than usual. Unfortunately, he lost a Pawn, and through that loss eventually lost the game; but as 'the game itself shows, it was only by the very best play that Pillsbury won. The ending is particularly neat and interesting.
Mr Gunsberg remarks on the above game: — " This is a pretty little game: Black was not I deficient in courage, as he showed by castling Q R, and then advancing with 7 P to X Xt 4, j which Pawn could be taken, but Blackburne i preferred to proceed with his own development. I It then became quite an entertaining race, until Blackburne, with the move of 14 Q Xt to Xt 1 5, by which he threatened mate on B 7th, gained valuable time. He then carried the atj tack through with his accustomed skill on such j occasions, and after White's twenty-third move, I Q to R 8, Black had to resign, as lie could not avoid mate in two moves."
White. Black. S. Tinsley. Pillsbury. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-K B 3 Kt-Q B 3 3 B-Kt 5 Kt-B 3 4 0-0 KtxP SP-Q4 Kt-Q 3 6BxKt QPxB 7 Xt x P B-K 2 8 Kt-Q B 3 O-O 9 R-K 1 Kt-B 4 10 Kt-K 2 B-K 3 11 P-Q B 3 r-B 4 32 B-K 3 P x P 13 Xt x Q P Xt x Xt 14 B x Xt P-Q B 4 15 B-K 3 Q-B 2 16 Kt-B 3 B-Kt 5 17 P-K B 3 Q R-Q 1 18 Q-K 2 B-R 4 19 P-K Xt 4 B-Kt 3 20 X R-Q 1 B-Q 3 21Kt-R4 B-K 5 221V83 B-Kt 3 23 Q-Kt2 QK-K1 24 R-K 1 B-Q 6 25 B-B 2 B-K B 5 26 R x R R x R 27 R-K 1 R x R eh 28 B x R P-K Xt 4 White. Black. S. Tintley. Pillsbury. 29 Kt-B 5 B x Xt 30 P x B Q-K 4 31 K-B 1 Q x X B P 32 P-K R 4 P-K it 4 33 P x P K-lt 2 3»P-Kt4 P-B5 35 Q-X 2 B x P 36 B-B 2 PR 3 37 Q x P Q x P 33 P-R 4 P-R 5 39 Q-K 2 Q-R 8 eh 40 B-Kt 1 Q-R6ch 41 Q-Kt 2 Q-B 4ch 42 Q-B 2 K-Kt 3 43 Q x Qch X x Q 44 P-B 4 K-K 5 45 I'-Kts PxP 46 BP x P B-Q 1 47 B-B 2 K-Q 4 48 K-Kt 2 KB 5 49 B-K I B-K 2 50 K-R 3 B-Kt 5 51 B x P K-Kt 6 52 K-Kt 4 X x P 53 K-B 5 B-B 6 54 P-Kt 6 BQ 5 55 B-Q 8 K-Kc 4 56 Resigns shortly
French White. Black. Blackburne. S. Tinsley. 1 P-K 4 P-K 3 2 P-Q 4 P-Q Xt 3 3 B-Q 3 B-Kt 2 4 X Kt-B 3 Q-K 2 5 00 Q Kt-B 3 (i P-B 3 O-O 7 P-Q Xt 4 P-K Xt 4 8 P-Q R 4 P-B X 9 P-R 5 Xt-Xt 1 IOPxP RPxP 11 Kt-R 3 Kt-K R 3 12R-K1 P-K4 )J3I"ENCE. White. • Black. Blackburne. S! Tinsley. 13 P-Q 5 P-Kt 5 14 QKt-Kts R-Kl 15 B x Xt PxKt 16 B x B Q x B 17 P-Kt 3 P-R4 18 R-117 R-R2 19 B-B 1 P-K 5 20 Q-R 4 P x V 21 R x B PxßPch 22 X x P P-Q 3 S3' Q-R. 8 Resigns.
Games In London International Tournament.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 48
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