A GREAT HISTORICAL PUBLICATION. OThftO PhUiN T\W£S ; christmas~lnndal, 1899. TO BE PUBLISHED IN TIME FOR DELIVERY EVERY^ WHERE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. The Propietors of the Otago Daily Times aud Witness wish to lay before •the readers of both papers a Synopsis of the Contents of their 1899 CHRISTMAS ANNUAL, which will be published at a sufficiently early date to enable its being mailed to the Old Country in time for receipt before Christmas. The ■main feature will deal with the EngrossiDgly interesting .subject . o£ WRECKS OF THE COLOHY Prom, the ante-settlement days up to the middle of 1899. The letterpress, the compilation of which has entailed many months' relearch among old newspaper files and records of various descriptions, is from the pen of the favorite Witness Mriter, *md though fact, not fancy, has been the prevailing note of the compilation throughout," the narrative is written in a manner which cannot fail to interest the readers from beginning to end. It is at this early stage scarcely possible to give a full list of the photogravures which will illustrate the story of marine disaster on our rugged coast-line, but they will be worthy cf the subject. The following incomplete enumeration will give readers an idea of the pictorial Contents of this section of our coming Christmas Annual :
* The Father recognises his own Child." From j special drawing by Miss F. Hodgkins. I "For hours I clung to the spar with my hair twisted round it." From special drawing by Miss Hodgkins. ■"The Captain's Directions." From special i drawing by Mjss Hodgkins. "They rigged a Flag on the Highest Point." From a drawing by F. E. C. "Abandonment." From a drawing by F. B. C. "Steam to the Rescue." From a drawing by F. E. C. ** Allegro and Ammonier, two valuable horses swimming through the surf." From a drawing by F. E. C. "A Pathetic Tombstone." — Figurehead Derry Castle. " The General Grant's Castaways." An in1 teresting group of passengers and crew clad in their sealskins. B.S. Pelham, wrecked at the Bluff. B.S. Otago, wrecked at Chasland's Mistake. "Relics of the past"; present condition of the wreck. "Tararua Acre." City of Dunedin, wrecked in Cook Strait, May 20, 1866. ,-Wreck of the s.s. Otago. The Fifeshire saving Crew of the Patricia. " British pluck." iWreck of the s.s. Mataura. jOfficerß of the Mataura. /Wreck of the s.s. Wairarapa. Wairarapa's Stewardesses. j,The Green Cabin at Port Chalmers. jThe Cospatrick. JWreck of the a.s. Taiatua. ffihe Jessie Headman. tPortrait of Captain Matthew Gibson (Jessie I Headman). JWreck of the s.s. Taranaki. jThe s.s. Kakanui. , Stranded. jWieck of the s.s. Elginshire. JWreck of the s.s. Taiaroa. ■Captain Garrard. ' ■Boiler of the s.s. Otago; relic of the past. CBenvenue and City of Perth, Timaru beach, ; 1882. Bhip Inconstant, wrecked on Te Aro beach, , August 10, 1850 (John Plimmer, father of Wellington, standing in foreground). Bhip Pleione, ashore on Waikanae beach, March 19, 1888. Ocean Mail ashore and s.s. Patea steaming j out Patea River Heads, February 11, 1882. * Btranding of the John Gamble at Timaru, May 1899. {Fairy Queen ashore at Timaru, Augiist, 1873. jiWreck of the City of Cashmere. of the Grafton. Lonely Grave, Auckland Isles. Dwelling-places qf Shipwrecked Crews. Shipwrecked Sailor's Grave. figurehead Derry Castl«. [Derry Castle Hut, Enderby Island. (Victoria Post Office, Port Ross. B.s. Wanaka, wrecked at Puketapu Reef, New Plymouth. .U.S.S. Suva, wrecked near entrance to Westport Harbour. iWreck of tho Surat at False Islet, Catlin's River. The breaking up of the s.s. Tekapo. J&roup of 14 Wellington Hulks. Etc.j Etc., Etc r "FABIAN BELL" has given her interesting compilation the telling title of "THE TOLL OF THE SEA," and explains that it is a complete record of the chief wrecks which have occurred in New Zealand waters from the year 1795 to the present date, together with the most interesting events connected, with, tlietu. '
Page 46 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 46
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