WELLINGTON, September 1. At the Magistrate's Court this morning Henry Ellis, hairdresser, " was charged with participating in the assault on the charwomen in connection with which case Byrne and Michel were before the court last week. Ellis repeated the statement that he had previously made, and admitted having roughly shoved the women, but Mrs Hicks, one of the two women concerned, still maintained that Ellis, was not engaged in the affair. Mr Haselden, in giving his decision, said : " You and your companion Michel have been the means of creating* miserable scandal, and a cry has been raised in the press, and even in Parliament, to compel me to send you to gaol. lam nob going to belie the record of my own lifa ' by yielding to pressure, however powerful, either on one side or the other. I am ' going to impose a sentence that I think is just — neither more nor less."' Mr Haselden went on to say that he took into consideration the fact that had it not' been for Ellis coming forward as he had done Bryne would certainly have been convicted oa . Mrs Hicks's evidence, and a miscarriag* of justice would have > occurred. As Ellis was the chief offender, he fined him £10, in default two months' imprisonment. '
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 45
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