The annual meeting of the Dunedin Bowling club was held on Friday evening in the Shamrock Hotel. The President (Mr William Dawson) occupied the chair, and there were between 20 and 30 persons present. The annual report of the committee, read by Mr W. A., set forth that during last season members had *an almost perfect playing green, but, unfortunately, the weather was greatly against the game. In accordance with a resolution passed at the last general meeting, the rules were revised, by a special committee set up for the purpose, and afterwards printed at a cost of £4 ss. As the committee considered that too many contests affected the usual friendly games and mono- " polised too much of the green, the prizes last season were reduced in number. The committee advised a still further reduction, and recommended that next season the prizes com4?riaa the double-handed prizes and rink
medals, and any prizes, a private member, might proffer. Messrs Coughlan Bros., of the' Shamrock Hotel, generously offered a sevenguinea challenge cup to be played for last season. The contestants, 'However, only succeeded in getting through"*heir third round, in consequence of which "the cup was withdrawn.. Messrs (Joughlan Bros., however, had donated five guineas to the club's funds. The committee recommended that the subscription fee be raised to £1 10s for the coming season. The committee regretted to record the death of Mr John Reid, an enthusiastic lover of the game, and recorded their sympathy with his relatives. The balance sheet submitted showed that the club had an extraordinary call upon their income in improvements, alterations, painting,", etc., etc., amounting to £20 7s 3d, .notwithstanding which the committee stated that they came out with a balance to their credit of £9 7s 3d. The President, in moving the adoption of the report and balance sheet, congratulated the club on the success of the past year. Although the financial position of the club might not have been so good as some might have liked, they had a green whioh he considered was unequalled in JNew Zealand.— (Applause.) ivir J. Wedderspoon seconded the motion, which was carried. On the motion of Mr J. Blaney, seconded by Mr G. Walker, the subscription was fixed at 30s for the ensuing year; On the motion of Mr Wedderspoon, Mr Dawson was unanimously re-elected president for the ensuintr year. • ' On the motion of Mr P. Wilson, Messrs J. Wedderspoon and J. A. Kirby were elected as vice-presidents. ' Mr W. A. Smith was re-elected as secretary, and Mr J. Roberts as treasurer ; committee— Messrs 0. Keast. G. Wedderspoon, J. Collins, G. Walker, and J. D. Yates ; Messrs Thomson and Dodds were reappointed auditors, .and Mr Blaney was appointed supervisor of the green. Messrs Greenslade and Wedderspoon were reappointed delegates to the association. The selection of the Match Committee was left to the General Committee. Ths Dresentation of prizes then took place, fcho following being the winners: — President's (Mr W. Dawson) prize, A. Morrison, M.R.R. ; vice-president (Mr J. Wedderspoon' b) prize, A. Morrison, M.H.R. ; rink medals — Messrs C. Barlow, A. Evans, B. Smeal, D. Scott ; double-handed (four bowls) — Messrs C. Barlow and G. Race. In consequence of inclement weather at the end of the season several prizes were not played out, , consequently lapsing.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 40
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