FLEMINGTON. Sattjeday, August 19. ATJGUST HANDICAP, a sweepstake of' 2sovs from starters, with. lOOsov's added! ; second 2030v5, third lOsovs. , One mile and. «r halt
Mr R. G. Talbot's b f Marie Corelli, by Carbine— Vendetta, 4yrs, 7.3 (W. Burn) .. 1 Mr C. N. Kidman's b g Blackwood, aged, 9.0 (G. Wheeler) .. .. •• •• •• •• •- 3 Sultan of Johore's b m Diafi^ red^|£; o J| 3 Also started: Fleet Admiral, syrs, 9.4 (W. Delanev); Valdis, aged, 7.12 (W. Mmter) ; Carbinier, "syrs, 7.0 (P. Cosgrove); Flintlock, 6yrs, 7.8 (W. Ross); The Musketeer, 6yrs, 7.7, carried 7.9 (W. Woodgate); Trienid, 6yis, 7.0 (C. Cooper) ; The Undine 4yrs, 67 (J Williamson . Betting: 5 to 2 agst Flintlock, 4 to 1 Blackwood, 6 to 1 Fleet Admiral, 8 to 1 Carbinier ot Marie Corelli, 10 to 1 Valdis, 12 to 1 TneC Won by four lengths, Disfigured defeating the favourite for third place. THREE AND FOUR YEARS OLD HANDICAP, a. sweepstakes of 2sovs from starters, with 100 added; second 2osovs, third lOsovs. Seven furlongs. -' Mr H Power's br or blk c Merriwee, by BUI of Portland-Etra Weenie, 3yrs, W^^ 1 Mr P. T. Heywood's b f Eileen More, 4yrs, 7.4 (W. Ross) .. •- •• •• •• •• '• z Ifc A. Miller's b g Eland, 3yrs, J^^ g Ilso started: Model, -4yrß, 8.2 (A. Hewn); Duke of Portland, 3yrs, 7.10 (C. Cooper) ; Adjuster, 4yrs, 7.7 (R. M'Namara) ; Chillagoe, 3yrs, ! B&g 3^ 2 agst Merriwee, 4to 1 Eland, B to 1 Model or Chillagoe, 6 to 1 Eileen Mor,e, 8 l%U d i U ct r Won by a. length; Eland three lengths away, third. Adjuster was next, followed by Model and Duke of Portland, with Chillagos last. Time, lmm 30|Bec.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 37
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