TO HORSEOWNERS. mHE WAIAU ' DRAUGHT HORSE i- ASSOCIATION will GUARANTEE 70 MARES to a CLYDESDALE DRAUGHT HORSE to Travel the WAIAU DISTRICT. Particulars to be had from the Secretary, by i whom applications will be received till SEPTEMBER 30. Tha Horse to be shown at Invercargill Horse Parade, when terms will be arranged. W. DARLEY, Secretary, 7s Eastern Bush, Qtautau. mo TRAVEL *g|||| Dunedin, Blue/*Sss|lis||||ji skin, Waikouaiti, and W jP§ i lif>fJ'l Palmerston Districts, ■^jj^lgpgp^^* The Imported Hackney STALLION COCK ©' THE WALK IF» Cock o' the Walk II (numbered 2405, English Hackney Stud Book); his sire, the worldfamed stallion Robin (1337 English Hackney Stud Book); his dam, Jenny Lee (2125 English Hackney Stud Book). Terms: £2 First Service; £2 when Mare proves in foal. Mares sold or exchanged after first service held as in foal. For further particulars apply to F. ROGEN, 31au Evansdale. A. MOSS, mURF ACCOUNTANT. BOX 73, DUNEDIN. * Telegrams — A. MOSS, Dunedin. 16jy T2 AT3 troTT % fi"P A 'KPT 1 KACIKG COKKESPOKDEKTS. Our sporting pamphlet " Form at a Glance," containing placed performances of New Zealand Cup horses for the past two seasons is now ready, and will be sent to any part of the. colonies post free on application. BOX 336 DUNEDIN. BOX 367 CHRISTCHURCH. Telegraph A ddress — BAFNETT GRANT, DUNEDIN BARNETT GRANT. CHRIt-TCEURCH FVUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB. Spring: illcetiiiS' OCTOBER 4th and 7th, 1899. NOMINATIONS for the following EVENTS at above Meeting close at 10 p.m. on SATURDAY, 9th September: — Soys. First Hurdle Handicap, 70sovs, one mile and three-quarters 1 First Hack Handicap, 40sovs, six furjotjgs 1 Mosgiel Handicap, llOsovs, one-^jj^jpNlna. a-quarter .. .. ■.. Wt** ..**.. .. 1 Electric Handicap", 80sovs, five furlongs.. 1 October Welter Handicap, 60sovs, seven furlongs 1 Second Hurdle Handicap, 60sovs, one mile and a-half 1 Telegraph Welter Handicap, 50sovs, six furlongs 1 Ranfurly Handicap, 80sovs, one mile .., 1 Shorts Handicap, 50sovs, six furlongs .. 1 Second Hack Handicap, 30sovs, five furlongs J SIDNEY JAMES, Secretary.
Page 35 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 35
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