An exemplary punishment was meted out by the stewards of the English Jockey Club to the jockeys reported to them for disobedience at the port at Sandown Park in July. It was while at the post for the Warren Nursery that Mr Coventry, the starter, had considerable trouble with several of the jockeys riding in the race, and after its decision he reported Sloan, N. Robinson, a»d Dalton to the stewards of the meeting, who referred the complaint to the stewards of the Jockey Club. That body met in London on the 18th, and,, having investigated the complaint, the stewards passed sentence upon the offending jockeys which, says the Sportsman, should go a long way towards preventing similar misbehaviour, and also materially assist the starter in the fulfilment of his duties. Sloan and Robinson were suspended from riding in public again until August 5. and Dalton until July 29,' both days inclusive. Sloan, the American Jockey, was not considered likely to maloe his reappearance on an English racecourse imtil the beginning of September. His sentence of suspension by* the stewards of the Jockey Club expired on August 5, but he had long previously made arrangements to take a holiday during the month of August, and booked his passage by the Campania. He expected to be back in England on September 1, and will, of course, ride Caiman in the St. Leger.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 36
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