Next week, with the South Canterbury and Avondale results to go on, it may be possible to get a guide as to the present form of half a dozen or more of the Cup candidates. Meantime there is not much to report. St. Paul is galloping on at Auckland, but I don't think his party fancy the little fellow has more than an outside chance. I hear that Douglas is not a sure starter; at any rate, the stories about him lead to the suspicion that there is a screw loose somewhere; and backers had better leave him alone for the present. Boreas, too, is not just now in favour with the public, and investments on him might turn out a bad spec. Castashore, on the other hand, is a really sound line for business, so far as I can make out, and, as I have said from the start, he will take a lot of beating if he starts. Explosion is" continuously and persistently backed in Auckland, where he is best known, and by all accounts he is doing excellent work, but to my idea it is not good business to take 10 to 1 about him. With a three months' risk ahead, it would par better to accept half the odds at the nost, and T am; sure he _ will always pay that, or better.' Coronet is a horse that may possibly maintain his 'engagement right through, but he is not a great fancy of mine. Fulmen is doing Al, and whatever part he may play in the race, it never can be alleged as an excuse for failure, if he does fail, that he has not had a careful preparation. M'Guinness has him in nice forward condition. Dpfiance, hurdler though he is, will probably be paid up for, and some think he will be the stable representative. This is a point, however, on wliich I have my doubts. Djin Djin wants shoving along, but if he can be kept going he should be ready by the day. St. Lucia is, of course, knocked out, and this has caused backers to inquire more about her stable companion, Skobeloff. concerning whose chances T know little or nothing. My fancy is still Castashore or Dim Djin. with Tire next best, if his heels are all right, and of the three I much prefer Castas'iore.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 35
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